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MFGET 268 Manufacturing Methods I Lab

Pittsburg State University

Department of Engineering Technology
Manufacturing ET Program
(Prepared by: Jacob Lehman, 1/14/2013)

COURSE TITLE: MFGET 268-01, 02, 03, 04. Manufacturing Methods I Lab

COURSE SCHEDULE: 268-01 Monday 2:00-3:40 Room S125
268-02 Tuesday 2:00-3:40 Room S125
268-03 Wednesday 2:00-3:40 Room S125
268-04 Thursday 2:00-3:40 Room S125


Phil McNew CWI Jacob Lehman
Ph: 235-4381 Ph: 235-4363
Office: S124c KTC Office: S124b KTC
Email: Email:

Dr. Russell Rosmait
Ph: 235-4375
Office: S124d KTC


MFGET 268 Manufacturing Methods I Laboratory. 1 hour. (2 hours laboratory). Laboratory
experiences in manufacturing methods. Disassembly and fabrication problems and discussion on
the manufacturing process. Small team projects. Corequisite: MFGET 263 Manufacturing
Methods I


KALPAKJIAN. (2006). Manufacturing Engineering & Technology. Pearson. (Latest Edition)

ANSI Z87 approved Safety Glasses-Required
MFGET 268 Manufacturing Methods I Lab

Upon completion of this course the student should be able:
1. To function effectively as a productive member of a manufacturing team.

2. To calculate correct material strength, hardness, and machining properties.

3. To think critically and identify, evaluate and solve complex technical and non-technical

4. To understand the application of computers in manufacturing processes.



Week 1 Class Overview/Introduction
Week 2 Safety
Week 3 Non-Destructive Testing
Week 4 Precision Measurement
Week 5 Welding
Week 6 Metal Casting
Week 7 Metal Casting
Week 8 Metals, Materials, and Testing
Week 9 Rapid Prototyping
Week 10 Machine Production
Week 11 Machine Production
Week 12 Machine Production
Week 13 Machine Production
Week 14 CNC, Automated Machine Tools
Week 15 Plastics
Week 16 Finals Week (No class)

The Department of Engineering Technology is committed to a policy of educational equity. Accordingly, the
Department is committed to the support of all University policies on: 1) Equal Opportunity Policy, 2) Racial
Harassment Policy, 3) Sexual Harassment Policy, 4) Consenting Relationships Policy, 5) Nondiscrimination
Policy, 6) Policy on Prevention of Alcohol Abuse & Drug Use on Campus & in the Workplace. Copies of these
policies are available in the Departmental office (W223-KTC), through the PSU Equal Opportunity/Affirmative
Action Office or at the EOAA web site
Other academic information and policy is available through the Registrars Office at

MFGET 268 Manufacturing Methods I Lab

1. General areas of study and application:
a. Safety
b. Precision measurement
c. Material lay-out

2. Machine Tools
a. Lathe
b. Mill
c. Drill press

3. Welding and cutting
a. Shielded Metal Arc Welding
b. Oxy-fuel cutting and welding
c. Gas Metal Arc Welding
d. Flux Cored Arc Welding
e. Resistance Spot Welding
f. Submerged Arc Welding
g. Plasma Arc Cutting

4. CNC and Rapid Prototyping
a. Basic Programming
b. Software
c. Medium used
d. Applications

5. Plastics Processes
a. Injection Molding
b. Blow Molding
c. Thermoforming

6. Metalcasting
a. Foundry techniques
b. Casting procedures
c. Applications
d. Equipment

Evaluation and Grading:
Grades will be based on total number of points earned from in-class quizzes, homework
assignments, and attendance. There will be an in-class quiz for most lab days and student an
attendance signup sheet for days with no quiz. Grades will be posted on Canvas.
Grading Scale:
100%---90% = A
89%----80% = B
79%----70% = C
69%----60% = D
59%--------0 = F

