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7 days

Tic Toc

Tic Toc

143 hours.

8580 minutes.

Tic Toc

Tic Toc

It was already 6 days since that day happened the day that changed everything he believed in their
lives. The day he had waited for an eternity.

Tic Toc

Tic Toc

A weak smile curled his lips that moment the air he breathe in smelled like rose the scent he had been
missing. He looked up and stared at the sky above only to find a starless night sky with the moon smiling
upon him. The smile turned wider. It was also the same night 6 days ago. When the night it had missing
its stars leaving alone the moon to shine above them all.

Beautiful isnt?

His head snapped towards the direction of the voice. And he found himself smiling a real smile. There
she was, the girl that made his heart wild and had changed his life, standing beside him with a smile he
knew he wouldnt and will never forget for the rest of his life.

He turned his eyes at the moon like the way she looked at it. Yeah. Like you.

He heard her soft chuckle. A piece of melody, for him, he had memorized by heart. You never did

His hands walked its way to hers and his smile went even wider when he felt her entwine their fingers
together. I will never change. He said as he squeezed her hands. Especially with you.

He turned his gaze to her while she kept her eyes over the moon. He lifted his other hand to touch her
face to turn it to face him. Carefully and lightly, he traced all her features: from her chubby, rosy cheeks;
to the hair that was slightly on her face, covering it; to her fine brows; to the outline of her almond-
shaped eyes; to her tiny, slightly pointed nose; and down to her soft-pinkish lips.

He closed his eyes the moment he saw her closed, savoring the moments. They stood face t face with
their eyes closed and left alone their hearts to see what was hidden in the dark and let their touches
meet with each other. He lifted open his eye only to find hers still closed. Without second thoughts, he
pulled her into his arms. He snuggled closer as her buried his head into the crooks of her neck. And right
then and there, a tear fell from his eyes.

Why are you crying? he heard her whisper as his tears continue to flow.

He stifled a sob as he laughed. Hell no. Im not crying! he protested against her skin.

She snorted. Yes you are!

He broke off and looked at her. He saw her forehead creased and her brows slowly meeting together as
she stared at him. He shrugged. Im just happy.

He was about to brush them off when a hand stopped him. He quizzically raised his brow as he looked at
her. But instead of an answer, she just shook her head and slowly, she raised her hand that was holding
his awhile ago to touch his face. And gently, feather-like touches, she trailed the path where his tears
was and wiped it off.

He held her hand and leaned on them while she stared directly into him. Ive been longing to do this.
She said softly.

Do what?

She smiled and caressed his face. Ive wanted to wipe your tears because youre happy and not in pain.
Ive never wanted to see you crying because youre hurt she trailed off. or because of me.

It cant be avoided, Alice. He said hoarsely as he smiled at her. That moment I chose to spend my life
with you, it includes everything that has connection with you and it is one of those. And living that life,
even without you hurting me, youll still see me like this.

He saw how her smile slowly faded. I know. She sighed and cupped his cheeks with both hands as she
leaned forward letting their foreheads bumped into each other. But please Ken, if you could, that I
know you can, hold those tears whenever your sad. I dont think I can fathom seeing you like this. I dont
think I can forgive myself with you like this.

He stared at her for awhile then he slowly opened his mouth to laugh but only to end up with tears.
Damn woman. I cant. he said in between his sobs. With you, Im hopeless. Youre the only one who I
know can take on me.

Kendall. She said warningly yet passionate and with understanding.

He sighed as he saw her looking intently and seriously at him. Ok. Ok. He said as he surrendered his
hands up. Ill try, Lice. Ill try to do it. I just hope I can. He added in the back of his mind as he forced
himself to smile. Besides, its really out of my character.

She looked intently at him as if studying him and memorizing his every feature, every angle of his face
and every corner of his being. He felt vulnerable and naked with those eyes staring at him like shes
staring through his own soul. And the moment he saw her lips curled up, he knew she understood. She
always does. He pulled her into his arms again willing himself not to cry, not to let out even a single
drop. He hugged her tighter as if afraid that once he loosened his hold, shell be gone. He held her like
she was his lifeline. Like the oxygen he breathed in his lungs. He held her with the fear of losing her. And
she held him like he held her.

The wind blew again making him shiver with both coldness and warmth, an oddity he understood.
Taking with it the small drop that had escaped his eyes as he stared back into the smiling moon hoping
to mirror its smile with his.

Tic Toc

Tic Toc

7 days. He whispered with the wind that was blowing and surrounding him as if it has a body and arms
that was embracing him.

He smiled faintly knowing shes there with him holding his hand.

7 days.
168 hours.
10,080 minutes.

It was now exactly the 7th day since that day happened the day that changed everything he believed in
their lives, changing all his beliefs and principles of life. The day he had waited for an eternity only to be
taken away from him. The day he got and lost everything at the same time.

The day he got the sweetest words he knew from the woman who had made his life a roller coaster ride.
The day he finally got the woman who made him felt how love works in mysterious ways. The day he got
the woman who got him whipped and smitten in ways he cant imagine. And was also the day he lost
everything in just a blink of his eyes. The very day he lost his love, his world his heart.

Everything was still fresh in his mind, much more freshly than the last time he had ate his meal. He could
still see her smiling face as she looked at him. He could still hear her voice calling out to him and telling
him the words he longed to hear. He could still feel the anxiety and fear in his heart the moment she
was engulf with the two distinct marble of light. He could still taste the bittersweet taste of the mixture
of copper and cherry of her blood in his lips as he kissed her life. He could still remember the crimson
coming out of her and was a peculiarity that he could think of that night for everything seemed to be a
blur in his eyes.

Ive only wanted so little things in life and yet the one I have longed desired to have I cant have.
He whispered softly and slowly as he suppressed his tears but no to avail since they continue to pour like
rain. I wanted only you and Im willing to do just everything and anything to make you stay... But why
are you so hard to catch?

He closed his eyes as he let his tears fall from his eyes and he felt it again. The warm wind as if wiping
away the pain he had. As if enveloping him in a hug to comfort him. He opened his eyes again and he
saw her pouting as she said the lines he had memorized, You dont need to catch me, just tell me and Ill
be the one hold your hand and we can do it together. He chuckled at that yet his tears continued to
stream down his face.

He closed it again and for a moment he stayed like that, relishing the memories he have with her. Trying
to picture her out in his mind. Trying to feel her again. Trying to see her face once more. And then he
opened it. He looked around and smiled bitterly as nothing but the darkness, and the smiling moon
welcomed him.

He kissed her hoping to give her oxygen to stay alive. He looked at her face as tears started to flow off
her eyes and as blood come out her mouth. I I love you K-Ken she whispered and forced a smile
to form in her lips just before she closed her eyes.

He relished the very last moment he have of her and the moment he had held her against him as she
kept repeating the words that was now his only reason of living and walking alone in the world before
walking away.

And I love you, Alice. He whispered in the wind, and he knew, he saw, she smiled as she held in her
hands the color deep as their love and the thing that binds them together that even death cant take
and a promise that theyll hold on to forever. And Ill wait Ill wait even for forever to meet you

He walked away leaving the only color that registered in his mind of her death. And the only thing he
held in his hands for 7 days A deep red rose.

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