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pg 8
pg 9

VOL 8 NO.667
These are indicative rates based on results of daily surveys of
the foreign exchange market in Monrovia and its environs. The
rates are collected from the Forex Bureaux and the commercials
banks. The rates are not set by the Central Bank of Liberia.
Research, Policy and Planning Department,
Central Bank Liberia,
Monrovia, Liberia
SATURDAY, AUGUST 23 , 2014 L$83.00/US$1 L$84.00/US$1
L$84.00/US$1 L$85.00/US$1
L$85.00/US$1 L$84.00/US$1
EBOLA - pg.6
Hampering Commercial
Activities, Businesses Losing
A heightening social media debate, A launchpad Diaspora
movement and a a lot of lingering Questions about the major
players said to be calling for an interim government in Liberia

pg 8


Gender Issues EBOLA

Liberian PA, Congolese Doctor Discharged
After Receiving Miracle Ebola Drug
West Point Residents Cheer
End of Quarantine

Page 2 |
Monday, September 1, 2014
~ see pg 3 ~
Monrovia -
n the past week, calls for the lifting of travel restrictions
imposed by some African nations on countries hit with
the deadly Ebola virus came from the United Nations,
The World Health Organization and West African health
The WHO warned last week that such restrictions will create
food and supply shortages and harm efforts to contain the
deadly virus which the health body says is poised to infect
more than 20,000 people. The virus has so far killed more than
1,500 of the 3,000 people infected in four countries Guinea,
Liberia, Sierra Leone and Nigeria. Last Friday, next-door
Senegal which had earlier imposed travel restrictions and shut
down its borders with neighboring Guinea reported its frst
Like Liberia, the case in Senegal crossed over from Guinea,
where the outbreak began in March. It was taken to Senegal
by a university student from neighboring Guinea. Guinea
reportedly notifed Senegal last Wednesday that a young man
who had been under surveillance there disappeared three
weeks ago and may have traveled to Senegal.
Student Takes Virus to Senegal
The student was located at a hospital in Dakar, where he had
presented himself the previous day without disclosing that he
had had close contact with Ebola victims in his home country.
Tests confrmed that the man was infected with the virus, and
he remains under quarantine.
While criticisms have come aplenty for Liberia and Sierra
Leone which are bearing the brunt of the virus spread, over
their handling of the crisis, not everyone agrees that imposing
travel restrictions is the best remedy. The WHO has been a
strong advocate of the introducing proper screening at airports
of passengers bordering fights.
Sierra Leone fred its health Minister MIatta Kargbo last Friday
over her handling of the Ebola epidemic that has killed more
than 400 people in the West African country. A presidency
statement said that Kargbo was removed "to create a conducive
environment for effcient and effective handling of the Ebola
outbreak". She will be replaced by her deputy Dr Abubakarr
Fofanah, the statement said.
Flights ban intensifed in the aftermath of the death of Patrick
Sawyer, a Liberian-American consultant at the Ministry of
Finance, who took the virus to Nigeria after boarding an ASKY
Airline fight from Monrovia through Togo and into Lagos
where at least fve health care workers have died, including a
top medical doctor.
Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathahn has labeled Sawyer a
Mad Man for infecting Nigerians and former president, Chief
Olusegun Obasanjo recently chided Liberian offcials who
connived with the late Liberian-American, Patrick Sawyer,
who brought the deadly Ebola Virus Disease to Nigeria.
Obasanjo is quoted by the Nigerian online OsunDefender
as saying that Sawyers singular misadventure has started to
take its toll on the manpower and the economy of not only
Nigeria but the West Africa sub-region. It is devilish enough
that Patrick Sawyer had to spread this, and indeed spread it to
Nigeria in connivance with some authorities from his country.
Because they knew he had it before he came to Nigeria.
Sawyers misadventure has been blamed for the furry of
airlines cancelling fights to countries hit by the outbreak. In
Liberia, virtually all airlines have packed up and left with
only SN Brussels and Royal Air Maroc making fights out of
Liberia. Delta made its last fight out on Sunday, August 31,
Royal Air Maroc fies Casablanca-Monrovia 3 times a week
(Sunday, Monday and Thursday, some fights arriving next
day). Connections are then available from Casablanca to a
number of other locations. RAM fights arrive in Monrovia in
the early hours of the morning (around 4am).
The World Health Organization (WHO) has charged countries
in the sub-region to stop banning fights and closing borders
to Ebola-hit countries since it is affecting delivery of medical
supplies and personnel.
WHO Against Flights Ban
The WHO had earlier warned against fight suspensions, the
imposition of travel restrictions and the closure of borders.
But some African nations and airline operators are fouting
this warning. Senegal has closed its border with Guinea, South
Africa has also issued a directive that non-citizens arriving
from Ebola-affected areas of West Africa will not be allowed
into the country. Ivory Coast has banned all passenger fights
from three countries hit by Ebola in an attempt to prevent the
spread of the deadly virus.
Out of the 590 monthly fights scheduled to Guinea, Liberia
and Sierra Leone, 216 have been cancelled, according to
Offcial Airline Guide, an airline data provider. Although 14
cases of Ebola have been reported in Nigeria, fights to and
from the country have not been affected.
Liberia has been hit greatly by the cancellations. Air Cte
DIvoire, Nigerias Arik Air, Togos ASKY Airlines, British
Airways, Emirates Airlines and Kenya Airways have together
cancelled a combined 76 scheduled fights to Guinea, 70 to
Liberia and 70 to Sierra Leone.
Like Liberia, several airlines have stopped fying to Lungi
International Airport. Air France, under orders from the French
Air France, which had previously cancelled fights to Liberia
before the outbreak hit its peak, has now suspended fights to
Sierra Leone because of the Ebola outbreak and at the request
of the French government. The decision comes a week after
the airline's staff signed a petition calling on their employer
to avoid Ebola-hit countries for their own safety. Unions
representing employees called on the airline to halt its fights
to and from the West African countries that are grappling with
the worst Ebola outbreak ever.
The airline which makes three fights a week to Freetown, says
it is maintaining its fights to Conakry, Guinea, and to Lagos,
Nigeria, cities it fies to once a day, but passengers are required
to have their temperatures taken before boarding an aircraft.
British Airways has also extended its fight suspension to
Liberia and Sierra Leone to December. The British carrier
initially said it was halting its service between Heathrow
Airport and Liberia and Sierra Leone until the end of August
due to the deteriorating public health situation in both
countries, but it confrmed that it is extending the suspension
Rodney D. Sieh,
Monday, September 1, 2014 Page 3
until 31 December. The decision was announced by the Foreign
and Commonwealth Offce in an updated travel advisory for
SN Brussels Weathering Storm
But even with Brussels and Maroc continue service in Liberia,
it has become harder to get out of Liberia, especially those
wishing to visit neighboring Ghana, where the epidemic is yet
to hit. Liberians are not allowed entry into Ivory Coast so that
is out of the question as an escape route for many still looking
to get out and Senegal is also not allow fights as Gambia Bird
which makes fights between Monrovia and Dakar has cut off
SN Brussels which has braved Liberias stormy past with its
service has resisted pressure from West African nations which
have ban fights from Liberia from passing through.
Brussels which previously made a stop into Dakar from
Monrovia, now says it will fight direct to Brussels from
Monrovia and will continue fight operations to and from
Monrovia, Conakry and Freetown but says it is adapting its
fight offer for operational purposes and doing its utmost to
keep its fight operations to and from Liberia, Guinea and
Sierra Leone.
The new schedules and fight offer will be valid between
September 1st and September 14th. For operational reasons,
all fights leaving from Brussels Airport will make a short
technical stop in Dakar (Senegal). The fights out of the three
regions to Brussels will be operated without any additional
stopover. Brussels Airlines apologizes for the inconveniences
these new schedules may cause. The Belgian airline will keep
its guests and travel partners informed about further updates
for its fights schedules after 14 September as soon as they are
Despite the onslaught of cancellations and anti-Ebola measures
across the region, the WHO insists that it was important that
airlines resume "vital" fights across the region, because travel
bans were threatening efforts to beat the epidemic. "This is not
a West African issue or an African issue. This is a global health
security issue," WHO's Assistant Director-General Bruce
Aylward told reporters in Geneva last week.
The WHO recommends that countries affected by Ebola
should conduct exit screening amid concerns that the virus
could spread to 10 further countries beyond the four now
affected. The number of deaths from Ebola in Liberia, Sierra
Leone, Guinea and Nigeria now stands at 1,552. The deaths
from Liberia alone as of August 28 stood at 885.
The alarming statistics is prompting emergency calls from
several humanitarian organizations.
Last Friday, Mego Terzian, a senior offcial from Medecins
Sans Frontieres (MSF) warned that the current response from
the international community risks aggravating the crisis. "I am
extremely pessimistic if there is not a substantial international
mobilization," Terzian told Reuters in an interview in Paris.
"The situation is getting worse. We will have hundreds and
thousands more people infected who will arrive en masse at
health centers," he said. "In Guinea, eight regions have been
hit. In Sierre Leone, the situation is catastrophic and out of
control and in Liberia, let's not even talk about it."
ADB: Flight Ban Hurts
But despite the virus spread, regional agencies are calling for
calm. The African Development Bank whose Regional Director
for Africa Gomes Sambo, visited Liberia last week, frowned
at the cancellation of fights by airline companies which he
said was seriously compromising the deployment of experts
and logistics in the affected countries. The current outbreak
is mainly a public health problem that is already negatively
impacting other aspects of social life and the economic
performance of the country. We should do our best together to
defeat this epidemic as soon as possible, Dr. Sambo stressed.
Dr. Sambo joined the AfDB President to call on concerned
airlines to reconsider their decision as their action could just
worsen the situation. We are concerned about the travel ban on
the affected countries and we would like to reiterate the WHO
position that we dont endorse these bans as they compromise
the management and other technological resources that are
required to fght the epidemic and address other public health
problem in these countries, Dr. Sambo further said.
The travel restrictions according to Sambo are creating
isolation and stigmatization which is making it diffcult
for the WHO and other international partners to transport
personnel and supplies.
A group of health ministers meeting in Accra last week
concluded that there should be no general ban on international
travel or travel restrictions to the affected countries.
Ghana which is dealing with an epidemic of its own with
the Cholera outbreak, is yet to record a case of Ebola but its
president John Mahama, also the current chair of the Economic
Community of West African States(ECOWAS) has urged
member states to re-open their borders and end fight bans put
in place to halt the spread of Ebola, the Economic Community
of West African States (ECOWAS).
Ghanas Mahama: Ease Excessive Restrictions
In Mahamas view, while the ECOWAS countries and airlines
will make their own decisions on fight bans and borders,
Mahama said while measures must be put in place, they
must not lead to isolation of neighboring states. "Excessive
restrictions of travel and border closures will adversely affect
the economies of the sub-region," the Ghanaian president said..
David Nabarro, a British physician the United Nations has
appointed to co-ordinate the global response to the crisis,
added his voice during a visit to Sierra Leone last week
when he proclaimed that isolating Ebola-nations is making it
diffcult for the UN to do its work. 'Pilots and others, as well
as passengers, generally have very low risk of Ebola infection,'
Keiji Fukuda, the WHO's Assistant Director-General on Health
Security, told the news conference.
The travel restrictions has so far put a wall among member
African states. Liberians looking to travel to Ghana for
example now have to go through Europe on one of two
remaining carriers, SN Brussles and Royal Air Maroc and pay
closed to US$2,000 dollars for trips that normally cost between
It remains to be seen whether African nations which have
put their foot down by banning fights will have a change of
hearts and once again open their skies to Ebola-hit Liberia,
Sierra Leone and Guinea. For the foreseeable future, political
observers fear the actions could sever ties amongst members
state, especially nationals from countries feeling neglected and
stigmatized over the Ebola quagmire spiraling into a state of