1. The instructors reserves the right to revise/edit the evaluation criteria and assignment
topics or categories, the number of assignments and/or their weight.
2. None of the course work grades or scores will be dropped. All test, quiz or written
scores will be included in your final class grade.
3. Schedule your doctor, dentist, lawyer, or court appointments so as not to conflict with the
class schedule. This class meets for only one time a week. This is a small amount of
time, for you, to set-aside from other appointments, so plan accordingly.
4. Do not plan on beginning Fall Break, Thanksgiving Break, Spring Break or Semester
Break early. This will not be an acceptable excused absence. Any class work missed will
not be allowed to be made-up.
5. Absolutely no class work will be accepted at a later time/date than assigned. With such a
large class it is imperative that assignments be handed in, when due, to facilitate record
6. In many cases verbal instructions and or assignments will be made in class. These
instructions are as valid as written instructions.
MFGET 268 Manufacturing Methods I Lab
7. If you are absent the date an assignment is due without handing in the item, you will
receive no credit and a grade of zero and/or F. Assignments are given a deadline.
This deadline is the last date an assignment can be handed-in. By all means, hand your
assignments in early, this may avoid you receiving no credit. Absolutely no late
assignments or coursework will be accepted.
8. If you are absent the day an assignment is given, this does not allow you a different
date/time for you to hand-in the assignment. Check with the instructor as to class
assignments when you are absent and do not wait until the next class meeting to do
9. If you are absent the day of a quiz, test, or lab assignment, you will receive a score of
zero, a letter grade of F and no credit for the item.
10. You are mature University students. All work that you do for this class should be of
professional quality. Seldom will a Yes or No answer suffice. Do not hand in
mediocre work and expect a passing grade. Explain all answers as if telling them to an
inexperienced employee. Read all instructions carefully and use them as a guide,
however, if you feel additional information will help answer an item, please add this. On
Internet assignments we expect full explanations of all answers. Seldom will one or two
words accomplish this. Make sure to print the required printed pages.
11. We do not and will not curve tests or assignment scores. There is no extra credit or
extra work; you can do, to improve a bad score. Be prepared for tests, hand-in your
assignments, and attend class then you wont need extra.
12. Any plagiarism by a student of anothers work, will result in the guilty student being
dropped from the course and receiving a final class grade of an F.
Any student assisting in cheating in class, will also be dropped from the class and
given a final class grade of F. If you sign a sign-up sheet for someone other
than yourself, you will be dropped from the class and receive a grade of F.
13. Do not slip assignments under our office door or have someone hand an assignment in for
you. If you do not hand in your assignment in personally, to the Instructor, it should be
placed in their mailbox, which is located in the Engineering Technology Department
Office, located in room W223 of the Kansas Technology Center.
14. Please secure your book-bag and personal belongings during class. We may move from
one classroom to a lab, so make sure there is not a chance that items may be stolen. The
Instructor is not responsible for your personal items or book bag.
15. The Kansas Technology Center is a smoke free, tobacco free facility, by Kansas state law.
16. Please turn off your cell phone, PDA, MP3 player, pager, Smart phone, iPod, or any
related items, during class. Do Not accept cell phone calls during class. This practice is
disruptive to the class and your colleagues. You will have time after class or during
breaks, to make and return all calls.
17. Do not attempt to use laboratory equipment unless authorized to do so by the instructor.
18. Any damaged tools or laboratory equipment must be reported to the instructor
19. All assignments to be handed in, should be word-processed, spell checked, and printed
using 12 font size. Your name should appear on each page.
20. Please for your own financial well-being, do not park in the Visitors section of the KTC
parking lot. These spaces are for people such as our guest speakers and will possibly cost
you, if the University Police write you a ticket.
21. If you have any medical condition, that may be an issue during this class, advise the
Instructors the first day of this class.
22. If you bring a laptop to class, limit its use to taking class notes.
MFGET 268 Manufacturing Methods I Lab

Signature Page:
This page is a record, for the Instructors that each student has read
and understands the requirements for this class, set forth by the
attached course syllabus. If you, the student, do not wish to sign this
page, you will need to drop this class.

Students printed name:________________________

Student signature date PSU student identification #

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