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Concept of Human Capital and Human Capital Characteristics


Education Development Plan (PIPP), which was launched in 2006
by the Ministry of Education policy, clearly outlines the ministry to develop the human
capital that has the knowledge and skills and to appreciate the moral values.

"Quality human capital is a must, no longer a luxury .... Education and training of
quality human capital will ensure the State remains relevant to industry and market
requirements and be able to face the challenges and the atmosphere of growing
international competition. "
-YAB Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi,
(Labor Day Message, May 1, 2006)
Source: PIPP (2006:52)

I. Concept of Human Capital
Human capital is the potential, expertise or manpower used to achieve
development goals, progress and prosperity. Human capital development is given
serious emphasis in line with national planning to developed countries in science and
technology. In addition, human capital means human capital owned by the state to fill
the need opportunities to national development. Therefore, all Malaysians are
important national assets to assist the development process in line with the national
mission are to achieve developed nation status by 2020.
For my opinion, our former prime minister, YAB Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad
Badawi is so serious to create or strengthen the concept of human capital. This can
be evidenced when this concept is expressed in the presentation of the 9th Malaysia
Plan (9MP). In the presentation, Datuk Seri Abdullah Haji Ahmad Badawi has
targeted the development of human capital as the main thrust of development in
achieving Vision 2020 dream. Concentration is given to the three main strategies to
produce a first class human capital, which increase the capacity and knowledge,
strengthening the capacity of science, research and development (R & D) and
innovation, and foster a civilized society and have the power moral.Hal also
coincided with the prime requirement Minister himself who asked the people directly
involved in the RMK-9 without thinking about their own interests.
In addition, human capital or human resources that is most important in the
organization as well as other resources such as technical equipment and natural
resources. Humans are driving the organization and determine the success of
achieving the vision, mission, objectives, goals and functions of the set. This proves
once again that human capital formation is an important element in improving the
quality of the Development of our country is undergoing the process towards


To achieve or produce quality human capital, we must follow or comply with the
proper characteristics. Referring to the PIPP (2006) the country aims to produce
human capital that has the following characteristics:
Have identity


noble personality

Knowledgeable and skilled

Ability to think critically and creatively

Skilled problem solving

Able to create new opportunities

robustness and ability to deal with the global environment

Having self-esteem

Self-esteem is an important element in forming good human capital. A good
self-esteem can be formed admirable personality. Some examples of the elements
found in the self-esteem is the nature of trust and responsibility. Having high self-
esteem and competitiveness is also important to be quality people. For my opinion, if
we adopt this attitude, Development of human capital that was introduced by former
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Haji we Ahmad Badawi will be kenyataan.Justeru
that is responsible and trustworthy person is someone understands and appreciates
the value of the life of the country and its people. If the task or a job given to him,
then the job will be done properly and timely. This item shows the country needs
people who have strong self-esteem ang or better known as the country's human
capital to membagunkan towards progress. Ibn Khaldun's view is also stressed that
the construction of a civilization depends on people as our greatest asset because
they have the ability to think, determine, choose, and learn something for the
purposes of civilized life


To produce quality human capital, there are many features that need to be
there. One is berketerampilan.Bagi my opinion, a person is said to have a look neat
appearance, noble, educated in the field of endeavour. Someone who has a superior
performance would have qualities such as trust, courteous manners, diligent,
disciplined, honest and diligent in all his efforts. (PIPP 2006-2010). In addition, the
appearance also refers to a way to communicate with others. A person who has high
self-confidence to overcome the problems of communicating in public, such as
meeting rooms and for myself as a coach IPG must train yourself to be brave to
speak in public. Thus, clearly indicates the high skilled bahaw is one of the
characteristics of quality human capital.

Noble personality

Through the concept of human capital we can clearly see that human capital
not just to produce an efficient and successful in his work but also to cultivate a
noble character. For my opinion, the concept of human capital is a concept of
complete and balanced to create a Malaysian, is perfect as a whole. Some examples
of noble character is, mutual respect, mutual-help work, and foster unity. This is, to
see if there are tourists from overseas who come to our country, and want to ask
directions, a culture of helping to dipratikkan effectively. This also can raise our
country's name and image in the eyes of the world. I want to add a little opinion,
quality people to be viewed from two aspects, namely, the internal and external
terms of both physical and spiritual. If both of these new results are perfectly
balanced. Spiritual here means a noble and sincere hearts. This also closely related
to human capital characteristics that have a generous personality.