Page 4 |
Monday, September 1, 2014
Amb. Rev. Gerald B. Coleman,, Contributing Writer
s we transitioned from July to August in the mist of our regional
attack by Ebola my mind and heart pondered over Africa's future
as follows:
1. Liberia today still stands as the model of independence in
Africa, under the banner of democracy; yet we are substantially a failed state
transitioning through a fragile position back towards growth and development.
As we attempted to celebrate July 26 this year while being under attack by
Ebola, I asked myself "Why Lord, why do we fnd ourselves in this situation
on our 167th anniversary as a nation build on Christian principles?"
2. On August 6th our government had to declare a state of emergency due to
the manner in which Ebola was still spreading without control. As I listened
to the news and read the local papers the following thoughts came to my mind
which I wish to share with my follow citizens and my beloved President:
A. It appears we the Liberian people have lost confdence in our government's
ability and capacity to protect us from this plague and to ultimately resolve
the problems it has created for national peace, security and social economic
B. This is clearly seen through public opinions expressed on the radios, written
in the various newspapers, the Internet and in various community discussion
groups I have visited.
C1. This lack of confdence is further validated internally by:
The slow response time of our various rapid response units (RRU) or
emergency task force units
The lack of clear public information from the government on the status of our
nation-state relative to their war against EBOLA:
They say $12 million dollars of public funds has been spent from April to
June in the Ebola fght with another $21M being approved by the Legislature,
yet the public sees no evidence of such expenditure.
The minister of information simply talks and accuses others of acting bad to
us but doesnt provide evidence to support the good that government is doing,
while the death toll continues to rise.
The International community's response to our state of emergency:
Many nations have asked their citizens to leave Liberia,
Some countries have closed their bounder with us for fear of continued
spreading of the virus to their nations.
Others still seek to disengage economically from us.
C2. And externally by the following facts: The Ivory Coast government , our
neighbor on the SE responded immediately to the plague and have been able
to protect their citizens from this virus
The Nigerian government, who we infected, has also been able to bring the
problem under control within a reasonable time span with minimal loss of life.
The fact that we have the highest incident report and death toll amongst the
three countries affected, coupled with our having pre-notice of the problem
through a two phase attack, reinforces and justifes Liberia's lack of confdence
in its leadership.
D1. In summary there is clear justifcation for the Liberian citizen's to have
lost confdence in their government. This government has handled this
unprecedented attack ineffciently.
D2. Having said this, we need to realize Madam Sirleafs Unity party
government was democratically elected by all Liberian citizens. They
represent our collective choice of leadership as citizens; therefore, we too have
a responsibility to support them with prayers and advise them in our diverse
professional ways for the sake of the nation-state. This is the meaning of true
D3. Unlike the war years when we had undemocratically elected governments
forced upon us or the pre-war years when we had quasi-democratic governments
which we choice to violently remove from power; this government is our
government and our only sane responsibility is to peacefully support and
advise until the expected results are achieved or we have another opportunity
to transfer our political power to a new team in 2017.
E. In keeping with my own adviceto fellow citizens I have written this
article to give my support and professional advice to Madam Sirleaf and her
government as follows:
E1. You have clearly reached an impasse in fghting this war against Ebola.
You are thus left with three choices as our government:
Continue business as usual (BAU)
Change strategy basedon a current assessment of lessons learned
Turnover the battle to higher authority as in AU or UN sponsored international
experts. We did this after the civil crisis with GMAP.
G. Allow me at this time to share my opinion with you regarding the frst
G1. Business as usual (BAU): I predict this will clearly lead to greater dead
and suffering for our citizens. Eventually economic chaos will set in and
public violence will ensure from the social-economic disorder. This in itself is
a clear sign of political instability and our return to being a failed state.
G2. I say this because earlier this month Madam President you announce
your disappointment with the MOHs ability to handle the crisis; in fact, they
confessed their inability due to lack of resources to handle the situation.
G3. As a result you publically proclaimed the establishment of a special
task force headed by yourself and requested all citizens and organizations to
mobilize and support this effort.
G4. By August 6, 2014, the problem continued to escalate out of control
where you had to declare a national state of emergency and impose a curfew
for our protection. All citizens joined in prayer for the nation and reached out
in public education against the virus wherever they could. But with all these
measures the death rate continued to climb until Liberia became the nation
with the highest death rate and case load of Ebola in the region.
G5. The virus spread from 5 counties to currently almost all counties. We
heard on the radio and read in the newspapers of governments inability to
handle the problem. We even heard of government agencies burying 45 plus
bodies in a community swam without proper coverage. Just yesterday (August
27, 2014) three weeks after that story, we heard that domestic dogs were eating
the bodies and dying.
G6. As a common citizen I have no way of validating all of this public
information; however I expect to hear from my government, the truth and to
keep me updated on their progress towards saving our lives; instead I continue
to hear of how my government is shooting and killing innocent children in a
dilapidated community and I hear of our Minister of Information and Task
force committee chairs blasting internationals for being insensitive to our
situation, instead of doing their job by informing us of the positive results and
challenges they are experiencing.
G6. Only with such clear, timely and informative public information can we
expect citizens who love this nation to have confdence in their government
and shy away from demanding resignations and violent removals.
G7. In summary Madam President, please have your task force establish a
website to keep us abreast of your activities as you lead this war against our
deadliest historic enemy EBOLA.
G8. I recommend the following information to be posted and updated regularly
on this website just as we did for elections:
Show us the information you have gain from efforts made to trace those
who have been infected with the virus. This information should be shown
on national, county and community maps with data reference in tables. This
incident database report will assist government and partners in optimally
allocating scares resources and thus saving the most lives.
Show us natural resource data as follows:
How many ambulances have been purchased or received via donations, where
are they assigned, who donated. Publish key information of responsible parties
of these public resources.
How many ER Units have been set up throughout the country with qualifed
staff? Where are they located? Publish their names, addresses, donors and
emergency numbers to call for their services.
Determine how many and what type of other resources you need and seek
support from national &international partners. Dont just cry out for help
without telling people what type of help we need. This shows insensitivity and
incompetence on the part of government and the citizens who you represent.
With this incident and natural resource database people will not have to ask
how government money is being spent. There will be more natural confdence
in government all around. Confdence results from accountability and
transparency not patrimony.
G8. I was informed by an international doctor, who later resigned and left the
county, of how he had approached our ministry of health during the early days
of the crisis about what was needed to fght this disease. He was simply told
we dont have the money. With this he resigned and left, as he could foresee
our future suffering.
G8.1 Notice how for the past three years government budgets have been late in
passage and progressively cut in mid-stream of allotment. This two has been
a clear sign of incompetency and insensitivity on the part of government, but
we have just endured.
G9. As I think of how many health workers have died unnecessarily because
we lacked the foresight and leadership to utilize our meager resources for the
public good, it pains my heart. At lease let us declare these citizens as national
heroes in the aftermath of this crisis.
H1. In conclusion: All deployment of our meager public resources should
be done based on a priority need bases. But the priority need can only be
determined from incident database reports centered on the ideal of the greater
good for the greater number.
H2. Also a monitoring division needs to be set up for check and balance.
Such an intensive task has space for mistakes. This unit will be responsible
to periodically audit all task force activity and advise you on affairs while
keeping the public informed of responsible parties.
3. My fellow citizens, let us prayer to God to give us grace, change our
negative cultural norms and to provide wisdom and courage to our leaders.
4.My elected government, we thank you for your hard work so far but let us
renew our commitment to public service and our motherland.
May God bless our region and Africa as a whole, as we move towards a greater
USA in Africa?
The Government of Liberia is overwhelmed by the outbreak of the
deadly Ebola virus and has so far shown that it cannot handle the
disaster on its own with mounting calls for international help.
Ebola has torn the health sector and has exposed how weak and
scattered the countrys sector is in spite of international supports, so
too is the response of the entire government to the outbreak.
After a single case in Foyah, Lofa County, the government failed
to act and now what we have is an emergency that has claimed the
worlds attention with calls for donations in the tune of more than
400 million to solve a mess that could have been prevented from
the onset.
Upon the Ebola crisis reaching an alarming proportion, the
government has shown that it is running out of ideas in handling
the situation, frstly declaring a state of emergency with more
security presence than mobilizing health workers, many of whom
have abandoned the clinics and hospitals and gone home for fear of
contracting Ebola.
President Sirleaf took actions such as border closure, closure of all
schools and sending home of government employees considered
non-essential all intended to curb further spread of the virus.
So true, when schools are closed and workers reduced, it will help to
reduce congestion in places and therefore prevent further spread of
the virus but since instituting those measures the government seems
to have gone out of ideas and is making decisions that have bearing
on fghting Ebola, rather creating economic hardship and raising
fears amongst the population.
President Sirleaf has already ordered that video clubs and other
entertainment centers be closed by 6 pm to avoid people from
gathering in numbers, another decision that is also good for the
Ebola fght.
But what is more troubling is the imposition of curfew from 9pm to
6 am when video clubs and other entertainment centers are already
ordered closed during night hours.
As a consequence of the curfew, businesses are feeling the pinch
as they are closed by 4:30 to 5 pm and people seen rushing home
during normal working hours in order to avoid getting trapped under
the curfew.
In the busy Vai town area stores and other businesses are closed so
early that some business owners are contemplating shutting down in
the meantime until things improve.
Even petit traders are afraid to commute over long distances to sell
also fearing getting caught up during the curfew hours.
With the imposition of the State of Emergency followed by the
curfew, Liberia is still performing poorly in the fght against the
Ebola virus with the cases jumping up and the death toll rising,
all pointing to signs that some of these measures are not the ones
needed now to solve this problem.
Already the country is facing travel blackout with major airlines
cutting off fights and with the borders now closed, collecting taxes
and other revenue is diffcult, thus causing a potential future major
shortfall in revenue.
With these strenuous economic situations, the imposition of curfew
which is reducing the normal business hours of the few businesses
in the country will make matter worse as it will create further
diffculties for payment of taxes.
Many Liberians will be put out of jobs when some of these businesses
decide to temporarily close because of decline in business due to the
reduction in business hours. Unemployment will increase and the
government will create additional problems for the country.
Ordering the closure of video clubs and other entertainment centers
by 6 pm is enough to prevent people from converging but the curfew
is creating more fear and stalling normal business activities rather
than helping to fght Ebola.
The government recent action to quarantine West Point which did
not reached the require 21 days as per the incubation period of the
Ebola virus and even conduct testing on people before lifting the
quarrantine is another glaring example of a Government that has
gone out of ideas in fghting the virus.
There is no rationale for quarantining the community when nothing
was achieved, instead bloodshed and loss of life.
Like it has done with the lifting of the West Point quarantine, it is
only prudent that the government lift the curfew to allow businesses
freely operate and reduce the fear amongst Liberians.
In the current situation, Liberia needs real measures that will help
rather than hurt the country as the curfew is Hurting Businesses
Instead of Fighting Ebola
Curfew Hurting Businesses Instead
of Fighting Ebola
Monday, September 1, 2014 Page 5
Send your letters and comments to:
The comments expressed here are those of our online readers and
bloggers and do no represent the views of FrontPageAfrica
Rodney D. Sieh, Managing Editor, 0886-738-666;
Wade C. L. Williams, News Desk Chief, wade.; 0880664793
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Henry Karmo, henry.karmo@frontpageafricaonline.
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Sports Reporter, A. Macaulay Sombai,macaulay., 077217428
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Kadi Coleman Porte, 0886-304-178/ 0777832753, advertise@
The Reader's Page
The Editor,

id the bribe-taking Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) personnel aka
nokos, provoke those hoodlums in that hellhole (West Point) to go
on a rampage? (Re "West Point: Bullet Removed From Another
Boy Stomach")
Until ALL the facts are known, let's not jump to conclusions about the rioting,
looting, and the fatal shooting of an unarmed 16 year old boy (Shaki Kamara)
in West Point.
But here's what we know so far:
1) Ebola has discombobulated Ellen! What the hell was she thinking when she
ordered the quarantining of that hellhole (the entire slum of West Point) with
barbed wire, barricades, and bribe-taking nokos to stop the spread of Ebola?
Was she having a senior moment?
But guess what happened?
More people got infected with the Ebola in West Point! The hoodlums looted
and rioted! And Shaki got shot!
2) By the way, Army PFC Edwin Wah is alleged to have fatally shot Shaki
3) The hoodlums in that hellhole were throwing stones and other harmful
objects at armed AFL offcers (nokos). Some of these nokos sustain serious
injuries from the assault.
But any Liberian, with an ounce of common sense, know that you do NOT
mess with nokos!
Even my 12 year old daughter know that you don't throw stones at men with
But these young West Point hoodlums have no home training, no respect for
authority, and no respect for the rule of law, so they think they can damn well
do anything!
3a) Hey you West Point hoodlums! I know you guys are suffering from cranial-
rectal inversion syndrome! ..That's what 13 years of civil war will to you!
But look: You see those government goons (nokos) with guns over there??
Yes, right front of you!....They're there to enforce law and order!
4) If your dumb-ass starts throwing stones at them, guess what's going to
happen to you? Your ass is grass!
They may panic or get angry and shoot your dumbass for nothing! (Re "West
Point: Bullet Removed From Another Boy Stomach")
5) The AFL motto is "Government gimme gun, it no gimme English!, so when
they tell you "MOVE!", you say "Yes sir" and run as fast as you can!
6) Look. Who are you supposed to blame for the violence when these thugs
start throwing stones at armed offcers doing their job?
Do you expect the nokos to stand there and be stoned to death by these
douchebags in West Point? Come on now!
Ok,ok, we all can agree that nokos do not have a right to execute these rioters,
unless there is no other way of stopping them from freeing Ebola patients
from a clinic to infect the entire population of Monrovia with the deadly virus!
7) But hey, sometimes nokos act like normal people too, you know. When
normal person feel that his or her life is being threatened by violent thugs, they
sometimes use deadly force to defend themselves! Why not?
I for one have no problem using deadly force against a violent thug! But I'm
not a noko and I don't play one on tv either...
8) As a noko, in the course of doing your job, you still do not have the right to
use more force than necessary. That's what nokos are trained to do! No, wait,
I forgot: They call them nokos because they're government employees and are
trained to take bribes!
9) Again. So far, we still don't know all the facts about the rioting and shooting
of an unarmed citizen (Shaki Kamara) in West Point.
The President has apologized to Shaki's family and the government has set up
a committee to investigate the matter.
10) Let's hope that the committee's investigation into the rioting and the fatal
shooting of Shaki would be open and transparent!

