PostGameNotes01 Vs Northern Iowa

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Iowa vs.

Northern Iowa Postgame Notes

Aug. 30, 2014
Iowa (1-0) defeated Northern Iowa (0-1), 31-23, on Saturday at Kinnick Stadium. The win wa
Iowa! 1"th in a row a#aint Northern Iowa. The $awkeye are 13-3 in eaon o%ener under Kirk
The $awkeye im%ro(ed to 10-0 when %)ayin# *NI in a eaon o%ener.
Iowa owned a 2-1 ad(anta#e in turno(er mar#in. Northern Iowa reco(ered an Iowa fum+)e. ,- -o
-ower interce%ted a %a in the third .uarter and returned it 2 yard. It wa -ower! /rt career
interce%tion. $e a)o co))ected hi /rt career ack. 0- 1re# 2a+in recorded hi /rt career
interce%tion, returnin# it 13 yard, to end Northern Iowa! /na) dri(e.
The Iowa defene a))owed 4ut 25 yard ruhin#. It i the fewet ruhin# yard a))owed +y an Iowa
defene ince ho)din# 2inneota to 6 yard in 2003.
Senior 78 Ke(onte 2artin-2an)ey cau#ht 3 %ae to raie hi career tota) to 130. $e %aed T0
2ar( 9ook for No. : on Iowa! career rece%tion )it.
8- 2ark 7eiman returned the o%enin# kicko; 50 yard. It wa the /rt kicko; return of hi
8- ,eShun 0anie) cored Iowa! /rt touchdown on a 13-yard ruh. It wa 0anie)! /rt career
78 Te(aun Smith et u% Iowa! third touchdown with a 35-yard ruh and /nihed it with a "-yard
touchdown rece%tion. The ruhin# attem%t wa the /rt of hi career. The touchdown rece%tion
with the econd of hi career.
78 0errick 7i))ie! <"-yard rece%tion in the fourth .uarter wa hi /rt career catch.
,- =uinton >)ton recorded a ack on third-and-13 in the fourth .uarter. The ack (-3) wa the
/rt of hi career. >)ton /nihed the #ame with a career-hi#h ei#ht tack)e, inc)udin# 2 tack)e
for )o (-10).
T0 ,oui Trinca-?aat recorded career-hi#h in tack)e (10), ack (2@-5) and tack)e for )o (<@-
0- Aordan ,omaB recorded a career-hi#h nine tack)e.
=- Aake 8uddock com%)eted 31-for-<1 %ae for 250 yard and two touchdown. The yarda#e
tota) i 8udock! hi#het ince the 2013 eaon o%ener, when he threw for 25" yard a#aint
Northern I))inoi. 8udock com%)ete %ae to 13 di;erent $awkeye.
TC Aake 0u'ey cau#ht a career-hi#h 6 %ae for 3< yard.
K 2arha)) Koehn connected from <0 yard on hi /rt career /e)d #oa) attem%t. $e /nihed the
day 1-for-2 (mied from 36). $e wa %erfect on four eBtra %oint attem%t. The $awkeye ha(e
con(erted on 126 conecuti(e ?>T without a mi or +)ock, and ha(e #one <3 conecuti(e
#ame without a mied or +)ocked ?>T, the econd-)on#et treak of any choo) in the nation
(I))inoi) enterin# today.
Iowa won the to and e)ected to recei(e. In 1" eaon a Iowa! head coach, Kirk &erent' and
the $awkeye recei(ed the o%enin# kicko; in 151 of 133 #ame (3:-"2). Iowa ha tarted the
#ame on defene in 36 of 133 #ame under &erent' (20-16).
Intant re%)ay wa not ued today.
Iowa return to action Saturday, Se%t. " at 2D30 %.m. (9T) a#aint -a)) State at Kinnick Stadium.

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