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Sr. No. 10
Function: Marine Engineering at Management Level
M.E.O. Class II
(Ti! allo"!# - $%o&rs'
I(#ia (2002' A)*!r(oo( +a,!r To*al Mar-s 100
NB : (1)Answer SIX Questions onl!
(")All Questions carr e#ual mar$s
(%)Neatness in &an'writing an' clarit in e()ression carries weig&tage
(*) Illustration o+ an Answer wit& clear s$etc&es , 'iagrams carries weig&tage!
1. The steam consumption of an engine is 18.9 Mg/h when the power developed is 1800kW, and !.!
Mg/h when the power is "000 kW. #tate Williams$ law for this engine and calculate the specific
steam consumption in kg/kWh when the power is !00 kW.
. %t a certain stage of a reaction tur&ine, the steam leaves the guide &lades at a velocit' of 1".! m/s, the
e(it angle &eing 0).The linear velocit' of the moving &lades is 8* m/s. %ssuming the channel
section of fi(ed and moving &lades to &e identical, and assuming ideal conditions, calculate +i, the
entrance angle of the moving &lades, +ii, the stage power per kg/s steam flow.
". The pressure and temperature of the air at the &eginning of compression in a single-state dou&le-
acting air compressor are 0-98 &ar and ./, the pressure ratio is ..!! and the inde( of compression
and e(pansion is 1.!. The stroke is 1. 0 c'linder diameter, clearance e1ual to !2 of the stroke, and
the compressor runs at 8 rev/s. 3f it takes air from the atmosphere at 1.01" &ar, 14/, at the rate of !
/min, calculate +3, the compressor power, +ii, volumetric efficienc', +iii, the dimensions of the
.. % /om&ined separating and throttling calorimeter was connected to a main steam pipe carr'ing steam
at 1! &ar and the following data recorded5
Mass of water collected in separator 6 0.!! kg
Mass of condensate after throttling 6 10 kg
7ress of steam in throttling calorimeter 6 1.1 &ar
Temperature of steam in throttling calorimeter 6 111/
Taking the specific heat of the throttled superheated steam as .0 k8/kg9, find the dr'ness fraction
of the main steam.
!. % :iesel engine working on the dual com&ustion c'cle has a stroke volume of 0.008. m
and a
compression ratio of 1! to 1. The fuel has a calorific value of 10 000 kcal/kg. %t the end of suction
the air is at 1 kgf/cm

and 90/. The ma(imum pressure in the c'cle is 4! kgf/cm

and air fuel ratio is

151. ;ind for the ideal c'cle +a, the thermal efficienc', +&, the mean effective pressure, and +c, the
fuel consumption per horse power hour. <eglect the fuel mass in the constan volume part of
%ssume /
6 0.1* and =69. kgf-m/kg 9.
4. 3n an ammonia refrigerating plant the discharge from the compressor is 1..* &ar 4"/, the refrigerant
leaves the condenser at this pressure as li1uid with no undercooling. The suction pressure at the
compressor is .0** &ar and compression is isentropic. /alculate, for a mass flow of refrigerant of
0.1! kg/s, +a, the refrigerating effect, +&, the work transfer in the compressor, +c, the coefficient of
*. #how that the slope of the constant pressure line through a point on the temperature entrop' diagram
for a perfect gas is proportional to the a&solute temperature at that point. What is the slope of a
constant-volume line through the same point >
0.". m
of a perfect gas at constant pressure of .8 kgf/cm

is heated from 100/ to "00/ and is

then cooled at constant volume to its initial temperature. /alculate the overall change of entrop'.
?iven /p 6 0.! and /
6 0.18.
8. The gravimetric anal'sis of a fuel oil show 84. per cent car&on and 1".8 percent h'drogen. 3f !0 per
cent e(cess air is supplied find the percentage anal'sis of the products +a, &' mass, and +&, &'
volume. %lso find with the aid of the values ta&led &elow, the change in internal energ' of 1 kg of the
products when cooled from 100/ to 900/. %tomic weights of car&on, o('gen, nitrogen, and
h'drogen are 1, 14,1. and 1 respectivel'. %ir contains ". per cent of o('gen &' mass.
9. 0.1 kg of fluid have a pressure of 1 &ar, a volume of 0.84 m
and a specific internal energ' of 00
k8/kg. %fter pol'tropic compression the pressure and volume of the fluid are 10 &ar and 0.01.4 m
respectivel', and the specific internal energ' is "40 k8/kg. :etermine +a, the inde( of compression +&,
the work re1uired for compression and +c, the 1uantit' of heat flow and its direction.

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