That Developing Nations Should Prohibit Relatives of Current or Former Politicians From Running For Political Office Issue/s: Definition

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That developing nations should prohibit relatives of current or former politicians

from running for political office

Issue/s: Whether or not prohibiting relatives from running for office will improve democratic
outcomes in terms of lowering corruption
Developing Countries: countries deemed developing based on GDP, education, economy, life expectancy
Relatives of current or former politicians: any direct family member of a politician who has held political
office, e.g. wife, son, husband
Running for Political Office: seeking election at federal or state level, any democratically elected position

Other measures to reduce corruption caused by abuse of power from people currently in office. These
issues are not inherently linked to family, their neighbour or friend could also be parachuted in to a
1. UN oversight of elections
2. Impartial and unbiased election commission
3. Laws regarding political spending and campaign donations
4. Public education about how to vote, democratic process etc.
5. Anti-gerrymandering
Aims to reduce corruption and improve democratic process without restricting the rights of relatives to
participate. In a free democratic society, there should be no discrimination based on anything, including
whom you are related to.
Stance: We believe that the best way to improve the democratic process in developing countries is by
fixing issues regarding corruption. The issues around relatives running for office also affect groups such
neighbours and friends, therefore banning family members would not fix the abuse of power by those
currently in office.

1.1 Responsibility of government to ensure democratic process
1.1.1 fair representation of the people
1.1.2 unbiased and transparent elections
1.1.3 Reduce power of current politicians
1.2 More democratic outcomes IRL
1.2.1 More decisions made that would benefit electorate
1.2.2 Greater representation
1.2.3 More engagement with politicians by public
1.2.4 Better relations with other countries
2.1 Right to run for political office
2.1.1 Democracy means anyone can run for office without being discriminated against
2.1.2 Fundamental principle of democracy (for the people by the people)
2.2 Empowers people to enter politics
2.2.1 People more likely to participate if transparent and not corrupt
2.2.2 Wives of politicans Pakistani Political Family and Hillary Clinton
2.2.3 Issues not limited to families: friends and neighbours could also be in power
under a corrupt system
Context/Scope: List of developing countries with good democracies and examples of dynasties

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