Martin Scott
Former West Point Resident
Atlanta, Georgia
The Editor,
he concoction of failure and incivility that is Liberia continues to fester
because we consciously deny the root cause of our problems! Anybody
with a mouth could list a litany of reasons as to why we have been under
developed for some two centuries. In those reasons they will include
every ill of the third world in fact they will justify these ills as commonplace,
without stopping to consider that in Liberia only one single problem exists. This
problem, if honestly addressed, could literately be the genesis to attainment of
true independence.
This single burden exists not because we are incapable of addressing it, but
because throughout our history, it has never been in the interest of those in
charge to see this matter tackled. Most of these kleptomaniacs sincerely believe
they will lose their ill-gotten loot and inherited positions if they were to do
whats expected of them. What they dont realize is that if they were to do whats
mandated, their positions will be heightened.
It may be shocking to hear the police director attribute the total breakdown
of civil order to peoples refusal to follow the law not his dereliction of duty.
Sounds surreal, right? Sometimes I wonder whether s/he understands why the
police force was instituted. The issue of rampant ineptitude or sheer stupidity
in high places, in government cannot be attributed to our entrenched patronage
system that weighs kinship/friendship over capabilities; nor can we blame the
culture of who knows you or our internal divisions. The cause of our curse is
due to the refusal to adhere to a single constitutional authority.
Unchallenged teenage hopojoism (prostitution) heavily patronized by
government offcials is not our problem. Having to pay cold water (bribes) to
access government services is the least of our concern. Looking at our shameful
infant mortality rate, life expectancy, indescribable poverty that drives men to
the edge of their sanity, and the fact that the countrys premier hospital, JFK, is
dirtier than a Buzzy Quarter outside bathroom are just by-products of our denial.
An alarming grade school dropout rate, sex and money for grades that have
become an open secret in our high schools and quasi colleges; the daily
occurrence of hooligans masquerading as police offcers to demand bribes from
unsuspecting motorists, criminal/licensed surveyors re-deeding lands several
times over with help from in-house offcials, embezzling government offcials
who get paid on average a hundred times (100x) more than the typical civil
servant and yet show up to work when they feel like it, a conniving private sector
forced to partake in this pillage are but nuisance left unchallenged.
The masonic cult that has ruled Liberia since inception with their human
sacrifces, esoteric behaviors, greedy escapades and their unconstitutional
bendingof court decisions, vain men (now women) who perched high above
lesser men on imagined thrones believing themselves gods and answerable to
no one, the culture of impunity, leadership absent required virtues, a society that
now regards mediocrityas the new guideline for excellence, the eroding of every
form of morality, hustling pastors who promise salvation for cash, sanctioned
illiteracy and ignorance, are but trivial matters far from the truth.
Our public enemy number one who loots our treasury, kills the dreams and
aspirations of an entire people while dinning and walking with us on a daily
basis is only perceived as an issue because we allow her to fester and establish
root, not because shes a force to be reckoned with, but because shes a cherished
lover who shares our beds and provides the bosom on which our heads rest. This
will not even factor were we to see the bigger picture. Despite what you may
believe, the stabilizing ingredients of our democracy are not tied up in foreign
The issue of self-hate, the inferiority complex that has tightened its grip around
the throats of our people, the self-righteous attitudes of the fortunate few among
us, the absence of common national purpose/identity or a unifying language that
binds us, the unpatriotic leaning of the Liberian, our America focus-ness couple
with the dissolution of the family unit, cannot stand alone as missing link to the
creation of a glorious republic. Our problems are not that numerous, irrespective
of what the truth benders may lead you to believe.
Our problems are easily fxed if we implement just one mandate: Some may
argue that our solution lies in the eradication of illiteracy, or the massive infusion
of religion couple with speeches of equality and justice; changing of minds and
attitudes - reeducation, modernization of our laws to ft the Liberian experience,
addressing unemployment and infrastructure, proper management of our
resources, etc. Although I will agree that all the above listed are crucial for the
elevation of our beloved homeland, I still maintain that all of these will not be an
issue were we to do what we all are fully aware of.
This brings me to my Point. What is our problem? Your answer: it is none other
than THE REFUSAL TO ENFORCE THE LAW. This is the singular neglect
of our republic since formulation. Until Liberians are always willing to pay
the ultimate price (We fall everyday like fies, why not fall for a cause thatll
have a lasting impact for generations?) to see this matter fully addressed for all
irrespective of their social economic standing, Liberia and its people remain as
is! Our solution is also equally simple: An aggressive and uncompromisingly
just application/enforcement of the law without fear or favor. See this done
consistently and Liberia becomes a developed country in 50 years! Yes, its that
Buutuo, Nimba County
Edward Roye Top Commenter Liberia College
Madam Sawyer, it is shame for you to begin to insult the poverty-stricken
people of Liberia because of your husband's death. Remember, no Liberian
poisoned him; he died as a result of an outbreak which Liberians had
no control over. If your husband was so clean as alleged by you and he
complained of flthy health system in Liberia, why did he in the frst place
agreed to come to Liberia and risk his life? Your husband was part of the
problems in Liberia, he was making salary he could had never made in his
life in US, he usurped two different jobs thereby defrauding gov't. Most
of the Liberians brought home to work always try to insult Liberians at
home, they are the ones making huge salary while the rest are underpaid,
they got access to get vacation and fy back to their heaven any time and
return to their plantation (Liberia). Mrs. Sawyer, u would do yourself better
by refraining from the press with your insults. Liberians are already hurt
with the loss of many of our citizens and the hardship being placed on us
by this outbreak. You people are the ones fomenting anti-diaspora Liberian
feeling at home. If all Liberians would get the salary government is offering
to the other citizens; the health system would have been better. Go and get
your husband's social security benefts and the insurance benefts in the US.
Munahp Cooper Cuttington University
If you have experience the situation the Sawyers had faced and is still facing
along with other Liberians, then you will be mindful of how your address
the issue.
Andrew Gursay
Here is my question to you Mr.. Muah; Patrick's sister died on July 7, 2014,
and Patrick went to Mittal on, or July 11, 2014, and he (Patrick) came to the
ministry of fnance between July 11-15, 2014, at which time according to you
(Muah) Patrick was told not to come back to the MOF. Based on that time-
line, how could he have emailed you several weeks earlier informing you of
his sister's death? As I am sure you know, several by defnition, means, more
than three. Patrick and his sister died 18 days apart. The man did not even
live a full three weeks after his sister died. Giving your explanation, he had
to have emailed you between July 7, and the time he last showed up at the
MOF. That is barely a week and a one-day. What is the actual date on that
email you claimed Patrick sent several weeks earlier? What is the real story?
George Sie Williams Co-Founder & Executive Director at Partner for
Health - PFH
We are still not learning from the Sawyer's experience. Why are we not
isolating suspected Ebola patients from the communities? They are roaming
freely and we say we have them under surveillance. In the process some
escape their communities and when they get sick elsewhere they establish
new chain of cases. I think 21 days isolation for suspected Ebola patients
will prevent the disease form spreading.
Alyce Anderson Top Commenter
If he was so passionate about improving the healthcare system why did he
go against every code of ethics for a health care professional? You can blame
the Liberian health care system all you want but that doesn't negate the fact
that your husband acted irresponsibly and selfshly when he left the hospital
where he was quarantined and got on that fight to go to Nigeria. As a health
care professional he was aware of the danger he was putting others in but
he didn't care. He wasn't thinking about nobody but himself. He KNEW
he was infected with the virus especially so since his sister had died from
it. He KNEW how easily the virus spreads and he KNEW he was putting
other people lives at risk. This has nothing to do with whether the system is
broken. How do you think the families of all those that died because of your
husband's negligence feel? How do you think the Government of Nigeria
feel? Who do you think these families are blaming, Liberia? Think again.
You can blame the bad health care system, politics and corruption in Liberia
all you want but let's call a spade a spade your husband is not blameless
in this matter. He helped spread the disease among his fellow Liberians
and caused others to die and nothing about that is noble. In fact, he took
the disease to another country and spread it even more. He was rude and
disrespectful to the health care workers both in Liberia and Nigeria. Sorry
for your loss madam, but don't blame everyone else for what Mr. Sawyer
did. After all, others died because of his actions.
Hilary B. Wiagbe Data Manager at Ministry of Health and Social
If Patrick knew all these bad things about Liberia Health System, I think he
could help make a difference. He knew very well that his sister died of Ebola
and he came in contact with her but instead they lied to Catholic hospital
administration and see the numbers of people who have died, these people
were helping to fx our poor Health System. He (Patrick) knew very well that
he was ill but because of fat DSA he force it to Nigeria and now see what
is happening in Nigeria. Follow the story of the American Doctor (Kent),
he isolated himself immediately after he fell ill, these are people who came
from their comfortable homes to help fx our poor health system... BUT your
Late Husband (Patrick) added insult to injury. By God grace this storm will
soon pass over LIBERIA.....
Sydney Nogirlsallow Cooper Geologist at Aureus Mining Inc
Decontee claims that her husband never trusted the health system here but
trusted that one in Nigeria, why did he spilled his urine on nurses after he
was diagnosed of EBOLA? Madam Ellen should be blame for all these
insults. Patrick Sawyer was a Public Health Practioner, what was he doing
in Finance? See what an imported government offcial has done to us. Our
country name has been spoil already then Mad Patrick Sawyer (unquote
Goodluck Jonathan) has damaged it to the worst.
Page 6 |
Monday, September 1, 2014
n the backdrop of an
ongoing deadly Ebola virus
outbreak, a brewing social
media discussion has been
trumpeting an idea for an interim
government in Liberia.
Using the frailties and missteps
of the ruling Unity Party
governments handling of the
crisis, some forces under the
banner of A Better Liberia
campaign have been pushing
the idea, drawing a heated social
media discussion and so far
mum response from the Sirleaf
A senior administration offcial
did tell FrontPageAfrica
Sunday that the President has
been briefed and is aware
about the purported plan. This
administration is doing all it can
and is focused now on the Ebola
crisis and has no time to chatter
with political players we feel are
incapable of winning through the
ballot box and so have decided to
use undemocratic means to press
their hidden agenda.
The offcial, speaking strictly on
condition of anonymity said the
Executive Mansion has no plans
at least for now to give credence
to the discussion surrounding an
interim government.
Extended Home Order
For now the governments
attention appears to be on the
crisis which is still far from over.
On Sunday, the Executive
Mansion announced that the
President has extended, by
the another month beginning
Monday, September 1, 2014,
the stay-home order imposed
on all non-essential government
employees who have been away
since August 1st. The measure
remains necessary to decongest
government work places as
efforts continue to contain the
spread of the Ebola virus disease
which is having devastating
consequences on the country,
an executive mansion statement
said Sunday.
Ebola has been declared a
national emergency but the
Liberian government has taken
actions that are raising eyebrows
from several quarters that there
is something sinister at stake
especially some of the measures
including curfew which has
security implications.
While fghting Ebola, instead of
more health care workers on the
streets, there are instead more
armed security offcers from the
newly trained Armed Forces of
Liberia and the Liberian National
With the border with its next-
door neighbor, Sierra Leone
closed, the frst three counties
quarantined by the government
Grand Cape Mount, Bomi and
Gbarpolu are amongst places
with low cases of the Ebola virus
also sending shock waves that
some security issues are at stake.
On the heels of fghting Ebola, the
social media has been occupied
with discussions, statements,
messages and other news about
calls for the resignation of
President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
and the setting up of an interim
government with the proponents
of the campaign arguing that
President Sirleaf has failed and
should step aside to make way
for change.
Several names are being linked
to the Sirleafs resignation
campaign with that of Dr. Amos
Sawyer, Isaac Vah Tukpah of
the opposition Congress for
Democratic Change (CDC),
Madam Ellen Corkrum and
many other Liberians residing
in the United States and other
western counties, including
former University of Liberia
Vice President Dr. James Tarpeh,
as forming part of the campaign.
Others who have been linked
to such moves in recent times
have come out to deny having
any connections. Appearing on
the Costa morning show last
week, economist Sam Jackson
dismissed suggestions in some
quarters that he was recently
part of a conference call during
which the idea of an interim
government was discussed.
Jackson said the reports are far
from the truth and accused some
close Sirleaf aide of feeding half-
truths to the president.
Lawrence Randall, a consultant
at the Ministry of Finance and
a regular Facebook blogger
who frst unleashed the groups
blueprint on Facebook claims to
be in possession of an e-mail in
which the groups coordinator,
Tukpah speaks of a discussion
with Tarpeh.
This is in Isaacs own
words We had a meeting
last night with Dr. James Teah
Tarpeh and one of his colleagues
Sayku Kromah. Dr. Tarpeh was
clear that he was not forming a
GIW. After discussions, it was
clear that they share the "Better
Liberia" position and look to
build a relationship with us.
Pressure to act right or exit
It is unclear whether the group
is an offspring of the campaign
for President Sirleaf to step
down last year, but a new group
known as Better Liberia
Campaign in a document says
it is galvanizing support both in
Liberia and abroad to pressure
the government of Liberia to do
the right thing or exit.
Better Liberia Campaign in the
document used phrases such as
do the right thing or exit the
stage which perhaps draws
correlation to the Ellen step down
campaign being championed
both at home and elsewhere.
At least three individuals are now
known as the face of the Better
Liberia Campaign including
Bobby Whitfeld, Australia, John
Brownell, Europe and Isaac Vah
Tukpah, Jr. , The Americas.
The group says in its manifest:
With all the issues going on in
Liberia, we believe Liberians
who care and are of like mind
should begin to form a unifed
Diaspora/Ground effort to push
for a Better Liberia. We really
A heightening social media debate, A launch-pad Diaspora movement and a lot of lingering
Questions about the major players said to be calling for an interim government in Liberia
Rodney D. Sieh,
need to start combining forces
and sharing information to
put a concerted and consistent
pressure on the Government of
Liberia to do the right thing or
exit the stage for a Better Liberia
to happen. We cannot bore you
with the multiplicity of obvious
issues so we will simply share
our thoughts on the direction we
need to collectively embark on.
Under the campaign named Gold
Campaign, the group outlined
six major actions, it intends to
take against the government
headed by President Sirleaf,
which it is said is being done
in collaboration with Diaspora
Liberians and like-minded
Liberians on the ground in
Amongst the undertakings,
Better Liberia Campaign has
indicated that it would inform the
Liberian people in simple terms
(through stories, illustrations,
videos, excerpt from audits,
projects left undone, etc.) the
level of corruption, embezzled/
misappropriated funds, and the
lost development and empower
the Liberian people to self-help
through information and direct
As further pressure on the
Liberian Government, the group
vowed that it would be making
the case to the US Government
(individual congresspersons,
caucuses, White House, EU,
IMF, WB, ADB, and Liberias
international partners to force
the Liberian government to do
the right thing.
The group also listed as its
targets lawsuits against corrupt
government offcials; corrupt
companies operating in Liberia,
especially those with deep ties
to what it termed the corrupt
cabal; and in collaboration with
other stakeholders, developing
a new roadmap for where the
group wants Liberia to go and
what it should be in order to
beneft all citizens, inclusive
of re-engineering government
Better Liberia Campaign says it
intends to get a critical mass of
Liberians engage in this process,
to be able to fnalize on how to
move forward with this Diaspora
Initiative for a Better Liberia and
how it can be more inclusive to
incorporate those who are on the
ground and would be willing to
participate in such an effort, fully
cognizant of the backlash.
Lead or quit, Voice on the
While there are rumors that
campaign to pressure President
Sirleaf to resign is being engineer
by Diaspora Liberians, some at
home have been publicly voicing
their support for such move,
with Darius Dillon of the Liberty
Party calling on the President to
lead or quit.
In a social media write out,
Dillon stated Madam President,
I am convinced you are getting
tired, that is if you are not
already tired. You do not act
whenever you promise to act.
It would appear your offcials
have realized that about you.
They do not move an inch, even
when you yell at them at the top
of your voice. For instance, you
instructed all your Offcials to
return home within one week;
and that one week expired
yesterday. Some are still out of
Liberia, but you have not acted
against them. I do not even want
to talk about your massive failure
in the fght against corruption
and your lack of will to replace
or discipline insensitive, non-
performing and incompetent
offcials. I do not even want to
talk about your governments
failure to address the high rate of
unemployment of Liberians. I do
not even want to talk about lack
of job and other empowerment
opportunities especially for
Liberian youths. I do not even
want to talk about the "messy"
education sector. I do not even
want to talk about the nearly
non-existent Agriculture sector;
lest talk about the very poor
Healthcare sector, etc. I could go
on naming and listing, but time
won't permit.
The policy advisor to the
opposition party declared
Yes, I am convinced you are
tired. It is about time you do
the honorable thing. I wish to
advise that you follow your own
words.. Lead or quit. so
that Liberia and Liberians can
live. It is about time!
Lessons from Diaspora
groupings and interim regimes
Liberia has a long history of
Diaspora groupings beginning
the fght to change regime in the
country successfully.
President Sirleaf while in
opposition was based outside
Liberia, mainly the United
States of America criticizing
successive regimes and stands
accused of playing major roles
in the downfall of many regimes
including that of Samuel K. Doe
and Charles G. Taylor.
Many political and pressure
groupings are established outside
Liberia but later turn out to be
full scale organizations.
All the belligerent groupings
during the Liberia civil war
were established outside the
country by Liberians living in
the Diaspora.
But the plan has some
detractors who say, the ongoing
calls for President Sirleaf to
resign followed by an interim
administration will not help to
solve the numerous problems
facing the country as interim
regimes have failed in the past to
change things for the better.
During the heat of the successive
civil wars fought in Liberia
beginning 1989 to 2003, over
four interim regimes were
established but none were able to
make any difference in solving
the problems the country was
faced with.
There was an interim regime
headed by Dr. Amos Sawyer
who is now being accused as
one of the architects of calls for
Sirleafs resignation, another
headed by Ruth S. Perry, Wilton
Sankowolo David Kpomakpor,
Charles G. Bryant, amongst
Critics of the interim government
setup say, those governments
made minimal impact although
supporters of the Sawyer and
Bryant periods point to them as
paving the way for respective
key moments during the crisis,
leading to two democratic post-
war elections.
It is unclear for now how
much weight the Better Liberia
momentum is gaining in the
Diaspora but many have pointed
to the recent curfew imposed in
Liberia as being a result of fears
being expressed in some corners
that something sinister may be in
Some have suggested that the
lifting of the curfew in West
Point Saturday was based on
intelligence report that some
forces were attempting to use
the anger of the residents in
West Point to plot a sinister
and subversive play to unseat
the President. Administration
offcials are not clearly ruling out
the recent developments but say
they are not ruling anything out
on a matter that is so far being
eclipsed by the ongoing Ebola
A sticky dilemma causing
headaches for those advocating
Sirleafs ouster, FrontPageAfrica
has learned, is how could
such a plan work as an interim
government setup. The idea,
some say, could offset Liberias
budding democracy and probably
throw a monkey wrench in what
the international community
and key stakeholders would
prefer: a smooth transition from
one democratic government to
the next. Liberia has not had a
successive change of democratic
leadership from one political
confguration to another, since
the fall of the frst republic, the
True Whig Party era. Next-door
neighbors Ghana and Sierra
Leone have been successful after
opposition clinch victories from
ruling establishments in their
respective countries.
Samuel Kanyon Doe, a master
sergeant who together with a
band of lowly-ranked offcers
ended decades of Americo-
Liberian rule, won a widely-
disputed presidential elections
in 1985 but did not complete his
term as a civil war came up upon
him on Christmas Eve December
1989. Charles Taylor, who
launched a rebel movement that
forced Doe out of power, won a
landslide election in 1997, but
did not complete his term. He
was forced to resign as his Vice
President Moses Blah completed
his term.
For now, a better Liberia plan
appears to exist only on paper
amid a lot of unanswered
questions about the real players
working behind the scenes of
what is building up to be an
uncertain political future for

