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Additional Information about

PrintMusic 2014 for Windows

PrintMusic 2014 Read Me, April 2014
Copyri!t " 2014, Ma#eMusic, Inc$
Congratuatons on your purchase of PrntMusc 2014 for Wndows!
IMPORTANT: Read ths document before you begn workng wth PrntMusc 2014 and prnt a
copy of t to keep wth your PrntMusc nformaton.
Ths e contans mportant nformaton about PrntMusc 2014 not ncuded n the User
Manua, as we as nformaton about convertng oder es nto the new verson's format.
Pease note that PrntMusc 2014 es cannot be opened n prevous versons of PrntMusc
wthout beng converted to a dherent format.
The Read Me contans the foowng sectons:
Runnng PrntMusc 2014
New Features n PrntMusc 2014
Interface Changes n PrntMusc 2014
You may aso vst for updated nformaton about PrntMusc and
nformaton on new reeases.
Runnin PrintMusic 2014
%ystem Re&uirements
Wndows Vsta/7/8 32-bt (64-bt compatbe). Inte Core 2 Duo or AMD Athon, Inte 3 or AMD
Athon II X2 or above preferred. 700MB hard drve space requred for software and user
DVD-ROM drve requred for dsc nstaaton or hgh-speed Internet connecton for downoad.
800x600 mnmum montor resouton, 1366x768 or hgher preferred. Mnmum 2GB RAM
(4GB or more recommended for optona use of VST sounds: more RAM = more avaabe
Optona: MIDI nput and/or payback devce. Prnter. Scanner. A soundcard (ncudng
DrectSound, MME, or ASIO drvers) s requred for payng VST sounds n Wndows.
Installin PrintMusic 2014
If any prevous verson of PrntMusc has been nstaed on the machne, PrntMusc 2014
recommends that you restart your computer and og on as System Admnstrator before
nstang. Ths w prevent erroneous font warnngs.
We recommend that you nsta PrntMusc, and any other software, when ogged n as
System Admnstrator.
If you encounter probems durng nstaaton, we recommend that you do the foowng:
1. Turn oh any programs runnng n the background. Vrus detectors can often prevent
PrntMusc from nstang necessary es and updatng the regstry. Rest assured,
your PrntMusc CD does not contan any vruses.
2. Press CTRL-SHIFT-ESC and cck on the Process tab. In the Processes Tab, cck on
"User Name" to sort the runnng programs by user ID name. Ths sts every process
that s runnng on the system.
3. Under the User Name coumn, ook at a of the processes ("Image Name") wth your
account name. Cck on each one, and then cck "End Process" and seect OK. Do ths
for every process assgned to your name except "taskmgr.exe", "exporer.exe", and
"System Ide Process."
4. Cose the Task Manager.
5. Check your system tray (ower-rght corner of the screen) for any runnng programs,
especay antvrus software, whch can nterfere wth proper nstaaton of programs.
Rght-cck each and choose Cose.
Aut!ori'in PrintMusic 2014
The rst tme you aunch PrntMusc, you w be prompted to authorze. To authorze a snge
copy of PrntMusc, cck Authorze Now to open the Authorzaton Wzard (or, choose (elp >
Aut!ori'e PrintMusic). Then foow the nstructons to authorze your copy of PrntMusc
va the Internet, phone, or ma. If you choose not to authorze, you w be prompted to do so
each tme you aunch PrntMusc. If you do not authorze wthn thrty days, prntng and
savng are dsabed unt you choose to authorze.
Note that the User/Authorzaton Codes are computer specc, and w ony work on the
gven computer nstaaton. Make sure that the Authorzaton Code s typed n usng capta
etters, and aso verfy that the correct sera number has been entered. Your copy of
PrntMusc can be authorzed on ony one computer at a tme, but, wth an Internet
connecton, authorzaton can be moved from one computer to another at w. Smpy
choose (elp > )eaut!ori'e PrintMusic to open up a free sot. Your copy of PrntMusc can
now be authorzed on a dherent computer. When you deauthorze, prntng and savng are
dsabed unt authorzaton has been restored.
