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Dear Friends of the Ministry!
In 2006, the Lord brought Lori and I to the glorious ministry we now fnd ourselves in. We fnd no greater joy
than working with churches as they take the delicate and deliberate approach to reaching youth with the Truth of the
Gospel. I stll cannot believe that God has seen ft to put us in such an incredible ministry as this.
We are blown away by the generosity of individuals and churches that have partnered with us as we carry out
His calling on our lives. We also have prayer warriors that petton the Almighty on our behalf. We could not do it with-
out you! THANK YOU!
The purpose of this leter is to let both our existng supporters as well as potental ones know that our current
ministry is at a hurdle fnancially. My ability to travel 2 to 3 thousand miles a month to churches all over Northern New
England is currently being challenged by a shortage of raised monthly support. While 87% support raised is great pro-
gress, we are in a bit of a perfect storm if you will. Let me explain.
The additonal monthly amount that we need to be at 100% support ($799) is roughly the amount that we are going into
the negatve every month. In other words, our ministry account does not have the opportunity to recover afer monthly
expenses like travel, meals, and salary are paid. When we say that we need to get to 100% support, that means that
our support level needs to be at the point where our income at least matches our outgo. If our income does not
match our outgo, however, thats when cuts have to be made in travel, salary, and other ministry expenses to reduce
that outgo. As I write this, I have already had to limit my travelling and my monthly salary has been decreased.
How can you help? First and foremost, pray! Then, would you ask God to provide the resources to you if He
wants you to partner with our ministry? I heard an incredible example of Gods provision from a man the other day. He
likes to treasure hunt with his metal detector and promised God that he would put any dimes he found into a botle to
help out with his nephews mission trip. He told me that he hardly ever fnds dimes, but wouldn't ya know it? He started
fnding dimes everywhere and flled the botle more than once that summer! God knew his heart and used him to help
someone elses ministry! Long tme supporters, would you prayerfully consider an increase in your support? Would you
be willing to pray that God would provide the additonal support to you so you can further His work through us? Pastor,
would you consider bringing us up before your church regarding placing us on your missions budget? We would love to
come share our vision for NNE with anyone who will listen. Potental supporter, have you been thinking about partnering
with us? We would LOVE to have you on board! Let us come present our ministry to you:)
One tme gifs help, as well, to keep us in the black while we are raising the rest of our support. We have en-
closed a support slip and envelope should the Lord put it on your heart to help us out at this tme. Thank you so much for
your contnued prayers as we carry out this incredible calling here in Northern New England.

Your Servants for Him.

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