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Individual Assignment Problem 1

Board Exam Results
The spreadsheet named Problem I (uploaded on Moodle, contains the exam results
(A2:J89) for students of a school for the last three years.
Answer the questions below regarding the given data:
Question 1: The Exam Id for a student consists of the following format: four characters for year followed by one/two
characters for stream-code, followed by five characters for the Std Id.
Example: 2012SP20297 translates to year as 2012, stream as SP (Sc-Pure ) and Std Id 20297.
The stream-code is given in a table in range G91:H94.
a) Give a formula for cell B3 (to be copied down for all students) to extract the Std ID.
b) Formula for C3 (again to be copied downwards) for year.
c) Formula for D3 for the Stream (which will be copied down to all rows).

Question 2: If a student gets >=40% in Subject1 and any other 3 subjects, he/she passes overall. Column J is the
Pass/Fail result for each student. What is the formula for J3 (to be copied for all students)?

Question 3: The table in range A91:D95 contains the number of students who have passed, for the different years
and streams. Write a formula for cell B92, to be copied both vertically and horizontally, to fill the table.


Question 4: Range A98:E103 contains a table of the average score of candidates who secured >= 40% , for the
different streams and subject combinations. This is built as a 2-way data table. You can use the range G98:H99 for
intermediary work.

G98: _______________________________________ H98: _____________________________________

G99: ______________________________________ H99: _______________________________________

Answer the following questions for the Data-table operation:
What is the formula in cell A98: ____________________________________________________________

What is the range to be selected? ______________________________________

Row Input cell : __________________________ Column Input Cell: _______________________________

Question 5: B105 contains the Std Id of the topper (assume unique) in Subject 1 in Arts in 2010.
You can use the range D105:E106 for intermediary work.
D105: ____________________________________ E105: _____________________________________

D106: ___________________________________ E106: ______________________________________

Formula in B105: ______________________________________________________________________

Question 6: Cell H106 contains the number of students whose highest marks and lowest marks differ by more than
30. You can use the range G105:G106 for intermediary work.

G105: ____________________________________ G106: ______________________________________

Formula for H106: _______________________________________________________________________

Question 7: Conditional formatting is used to highlight those Exam Ids where the average of all five subjects is
greater than or equal to 80%. For cell A3, what is the formula to be entered in the conditional formatting window?


Individual Assignment Problem 2
Analysis of a Program Schedule
The spread sheet Problem-II (uploaded on moodle, contains the
session schedule of a four week management development program, along with some other data,
and answers to queries related to the given schedule.
The program begins on 5
August 2013 and ends on 30
August 2013. Each day has three sessions,
labelled First, Second, and Third. The range B2:E27 is filled with the names of modules scheduled in
each of the above sessions. When no module is scheduled in a session, the cell is left unfilled, ie the
cell has an empty string. The date of each day is entered in B2:B27, and the format in which the date
is displayed is dd/mm/yyyy.
A number of characteristics of the given schedule are found in the other parts of the sheet with
formulae. The formulae are designed such that they work even when the allocation of modules to
sessions is modified.
Question 1: Are the sessions allocated to each module within specified limits?
The desired maximum and minimum number of sessions for each module are specified in the range
H5:J14, column H showing the module names, column I showing the maximum number of sessions
desired, and J showing the minimum for the corresponding modules. In K5:K14 are found the actual
number of sessions scheduled for each module in the given schedule, through formulae. In L5:L14
are found through formulae whether the actual number of sessions scheduled for each module are
within the specified limits, the value TRUE indicating that the actual number of sessions is within the
specified limits, and FALSE otherwise. In I16 is found the length, in number of sessions, of the
module with the maximum number of sessions, and in J16 is found the name of the corresponding
module. Similarly in I17, and J17 are found the number of sessions and the name for the module
with the smallest number of sessions. Assume that the above maximum and minimum are unique.
What are the formulae in the cells mentioned above?
a) Formula in K5, copied to K6:K14: ________________________________________________
b) Formula in L5, copied to L6:L14 :________________________________________________
c) Formula in I16:________________________________________________________ _____
d) Formula in I17: ____________________________________________________________
e) Formula in J16, copied to J17:___________________________________________________

Question 2:Are the constraints related to prohibiting some modules on some dates respected?
Because of schedule conflicts with other programs, some modules cannot be scheduled on some
dates. The concerned modules and their prohibited dates are given in the range H19:I23. Each row
of the above range specifies one module and one date, indicating that the given module cannot be

scheduled on the given date. If a module has more than one prohibited date, each such date along
with the module name is given on separate rows of the range. In J19:J23 are given formulae that tell
whether the given prohibited dates are observed by the given schedule (TRUE indicating that the
module is not scheduled on the given date, and FALSE otherwise).
What is the formula in cell J19, copied to J20:J23?

__________________________________________________________________ ____________

Question 3: How many week-end days are non-free?
Each Saturday and Sunday are considered to be week-end days. A week-end day is called free if
none of the three sessions on the day have a module scheduled for them, otherwise non-free. A
database formula is given in I27 to find the number of non-free week-end days. This formula refers
to the criterion range H26:H27. The formula works even if the program spans more than three
a) What is the formula in H27?_____________________________________________________
b) What is the formula in I27?______________________________________________________

Question 4:On how many days does the given schedule allot more than one session to the same
On most of the days in the given schedule, all the three sessions are allotted to three different
modules, whereas on a few other days, more than one session is allotted to the same module. The
number of days which have more than one session allotted to the same module is found through a
database formula in cell J33. This formula refers to the criterion range H32:H33.
a) What is the formula in H33?_________________________________________________
b) What is the formula in J33?__________________________________________________

Question 5:What is the expected reading load on a given date?
Each participant is expected to come prepared to the classes by reading the material assigned for
each session. The expected number of pages to be read for each session varies from module to
module. The expected number of pages of reading for a session of each module is given in the range
H42:I51. A date is given in cell H38. A formula is given in cell I38 to find the expected total number of
pages of reading for all the sessions scheduled on the date given in H38.

What is the formula in cell in I38?
Question 6: Are the precedence requirements between modules satisfied by the given schedule?
In a given schedule, module A is said to precede module B, if the last session of module A occurs on a
date prior to the date on which the first session of module B is scheduled. The precedence
requirements between five pairs of modules are given in B37:B41. Each precedence requirement is
specified by a string, containing the names of two modules, separated by a dash. The module to the
left of the dash is required to precede the module to the right of the dash. A data table is developed
in B36:C41, with column input cell as B33, that tells whether each of the precedence requirements is
satisfied by the given schedule, TRUE indicating that the corresponding precedence requirement is
satisfied, and FALSE otherwise. Two criterion ranges C32:C33, and D32:D33, and cells B31 and C31
with appropriate formulae are used in this process. (Instead of two criteria ranges, you can use only
one if you like).
What are the formulae in the following cells (if there is no formula leave the corresponding blank
a) B31:___________________________________________________________________
b) C31:___________________________________________________________________
c) C33:___________________________________________________________________
d) D33:___________________________________________________________________
e) C36:___________________________________________________________________

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