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GB USB Smart Card - FAQ

Q1. What is GB USB Smart Card 64M ?

A. It is a Smart Card for GB/GBC/GBA/GBA sp. With some music proram! user cou"d creat their o#$ music. User ma% a"so
#rite his o#$ proam! or do#$"oad some prorams from i$ter$et! a$d ru$ o$ GB/GBC/GBA/GBA sp.
Q&. I fai"ed to i$sta"" the dri'er o$ m% 64(it s%stem (ecause of the dri'er si$ature pro("em. )o# cou"d I fi* it ?
A. +"ease fo""o# the uide ,64(it -ri'er I$sta""atio$ Guide.pdf, i$ the C- to so"'e this pro("em.
Q.. /he proram a"#a%s ho"ds duri$ fi"e trasferatio$. What0s matter ?
A. +"ease re1i$sta"" the dri'er. +"ease $ote that %ou MUS/ re(oot %our +C after dri'er i$sta""atio$.
Q4. 2or ,si$"e fi"e (ur$i$,! it #or3s perfect"%. But for ,mu"tip"e fi"es (ur$i$,! the co"or of the scree$ (ecomes stra$e.
What0s matter ?
A. 2or ,mu"tip"e fi"es (ur$i$,! if that is a GBC fi"e! p"ease c"ic3 the ,co"or, optio$ i$ the proram i$terface. If that is a GB
fi"e! p"ease u$1c"ic3 the ,co"or, optio$.
Q4. What fi"e is compati("e #ith this product ?
A. /his product o$"% supports GB / GBC fi"es. It does$0t support GBA fi"es or a$% other fi"es.
Q6. After tur$ o$ the co$so"e! the 56666666 "oo cou"d $ot (e sho#$ correct"%! a$d it ho"ds after#ard. )o# cou"d I fi* it ?
A. /his cou"d (e a (ad co$tact pro("em. +"ease c"ea$ the port of the card #ith a ru((er! a$d the$ tr% aai$.
Q7. Whe$ I oi$ to "oad a pre'ous sa'er! I fi$d that it is disappeared. )o# cou"d I fi* it ?
A. Ma% (e the si"'er (atter% has (ee$ ru$ out. +"ease rep"ace it a$d tr% aai$.
Q8. /here are se'era" differe$t proram i$side the card. I fi$d that the card cou"d o$"% ho"d the "atest sa'er! #hi"e a"" o"der
sa'er of other prorams are disappeared. What0s matter ?
A. /he sa'er is stored i$ S9AM! #hich cou"d o$"% ho"d the sa'er of o$e proram. A"" o"d sa'er #ou"d (e o'er#ritte$ (% $e#
o$e. /o so"'e this! p"ease (ac3up the sa'ers to +C.
Q:. Are there a$%thi$ to $ote #he$ I co$$ect the card to +C ?
A. Whe$ %ou co$$ect the card to +C! p"ease remo'e it from a$% co$so"e first.
Q1;. Someo$e o$ the i$ter$et said! this card co$sume more po#er the$ orii$a" cards. Is it true ?
A. /he po#er co$sumed (% this card shou"d (e arou$d 1;< hiher the$ that (% orii$a" cards. /his cou"d $ot (e a'oided as
this card has much more i$ter$a" parts the$ orii$a" cards. +"ease $ote that the po#er co$sumed differe$t from card to
card! a$d #ou"d a"so (e affected (% the 'o"ume a$d (riht$ess setti$ of the co$so"e.
2or a$% i$=uir%! p"ease emai" to m%$e#data>hotmai".com.

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