If you make a change to the computer (such as repacng the hard drve or motherboard or
nstang a new operatng system), then you w need to re-authorze the nstaaton. If you
have aready nstaed and authorzed, you w need to contact Customer Support onne wth your sera number and the ocaton ID for the specc
nstaaton n queston. If the software s not "remndng" you to authorze when you run the
program, then the regstraton/authorzaton has been successfuy competed.
%tartin PrintMusic 2014 * )++s
Most appcatons (ncudng MakeMusc products) requre a set of es, the Mcrosoft
redstrbutabes, n order to work successfuy on your system. These redstrbutabe es are
normay aready present on most systems and are not generay ncuded n appcaton
setup/nsta scrpts. These es are constanty updated by Mcrosoft and are operatng-
system specc; ncudng these es n an appcaton nstaer coud resut n ncorrect es
beng added n your system and subsequent probems.

In rare cases these es may be mssng or out of date on your system. In ths case an error
w be reported when you start the program. Here are some exampes of the errors that
coud be reported:
If t!e ,les are missin$$$
'The dynamc nk brary MSVCP60.DLL coud not be found n the speced path...'
'The dynamc nk brary MSVCRT.DLL coud not be found n the speced path...'
If t!e ,les are out of date$$$
'The OCXTS.EXE e s nked to mssng export MFC42.DLL:6880.'
If you see one of these messages, vst for more nformaton regardng
these es and how to restore them.

-nline .ser Manual
For fu documentaton on how to use PrntMusc 2014, choose (elp > .ser Manual. If you
have an Internet connecton, PrntMusc opens the User Manua usng your defaut browser
and accesses the atest onne content from MakeMuscs servers. If you do not have an
Internet connecton, PrntMusc automatcay opens the oca verson of the User Manua that
was nstaed on your hard drve aongsde PrntMusc 2014. If you prefer to aways use the
oca verson of the User Manua, go to /dit > Preferences > 0olders and uncheck .se
-nline (elp W!en A1ailable.
)ownload and PrintMusic 2rial
PrntMusc 2014 s avaabe as a downoad from our webste. The tra verson s dentca to
the fu verson. After the 30-day tra perod, prntng and savng are dsabed. To purchase
the fu verson of PrntMusc, choose (elp > Purc!ase PrintMusic.
Contactin Customer %upport
For PrntMusc support, vst
Con1ertin PrintMusic 2011 3and earlier4 documents into PrintMusic 2014
PrntMusc 2014 has a dherent e format than earer versons, and converts oder es to
the new format when you open them n PrntMusc 2014. PrntMusc 2014 w open and
convert oder versons' documents, gvng them the defaut tte "UNTITLED.MUSX." We
recommend savng a newy converted document wth a dherent name than the orgna e,
keepng the oder unconverted e as a backup. If you do want to save the e usng the
same name, choose Save As from the Fe menu. PrntMusc Mantenance s run
automatcay to check for any errors whe openng od es.
Runnin older 1ersions of PrintMusic
PrntMusc 2011 (and earer versons) for Wndows or Mac cannot open any standard
PrntMusc 2014 e. To open a PrntMusc 2014 document n an earer verson, choose 0ile
> /5port > 2012 0inale 6otation 0ile (for Fnae 2012 products ony) or 0ile > /5port >
Music7M+ (a other versons).
6ew 0eatures in PrintMusic 2014
6ew ,le format$ Desgned to mprove compatbty, the new format for documents
created n PrntMusc heps you share your musc more easy. Oder documents are
automatcay converted when you open them, and you w be prompted to save the
e n the new format. You can aso export your document to the oder format for use
n Fnae 2012 products (use MuscXML for earer versons such as PrntMusc 2011).
