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Consumer Motivation

All the people usually have need, this needs helps the martketing sector to
increase their income, the Company depends in how the ability of the market place
identify and satisfy the empty need of the consumer and this has to happen before
and better tan another Company goes and steal your consumers.
Some consumer shop because they are with tensin in the work or in the house,
this crate that the consumer feel empty or they want to put energy in something
else like shopping, there are some kind of persons that put some goals amd this
goals depends on how they act.
There are 2 kinds of needs, the first one is the innate needs this are the typical
needs that you have during the day, like food, water, clothes, and sex. This needs
are considered primary needs, the second one is the acquired needs this one is
the one you learn over the years and involve your culture and the enviroment
around you, the acquired needs makes you want power and prestige this are
usually considered secondary needs.
Every person has goals, and every goal you put to yourself are cretaed by
motivated behavior, you set goals and you do everything you can to achieve them,
you select your goals in base of your needs, this needs can be positive or negative.
The needs depends with the goals and the goals depends with the needs. The
needs are never fully satisfied, all the people always wants more, when they get
something they want, they search for something else, the needs usually changes in
base of your age, like when youre 6 the only thing you want are toys and barbies
but when you have 18 you want money so you can go out with your friends.
When you want something but you failed you search for something else to replace
that, you get frustrated because you didnt achieve your goal and you put barriers,
this barriers can be personal, physical o social enviroment, you use defense
mechanism to protect yourself, you can be agressive or you can dream.
You are always searching for more than one need and you alway want more goals,
the maslows hierachy explain to us that there are 5 levels of human needs, the
first one are the phyical needs, the second one are the safety needs, the third one
social needs, the fourth one esteem needs and the fifth one are the self
actualisation needs.

When the world cup was approaching my mom and i went to Liverpool to buy a gift
to my cousin, when we were there we saw that there were many offers on shirts
for men, so we decided to buy the gift of the fathers day, we bought 2 shirts for my
dad and one to my brother, then the lady say to us that if we bought more than a
certain amount of money we can choose some presents more cheaper tan before,
so we bought a cooler, a game of darts and a goal, the cooler was fine because we
can use that everyday, the game of darts also was good because we can put it
anywhere, but the goal, we didnt know why we bought that because no one in the
house plays soccer, so we bought the goal just because they say to us that it was
going to be cheaper, it was a risky purchase, we bought that just because. So i
think this is the type of case we talk about in the class that our needs are never
fulfill no matter what we buy.

In this chapter i learn that no matter what your needs are they are never going to
be satified you are always going to search for more needs and goals, and you will
want to fill that.

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