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Connections Literature Assignment

1. While struggling with hunger during the famine, William came to understand that he and his
family were on their own (p. 139). He had to take the responsibility upon himself. How did
William demonstrate that responsibility? What does it mean to be responsible? How could
developing such qualities as resilience and resourcefulness enhance someones ability to respond
to challenges and problems? Why should human beings feel responsibility for their own actions
and for the wellbeing of others? What does it mean to be a responsible college student? What
responsibility do you have for solving the problems you will encounter at USU? How will you
take control of your own destiny as a college student?

Responsibility means utilizing the strengths and abilities that everyone has in a system
where everyone benefits in various ways. Just as the story begins responsibility is expressed as
Mwase uses his magical abilities to eliminate the black rhino that was harassing his villages
watering hole. As a result, many future lives are saved from the destructive force of the rhino,
and the watering hole becomes safe for all animals and humans to enjoy. Chief Wimbe also
behaved responsibly as he fed his village at his own expense during the famine because as
Gilbert said, he has no choice-hes their chief (Kamkwamba and Mealer 86). When in fact
Chief Wimbe did have a choice; much like the choice of the government of Malawi did: either to
intervene and feed the country, or to stand by and ignore the cries for help while making egoistic
claims that nobody has died of hunger (Kamkwamba and Mealer 139). If people live without
caring for each other, what kind of world do we have left? One filled with anarchy and
confusion? This was what happens in Malawi when the food runs dry; this wont however, be the
result of USU during finals week when energy and patience runs dry. If students choose to help
each other and act as responsible brothers, the grades and friendships will be stronger than the
Popes resilience as a fighter and a father.
William recognized the practicality and utility of his education to provide a better life for
his family and whole country. Much like Malawis President, Banda, William sought a better life
for his people. Banda delivered Malawi from British rule as William later delivered wind power

to Malawi. Both men acknowledged the value of an education and the application of what good
can come after achieving one. However, where William shows his true responsibility is even
after he builds his windmill he doesnt put harsh restrictions on its use; he only seeks to improve
its design and establish electricity around his town. Unlike William, Banda turns strict and
overly-proud with his image which shows his lack in genuineness and responsibility. William
proves he is a responsible neighbor and son to his farm-weary family.
William is also a responsible student that had to achieve his own education because of his
familys financial constraints. His resilience to learn allowed him to overcome his inability to
attend school by seeking out the library. At the library he sought out his own science books and
even taught himself to read using pictures and diagrams. Acquiring the tools he needed to
overcome his struggle for an education gave him the creativity and resourcefulness he needed to
build his windmill. To do this, he was required to generate custom parts out of recycled material
that he had to find; and sometimes purchase. Anyone who has had to overcome half of the
struggles that William has will have the originality to respond to any challenge that is put before
College students that behave as William does will have no problem behaving in a
responsible manner. Responsible college students will look out for one another both socially and
scholastically in order to see others around them succeed. As I enter college I will bring my
strengths in mathematics and science that I will use to tutor students to make use of what
William inquired if I can teach my neighbors how to build windmills, what else can we build
together (249)? College is a place of development and achievement that I feel can be better
utilized when the students come together as one. As one, I will combine my time management
skills, study habits, and resilience to learn with the abilities of others to fully enhance my

ingenuity from all the knowledge and insight I gain. I will then use my ingenuity to control my
destiny by discovering an interest that I am most fond of and pursuing it to find a way that
benefits the world. My college career will be full of struggles that serve as stepping stones to
becoming a better learner and a successful student. Overcoming each hurdle will take patience
and support from my new friends in order to gain an education so that one day, together, we may
change the world.

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