Impro1ed instrument !andlin wit! %core Manaer$ PrntMusc ncudes a new
nstrument paradgm that estabshes a reatonshp between a attrbutes of score
nstruments, ncudng stah attrbutes and sound assgnments. As you add, remove,
reorder, or change nstruments, PrntMusc updates group brackets for nstrument
fames automatcay. Admnster compete contro over score nstruments n one
convenent, modeess wndow. Score Manager takes care of the detas - controng
how your staves ook and sound - so you dont have to. Easy change a ute stah to
a carnet stah. The Score Manager knows how a carnet stah transposes, ooks, and
sounds, so t makes a the necessary arrangements.
/asy playbac# sound assinment$ In addton to seectng sounds n the Score
Manager, you can aow PrntMusc to automatcay assgn sounds to your score
nstruments accordng to a prorty st that you specfy.
/asy !idden sta1es$ PrntMusc makes t easy to hde staves n your whoe score or
seected regons. For staves wthout musc, smpy choose Stah > Hde Empty Staves.
Addtonay, staves are now hdden usng a "coapse" method n whch other staves
are automatcay repostoned vertcay.
8eat*attac!ed %mart %!apes$ Smart Shapes that prevousy attached to measures
now attach to beats (n the same manner as expressons) wth nes showng the
attachment pont. Beat attachment aows a Smart Shape start or end pont to attach
to a partcuar note, beat, or rght barne. Ahected Smart Shapes ncude harpns,
trs and tr extensons, 8va/8vb (ottava/ottava bassa), horzonta brackets, and
nes. These Smart Shapes n oder documents converted to the 2014 format retan
ther orgna ocatons and are automatcay attached to the nearest beat.
Mid*measure clef c!anes$ You can now change cefs n a stah n the mdde of a
(idden #ey sinatures wit! accidentals$ You can now easy hde key sgnatures
and contnue to automatcay dspay accdentas per stah usng the Hde key
sgnature/Show accdentas opton.
%mart multi*layer accidental and rest !andlin$ Rests of the same duraton and
accdentas on unson notes n mutpe ayers now are dspayed ony once.
Accdentas n one ayer are aso carred through the measure for a other ayers
(these can optonay be dspayed n Stah Attrbutes).
Accessible te5t inserts$ You no onger need to venture nto a daog box to edt text
nserts (such as the tte, composer, or arranger). You can now edt them drecty n
the score ke a reguar text box. When you do so, the text nsert's denton s
updated respectvey. Undened text nserts do not prnt.
6ew 0inale +yrics 0ont$ Ths font mproves yrc spacng, and s the new defaut for
scores created wth the Document Setup Wzard.
Rane c!ec#in$ PrntMusc now aerts you when notes are outsde of an
nstrument's range.
Automatic transposition w!ile copyin$ Musc s now pasted nto the most
approprate octave when coped between nstruments of dherent regsters. Aso,
musc s transposed nto the most approprate regster when changng nstruments
wth the Score Manager.
Auto*numbered instruments$ Instruments n categorca sectons (Fute 1, Fute 2,
etc.) are now numbered automatcay when creatng new es. Ths feature can aso
be swtched oh.
9rap!ics tool impro1ements$ Mutpe changes to the Graphcs too make t more
versate. The seecton rectange s now movabe and reszabe and snaps to
grds/gudes, draggng can be constraned to scae by hodng SHIFT, and PDFs can be
mported as graphcs.
Auto*detect MI)I )e1ices$ PrntMusc now dentes externa MIDI devces as soon
as you pug them n. No setup requred!
.nicode %upport$ PrntMusc now recognzes and dspays Uncode font characters.
Impro1ements to openin ,les$ A readabe e types are dspayed n the Open
daog box. Addtonay, MuscXML es can now be dragged-and-dropped onto the
Fnae appcaton.
Wor#s!eets, repertoire, and manuscript paper$ Ten ttes of Cassroom
Repertore are provded, ncudng Bach Inventons, tradtona and hoday ttes, and
more. Two Musc Manuscrpt documents are ncuded as we. Prnt ether the grand
stah or generc exampe to have musc manuscrpt handy for note takng or
nspraton even when youre away from the computer.
Music7M+ :$0$ PrntMusc supports the atest MuscXML technoogy, ncudng
nstrument knowedge and Uncode.
