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Christian Service Study Guide


Chapter 1: Gods Call to Service

1. What method does God employ for the salvation of men and women?
2. For what reason did Jesus send out the twelve and the seventy-two? What lessons did He want them to
3. Read Matthew 5:14-16. Why does God want us to have a relationship with others, both within the
church and without?
4. Are women, as well as men, called to engage in missionary work? Do they have any advantages over
men? What qualities of character are needed in women who work for God?

Chapter 2: The Call to Young People

1. What is Gods purpose for the youth of the church? How are they to be educated to fill the places that
God has for them in His work? What result does God anticipate from the contribution of young people
to His plan of salvation?
2. How are ministers, members, and parents to care for and train their children?
3. As a young person, what would be most beneficial to you in your training for soul winning? As an adult,
what role can you play in training and preparing children and youth for soul winning?

Chapter 3: Conditions among Gods People

1. Read Judges 4:17-22. Jael personally took matters into her own hands and killed the Canaanite
commander Sisera. Why was Jael blessed?
2. What two events must take place through the work of the Holy Spirit in order for church members to be
ready for the testing time and for the Second Coming of Christ? What is the difference between these
two events? What results from each?
3. What is the meaning of the vision of people picking berries? How does this dream relate to conditions in
the church? When your are called to accountability by God, will you have failed in your job as these
indolent workers did or will you have used your time and talents as He intended?

Chapter 4: World Conditions Facing the Christian Worker

1. What conditions are setting the stage for the last great scenes in earths drama? What are these scenes?
What is the final act in earths history? What follows this last act?
2. Read 1 Kings 1819. What conditions did Elijah face in Israel? What lessons can we draw from his
experiences of discouragement and apparent defeat? What similar conditions do we face?
3. As in Elijahs experience, unknown thousands have not taken sides with the enemy. How can we
become acquainted with these people?

Chapter 5: The Church a Training Center

1. What can we learn from Paul and Barnabass training of Timothy? What qualities should be exhibited
by those selected to do training?
2. In the vision of the white cloth, why did the seamstress protest? What response was made to her? What
lesson is this vision to teach?
3. Discuss the similarities between training soldiers for the military and training church members for Gods
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Christian Service Study Guide
Chapter 6: Students to Do Missionary Work While in Training

1. How is true education defined? Summarize the objectives and benefits of a God-centered education?
2. What can students and teachers do when their school is not in session? Who should provide leadership?
3. Students who have vocal and instrumental talents are important to missionary work. What will be the
effect of their music?

Chapter 7: Cooperation of Ministers and Laymen

1. What are the principal duties of the minister?
2. Several illustrations are offered to clarify the relationship of the minister and his parishioners: the
foreman and the laborers, the captain and his crew, and the mill owner and his superintendent. How do
these examples illustrate the respective positions of the minister and the members of the church?
3. How did Paul feel about those converted through his labors? In what ways did he encourage new
converts to work effectively for God?
4. If you are a minister, what can you do to enable lay members to do their share of the gospel work? If
you are a lay person, how can you better assist your pastor or evangelist?

Chapter 8: Organizing Christian Forces

1. Why is organization essential to the church?
2. How is gospel work to be organized in small churches? How should it be organized in large churches?
Who is to be involved?
3. Read Exodus 18:13-27. Moses early organization of Israel is offered as a model for the church. From
whom did Moses receive his organizational ideas? What are other examples in Scripture of order and
discipline? What lessons can we learn from these examples?

Chapter 9: The Call to Awaken and Act

1. Aside from the nearness of the Second Coming, what are reasons why we are called to spread the
2. It is not enough for Christians to stop sinning, they must also do acts of charity and show self-denial and
humility. What are some ways in which you can grow in these virtues?
3. Even though the church is growing rapidly, it is still not growing as quickly as it might. Why is this?
What will help to increase church growth?

Chapter 10: Methods

1. What is the gospel? To whom are you called to give it?
2. What was Christs method of soul winning?
3. There is a need for developing personal relationships as we share the gospel. How might you draw
closer to your family, friends, and those around you and influence them for Jesus?
4. Give examples of unselfish love in your community. How might you relieve the physical needs of
those around you?

Chapter 11: Medical Missionary Work

1. What pattern did Christ follow in healing and preaching? Why should healing ministry come before
presenting the gospel? Does this mean that healing is more important than preaching? What is the
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Christian Service Study Guide
relationship between the gospel and health ministries?
2. What is the purpose of hospitals, health restaurants, and cooking schools? In what ways are they to be
connected? What can they accomplish for God?
3. What ministry objectives can be achieved with cooking schools? Are there opportunities for you in your
community to participate in a cooking school?

Chapter 12: Bible Evangelism

1. Read Acts 8:26-39. How does Philips experience with the Ethiopian exemplify the work that God calls
us to do?
2. What methods will contribute to success in Bible evangelism?
3. What benefits will you receive as you open the Word to others?

Chapter 13: Ministry of the Printed Page

1. Describe the large role that publishing facilities and the circulation of literature should have in giving the
three angels messages. What effects will Seventh-day Adventist publications have on people?
2. What are some ways that the printing and distribution of low-cost tracts be funded?
3. What is the primary work of literature evangelists?
4. Read Matthew 14:13-21. How does the feeding of the five thousand relate to the distribution of
literature? What principle of economy should be practiced?