Knowledgeable and Skilled High

In the process of producing quality human capital, some features should be
of concern, such as knowledgeable and highly skilled. This can be clearly seen along
with a rapidly developing country, many new technologies are introduced, and
therefore, we as citizens should be alert to the development of a rapidly growing
technology, like mushrooms after rain. Is knowledgeable in the concepts of human
capital is, with knowledge of all matters and issues and not limited only to the
field. For my opinion, knowledgeable and highly skilled mediators are mature ways of
thinking and thoughtful for someone to create a task when given. A mature and
positive thinking can help to increase self-confidence to solve a problem. Without the
knowledge to build the country into a bit difficult. In accordance with what Allah in
Surah Al-Mujadalah verse-11, which means: "... Allah will raise up those who believe
among you, and those who have knowledge of religion (of you) a few degrees. And
(remember) Allah is his depth of knowledge about what you do. " This clearly shows,
for the delivery of quality human capital, we should have a knowledgeable and highly

Able to Critical and Creative Thinking
Characteristics of good human capital is, an individual is able to think critically
and creatively. Poh Swee Hiang (1999) states creative thought essential to form
citizens who know and are able to use their minds in the face of many challenges,
pressures and changes, while innovative thinking to establish a creative individual for
the good, ideal, imaginative and have elements humanistic and artistic high. For my
opinion, critical thinking skills and creativity are very much needed to someone. This
is because, like human capital should be able to produce critical and creative
thinking, problem solving skills and the ability to create new opportunities. This is
because these groups who will be leaders in the near future. Creative thinking can
teach someone to think outside the box thinking, it also can improve self-confidence
to solve problems. Hence, to think critically and creatively is an important aspect in
the form of quality human capital.

Troubleshooting skills

Every man, people must have problems in their daily lives. All these problems
would have a solution, so one of the features embedded in human capital is the skills
or the ability to solve problems. For my opinion, these skills are essential to
everyone, this is because the problems often come unexpectedly, therefore, we must
be quick to create solutions for problems that do not become more serious and
bad. There are various techniques to solve the problem, such an inquiry technique,
brainstorming techniques, and technical discussions. If this technique is properly
controlled and efficient manner, the problems we face can be solved easily. In
conclusion, problem-solving skills should be enhanced to achieve the level of quality
human capital.

Endeavour Creates New Opportunities

To achieve the production of quality human capital there are many features,
one of which is, capable of creating new opportunities. For my opinion to be a
brilliant man who we should be constantly taking or seizing opportunities as soon as
possible.In addition we must try to create new opportunities, this is because, the
untapped opportunities are able to produce something beyond our expectations. It is
at once to the national economy and to provide additional economic.

Have the ability Facing Resistance and World Global Environment

At the present time we go through the challenges of rapid and
progressive, especially young people need to make full use of traditional values in
order to develop the country and uphold the nation. For my opinion, education in
Malaysia should be parallel to or consistent with the current world developments, this
is because education plays a crucial role in realizing the objectives of the country to
create human resources that have endurance and ability to deal with the global
environment.Therefore, teachers must play an important role in shaping the quality
of human capital.


as a conclusion, to create quality human capital and competitiveness, the
eight features of the above must be complied with and satisfied. Human capital is an
important asset for our country. Even if we look to the developed countries, others,
clearly shows the development of human capital as a major asset. Young energy as
an important asset in the development of quality human capital for this group are
potentially very valuable for development. Therefore, we as a potential leader of our
country should always show a strong commitment to establish a quality human
II. How Far instilled School of Human Capital

Co-Curriculum Enhancement

Quality human capital born of a good environment. Schools are one source or
place to produce quality human capital. The school should respond to the
government to produce human capital. Among the activities that can be done by the
school is as uniform units. In my opinion, the school must look seriously into this
program, this is because the program is to foster human capital characteristics within
the student. For example, properties that can be fostered in this program is a noble
personality characteristics. This is clearly seen when all students in uniform bodies
should always respect each other and also with friends of different races. This also
can strengthen the spirit of unity within the student.

English proficiency

In addition, the mastery of English is essential in this technological age. To
increase the level of knowledge and highly skilled Malaysian Education Ministry has
introduced the subject Bahasa Inggeris for Science and Technology. The subject is
taught in every school. The purpose of this subject is introduced, to improve the skills
of acquiring and processing information for students. In my opinion, this subject is
one of the initiatives taken by the government to produce human capital that is
knowledgeable and highly skilled. This is because, in most of the syllabus includes
scientific info. As such, students are forced to refer to many sources for
information.This also can increase students' knowledge of this matter in accordance
with the characteristics of human capital.

