Daily Life - Daddy Please!: Visit The - C 2008 Praxis Language LTD

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Daily Life - Daddy Please!

A: Hey daddy! You look great today; I like your tie!
By the way, I was wondering can I
B: NO!
A: I havent even told you what it is yet!
B: Okay, okay, what do you want?
A: Do you think I could borrow the car? Im going to
a concert tonight.
B: Um.. I dont think so. I need the car tonight to pick
up your mother.
A: Ugg! I told you about it last week! Smelly Toes is
playing, and Eric asked if I would go with him!
Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version). c 2008 Praxis Language Ltd.
B: Whos this Eric guy?
A: Duh! Hes like the hottest and most popular guy
at school! Come on, dad! Please!
B: No can do... sorry.
A: Fine then! Would you mind giving me 100 bucks?
B: No way!
A: Thats so unfair!
Key Vocabulary
by the way phrase used to change the
topic of a conversation
wonder verb think about if some-
thing is possible
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concert common
noun, sin-
a public performance of
pick up verb go and get
popular Adjective very well known and
well liked
bucks common
noun, plu-
informal word for dol-
unfair Adjective not fair, not just
Supplementary Vocabulary
suit common
noun, sin-
a set of clothes that
usually consists of a
jacket and a skirt or
pair of pants that are
made out of the same
play common
noun, sin-
a piece of writing that
tells a story through the
actions and words of
characters and that is
performed on a stage
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drop off phrase to go and leave someone
at a certain place
no way phrase I cannot do it, it is not
lend principle
to give (something) to
(someone) to be used
for a period of time and
then returned
Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version). c 2008 Praxis Language Ltd.

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