Chapter 14: Religious Liberty

1. Discuss the future events enumerated in this chapter. How will every person be tested?
2. Terrible as it is, persecution can be a blessing for Gods work. In what ways?
3. What threefold union will ultimately trample the rights of conscience? What will be the final act in this
rebellion against Gods law?
4. What assurances do you have of divine protection during the final crisis?

Chapter 15: Harvest Ingathering

1. What financial issue perplexed our pioneers? How did Harvest Ingathering help to solve it? In what
other ways was it a success?
2. Increasingly, many church members give from their own incomes rather than asking others for
donations. While they often give liberally, how does this prevent Ingathering from fulfilling its
evangelistic purpose? What are important reasons for soliciting unbelievers?
3. Read Mark 12:41-44. What did Jesus say was the impact of the widow who gave her last two coins to
support Gods work?

Chapter 16: The Church Expansion Movement

1. It is generally not Gods plan for Adventists to congregate in large communities. What should be a
primary consideration in relocating our homes and families to a new area?
2. Read Genesis 12:1-9; 13:1-4; Acts 7:1-8; Hebrews 11:8-10. Abraham fulfilled Gods plan by leaving
everything behind and going to the Promised Land. How is God testing us? Is He calling you as He did
3. If lay members will do what they are able for God, even in the face of objectionable and disheartening
conditions, what will be the result?
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Christian Service Study Guide

Chapter 17: Christian Help Work

1. What is our duty as Christians in this world? How are our characters tested and proved by Gods
2. What are the two great principles of Gods law? How are these principles illustrated in the parable of the
Good Samaritan?
3. To help the wounded Jew, the Samaritan inconvenienced himself in several ways. He also took a
significant risk of being mugged and robbed. How far are you willing to extend yourself to help
someone in need?

Chapter 18: The Camp Meeting an Aid in Christian Service

1. In what way is camp meeting important to Christian service?
2. What emphasis is to increase as we get closer to the end of earths history?
3. What blessings do you and your family miss when you do not attend camp meeting?

Chapter 19: The Home-Foreign Field

1. God is as interested in mission work within ones own homeland as in foreign fields. Identify the great
cities in your country that need missionary work. Become acquainted with outreach activities in your
city or one near you. What can you contribute to one or more of these projects?
2. People of minority backgrounds often migrate to cities. What role does God play in guiding people to
specific locations? For what purpose does He do this?
3. Is there prejudice toward foreigners within your land? What can you do to encourage compassion and
love for these people?

Chapter 20: Reaching the Wealthy and Influential

1. What character traits should be evident in those who work for the salvation of the higher classes?
2. What kinds of responses and results can be expected when working with people of wealth and
3. Are you gifted to take the gospel message to people of importance? Is God calling you to this special

Chapter 21: The Home a Missionary Training Center

1. In what way is the work of the parent who stays home with the children compared to a foreign
2. How can children be involved in the spiritual and physical duties of the home?
3. Abrahams worship provides a model for family worship. What was the result of his influence? How
important is family worship? What are ways that you can make morning or evening worship more
interesting? What impact can family worship have on children?

Chapter 22: The Prayer and Missionary Meeting

1. Heaven takes a special interest in our devotional experience and prayer life. Why is this? What results
will be seen from communion with God?
2. What are some ways to interest young people in attending religious meetings?
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Christian Service Study Guide
3. Some neglect prayer and religious meetings so they will have more time for their business or social
affairs. Give some ways that you can put God first in your interaction with business associates,
customers, and acquaintances.

Chapter 23: Miscellaneous Lines of Missionary Work

1. Angels are sent to care for Gods children who are physically blind. Discuss how God regards the
prayers of those who neglect the physically disabled.
2. Why are orphans often neglected? How are they regarded by God? Describe how God expects us to care
for them.
3. How does God regard people of color? How does God regard those who degrade others through slavery
and discrimination? What kinds of ethnic and national prejudice must we work to end? What are some
ways that Christians can break down racial prejudice?
4. How comprehensive are heavens records of human acts of service? Who keeps these records? What
kind of records are you compiling in heaven?

Chapter 24: Qualifications for Successful Christian Service

1. In light of Ecclesiastes 9:10, how strenuous should our efforts be in service to Christ?
2. Order and thoroughness are important to God. In what ways can we improve our effectiveness in serving
Christ? What are some deficiencies you need to overcome in order to work more effectively in Christian
3. At times Christian workers experience failure. How are we to respond to these experiences?

Chapter 25: The Holy Spirit

1. What evangelistic results can we expect through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit? Is God reluctant to
give us the Holy Spirit? If not, why is there often little evidence of His power in the church?
2. In spite of Christs promise that the Holy Spirit will be with us until the end, what is often the attitude of
Gods people toward the Spirit?
3. For how long has the Holy Spirit been working in human lives and events? Compare biblical examples
of the Holy Spirits work with what God is doing for the contemporary church?

Chapter 26: Assurance of Success

1. What is Gods part in making our service for Him a success?
2. What is the role of angels in Christian service?
3. What fundamental motive will make our missionary work fruitful? What other characteristics are
important in working with God?

Chapter 27: Reward of Service

1. Read Malachi 3:16-18. On what does God base our reward? What encouragement do we have that our
service is appreciated by God and that our reward is just and certain? What is our priceless reward for
service to Christ?
2. Read Mark 10:28-30. During our earthly life, what rewards can we expect for our service?
3. What quality does time and hardship develop in our characters? What will this quality enable us to
endure until we receive our eternal reward?

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