Page 12 |
Monday, September 1, 2014
Henry Karmo (0886522495)
group under the Banner International SOS has presented
to the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare one hundred
matresses to be used by Ebola Patients at various isolation
centers in Liberia.
The Donation according to the head of the Organization, Dr. Robert
Kpoto a Liberian Doctor was made possible with funding from the
Acelor Mittal.
Dr. Kporto said the donation of the mattresses is the organization
way of identifying with the Liberian government during these trying
times of Ebola outbreak and disclosed that donation is the second in
series where he said; previous donation was also made to the ELWA
treatment unit.
In addition according to Dr. Kporto the International SOS has built a
transit center at the RIA in collaboration with the Roberts International
Airport (RIA) Management where people coming in and going out
of Liberia temperature can be tested and also said the organization
provided that center with infra ray thermo meters something he said
will help give Liberia a better international image.
Dr. Kporto said: Today to the Ministry of Health we are presenting
the hundred mattresses with additional twenty beds that are being
prepared locally as the senior medical adviser to the International
SOS they have asked me to make this donation because they want to
come and help.
Receiving the items Madam Miata Gbanya Deputy Incident Manager
for the Ebola response Unit at the Ministry of Health and Social
welfare thanked Dr. Kporto and his group for the donation and said
the donation is timely and most needed especially where the Task-
force is challenged with the issue of more space to accommodate
more patients.
I must just say that getting mattresses into the Ebola centers is very
essential for the patients we would recognize that your donation is
very valuable in care of patients in the EPU, she said.
She promised to pass on the mattresses to the National Taskforce and
make it known that Acelor Mittal has made their contribution to the
fght against Ebola in Liberia.


ollowing the
appointment of Senator
Nyonblee Kangar-
Lawrence as chair of the
Grand Bassa County Legislative
caucus, a plan to combat the
deadly Ebola virus in the county
has been released to the press.
The plan comes as District One
remains the most hit area in the
county; Gbanabor Town has lost
over 37 persons and three others
have already started showing
symptoms of the virus.
In a release signed by the
caucus new leader, they praised
the county superintendent and
health team for being proactive
in putting a task force together
before the virus hit the county.
The release further mentioned
that the caucus has supported
the process fnancially, justifed
by their recent decision
to suspend all rules and
guidelines governing the Social
Development Fund to approve
the release of USD$100,000.00
to the task force for the campaign
against the virus.
While we await National
support and support from other
organizations, we hope this
plan and money will help us
effectively and effciently in
protecting our people, the
statement read.
According plan which was
attached to the statement,
revealed that the strategy was
drawn up following consultations
and investigations on the Ebola
situation in the county.
The Caucus recommends the
setting up of one quarantine
centers in Districts two, three,
four and fve and two centers in
district one alone - the district
hit the hardest with the virus-
and also suggests the consistent
availability of food for the
There should be one central
warehouse with supplies to feed
all the quarantine centers, and a
warehouse manager, preferable
the City Mayor, the statement
Continue the statement: Each
district must receive USD$
5,000.00 for awareness activities
and awareness should be done by
local authorities supervised by
the representative of that district.
The USD$ 5,000.00 will be
used for megaphones, buckets,
Clorox, soap and compensation.
Detailing how the quarantine
centers will run, the caucus
ensured that all centers will have
a maintenance supply head who
will service and fuel generators
and supply food and other
material excluding medical, but
requests will be approved by the
head of the district task force.
All decisions concerning
vehicles fueling and movements,
disbursement of cash, and
procurement will be done by the
Superintendent, the lawmakers
statement read.
Considering the bureaucracy,
many claimed the system should
be effective to avoid slowing
down efforts to contain the
virus especially in areas like
Teemor District- District One,
which already has terrible road
During a recent local talk show,
some residence expressed mix
views about the role of the
Superintendent in the fght
against the epidemic.
Some say she has the ability to
organize the activities while
others argued that it will be
impassible to check-mate her
role and responsibilities due to
the power she enjoys.

The prospect and expectations
of the new Grand Bassa caucus
leadership seem far beyond
the deadly Ebola situation
especially with political
activities imminent and
individual politicians or political
parties look pretty determine to
claim power.
Before Senator Kangar-
Lawrences preferment as head
of the caucus, Liberty Party man
cum Independent politician,
Representative Gabriel
Buchanan Smith led the august
body but coordination was rare
and many political observers
often termed the caucus as
At a recent fund raising rally
in District Three, Hon. Hans
Barchue (District One), who
is also the Deputy Speaker of
the House of Representatives,
described the Grand Bassa
County Lawmakers move to
select a new leadership as a
new approach in making the
caucus more proactive and
developmental in nature.
Said Deputy Speaker Barchue:
This County (Grand Bassa)
can only go forward if all of
us work together as a team,
it doesnt matter what I do. I
cannot succeed if I dont get
the support of the senators, so
we need to work together as a
caucus and your problem will be
solved, the popular lawmaker
told aparked hall with residents
of District Three, Grand Bassa
Like Hon. Barchues view, many
are wary about how the county
administration will embrace and
work with the new leadership of
the county legislative caucus.
We hope the county leadership
will embraced this new
leadership so that we can work
together as one people, he said.
News about Senator Kangar-
Lawrences ascendency was
frst disclosed by the Pro Temp
of the Liberian Senate, Sen.
Gbehzongar Findley who has
also made several gestures
towards the war against the
deadly Ebola virus.
Sen. Findley disclosed that all
efforts by the caucus to fght
the virus will be led by the
newcaucus chairman, something
that hints at the challenging
prospect of the Liberty party
lawmaker (Kangar-Lawrence)
he Citizens Organized
for Transparency
and Accountability
(COPTA), working to
ensure a better Liberia in which
leaders can be held accountable
to their people in the discharge
of their service to the public,
has donated several items
worth about US$ 5,000 to the
administration of the Eternal
Love Winning Africa (ELWA)
Ebola isolation unit 2 on the
Robertsfeld highway.
The organizations donation was
done in partnership with several
Liberians working with the
United Nations in the Democratic
Republic of Congo and Smile
Liberia, an International, non-
governmental organization
founded by a group of Liberians
in the United Sates to provide
educational assistance and bring
smiles to children living in
Liberias poorest communities.
The donation included rice, sacs
of mineral water, comforters,
towels, disinfectants, Lucozade,
water and Clorox, sugar amongst
Presenting the items Friday at the
ELWA Unit two isolation center,
the Project Coordinator of Smile
Liberias send them to school
project Christine Brooks-Jarrett
disclosed that the donation was
part of efforts in helping the
GOL to battle the deadly Ebola
She said the items among many
other things would help boost
the efforts of the Ebola treatment
unit with some basic needs
including beddings and clothing
for Ebola survivors.
We hope that this donation from
our partners will at least help the
ETU (Ebola Treatment Unit).
We will try our best to ensure
that they (Ebola survivors)
leave the treatment center well
dressed with smile on their faces,
if possible take them to their
homes, she said.
Receiving the donation, the head
of the ELWA Ebola Isolation
Unit 2 Dr. Jerry Brown thanked
COPTA for the donation terming
it as timey for the facility.
Said Dr. Brown: We want to
say a big thank you for your
donation. What makes us to be
more happy is to have Liberians
coming together to help other
Liberians. We want to say thank
you and we look forward to
sharing this with other units. We
will ask others to see if they have
needs for blankets and some of
these materials so that we can at
least share with them. One thing
for sure is that these are things
that we dont dry-clean. So as
the number of patients tends to
increase thats just how they are
being used.
COPTAs Background
Citizens Organized for
Transparency and Accountability
(COPTA) is an organization
working to ensure a better Liberia
in which our leaders can be held
accountable to the mass of our
people in the discharge of their
service to the public. COPTA
has been organizing volunteers,
coordinating donations (cash
and kind), and initiating and
sustaining community training
and education for the Ebola
disaster victims in partnership
with the government, national
and international organizations.
Stephen D. Kollie, 0776329124