Impro1ed %cannin;%mart%core +ite /n!ancements$ PrntMusc ncudes
SmartScore Lte verson X2, oherng mproved notaton recognton.
P)0 /5port$ Save your document, or a seected porton of t, as a PDF drecty from
Re1ert to last sa1ed 1ersion$ A new command n the Fe menu reverts the current
document to ts ast saved verson.
Auto*reco1ery$ Unsaved data s now recovered after a hang or system faure.
6ew met!od for PrintMusic updates$ At aunch, PrntMusc automatcay checks
for updates. Instead of requrng you to downoad and nsta the updates manuay
from the Fnae webste, PrntMusc now downoads and nstas the updates
Interface C!anes in PrintMusic 2014
Proram -ptions renamed$ To access the Preferences, choose Edt > Preferences.
+ead %!eet renamed$ To start a bank document, choose Fe > New > Defaut
0ile menu reorani'ation$ Severa Fe menu commands have been moved nto
new Import and Export submenus, and severa new commands have been added.
.nde,ned te5t inserts appearance$ Undened text nserts, such as those that
appear n the rst page header after nshng the Setup Wzard, are now gray n
coor, ndcatng they w not prnt. You can update these nserts drecty n the score
usng the Text too.
Consolidation of many sta<*related commands in new %core Manaer$ These
commands ncude optons prevousy found n the Instrument Lst, Stah Attrbutes
daog box, Fe > Fe Info, Stah > New Staves, Stah > Deete Staves,
and Stah> Reorder Staves. It aso adds the opton for Hde Key Sgnature & Show
/5ternal MI)I Instruments$ To assgn non-Genera MIDI sounds to score
nstruments, n the Score Manager, cck the drop-down arrow n a sot under
the Sound coumn and choose Edt Patch. (MIDI "nstruments" as dened n
PrntMusc 2011 and before, and accompanyng nstrument brares, are not avaabe
n PrntMusc 2014).
Manain =%2 plu*ins$ PrntMusc now uses an audo engne that automatcay
scans the audo pug-ns n the drectores you specfy when you aunch the program.
0ile .tilities palette remo1al$ Ths paette, whch dupcated commands avaabe
n PrntMusc's menus, have been removed to free up screen space.
Impro1ements to tool palettes, Mi5er and %croll =iew$ The too paettes and
Mxer have been updated for cearer contro. Stah names are fuy vsbe and reman
to the far eft when zoomng and scrong n Scro Vew.
Mic6otator remo1al$ Ths ncudes remova of the nput secton of the Audo
Setup daog box and ahects the varous note entry methods (Smpe Entry, Speedy
Entry, and HyperScrbe).
%upport for pree5istin ,les wit! #eyless #ey sinatures$ If a stah n a
document created n Fnae 2014 has a key sgnature set to keyess, ths w be
ndcated by an taczed "Keyless" n the Key Sgnature daog box.
-pen dialo bo5 display of All Readable 0iles$ By defaut, the Open daog box
now dspays a e types that PrntMusc can open.
Menu order uni,cation$ The order n whch menus dspay n PrntMusc has been
agned so that they appear dentca on Mac and Wndows.
Preset metronome clic# sound$ A unform sound has repaced the MIDI
channe/note optons for the metronome cck n the Cck and Countoh daog box.
C!anes to time sinature conte5t menus$ Common tme and cut tme have
been added to the Seecton too and Tme Sgnature too's context menus.
%end Patc!es 8efore Playbac# mo1ement$ Prevousy appearng n the
Instrument Lst wndow, the command "Send Patches to MIDI Devce on Payback"
now appears n the MIDI menu.
PrintMusic 2004 s!ortcut set remo1al$ Ths antquated opton for Smpe Entry
has been removed.
.nloc#in systems$ A new command for cearng system ocks, "Unock Systems",
appears n the Uttes menu.
For more information regarding specifc menu command changes, see PrintMusic
2014 Interface Changes in the ser Manual!

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