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Welcome to STAAD.

Pro 2006

The Ultimate power tool for Computerized Structural Enineerin Solution!
STAAD.Pro 2006 is the most popular structural engineering
software product for 3D model generation, analysis and multi
material design.
"i #$Cit% &all '( Tower ononin Con!truction pro)ect at Chuchhepati* Cha+ahil
!t has an intuiti"e, userfriendly graphical user interface #$!,
"isuali%ation tools, powerful analysis and design facilities and seamless
integration to se"eral other modeling and design software products.
The software is fully compati&le with all 'indows operating systems
&ut is optimi%ed for 'indows (P
"i 2$ 2, Stor% Commercial -uildin of &r. .hale+ Al &ohamood * -aharain
!t has &uilt most powerful analyse engine tool which can analyse all types of analysis e.g. static, dynamic,
nonlinear ca&le analysis.
Almost all the component i.e. )** &eam column
design, shearwall, sla&s, footing, mat and pile
foundation design of high rise infill wall masonry
&ulding can &e easily done with comfort with output

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inteprtation in *AD files.
"i /$ Propo!ed Petal /d Spac tru!! on top of
Commercial -uildin * -ala)u
+arth,ua-e static as well as dynamic loading, time history,
response spectra loading can &e autogenerated &y load
.ig /0 Sluice #ate, 1ydrostatic 2 dynamic water loads on !rrigation
pro3. &arage gates* Chitwan
Similarly, "ehicle loading for influnce line generation for &ridge
dec-s, Snow loads, wind loads and Pusho"er analysis loads can &e
autogenerated &y single command.
.ig 40 22ft *antile"er 5"erhang Truss for sun&ath
ta-ing at Swimming Pool, Chitwan 0otel
6 This 5"erhang truss is supported on )** *olumn
and Tied &y 1igh yeild Steel *a&le7
"i 6$ /0m Clear !pan 2 +a% "our Cell -o1 .irder
-ride on !impl% !upported Pier "rame S%!tem
As an additional features, Static analysis of different types

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of &ridges, containment structures, underground and o"erhead water tan-s,em&edded structures 6tunnels
and cul"erts7,irrigation &arages, gates, sluices, pipe rac-s, steel, concrete, aluminum or tim&er &uildings,
transmission towers and mo&ile towers,
.ig 80 /0m *lear Span 3 &ay .our *ell 9o: #irder .lyo"er Supported on Shearwall Pier
stadiums or any other simple or comple:
!t also has an optional for autogeneration of any
type of comple: goemetry &y using ;9 script
.ig <0 30m *lear Span 2 &ay .our *ell 9o: #irder !)* 80) ;ehicle =oad generation for !nfluence =ine
STAAD with this pac-age has component sister software
associated with mother software system which can
after analsis can do easily post processing design and drafting
wor-s of almost all )** structural mem&ers for instance
com&ined .ooting, *antile"er retaining wall, pile caps, piles,
moment and Shear resisting &rac-ets for #antry *ranes for
uplifting and placing in places for hea"y e,uipments such as
tur&ines and generators at power houses.
STAAD.Pro has &een the unanimous choice of design
professionals around the world for their specific analysis needs.

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.ig >2?00 ?,20,000 liters capacity $# Tan- .ig > 2
+arthpressure 2 'ater pressure loading on $# tan- walls
of Dwari2a3! Sanrilla 4e!ort * Dhuli2hel
.ig ??2?20 40 ft 6?4m7 1eight Tower for Supporting
#S@ Antenna, Para&olic antenna at .ig ?? 2 .ig ?2 'ind
=oad acting on Tower &y Autoload #eneration *ommand
on tower as per AS*+0802
5-road(in2 Communication &o+ile Tower
Sanepa 0eiht*(alitpur.
7777777E8D 9" S9&E 9" P4ACT:CA( A8D ACTUA( P49;ECT DESC4:PT:98 D98E -< STAAD.P49 77777777777

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