Monday, September 1, 2014 Page 13
Commission on Higher Education Director General long Corruption tale
Henry Karmo (0886522495)
Mae Azango
s Liberia turns its focus on one epidemic another that
has plagued our country for decades continues to destroy
young lives. Rape victims across the country live with the
trauma of being attacked by people close to them family
members, neighbors - or by strangers. Many are forced to stay in the
home where the abuse is taking place. Some seek refuge in a safe
Favor Musa, not her real name, is an example of a young teenage
girl who was raped by a man she knew, in this case her neighbor. She
lived with her grandmother in Tubmanburg, Bomi County, an hour
and thirty minutes drive away from Monrovia. She was raped when
she was 15 years old, in 2013.
At frst, when he said he wanted me and I told him no, so he was
in the habit of coming around whenever my grandmother was not at
home, said Favor. It was one day when my Grandmother was not
home and my sister was out, he came and pushed me on the bed and
put his hand to my mouth and tore my clothes off and raped me.
I was afraid to tell my grandmother about it but someone who saw
him leaving our house, reported to my grandmother and pa. So my pa
was vexed and went to the police station and the man was arrested and
I was brought to Torch Humanity In Need of Kindness (THINK).
Favor is one of a growing number of girls who are seeing their
attacker arrested. Usually attacks are not reported, especially when
the attackers are family members. Because of the shame involved
in rape the family decides to resolve the matter in the family way.
Sometimes the girl is forced to marry the attacker or the matter is
hushed up.
There are few reliable studies of the scale of sexual violence in
Liberia but everyone agrees it is rife. A total of 1,475 rape cases were
offcially reported in 2011, according to a gender-based violence
statistics report prepared by the Norwegian Refugee Council. But
most rapes, many sources there said, go unreported. An alarming
number of victims are very young children.
I felt very bad when I was raped, said Favor. I thought that I wont
be someone good in the future. I am now in the safe home because I
do not feel good when I am not around my friends. I do not like men
because I feel all men are wicked, including my own father, because
he left my mother for another woman.
Favor, who stopped in the 8th grade class, said she wants to go back
to school but her father said when she leaves the safe home, she will
attend BWI and be in the dormitory.
I want to be a nurse in the future so that I can help other girls who
are like me, she says. I would say to girls who fnd themselves in
the same situation I am in, to report rape and always be around people
so that they wont think about what happened to them in the past.
That is easier for Favor than most girls. Her attacker was jailed
immediately after the incident and he is awaiting trial in prison. But
with Favor in a safe home, the perpetrator might be released if the
family decides not to go through with the trial.
Angela Toe, not her real name, is another rape victim from Compound
#2, Grand Bassa Country in Rural Liberia. The little girl, who looked
emotionally troubled, was still afraid to speak about what happened to
her that led to her seek refuge in the THINK safe home. But after ten
minutes of silence, she started to speak out in bit and pieces.
I was 13 years old and my ma send me to buy something for her
and one man called me and said he had something for me, and when I
went to him, he hauled me in the bush and put something in my mouth
and love to me, said Angela in tears.
He told me not to tell my ma or I was going to die. But I told my
ma and she went to him and the police arrested the man and put him
in jail. The jail house was not alright, so the man ran away and up to
now, they have not seen him yet. So I came to the safe home. Men are
bad because they can do bad things to small girls.
Unlike Favor whose perpetrator was apprehended and put behind
bars, Angelas rapist is still at large, while she is at the safe home
The justice system remains deeply fawed, as President Sirleaf once
acknowledged herself during the annual address to the country in
January 2012. Critics say as long as rapists go unpunished, would-be
rapists will not be discouraged
Bernice Samukai, not her real name, said she is 16, and hardly
remembers anything. She says she was raped by a pastor of the Never
Die Church a local religious cult, when she was just a child. This cult
practiced incest and believes that nobody is related, so mother sleeps
with son, sister sleeps with brothers and so on.
She was distraught as silent tears rolled down her cheeks throughout
the interview. The religious leaders pastor Righteous, Wonderful
Counselor and sensible Counselor were all arrested convicted and
sent to prison for practicing incest and the church closed and banned
for operating in Liberia.
I came in town to go to school, we were four who came to live with
our uncle and we used to plait ropes to sell, she said. When we
come to town, we were not going to school; we were living at the
Never Die Church. I cannot remember my age or the year. We were
raped at the never Die Church.
One of my friends was the one who pretended to go wash at the
creek and she went to the Zone 5 police station in Paynesville and
reported the case and the men were arrested. The girl who reported
the case, her mother was angry with her and put her out because she
said her daughter was lying on the men of God. I cannot remember
the hospital I was taken to.
Bernice, who stopped in the ffth grade, is now learning pastry-
making at the THINK safe home and she wants to be a doctor when
she fnishes school, in order to help other girls like her in the future.
I want to be a doctor when I grow and fnish school to help other
girls like me, she said. I see men to be wicked because they can do
bad things to children. I want government to put these wicked men in
prison for life. I want my friends who fnd themselves in my shoe, to
go to school and learn to become someone good in the future.
According to Rosanna Sharp, Executive Director of THINK, the safe
home is there to help girls heal from their trauma.
Many of these girls are traumatized from their rape when they are
brought here but we have counselors to talk to them, that they are free
to associate with other girls like themselves, says Director Sharp.
Sadly, while tremendous effort goes into stopping the Ebola epidemic,
Director Sharp and other staff at THINK see no end to the silent
epidemic of rape against Liberias girls in sight.
ith the outbreak of
Ebola in Liberia, it
has been gathered
that majority of
people dying from the virus are
women due to their care giving
role in the family.
Because of the alarming statistics
women in Liberia have decided to
take the lead in the campaign to
eradicate the Deadly Ebola Virus
from the country and the region
where it has caused the death of
more than six hundred people.
On Friday unlike other approaches
by other groups, and individuals
the women were seen raising
money on their own to support the
government in its efforts to reduce
Ebola in Liberia.
At the Gender Ministry, women
from across Montserrado County
and other parts launched a
fundraising campaign which they
said will enable them collect
relatively enough money to be
given to government as their
support in fghting the deadly
Ebola virus in Liberia.
At the launching program, Gender
Minister Julia Duncan Cassell
the brain behind the initiative in
remarks said; when our president
decided that she wanted to be
president, it wasnt planned that
there was going to be a virus call
Ebola. This is nothing that you
go to sleep and wake up in the
morning that you are prepared
for but, as God would have it as
a people we have come together
living with Ebola amongst us.
Minister Cassell also said The
women have being calling they
have being very concerned
especially looking at the numbers
of women that have being affected
and died from this Ebola disease.
But we always say the women are
the center of everything, they are
the ones who go to the market on
a daily basis and prepare food and
care for a sick Family member.
She said, as evidence by records,
women play important role in the
family and it became their concern
that though there are many local
and international groups, friendly
government and philanthropists
helping they too can do something
and therefore decided to task
themselves to assist government
with whatever little amount they
can generate to show support and
solidarity to President Sirleaf for
her efforts.
Presenting to the National Ebola
Task-Force an initial contribution
of seventy-one thousand Liberian
Dollars,(LD$ 71,000) the Gender
Minister recommended that the
Task-Force works along with
women groups in various counties
to implement some of the task that
seems diffcult for the task-force.
We have organizations in all
the counties where if the support
is given they can work with the
taskforce to spread the message
about the government preventive
measures put in place, Minister
Cassell added.
The women said, with support from
UN Women they will visit three
Ebola affected counties including;
Margibi, Grand Cape Mount which
borders Sierra Leone and also
Grand Bassa County as well as the
John F. Kennedy (JFK) Memorial
Hospital Isolation Centers where
according to Minister Cassell
donations will be made.
The Gender Minister disclosed
that they, as women of Liberia
are also concerned about the lack
of basic materials for women
such as sanitary pads. We know
that our partners are bringing the
big things but the little things are
where we like to see our donation
go sometimes in these kinds
of situation the little things are
forgotten, she said.
Receiving the initial cash donation
from the women the Head of the
Ebola Resource Center Mr. Dorbor
Jallah described the women of
Liberia as the foundation of
everything the country do with
evidence of the statistics available
on the number of women dying
from Ebola.
The donation you are making here
today is just demonstrating one of
the several things you are doing
in the society to emphasize the
important role of women because
without women we wouldnt be
where we are, Jallah said.
He further commended the women
for the donation and promised
to deliver it to the Taskforce and
promised that it would be used for
the purpose earmarked.

he President of Barkedu Development Association (BDA)
based in the United States of America has described the
failure of the government of Liberia not to quarantine
Barkedu Town after the outbreak of the Ebola virus as very
outrageous and disappointing.
Barkedu is one of the single towns in Lofa County that has recorded the
largest number of deaths from the Ebola virus.
Abdullah S. Sheriff emphasized that the disease has killed more
people in the town and district than any other part of the country due
the government of Liberia through the Ministry of Health and Social
Welfare failure to quarantine and open a treatment center in the town
which he believes could have helped to save lives.
Sheriff confrmed that at present there are two hundred and ffty (250)
Ebola cases in Barkedu Town and Quardu Gboni District and that he
thinks the only way majority of their people could have survived from
the disease was for the government to quarantine the entire district and
provide for the people the necessary medical treatments and food.
The BDA head lamented that that since the outbreak of the disease in
Lofa, one hundred and thirty people (130) from Barkedu and Quardu
Gboni District were taken to the Foya treatment center and that
seventy (70) out of the 130 people have died and another 34 people
from Barkedu have also died and that all of them were buried without
medical advice which has created many Ebola suspected cases among
citizens of the town and district.
If President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf government should win the ninety
(90) days State of Emergency War against the deadly Ebola Virus in
Liberia, she must do everything possible to open centers in Barkedu
which has been singled out to have largest Ebola cases in Liberia.
He described the State of Emergency declared by the government with
the aim of eliminating the virus that has taken the lives of more than
six hundred Liberians since the outbreak as a step forward but added
that the State of Emergency would not have taken place if the proper
mechanisms were put into place at the beginning of the situation.
Sheriff paid tribute to several of his kinsmen including former Lofa
County Representative Honorable Malian K. Jallabah, Representative
Mariam B. Fofana, Senator Sumo Kupee, Superintendent George
Dunor, Chief Musa Kamara, Chief Musa Sasay and Professor Alhaji
G. V. Kromah along with other citizens from their town and district
for their tireless hard work and contributions to the district and people
during this Ebola disaster and said he hopes that they will continue
their support to their people.
Citizen of Barkedu, town worse hit by Ebola deaths
describes government failure to quarantine
A. Macaulay Sombai, 0777217428
Monday, September 1, 2014 Page 7
CBL Dr. Mills Jones Identifes With Blind Community & Residents Of West Point
entral Bank of
Liberia Executive
Governor Dr. Joseph
Mills Jones has
made a personal donation of
several food and assorted items
to residents of West Point after
government ended quarantine
of the slum community as well
as to the Blind Community.
The items included 200 bags of
rice, 50 three gallons of oil and
50 cartoons of Evita fsh. The
Blind Community receives 100
bags of rice, 25 gallons of Oil
while Residents of West Point
receive the same amount of
CBL Chief of Staff Mr. Crayton
O. Duncan who was a proxy for
the CBL Executive Governor
Dr. Joseph Mills Jones
expressed deep concern for
the well being of all Liberians
especially those affected by the
deadly Ebola virus.
Mr. Crayton stressed the need
for the protection of health
workers who are on the
frontline battling the infection.
He informed the Blind
Community and residents
of West Point that Dr. Jones
gesture was a show of concern
for those affected by the deadly
virus and healthcare workers at
the frontline of the epidemic.
We also believe that in this
time of great trial for our
country, we all should come
together. I believe that this war
will only be won if we form a
united front and that's what has
brought Hon. Saah Joseph and
others here today, Mr. Duncan
He said it is important for
every Liberian to show
concern during this critical
period. "During these diffcult
times, we must care for those
who are in dire need. I thank all
the doctors and health workers
who are risking their lives to
save others.
We must come together as a
people to fght and combat this
virus. I believe that we will win
this battle and Liberia will rise
again. This is just a small token
in continuation of our efforts
and will do more."
Beyan Korta, president of
the Blind Community hailed
Dr. Jones gesture and stated
that it came as a relief for the
Blind Community." We thank
the CBL Executive Governor
for his personal donation here
today. We are in need and he
identifying with us. So, we are
grateful for the assistance to the
Blind community especially at
the time we are fghting this
deadly ebola virus."
Residents of both West
Point and Dolos Town were
quarantined two weeks ago in
a move intended to curb further
spread of the deadly virus in
the country.
A riot however dampened the
mood and drew criticisms of
the measure after a 15-year-
old Shaki Kamara was killed in
the process. An investigation
has been endorsed by the
government in the matter.
The crisis in Liberia and three
other countries hit by the
outbreak has reached boiling
point with the World Health
Organization warning that the
virus could eventually infect
20,000 people and the actual
number of current cases may
already be two to four times
higher than reported, the World
Health Organization stated.
The United Nations Health
Agency released a road map
recently with its $490-million
US plan to try to contain the
outbreak in nine months.
In Liberia, the Ministry of
Health and Social Welfare has
warned that both the John F.
Kennedy Medical Center and
the ELWA isolation units have
reached their full capacity and
cannot admit any new patient
Latest statistics from Liberia
stated ELWA II currently
has drugs and supplies for a
very limited period, at most 5
days. There has been lack of
water supply at the JKF ETU.
It has been reported that some
samples are sent for laboratory
investigation without the
proper labeling. It has been
observed that some patients are
admitted to the ETUs without
the Case Investigation Forms
being flled.
Some ill patients in the ETUs
have had two consecutive
negative lab results, but there
is no alternative treatment site
to refer them. At least 700
persons have died from the
virus in Liberia so far.
Page 8 |
Monday, September 1, 2014
Hampering Commercial Activities, Businesses Losing

