SPM Trial Paper 2013

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SULIT 21 1119/2

1119/2 2013 [Lihat halaman sebelah

[15 marks]
[Time suggested: 25 minutes]

1 From the headline above, we know that flights in Europe have been
A disturbed

B interrupted

C suspended

D disordered

Birth and Death rated of Bandar Bentong 2008-2013(Total population of 300 000
in 2013)

Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Death rate
(per 1000
10 10 7 6 6 6
Birth rate
(per 1000)
30 35 38 42 41 43

2 Which statement best describes the death and birth rates of Bandar Bentong
A The birth and death rates increased consistently

B The birth rate fell sharply while the death rate increased slowly

C Both rates showed a consistent stable pattern from 2008- 2013

D 2008 recorded the highest difference between the number of death and births

VOLCANO eruption Iceland disrupts air
travel in Europe
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3 This program is held to
A encourage closer community ties

B unite people from various sectors

C give an opportunity for cyclists to compete

D promote cycling as a new form of exercise

4 Which of the following about this web page is true?
Within seconds, you would have done the greatest favour in life! Donate
RM20 and save wild tigers around the world as they are desperate for help. They
could be extinct in less than 20 years. The loss of habitat due to human population
and poaching has driven the tigers to the brink of extinction
Just click to participate:
Sign up to save the tigers
The Sports Focus Company will be holding a Charity
Cycling Programme at 6.00am. on 27 August. All cyclists
from the private sectors, government agencies and schools
are welcomed to participate.
This event is held is to encourage people to lead a
healthier lifestyle and to promote good neighbourliness
among the residents of Bentong. We hope that this sport
which is already known to most people will set off for then
to exercise.
Log on to www.charitycycling.com.my to participate
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A People need to give help to the tigers

B Tigers are already extinct in 20 years time

C Anybody can help the tigers by clicking online

D The growth of human population has caused the loss of habitat

5 What does the sign above mean?

A Cyclists can park here

B Only the manager can park here

C The parking lot is reserved for VIPs

D The parking lot is reserved for the handicapped

Question 6 & 7

6 It is suggested that one way of solving gangsterism in schools is to

A teach the problematic students

B expel the students who give problems

C counsel the difficult and problematic students

D call the parents and give a warning letter


Dear Sir,
Gangsterism In School
I am so worry at the sudden increase in violence and indiscipline in school. This has
received wide coverage in the local press. Malaysias top leaders are urging the
school authorities to address this problem. I would like to suggest that these
students should see the counselor more often to encounter the problem.

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7 The expression has received wide coverage in the local press tells us that the

A have been reported about in the newspapers

B are broadcasted on television

C were spreading in school

D have been written about

8 From this report, we know that

A two gunmen shot and killed two money changers

B two money changers were robbed at the airport

C the gunmen escaped without the money

D the money changers shot the gunmen

Question 9- 15 are based on the following passage. Choose the best answer to fill in each
When I was teenager, I decided to become a famous shadow puppeteer, said
Suchart Subsin, a self- taught master of the shadow puppet craft, or nang talung, in
Thailand. He has __________ (9) before the King of Thailand and to audiences in
Germany, Holland, Indian and Japan, and received many awards for his mastery and
_________(10) of the art.
Nang talung performances are based on the stories from Ramakien, the _________
(11) version of the Indian epic Ramayana. The epic is one of the major texts in the Hindu
religion, portraying the duties _________ (12) relationships. It had been used to
__________ (13) important Thai values to the changing society.
The nang talung is now considered a _______________(14) art form in modern day
Thailand. Suchart, however, has adapted to the times by infusing the traditional stories
Gunmen ambush money changers
SEPANG, Malaysia- There was a lot of commotion at
the KLIA ( Kuala Lumpur International Airport)
yesterday morning, when four gunmen opened fire
on two money changers before escaping with
almost RM5 million

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9. A perform

B performed

C performs

D performing

10 A reservation

B conservation

C preservation

D preservative

11 A Thai

B Thailand

C Thais

D Thailands

12 A on

B for

C from

D in

13 A transfer

B transit

C transmit

D transport

14 A dying
with present day storylines, humour and prop such as airplanes and mobile phones.
What makes Suchart unique is that he is not only performs superbly
___________(15) also makes the intricately designed puppets himself. He makes
puppets mainly from cow skin though he has used tiger and bear skin in the past
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B dead

C died

D death

15 A however

B but

C and

D yet

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[10 marks]
[Time suggested: 25 minutes]
Questions 16-25

Read the following descriptions and answer the questions that follow.