Smart Schools

Smart School is one of the processes to produce quality human capital. In
the school or school pembesterian smart use of ICT is a very important
role. According to the Education Development Plan 2006-2010, the preferred choice
by expediting the ongoing process towards the acculturation of ICT in education to
improve the quality of teaching and learning, effective management and
administration of schools and teacher competence. For my opinion, the Smart
School is one of the parallel efforts by the government's call to produce human
capital that is knowledgeable and highly skilled. Smart Schools Program provides the
purpose of applying the concept of Smart Schools to all primary and secondary
schools throughout the country. This also provides opportunities for students who
are less able to learn to use computers. This has, indirectly, to provide new
experiences and give them a little confidence when you are in the job later. Thus, the
Smart School is a good effort by da government schools to produce quality human

Strengthening Program 3K (Hygiene, Health and Safety)

In addition, the enhancement of 3K (Hygiene, Health and Safety) to improve the
human capital characteristics outlined by the former minister perdan. Hygiene
practices should be cultivated and nurtured since the beginning of the home and at
school is reinforced and expanded to become a lifelong practice. Various programs
are established in schools to inculcate love of cleanliness. Among the prettiest
classes, mutual assistance and many other exciting activities. For my opinion,
through this program, feature or characteristic has emerged to be nurtured. To
become a competent person, we should keep our personal appearance, such as
hygiene, health and safety of ourselves balanced. For example, as the prettiest of
class activities, this activity can produce clean loving culture. This is because,
students are always competing to beautify and clean the classroom. This also
causes students to constantly upgrade themselves as a clean classroom
environment affects student performance. In conclusion, 3K program can have a big
impact on the development of quality human capital and skilled.


Establishing programs in every school PATCHOULI is one factor for
creating quality human capital. PATCHOULI an acronym for the word (Nadi Reading
Science Practice). The objective of this program is to foster a culture of reading
among school students. Through this program, students are encouraged to read
many books that can read and make some notes or a summary in the book
PATCHOULI. If students can read books more than the prescribed level, the student
will be given awards or recognition by the pembacaanya. Among the awards will be
given if the students pass certain levels is, bronze, silver, gold and the highest level
is PATCHOULI. To achieve PATCHOULI, a student should be reading more than
432 books for primary schools and 414 for secondary school students. For my
opinion, this same program to assist in efforts to produce quality human capital and
knowledge. Many students to gain knowledge from reading a lot of revenue. This
also can enhance the knowledge acquired while the award. Thus, PATCHOULI
Program is one step taken by the government and schools to produce quality human
capital and knowledge.

Introduce vocational subjects (MPV)

In an effort to produce highly skilled human capital that the Ministry of
Education had introduced vocational subjects (MPV) has been introduced in the
Daily School from 2004. A total of 22 subjects offered include manufacturing,
construction, home economics, and computer applications teknotani (Education
Development Plan 2006-2010). In my opinion, this program is a good move by the
ministry and schools to produce quality human capital and highly skilled. In addition,
this program is to help those students who have low levels of learning. Poor students
are often more efficient in doing the work-based skills, it also can provide new
opportunities to these students. Thus, the government and schools to produce
quality human capital and highly skilled can be achieved by introducing vocational
subjects (MPV) in each secondary school.


Formation of human capital is one of the wise by our former prime minister,
YAB Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Through the formation of human capital,
there are many positive effects on the Development of the country. Among them are
the leaders of these groups produce quality. In my opinion, groups leader of quality
is what will lead and develop the country in the near future. Based on the
characteristics of human capital that is applied as a competent, knowledgeable and
highly skilled, clearly shows that human capital is born able to develop the country
along with the developed countries to another.

In addition, individuals who produce first-class mind is one of the formation of
human capital development and prosperity of the country. First class is based on
three characteristics, namely, efficacy, efficiency and agility work. They are first-class
mind when performing duties with the ability to do it fast, fast, efficient, resilient and
vibrant. For my opinion, this is at once a positive impact on our national
Development.In this technological age, the quality of workers is taken seriously,
efficient and quality employees is an asset to a company. Thus, if the company has
maintained a good performance by the company, it also can generate economic
revenues. Country's economic stability to attract foreign investors to come invest in
our country. In conclusion, the human capital of first-class mind is a positive impact
on the development and prosperity of the country.