Monrovia -
ighting Ebola in Liberia, a country now recording increase
in the number of cases of the deadly virus is having a toll on
commercial activities in the Capital Monrovia with normal
business hours reduced and in some commercial areas,
businesses are perpetually shut down due to a curfew imposed by the
Government of Liberia ranging from 9:PM to 6:AM.
Its 9:30AM and stores are still closed in the commercial hub of the
Vai Town business district on the Bushrod Island, an area known for
having major importers of commodities such as rice, four, milk and
nearly all commodities as people travel from other parts of Monrovia
and the entire country to buy wholesale from importers in Vai Town.
In this busy business district, stores normally open at 8 am and
close at 6 pm or even operate till night hours as demands for goods
increase, especially during festive seasons, but since the introduction
of the curfew, store attendants who live far away on the outskirts of
the city, usually seen rushing as early as 5:00AM enabling them to
beat the early morning traffc and fght for vehicles to get to work at
7:30AM can no longer venture into the streets until at least 6:10AM.
At 4:30PM all stores in the Vai Town area are closing down and
people coming in are told it is time to go home, a signifcant reduction
in business hours, which is intended to enable store attendants make
their way home to beat the curfew. The new commercial schedule as
a consequence of the curfew means businesses now run about fve to
six hours, a huge reduction from the normal 10 to 11 hours or even
more business time.
Several other stores in the commercial area are perpetually closed
down, which some say is due to fear from store owners that they
do not want to interact with people to avoid contracting the Ebola
various and therefore prefer to stay out of business until the situation
is brought under control. In several communities outside Monrovia,
huge traffc congestion characterized by an acute shortage of
commercial vehicles means one has to take two hours or more to get
to work.
As further measures to fght the Ebola virus, taxis are now ordered
to carry only three passengers in the back, which until now used to
be four and in some instances people seen sitting on the others lap to
help due to lack of vehicles. Commercial buses, too, have reduced
the number of passengers transported at a time, thereby causing more
transport constraints.
Though the World Health organization has maintained that imposition
of curfew and quarantining communities are not some of the effective
ways to fght the Ebola virus, the Government of Liberia is continuing
the measure, preventing the movement of people which is also having
a tool for commercial activities. The major market, Waterside is shut
down due to the quarantining of West Point as hawkers and other
marketers who engage in the retail business can no longer buy from
Most businesses are complaining that they are losing money because
their employees are spending less time at work because they have
to leave early to get home. Even for some companies providing
transport for employees, the measure is hampering consumers. Even
the cellular companies are said to be taking a hit with Cellcom, Lone
Star and Novafone all reporting a dip in proft margins during the
Finance Minister Amara Konneh acknowledged recently that the
Ebola crisis will dampen the economy and could take a while to
recover. Said Minister Konneh: Weak domestic demand driven by
consumers fear and uncertainty over the length of this crisis will
certainly affect inventory and by extension trade volume, but these
are early days and we are working internally with all our colleagues
to calculate the extent of loss in this sector.
In Monrovia, residents said the Ebola emergency, and the fear
and suspicion it has generated, was disrupting daily life, affecting
everything from food prices and transport fare.
Bearing further imposition of the curfew, business analysts say
commercial activities could continue to stall and add more burden
to the countrys economy. The situation has been complicated as
the World Health Organization suggested last week that the crisis is
getting worse. The Center for Disease Control has also said the crisis
will get worse before coming under control.
This could point to more diffculty as many Liberians struggle to
provide for their families. As a result of the curfew some businesses
are said to be contemplating layoffs, meaning more people are set to
lose their jobs in the coming days due to lack of commercial activities.
The total number of cases stands at 3,069, with 40% occurring in the
past three weeks. "However, most cases are concentrated in only a
few localities," the WHO said.
The outbreak, the deadliest ever, has been centered in Guinea, Sierra
Leone and Liberia, with a handful of cases in Nigeria. The overall
fatality rate is 52%, the WHO said, ranging from 42% in Sierra Leone
to 66% in Guinea.
So far, 129 contacts have been listed, and the contact tracing team
has identifed 32 deaths (occurring over the period from July 29th to
August 24th) that are suspected of being Ebola. The team is working
to complete investigation forms for these deaths. Regionally, the
outbreak has killed 1,552 people, the World Health Organization said
The WHO is predicting that the Ebola outbreak in West Africa could
eventually infect more than 20,000 people - more than six times
as many doctors currently know about. The organization made the
statement Thursday, as it called for a global response to the spread
of the virus.
The United Nations health agency warned that it needed $490 million
to combat Ebola over the next six months as it set out a "roadmap"
for tackling the outbreak. The death toll has climbed to 1, 552 and
"continues to accelerate, the agency said.
West Point quarantine lifted
On Friday, Information Minister Lewis Brown announced that the
quarantine of the West Point Community has been lifted effective
6am on Saturday morning. The slum community was quarantined
a week and three days ago, a situation that has resulted in violent
clashes between state security forces and the residents.
Live bullets were fred and several persons sustained injuries with one
death so far, Shaki Kamara a boy who was shot in the leg and later
died while being treated at the Redemption Hospital.
It is not yet clear what was achieved by the government during the
period West Point was quarantined as residents say there was no
testing carried out in the community to know the status of many
whether positive or negative of the Ebola virus.
Quarantine is meant to avoid the movement of people in and out except
health care workers, but during the quarantined period, President
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and several others visited the community to
identify with the people after sea erosion led to the destruction of
Several politicians also visited the community which was quarantined
to prevent the spread of Ebola. West Point was quarantined days after
some residents looted an Ebola holding facility meant for suspected
Ebola patients taking away utensils used by these patients.
With the quarantine now lifted, business owners will be hoping that
the government can extend the curfew shut off to at least 12 midnight
to give businesses a window of opportunity to break even in what
some owners are suggesting is no doubt a challenging atmosphere
for business.
wo health practitioners who were
administered the experimental drug
Z-Mapp have been cured of Ebola and
released from the ELWA-2 Liberian-run
Ebola treatment center in Monrovia.
A Congolese doctor, Dr. Senga Omeonga who
contracted the deadly virus, from the St. Joseph
Catholic hospital and a Liberian Physician Assistant
who worked at the C. H. Rennie Hospital in Kakata,
Margibi County Kyndy Kobbah walked out of the
ELWA-2 Isolation unit Saturday, heralding their
remarkable recovery.
Early Treatment Key
Kobbah said she was in a critical state when she
came in to the hospital and was administered the
drug. But she admonished all Liberians to come
in for early treatment whenever they fell signs and
symptoms of the disease. Early treatment is one
of the things; report yourself early to the center;
thats one of the key things in the recovery stage,
she said.
You have to report yourself early to the center if
you start to experience any sign and symptom.
She dispelled rumors that people who are infected
the disease are given substances to cause their early
death and said while at the center some friends
and family members were spreading rumors to her
Liberian PA, Congolese Doctor Discharged After Receiving Miracle Ebola Drug
about what they thought was going on inside.
Let me tell the Liberian people, they dont spray
any body here with anything, she said.
They dont inject people; because people were
calling me while I was in there, asking me plenty
funning questions.
Kobbah was brought in with eleven health workers
from the C. H. Rennie hospital but ten of them died
and she is the only survivor.
The Congolese doctor, Dr. Omeaonga who
contracted the disease from the St. Joseph Catholic
Hospital while he attended to patients said he
would continue to work in Liberia and not leave the
country. His message to his family is that all is well.
I feel great, I thank God for coming back top life
and I fell well. I have to fnish my contract; Ill
continue to serve the country, said Dr. Senga.
Right now Im in recovery time, so as soon as I
fnish my recovery time, I will have to go back to
continue my work. Ill just tell them to thank God, I
thank them for all the prayers, and support and just
to let them know; to be calm and Im safe now of
the disease, Im cured.
Though Dr. Omeonga could not say the effect of
the experimental drug or if it added to his speedy
recovery he said it helped him.
I think I spent two and a half weeks there.
(Symptoms) fever, weakness, diarrhea. I was quite
stable before getting the drugs, he said.
I cannot say unless we have scientifc proof that
the Z-Mapp did what it did. I think it was a plus to
get the medicine.
President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf was excited to see
the two survivors of the deadly disease adding that
it is good news for Liberia.
This is good news, really, really good news. First
of all I just want to say to both of you, how happy
we are that you have survived this, she said during
a short ceremony Saturday at the entrance of the
ELWA-2 center and thanked the Congolese Doctor
for his service to Liberia.
Thank you particularly for coming to our country
and rendering service. Ive already sent your
president a note to thank him for all the doctors that
he sent here and the time that you have served us
also. I just thank you. At least now you can go back
home and join your family, and live your normal
life again after going through this terrible challenge
that you had.
More Patients Cured of Ebola
On Friday, six patients were released from the same
center. A woman and her two children who tested
positive for the deadly Ebola virus and her two
young children were reunited with their families.
Today I feel good coming out. I want to tell people
that when you are sick, come to the hospital, said
Ma JangaKanneh holding her one-year-four-month
old son who also contracted the virus but was now
cured from it.
Ive been here 21 days. I came here with my
husband, my husbands brother, with another
little girl plus my children and myself. I have two
children here. My children are Beyan Sheriff and
Arouna Sheriff. My husband passed away.
Kanneh was brought into the center with four other
members of her family including her one-year-four
months old and seven-year-old sons. Her husband
and brother-in-law died while they were all in
Dr. Jerry F. Brown chief medical director at the
ELWA hospital and a health worker serving patients
at the Ebola management center said Friday that he
is delighted to see people get well and leave the
Yes I do worry but one thing for sure, anything can
happen. For every person I see coming out of the
unit and smiling, I have the courage to go back.
Three health workers were administered the
experimental drug (the Congolese doctors and the
Physician Assistant). A third, Dr. Abraham Borbor,
Deputy Chief Medical Doctor at JFK died recently.
Wade C. L. Williams,