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Question 16-20
Using the information from the brochure, write short answers in the space provided

16 Organiser:
______________ [1 mark]

17 Duration: 19 Venues:
______________ [1 mark] _________ [1 mark]

18 Dates: 20 Times:
___________ [ 1mark] __________[1 mark]

21 If a couple wants to capture the magic moments of their wedding, which offer should
they choose?
____________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

22 What is the benefit for couples who want to go for a honeymoon?

_____________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

23 What are the items that a bride would especially be interested in the exhibition?

_____________________________________________________________ [1mark]

24 What items that a visitor can hope to get free of charge?

_____________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

25 What should a person do to inquire about the Bridal Fair Special?

_____________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

SULIT 21 1119/2
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Section c

[25 marks]

[Time suggested: 50 minutes]

Questions 26-31 are based on the following passage.








Internet identify theft entails stealing of confidential documents, such as receipt and
tax returns, from peoples personal computers without their knowledge. Internet identity
thieves hack into personal information, such as browser history, temporary internet files
and passwords, which are stored deep within individuals hard drives, and recreate
confidential information by uploading malware onto individuals computers through
emails, unsecured websites, downloads and unknown links. Malware is actually any
malicious software that is designed to infiltrate, destroy or damage a computer system.
It includes viruses, Trojan horses, worms, root-kits, backdoor, spyware, adware and
crime ware
Thus, it is important for computer users to know what these malware subtypes are
and take steps to protect themselves. Foremost among them are the viruses. These are
basically computer programmes that can replicate themselves and infect a computer
without the owners consent. They attack files, specific systems areas and a network
routers hard drive. They are mainly spread through emails, attachments and unsecured
websites, deliberately to damage computer files and to infect other computers.
Trojan horses, the second subtype, are programmes the hide viruses and other
malware subtypes. They are caught when downloading free software or email
attachments, and look like legitimate computer programmes, but are very damaging.
Next are the worms, a certain type of virus. They spread through self-replication,
using networks to send copies of themselves to other computers. They take up valuable
bandwidth and memory that cause computers to become non- responsive. This is when
hackers gain access to other computers and steal information.
Rootkits and backdrop are software programmes that are designed to hide the fact
that a hacker has gained access to someones computer. They are difficult to detect
and may take years to be discovered.
Spyware collects a persons personal information, monitors his internet browsing
habits, redirects web browser activity and installs additional software, causing slower
connection speeds, unauthorised changes in homepages, and damage to other
programmes. It is downloaded onto computers through pop-ups, software installations
and websites. In fact, pop-ups and unwanted advertisements are set off by adware to
slow Internet connections and to produce unstable computer systems.
Lastly, crimeware is any computer programme that is created to aid illegal online
activities, including gathering users personal information illegally by recording
everything that is typed. Hackers commit various crimes when they us malware to
obtain users confidential information that is usually used for some sort of monetary
gain. They can use other peoples account numbers to open fraudulent bank accounts,
apply for credit cards, and make large purchases. Some may use others identities to
obtain employment through false means. Others log onto black market websites, where
they sell individuals personal information to other thieves.
In order to protects against malware, we should practise commonsenses precautions
when surfing internet and checking emails. We should not open every link that we
receive through email or instants messages, even if they are from a familiar person, as
malware is often embedded in links and emails. Downloading free applications over file
sharing networks should be avoided, as spyware, adware, and Trojans maybe
embedded in the downloaded programmes. Download software only form a trusted,
secure website. Use Firefox as a default page and turn on firewalls. Software
programmes, like Acrobat Reader, should be updated regularly to protect against
programme, such as Norton, a reputable anti-spyware programme, such as Kaspersky,










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and update all anti-virus, anti-spyware and firewall programmes constantly to protect
against the latest malware advances.
In short, hackers and Internet thieves primarily use different malware to infiltrate and
compromise users computers. They gather confidential that is sold or used to commit
identity theft and other types fraud. Thus, computer users should safeguard their
computers and confidential files exercising common sense and installing protective

26 From paragraph 1,
(a) How do internet identity thieves operate on peoples computer?


________________________________________________________ [ 1 mark]

(b) What is the meaning of malware?


_________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

27 In paragraph 2

(a) When does them refer to?


________________________________________________________ [1 mark]



(b) What is the intention of spreading viruses through emails, attachments and
unsecured websites?


_________________________________________________________ [1mark]

28 (a) From paragraph 4, what happens when worms infect computers and make
them non- responsive?


________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(b) From paragraph 5, why are rootkits and backdoors dangerous?

________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

SULIT 21 1119/2
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29 (a) From paragraph 7, what is the purpose of Internet identity thieves stealing
confidential information from others?


_______________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(b) From paragraph 8, why is it necessary to download software only from a
trusted, secure website?


_______________________________________________________ [1 mark]

30 In your own words, explain why hackers upload malware into other peoples
personal computer?


________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

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31 Based on the passage given, write a summary of:
how internet identity thieves operate when stealing information from users

why they steal information, and

how we can safeguard our computers and personal files

Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to change
the original meaning.

Your summary must:

be in continuous writing form ( not in note form)

use materials from line 2 to line 46

not be longer that 130 words, including the 10 words given below.

Begin your summary as follows:

Internet identity thieves hack onto peoples confidential documents and
[15 marks]

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1119/2 2013 [Lihat halaman sebelah

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