In addition, the impact of human capital formation in the development and
prosperity of the country is to produce students or skilled workers. This is clearly
there in the features to develop quality human capital that is knowledgeable and
highly skilled. In my opinion, this is an advantage in our country. For example, if at
one time that we need foreign workers to move the machine-manufactured large
factories because our country does not have the skilled workers to operate the
machine. Today, the problem can be solved this because the implications of the
impact of human capital formation, our country is able to produce skilled workers and
experts in a field. This also reduces the flow of our money to foreign countries. In
conclusion, human capital who are knowledgeable and highly skilled a positive
impact on the development and prosperity of the country.

Through our human capital as well as cultural unity among the races in
Malaysia to be more closely. It can be seen when the activities are organized to
increase self-esteem, such as uniformed units, camping and so able to foster
national unity. For my opinion, a united people to take care of the welfare
state. Peaceful country could convince investors to invest in their country. In
addition, our tourism industry will also improve, because foreign tourists feel
confident and secure when in our country. This also can boost the economy of
national income. In conclusion, human capital is a good self-esteem are able to
foster unity in our country. Hence, this is a positive impact on the development and
prosperity of the country.

In addition, the impact of human capital formation in the development and
prosperity of the country can produce people who are courteous and generous
berperibadian. This item can be seen when, for those primary school teachers in the
school emphasizes the cultures and values in students. This is in line with the call by
former prime minister is to produce quality human capital and noble personality. For
my opinion, people expressed a courteous and noble able to keep the welfare of our
country. People are noble, will not do the crime problems. These problems occur
because of lack of moral values within the individual. Thus, the steps taken by the
former prime minister was a good move to establish the personality of individual
character. This also can reduce the crime rate in Malaysia. In conclusion, human
capital is a noble character who has a positive impact on the development and
prosperity of the country.

In addition, the impact of human capital formation in the development and
prosperity of the country is to improve the quality of the education system. This has
to be seen if, the syllabus was changed by the circulation of educational technology
at the world. In addition, infrastructure has also increased, according to the
Education Development Plan 2006-2010, Ministry of Education (MOE) to build
computer labs in schools 4.500 99.000 equipped with computer units and 4,500 units
and servers through computerized program through the school computer lab
situation , we can see the MOE so serious in developing a highly skilled human
capital. Thus, the increase in the education system have a positive impact on human
capital formation in the Development of the country.


Economic growth depends on human capital, particularly in Malaysia to achieve
the developed status. Human capital is an important asset to the country. Quality
human capital is able to develop country to a better level. To produce quality human
capital, not only lies with the government, parents also need to give serious attention
to children in developing quality human capital. Parents need to apply moral values
to their children since young. In conclusion, human capital is the cornerstone of a
developing country. Every party member should be committed to producing quality


Assalamualaikum wbt, I first want to thank God for giving me the strength to
complete this course. Thanks are also due to Mr. Abd Rahman Haron as giving a
clear explanation about the task. This has led us to work more easily and smoothly.
I first got this assignment; I was very worried and vague. I still do not know what
to do, when I examined one by one, and met with Mr. Abd Rahman Haron own new
ideas that I got clear. Tasks range of human capital.
To obtain the materials on this assignment, my colleagues and use the library
facilities available on campus is full. In addition, we also use the site to find
sensawang required.
Human capital is a matter of time, but I still do not understand the overall
goal. Once I have this assignment, my knowledge of the concept of human capital
increases.Human capital is an important national asset. Quality human capital
capable of developing the country on par with other countries.
In conclusion, this course work assignments, give me a range of knowledge
about the concept of human capital. This assignment is my form to be more
disciplined in managing my time. Also, it can also promote me to be a citizen of
bertanggujawab the nation.

a) Books
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Malaysia, Educational Planning and Research Division. (2001). Education in
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Abdullah Sani Yahaya. (2003). Manage the school. Bentong, Pahang: PTS
Publications & Distributors Sdn. Bhd..
Omar Abd Rashid. (1999). Pancaminda second edition. Ipoh, Perak: Perak
Education Department.
Abd Rahman Bin Ahmad. (2006). Human capital development: What and why should
the context of organizations in Malaysia. Alor Star, Kedah: Human Resources
Choong, Lean Keow. (2008). Philosophy and education in Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur:
Group Budiman Sdn.
Dictionary of the board. (4th ed.). (2007). Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan

b) Internet
Dr. Norhayati Ab. Rahman. (Tt). "Human Capital Development of Teaching and
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Alif Muhammad Ismail. (2008). "Outstanding Student of Human Capital" Retrieved
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Hafiz Muhammad Hamid. (2008). "Quality Human Capital Drivers of Excellence"
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