Monday, September 1, 2014 Page 9
Donates several items to West Point and ELWA Treatment Center
West Point Residents Cheer End of Quarantine
Wade C. L. Williams,
he quarantine imposed by the government of Liberia on
West Point has been lifted. The busy shopping district of
Waterside came alive, early Saturday morning as shop
owners for the frst time in ten days began to open their
stores again.
Residents of West Point have been hauled up in their homes and
were not allowed to leave their community. There were security
forces deployed in the area coupled with the nationwide curfew.
The quarantine came after the looting of an isolation center by some
residents of the community. Residents rejoiced as news reached them
about the turnaround by the government.
Even though I felt bad for what happened, but for God all things
are possible, said Willie Williamson a resident of the area who was
jubilating in the streets.
This shows we do not have Ebola in West Point. It is God that made
it possible today for us to be out, because they said 21 days to receive
the symptoms but God freed us on the 10th day. I give God the glory
for allowing us to see this wonderful day.
President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf quarantined West Point on August
20, 2014 after residents looted the M. V. Massaquoi School and set
suspected Ebola patients free.
An overwhelmed Olivia Roberts a resident of the community said she
was happy that the blockade had been lifted and she was happy that
she could now go back to doing her business.
Im just going to start from a root level now. Put me on TV, (dancing).
They told us that the road is open. Really I did not believe it when
they told me, she said.
We used to cry, no food, when our relatives bring food and we come
for it, it was just like when you crossing a border to go to another
country. That is how it was in West Point. Im over-happy today.
The government announced Friday night that it would lift the Ebola
quarantine on the large slum 10 days after it was imposed.
Residents of the neighborhood, West Point, will be free to move in
and out starting Saturday at 6 a.m., said Lewis Brown, information
minister. The army, which had pressed for the quarantine and took the
lead in enforcing it was removed from West Point. There was equally
no police presence in the area on Saturday.
Brown said the nationwide curfew, from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m., would
remain in place.
This was a tool intended to help the community to help themselves
and get the help they desperately need, Mr. Brown said in a
telephone interview. Were pleased with the way that the community
has owned up to this.
Bloody clashes between security forces and residents broke out as
the government tried to impose the quarantine while at the same time
evacuating the commissioner of the area and her family on August 20,
2014 the same day the quarantine was effected.
The clashes led to the shooting of a 15-year old boy, Sheaki Kamara
in the leg which led to his death that same day.
Kamara died at the Redemption hospital as a result of the wound he
Hospital sources confrmed gunshot wounds on Kamara and but the
Chief medical director at the hospital Dr. Mohamed Sankor said the
boy was brought in with two others from the riot scene.
He said the boy was bleeding profusely when he was brought in to
the hospital. Dr. Sankor confrmed hat the other two were discharged
Thursday Morning.
Kamara was buried by the government at the Islamic cemetery on the
Old Road in Sinkor.
Monrovia -
iberty Partys
Senatorial Candidate
Benjamin Sanvee and
2017 Presidential Hopeful Mr.
Benoni Urey donated several
food and assorted items to the
Ebola treatment Center at ELWA
and the quarantined West Point
The items included 30 cases
of Lucozade Energy drinks,
20 Cases of mixed fruit juices,
several packages of adult and
children pampers, 100 bags of
rice, and 105 cases of chicken.
Speaking to reporters both Mr.
Urey and Mr. Sanvee expressed
deep concern for the well being
of those affected by the deadly
Ebola virus. They also stressed
the need for the safety of health
workers who are on the front
lines battling the disease. They
both promised more support
for the fght and urged other
well meaning Liberians to put
away their differences and work
together during these diffcult
times in our nation.
Sanvee told FrontPageAfrica
that the gesture was a show of
concern for those affected by
the deadly virus and healthcare
workers at the frontline of the
epidemic. We also believe that
in this time of great trial for our
country, we all should come
together. I believe that this war
will only be won if we form a
united front and that's what has
brought Mr. Urey and myself
here today, Sanvee said.
Urey for his part said it is
important for every Liberian to
show concern during this critical
period. "During these diffcult
times, we must care for those
who are in dire need. I thank all
the doctors and health workers
who are risking their lives to save
others. We must come together as
a people to fght and combat this
virus. I believe that we will win
this battle and Liberia will rise
again. This is just a small token
in continuation of our efforts and
will do more."
Jerico Nagbe, a resident of West
Point hailed the gesture of Mr.
Urey and Mr. Sanvee which
came as a relief for residents in
the area." We thank Mr. Urey and
Mr. Sanvee for their visit here
today. We are in need and they
came to identify with us, so we
are grateful for the visit and the
assistance to our community."
Sanvee said the donation
was became necessary after
hearing cries of the residents
in the area. We heard of the
needs at the treatment center
at ELWA and West Point and
decided to intervene. It is also
in continuation of both of our
efforts to help in the fght against
Mr. Urey said the gesture is the
beginning of his outreach to
political fgures in our country as
he seeks to present a united front
against Ebola. We will continue
to fnd innovative ways on how
we can partner with others to
help our people. The reception
was great in west point. We were
alerted that food was the major
request from West Point and the
people were very grateful.
Residents of both West Point and
Dolos Town were quarantined
last week in a move intended to
curb further spread of the deadly
virus in the country. A riot last
week however dampened the
mood and drew criticisms of
the measure after a 15-year-
old Shaki Kamara was hurt in
the process. An investigation
has been sanctioned by the
government in the matter.
The crisis in Liberia and
countries hit by the outbreak
has reached boiling point with
the World Health Organization
warning Thursday that the virus
could eventually infect 20,000
people and the actual number
of current cases may already
be two to four times higher
than reported, the World Health
Organization says. The United
Nations health agency released
a road map on Thursday with
its $490-million US plan to try
to contain the outbreak in nine
In Liberia, the Ministry of Health
and Social Welfare has warned
that both the John F. Kennedy
Medical Center and the ELWA
isolation units have reached their
full capacity and cannot admit
any new patient
According to the latest site
analysis from Liberia: ELWA II
currently has drugs and supplies
for a very limited period, at most
5 days. There has been lack of
water supply at the JKF ETU.
It has been reported that some
samples are sent for laboratory
investigation without the proper
labeling. It has been observed
that some patients are admitted
to the ETUs without the Case
Investigation Forms being
flled. Some ill patients in the
ETUs have had two consecutive
negative lab results but there is
no alternative treatment site to
refer them.
At least 700 person have died
from the virus in Liberia so far.

Presents PPEs to Health Ministry
he National Oil
Company of Liberia
has presented a
consignment of
Personal Protective Equipment
(PPE) to the Ministry of Health
& Social Welfare to help the
Ministry in its fght against the
Ebola epidemic. Making the
presentation Friday, August
29, at NOCALs head offce
in Monrovia, the President
& CEO of the company, Dr.
Randolph A. K. W. McClain
said the donation was in
response to a request from the
Ministry for assistance to help
it contain the spread of the
Ebola virus in Liberia. The
gesture, Dr. McClain said was
also intended to identify with
the work of the Ebola Social
Mobilization Committee of
the Ministry of Health. The
NOCAL President hoped the
materials presented would be
used to protect health workers
and others who may be
involved in the effort to contain
the virus.
Receiving the items, the
Deputy Minister of Health for
Administration, Mr. Matthew
Flomo, expressed delight and
thanked the NOCAL Board,
Management and staff for the
contribution to the fght against
Ebola. The presentation, he
said, was being made at a
time when there is a dire need
to have more PPEs in the
various Ebola Treatment Units
(ETUs). It is a requirement,
Mr. Flomo noted, that each
nurse, midwife or Physician
Assistant attending to a patient
in the ETU wears a brand new
PPE, So it means that there is
continual need to have more
PPEs, he emphasized.
The Health & Social Welfare
offcial assured the NOCAL
management that transparency
and accountability would
be key in the usage of the
materials being presented to
combat the Ebola virus.
Items presented included
twohundred (200) pieces
of Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE), worth
over US$84,000.00 (Eighty
Four Thousand United States
Fridays presentation represents
another major contribution
NOCAL has made towards the
national effort to contain the
spread of the Ebola epidemic
in Liberia. Last week, NOCAL
contributed several materials
to a local Non-Governmental
Organization, Feed the Future
in its effort to support the fght
against Ebola.

Deputy Health Minister, Matthew Flomo receiving PPEs presented by NOCALs Randolph McClain
Page 10 |
Monday, September 1, 2014

Beijing -
hinas frst
Ebola drug has
recently obtained
approval from the General
Department of Logistics of
Chinese Peoples Liberation
Army (PLA) as a special
medication for the PLA.
The drug named JK-05 is
the countrys frst drug for
the treatment of the deadly
Ebola virus, and has been
developed by the Institute of
Microbiology Epidemiology
under Academy of Military
Medical Sciences.
The research team in the
institute, headed by Professor
Wang Hongquan, spent the
last fve years studying the
prevention and treatment
of the Ebola virus, the most
virulent viral diseases known
to humankind, according to
the World Health Organization
JK-05 is a micro-
molecular chemical, and its
pharmacological mechanism
is to selectively contain the
RNA polymerase of the Ebola
virus so as to inhibit virus
replication, said Professor
The drug JK-05 shows anti-
Ebola activity during cell
experiments and testing on
animals, according to Wangs
study. It has also completed
pre-clinical testing as well as
a clinical safety evaluation.
Wang stressed that the
application of JK-05 for Ebola
treatment is only allowed in
emergency situations at the
present time.
No Ebola cases have been
reported in China, but over
1,300 people in West Africa
have already lost their lives
to the virus. There is no
preventive vaccination or
effective drug yet.
candidate Ebola
vaccine is to be
given to healthy
volunteers in the UK,
The Gambia and Mali from as
early as September, as part of a
series of safety trials of potential
vaccines aimed at preventing
the disease that has killed more
than 1,400 people in the current
outbreak in West Africa.
Human trials of this candidate
vaccine, being co-developed
by the US National Institutes
of Health (NIH) and
GlaxoSmithKline, are to be
accelerated with funding from
an international consortium
in response to the Ebola
epidemic that the World Health
Organization has declared a
public health emergency of
international concern.
A 2.8 million grant from the
Wellcome Trust, the Medical
Research Council (MRC) and the
UK Department for International
Development (DFID) will allow
a team led by Professor Adrian
Hill, of the Jenner Institute at
the University of Oxford, to
start safety tests of the vaccine
alongside similar trials in the US
run by the National Institute of
Allergy and Infectious Diseases
(NIAID, a part of the NIH).
The phase 1 trials will begin as
soon as they receive ethical and
regulatory approvals, which will
be considered on an expedited
basis. If approvals are granted,
the UK research teams could
start vaccinating volunteers from
The consortium's funding
will also enable GSK to
begin manufacturing up to
approximately 10,000 additional
doses of the vaccine at the same
time as the initial clinical trials,
so that if the trials are successful,
stocks could be made available
immediately by GSK to the
WHO to create an emergency
immunization programme for
high risk communities.
The candidate vaccine is against
the Zaire species of Ebola,
which is the one circulating in
West Africa, and uses a single
Ebola virus protein to generate
an immune response. As it does
not contain infectious virus
material, it cannot cause a
person who is vaccinated to
become infected with Ebola.
Pre-clinical research by the NIH
and Okairos, a biotechnology
company acquired last year
by GSK, has indicated that it
provides promising protection
in non-human primates exposed
to Ebola without signifcant
adverse effects.
Safety trials with small groups
of healthy volunteers are now
required to ensure that the vaccine
does not cause unforeseen side
effects, and that it generates a
good immune response to Ebola
in humans, before it can be rolled
out to larger at-risk populations,
even on an experimental basis.
To accelerate these trials, the
NIH has generously agreed to
provide the NIAID/GSK Ebola
vaccine for safety studies led by
the Oxford team, which will run
in parallel to its own. Oxford's
Jenner Institute has extensive
experience of clinical trials of
similar vaccines, which they
have evaluated clinically for six
other diseases in Europe and
If the frst volunteers vaccinated
in the Oxford study show a
good response and no adverse
reactions, it will be extended
to volunteers at the MRC Unit
in The Gambia. A second West
African arm of the study, led
by Professor Myron M. Levine
of the Center for Vaccine
Development at the University
of Maryland School of Medicine,
and Professor Samba Sow of the
University of Maryland Center
for Vaccine Development in
Mali, will then begin in Bamako,
The Oxford study will involve
60 volunteers, while those in
The Gambia and Mali will each
involve 40. Each set of volunteers
will be split into groups of 20
that will receive different doses
of the vaccine so researchers can
evaluate the best dose to use in
terms of both safety and activity.
NIAID are testing this same
vaccine in the US, in addition to
a related vaccine that is designed
to protect against two Ebola
species (Ebola Zaire and Ebola
This collaborative multi-trial
approach will help ensure the
fastest possible progress to
determining the best candidate
vaccine approach and delivery.
The addition of West African
arms will also ensure that
the studies take account of
differences between European
and West African populations
that might affect safety or
immune response.
It is hoped that the phase 1 trials
might be fnished by the end of
2014, after which deployment of
the vaccine could be fast-tracked
should it prove to be safe and
Dr Moncef Slaoui, Chairman
of Global R&D and Vaccines
at GSK said: "Today's
announcement shows how
private and public partners can
pull together to respond to this
critical public health emergency.
Developing a new vaccine is
complex with no guarantees of
success and it's still early days
for our Ebola vaccine candidate.
But we are encouraged by
progress so far and will do the
best we can, along with WHO
and our partners, to speed up
development and explore ways
in which the vaccine could
contribute to the control of this
or future Ebola outbreaks."
Professor Adrian Hill, Director
of the Jenner Institute at the
University of Oxford said:
"The tragic events unfolding
in Africa demand an urgent
response. In recent years,
similar investigational vaccines
have safely immunized infants
and adults against a range of
diseases including malaria, HIV
and Hepatitis C. We, and all
our partners on this project, are
optimistic that this candidate
vaccine may prove useful against
Dr Jeremy Farrar, Director
of the Wellcome Trust, said:
"This epidemic has shown
how diffcult it can be to
control Ebola. How useful
drugs and vaccines might be in
complementing existing public
health interventions can only be
Unprecedented international consortium assembled to accelerate collaborative multi-site trials of candidate Ebola vaccine
he U.S. Agency
for International
Development (USAID)
is providing an
additional $5 million to help
combat the Ebola outbreak in
West Africa. The announcement
brings USAIDs commitment for
the Ebola response to nearly $19.6
million since the outbreak was frst
reported in March 2014.
Jeremy Konyndyk, Director of
USAIDs Offce of U.S. Foreign
Disaster Assistance, announced the
additional funding in Monrovia,
Liberia, during his three-day visit
with Dr. Tom Frieden, Director
of the U.S. Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC).
Konyndyk and Frieden arrived in
Monrovia on August 24 to assess
the impact of the Ebola outbreak
frst-hand, review response
activities, and discuss disease
prevention and treatment strategies
with Liberian offcials.
It will take a coordinated effort by
the entire international community
to contain the spread of Ebola,
said Konyndyk. The United
States is working closely with the
World Health Organization, the
governments of affected countries,
and other partners on the ground
to identify the greatest needs
and deploy critical resources to
affected areas.
assessed in epidemics. The initial
safety work we're announcing
today with our international
partners will hopefully make that
possible during this crisis and for
inevitable future epidemics."
Professor Umberto
D'Alessandro, Director of MRC
Unit, The Gambia, said: "Thanks
to the long term collaboration
between the MRC and the
Gambian Government's Ministry
of Health, we have the proven
capacity and expertise to carry
out trials to the highest quality
standards including trials for
vaccines similar to this one. This
trial won't beneft immediately
those currently at risk but we
hope that in a not too distant
future we may be able to protect
people against Ebola."
Professor Myron Levine,
Director of the University of
Maryland School of Medicine
Center for Vaccine Development,
said: "This is an extraordinary
effort of multiple groups working
together to bring a promising
early stage candidate Ebola
vaccine to feld tests in West
Africa in record time. On short
notice, the project partners have
contributed enormous energy,
time and resources to respond to
the Ebola disease calamity. If the
vaccine trials begin according to
schedule, a new paradigm will
have been established whereby
multiple agencies mobilize to
address a public health threat
by accelerating the preliminary
evaluation of a promising
potential public health tool."
International Development
Secretary, Justine Greening
said: "We are co-funding these
important clinical trials to fnd
a safe vaccine for Ebola as well
as providing critical care on
the ground. Britain is a world
leader in medical research and
mobilizing our unique strengths
to fnd a vaccine could be
pivotal to containing Ebola and
preventing future outbreaks."
The NIAID/GSK Ebola vaccine
candidate is based on an
attenuated strain of chimpanzee
cold virus, called chimp
adenovirus type 3 (ChAd3). The
adenovirus is used as a carrier,
or vector, to deliver benign
genetic material derived from
the Ebola virus Zaire species
that has caused the current Ebola
outbreak in West Africa. The
genetic material contained in the
investigational vaccine cannot
cause a vaccinated individual
to become infected with Ebola.
The vaccine candidate delivers
the Ebola genetic material
to human cells but does not
replicate further. Rather, it
allows the vaccine recipient's
cells to express a protein, and
that protein prompts an immune
response in the individual.
The Wellcome Trust is the
second-highest spending global
charitable foundation, dedicated
to achieving extraordinary
improvements in human and
animal health. We support bright
minds in biomedical research
and the medical humanities,
including public engagement,
education and the application of
research to improve health. We
are independent of both political
and commercial interests.
The Medical Research Council
Unit in The Gambia is the UK's
single largest investment in
medical research in a developing
country, and is internationally
recognized for its track record of
research into tropical infectious
diseases. Its success is based on
innovative lab-based research,
excellent clinical studies and
feld-oriented science, and
the translation of research
into clinical and public health
practice. The Unit's vision is to
lead scientifc research to save
lives and improve health across
the developing world. It aims to
deliver this through investment
in four major research themes:
Child Survival, Vaccinology,
Disease Control and Elimination,
and most recently Nutrition,
following the integration of the
International Nutrition Group
into the Unit to further enhance
investigations of the important
role of nutrition in each of the
research themes.
The Department for International
Development leads the UK's
work to end extreme poverty.
We're ending the need for aid
by creating jobs, unlocking the
potential of girls and women
and helping to save lives when
humanitarian emergencies hit.
GSK - one of the world's leading
research-based pharmaceutical
and healthcare companies - is
committed to improving the
quality of human life by enabling
people to do more, feel better
and live longer.
The University of Maryland
School of Medicine was
chartered in 1807 and is the
frst public medical school in
the United States and continues
today as an innovative leader
in accelerating innovation
and discovery in medicine.
The School of Medicine is the
founding school of the University
of Maryland and is an integral
part of the 11-campus University
System of Maryland. Located
on the University of Maryland's
Baltimore campus, the School
of Medicine works closely with
the University of Maryland
Medical Center to provide a
research-intensive, academic
and clinically based education.
With 43 academic departments,
centers and institutes and a
faculty of more than 3,000
physicians and research
scientists plus more than $400
million in extramural funding,
the School is regarded as one of
the leading biomedical research
institutions in the U.S. with
top-tier faculty and programs in
cancer, brain science, surgery
and transplantation, trauma and
emergency medicine, vaccine
development and human
genomics, among other centers
of excellence. The School is not
only concerned with the health
of the citizens of Maryland
and the nation, but also has a
global vision, with research and
treatment facilities in more than
30 countries around the world.

