Ks2 Science Sample Tests Nut Brief KDR

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MARCH 2010
This document provides information and advice on the introduction of new Key Stage 2
sample tests in science from 2010, following the discontinuation of the Key Stage 2
National Curriculum science tests.
n order to !e a!le to monitor national standards in science at the end of Key Stage 2,
the "overnment will introduce a system of e#ternally$mar%ed science sampling from
2010. The "overnment&s intention is that the sample tests will allow standards in Key
Stage 2 science to !e trac%ed over time. t has said that it will not provide any data on
the progress of individual local authorities, schools or pupils.
Will my schl !" chs"# $% &h" s'm(l" &"s&s)
Not unless your school has already !een notified. 'ppro#imately (() schools have !een
selected to underta%e the sample tests in 2010 !y the *ualifications and Curriculum
+evelopment 'gency ,*C+'-, which should provide a representative sample of schools
across the country.
' new random sample of schools will !e constructed every year. 's only five per cent of
pupils will !e involved in the sample tests each year, it is unli%ely, although not
impossi!le, that an individual school would !e chosen to participate for two consecutive
H* *ill I +#* i$ my schl h's !""# chs"#)
The *C+' has notified schools which have !een selected to ta%e part in the sample
tests. They will !e statutorily re.uired to administer them on /riday, 10 1ay 2010. t will
provide them with detailed information a!out the test arrangements. The *C+' will also
inform schools& local authorities a!out their participation.
D"s my schl h'," & &'+" ('%& i# &h" s'm(l" &"s&s)
's the Key Stage 2 science sample tests are statutory, all schools which are selected !y
the *C+' are re.uired to administer them.
D 'll &h" Y"'% - (.(ils i# my schl h'," & &'+" &h" s'm(l" &"s&s)
f your school is selected to participate in the sample tests, all 2ear 3 pupils who, in the
opinion of the head teacher, are wor%ing at or a!ove level 4 in science, will !e re.uired
to ta%e the tests.
D"s my schl h'," & %/"% &h" s'm(l" &"s& ('("%s)
The science sampling test materials will !e automatically despatched to schools in 1ay
and will reflect schools 2010 test orders for National Curriculum tests, including any
modified versions of test papers. Schools will automatically receive all necessary
administration materials with the test paper delivery.
Wh'& *ill &h" s'm(l" &"s&s !" li+")
n 2010, the sample test will use the National Curriculum Key Stage 2 science papers
,tests ' and 5-, as these have already !een developed. n su!se.uent years a new
format for testing may !e developed.
Will I h'," & m'%+ &h" s'm(l" &"s&s)
The sample tests will !e e#ternally mar%ed, so no teacher will !e re.uired to underta%e
this wor%. The *C+' will !e responsi!le for recruiting and managing the sample test
H* *ill &h" %"s.l&s $ &h" s'm(l" &"s&s !" %"(%&"/)
6articipating schools will receive a summary of performance !y attainment target at
school level in Septem!er 2010. The +CS/ will report the proportion of children who
attained level 0 or a!ove nationally in the tests at the start of the autumn term. 7esults
of the tests at local authority and school level will not !e pu!lished, !ecause the sample
tests are designed to provide information on the national progress of pupils in science at
the end of Key Stage 2. Schools will therefore report only levels arrived at !y the
teacher assessment for science at the end of Key Stage 2.
Will O$s&"/ '#/ lc'l '.&h%i&i"s .s" my schl0s s'm(l" &"s& %"s.l&s)
The sample test results will only !e pu!lished at national level, !ased on the aggregated
results of all the pupils who participated in a particular year. The *C+' is clear that8
9's science sampling has !een designed to monitor attainment at a
national level, the outcomes will not !e used for school accounta!ility
purposes. The outcomes will not !e provided to :fsted or local
Will &h" %"s.l&s !" %"(%&"/ & ('%"#&s)
The *C+' has said the following8
9's schools participating in science sampling will not receive outcomes for
individual pupils, they will !e una!le to report these to parents. Schools
should continue to report overall teacher assessment levels to parents
and *C+' on the progress of individual pupils.;
Wh"%" c'# I $i#/ .& m%" i#$%m'&i# '!.& &h" s'm(l" &"s&s)
The *C+' has esta!lished a dedicated section of its we!site on the sampling
arrangements at www..cda.gov.u%<sciencesampling.
As the sample tests in science are similar to the national sample testing model
proposed by the NUT as a replacement for the high-stakes National Curriculum
Key Stage 2 tests, they ill not be included in the ballot of leadership group
members to boycott the Key Stage 2 tests in 2!"!# The Union has urged the
$o%ernment to replace the remaining Key Stage 2 statutory tests by sample tests#
&embers in schools participating in the sample tests are ad%ised to adhere to the
'C(A)s guidance *schools should continue to carry out their e+isting plans for
teaching and learning of science,# &embers should not acti%ely prepare -ear .
pupils to take the tests by, for e+ample/
focusing lesson plans on pre%ious National Curriculum test 0uestions1
asking pupils to sit practice test papers1 or
practising the completion of ork ithin National Curriculum test time
&embers ho feel under pressure to prepare pupils for the sample science tests
should contact their NUT school representati%e in the first instance, otherise
their NUT di%ision2association for ad%ice#
The sample tests should not generate any additional orkload for teachers, as
they ill be marked e+ternally and schools ill continue to report teachers)
assessments of pupil performance in science at the end of Key Stage 2 as they do
3f members ha%e concerns about the implications for their orkload arising from
any proposals in their school about the identification of pupils ho ould be
eligible to participate in the sample tests, they should contact their NUT school
representati%e in the first instance, otherise their NUT di%ision2association for
4here indi%idual schools or local authorities suggest that A55 science materials
or additional forms of teacher assessment should be used to determine the
eligibility of pupils to take the sample tests, members are ad%ised to consult the
NUT guidance on A55, hich is a%ailable to donload from the NUT ebsite
#teachers#org#uk under 6ducation 5olicies 7 Assessment#
's no individual results will !e received for pupils, it would !e good practice to discuss
with pupils why the tests are !eing conducted.

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