Monday, September 1, 2014 Page 11
ernando Torres has
completed his move
from Chelsea to
AC Milan on a two-
year loan deal after passing a
medical on Sunday, with the
two clubs having agreed terms
on Friday.
The Spain international has
endured a troubled career at
Stamford Bridge, struggling for
form following his then British
record-breaking 63 million
move from Liverpool, but will
now stay with the Rossoneri
until 2016.
Goal reported the San Siro
outft's interest earlier this
week, though there had been
fears that the deal could
collapse over the 30-year-old's
214,000-a-week wages, but
the two sides have worked hard
to reach an agreement.
ayern Munich
have announced
the signing
of Borussia
Monchengladbach youngster
Sinan Kurt for an undisclosed
The midfelder, 18, is yet
to feature in a frst-team
league match, but made 24
appearances in the Under-19
Bundesliga for Gladbach last
Kurt, a Germany Under-18
international, enjoyed a
prolifc 2013-14 campaign
netting 16 goals to help his
side to a sixth-placed fnish
and his efforts have earned
him a four-year deal with Pep
Guardiola's men.
PR striker Loic
Remy has signed
a four-year deal
with Chelsea after
the west Londoners met his
8.5 million buyout clause.
As revealed by Goal on
Friday, the Blues reignited
their interest in the France
international after reaching a
deal to loan Fernando Torres
to AC Milan.
Arsenal made a late move
to hijack Remy's move to
Chelsea, but soon dropped
their interest to pave the way
for the striker to move to
Stamford Bridge.

emale Boxer
Bintou Schmill
will fght on the
ring on* *26.September
2014 ,time 18.00 hour
in Stadthalle/ Saalbau
Frankfurt-Nied, in
African ladies are
otherwise known for other
things than Boxing, except
for this one who is changing
and making the story looks
different. Ms.Bintou Yawa
Schmill, 29 years young, a
totally black African breed
1.71m, Togo born and
based in Germany, started
her boxing career at a tender
age. Something she did as
an Amature has become a
success story. She wickedly
punched competitors,
Sterling shines on Balotelli debut
ario Balotelli
made a
promising debut
as Brendan
Rodgers celebrated his 100th
game in charge of Liverpool
with a 3-0 win at Tottenham.
Rodgers insisted in the build-
up to Sunday's fxture that
his club would not become
'the Balotelli show' but the
controversial striker went
straight into the starting line-
up at the expense of Philippe
Captain Steven Gerrard
also joked that the Italy
international had already made
an impact with his new team-
mates by changing the pre-
match music in the dressing
room and he certainly looked
at ease from the outset.
An early header almost gave
Balotelli a dream start and
he linked up well with fellow
forwards Raheem Sterling and
Daniel Sturridge for the hour
he was on to help Liverpool
bounce back from Monday's
3-1 defeat at Manchester City
and follow up last season's
5-0 and 4-0 victories over
Tottenham with another
emphatic Premier League
It was England starlet Sterling,
with Roy Hodgson watching
on from the White Hart Lane
stands ahead of the upcoming
double-header against Norway
and Switzerland, who put the
visitors on the road to victory
when fnishing off a neat early
Gerrard, who will not be
involved in England's matches
after recently calling time
on his international career,
doubled the lead from the
penalty spot four minutes into
the second half and Alberto
Moreno opened his account
for Liverpool in some style
as Tottenham fell to their
frst defeat under Mauricio
As well as bringing in
Balotelli, Liverpool also made
two changes in defence, with
Mamadou Sakho and Javier
Manquillo replacing Glen
Johnson and Martin Skrtel, but
Adam Lallana did not make
the squad despite travelling to
London after recovering from
Having shuffed his pack for
Thursday's Europa League
defeat of AEL, Pochettino
reverted to the same starting
line-up that crushed QPR last
Balotelli almost made a
sensational start when heading
on target from a Sturridge
cross after just two minutes,
but Hugo Lloris did well to
However, the visitors were
ahead fve minutes later when
Sterling sprinted in at the back
post to slot a low shot home
after good work from Jordan
Henderson and Sturridge.
Emmanuel Adebayor had a
chance to hit back immediately
when put through by Nabil
Bentaleb but his lob sailed
over both Simon Mignolet and
the crossbar.
Eric Dier had the home fans
on their feet when a crunching
tackle sent Balotelli sprawling,
while the striker attracted more
jeers when hooking wildly
wide of an open goal after a
poor clearance by Lloris, who
had raced out of his area.
At the other end, Mignolet
had to display strong hands
to keep out a ferocious Nacer
Chadli strike, but Liverpool
remained in front at the break.
The visitors were quick out of
the blocks again in the second
period and were awarded a
penalty when Dier pulled back
Joe Allen in the box, with
Gerrard taking full advantage
by striking frmly past Lloris
into the bottom-left corner of
the net.
Pochettino introduced
Andros Townsend and Mousa
Dembele but the hosts were
three down on 60 minutes
when Moreno dispossessed
the former and raced down
the left before cutting in to fre
past Lloris on the other side of
the goal.
Balotelli left the feld soon
after, to rapturous applause
from the away fans, and
Liverpool could have gone
further ahead when Sterling
waltzed through some woeful
defending before hitting his
shot tamely at Lloris.
Tottenham, who went into the
game on the back of wins over
West Ham and QPR, should
have had a late penalty as
Dejan Lovren was guilty of
grabbing Adebayor's shirt but
a goal would have provided
little consolation for the hosts.
messlessly and won 24
fghts ,and 2 draw in the
category welterweight
Her fngerprint show her
since 2007, to have been
a professional boxer with
unbeatable record of 4
fghts, 4wins in a package
including 3 K. O Her
case study is exceptional,
she has not only broken
the gender rule, shes
representing the African
continent in a Boxing ring ,
punching evil out the brains
of her competitors, Bintou
is the Lioness that roars and
the Lions make a way. Now
shes back on stage, live
and ready for a face2face
catch, one on one.
Any brave hearted out there
to sponsor and make a name
with Bintou? Bintou needs
you to make it happen
a man is a man because of
another man UBUNTU

see story on page 11 Sterling shines on Balotelli debut
Spot News FrontPage

Monrovia --
resident Ellen Johnson
Sirleaf has extended, by the
another month beginning
Monday, September 1,
2014, the stay-home order imposed
on all non-essential government
employees who have been away
since August 1st.
According to an Executive Mansion
release, this measure remains
necessary to decongest government
work places as efforts continue to
contain the spread of the Ebola virus
disease which is having devastating
consequences on the country.
The Liberian leader has assured
government employees affected by
the stay-home orders that they will
continue to receive their salaries
during the period of their absence
from work.
On Wednesday, July 30, President
Sirleaf, in a Special Statement to the
Nation on additional measures in the
fght against the Ebola virus disease,
announced that all non-essential staff
begin a 30-day compulsory leave;
noting the strategy was to contain the
spread, care for the afficted with the
goal of No New Cases.
In another development, President
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, on Friday,
August 29, held talks with offcials
of the Alliance for Peace and
Democracy (APD) at her Foreign
Ministry offce in Monrovia.
The APD requested the meeting to
discuss how they could be of help in
the national fght against the spread
of the deadly Ebola virus disease.
The APD offcials proposed a
Strategy for Rapid Tracing and
Tracking of Individuals, similar
to that used during civil war for the
distribution of relief materials to
various communities by the Special
Emergency Life Food Program.
As a way forward, the APD
recommended that the Chair of
the National Task Force mandates
the Ministry of Health and Social
Welfare (MOH&SW) to consider the
integration of community enumeration
and structure numbering strategy into
the Ebola virus transmission tracking
and tracing mechanism to enhance and
support ongoing efforts.
They also offered to provide technical
details of the strategy to the MOH&SW
and donor partners with whom they
can together identify and mobilize
national experience and expertise.
We also request that the MOH&SW,
in collaboration with all relevant
actors, ensures the integration and
implementation of the strategy into on-
going Ebola control efforts.
Responding, President Sirleaf
commended the APD for the national
thoughtfulness and stressed that all
hands were required on deck in the
effort to contain the further spread of
the disease.
She also informed the APD offcials
about the current structural arrangement
of the National Task Force, the
different interventions undertaken
and on-going to stop the spread of
the disease. The Task Force chaired
by me with partner organizations as
well as all local and international stakeholders with
membership is National Consultative Body, while the
actual activities involved with fghting the disease
is headed by the Incidence Management System
led by the MOH&SW with Assistant Minister of
Health for Preventive Services, Tolbert Nyenswah as
Coordinator, President Sirleaf said.
She pointed out that the Incidence Management
System is supported by a Task Force Secretariat
headed by Mr. Dorbor Jallah who handles the
logistical component and resources involved.
She pointed out that as a way of decentralizing the
structure, similar structures will be set up at the
county level for consistency, collaboration and
effciency. She welcomed the proposal of the APD
and promise to advance it to Task Force and Incidence
Management System for consideration.
Meanwhile, the Liberian leader instructed the lifting
on the quarantine of the Township of West Point on
Saturday, August 30.
President Sirleafs action is based on the advice of
authorities of the Ministry of Health and Social
Welfare as well as consultations with local and
international partners involved with efforts aimed
at containing the further spread of the deadly Ebola
virus disease.
She also indicated that residents cooperation and
support over the period heightened the decision to lift
the embargo on the Township of West Point.
On Tuesday, August 19, the Government of Liberia
announced that the communities of West Point in
Monrovia and Dolos Town in Margibi County
were quarantined effective Wednesday, August 20,
beginning at 6:00 p.m. The orders indicated that there
would be absolutely no movement in and out of the
two communities.

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