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Andini Karlina CH
26 Senior High School
Assalamualai!um "r# "$#
%ood morning e&er'one#
To (he (eachers )ho I res*ec(+ ,aam Rosma and ,iss -a(u and (o
m' $elo&ed .riends+ (han! 'ou &er' much .or gi&ing me (his
o**or(uni(' so I can s(and here in .ron( o. 'ou (o gi&e m' s*eech#
Firs( o. all+ le(/s *raise our deares( %od+ $ecause )i(hou( Him+ )e
)on/( $e here in (his heal(h' s(a(e# Toda'+ I )ould li!e (o gi&e a li((le
$i( o. in.orma(ion (ha( I&e !no)n a$ou( and I ho*e i(ll $e use.ul .or
As )e !no)+ no)ada's+ In(erne( is &er' im*or(an( .or us# 0u(+
ac(uall'+ )ha( in(erne( reall' is1 The In(erne( is com$ined )orld)ide
ne()or! o. com*u(ers (ha( .orm a glo$al in.orma(ion ne()or!
s's(em# In(erne( originall' used in mili(ar' and uni&ersi('# 0u(
no)ada's (he in(erne( used (o communica(e )i(h *eo*le and e&en
'our &ie) o. li.e# Then )ha( should )e do (o deal )i(h i(1 Can )e $e
onl' a .ana(ic o. In(erne( or $e an an(i2In(erne(1 Theres al)a's ()o
sides e3ec(s .rom some(hing ne)+ (he *osi(i&e+ and (he nega(i&e
The *osi(i&e e3ec(s o. (he in(erne(+ )ell+ I $e( 'ou can come u* )i(h
man' *osi(i&e e3ec(s# 4i!e+ 'ou can ge( (he la(es( ne)s on (he )e$
an'(ime e&er')here# The in.orma(ion .rom all around (he )orld is
5us( a clic! a)a'+ (han!s (o (he In(erne(# And i( mus( $e in(eres(ing i.
s(uden(s ma!e a good use o. (he )e$ $ecause+ le(s .ace i(+ )ha(
(eachers (each 'ou is no( al)a's (he la(es( (hing# And 'ou can
al)a's ge( an u*da(e .rom (he in(erne(# No( 5us( in.orma(ion+
In(erne( also can connec( 'ou (o *eo*le around (he )orld# For
e6am*le+ (hrough .ace$oo!+ )e can easil' 7nd our rela(i&es or old
.riends+ or 5us( random *eo*le .rom a$road# 8r )i(h S!'*e+ no( onl'
)e can cha( )i(h (hem+ )e can also mee( and (al! (o (hem
*ersonall' in 29# Ho) grea( )as (ha(#
0u( don( .orge(+ an'(hing good has i( o)n $ad (hings# 4i!e+ Illegal
or ina**ro*ria(e ma(erials can $e .ound in (he in(erne(# In(erne( also
can reduce .ace (o .ace communica(ion# There are man' ins(ances
)here man' s(uden(s (al! (o each o(her on .ace$oo! $u( )hen (he'
are in .ron( o. each o(her in reali('+ (he' ac( li!e (he' don( e&en
!no) each o(her and a lo( o. (hem choose (o si( in .ron( o. (heir
la*(o*s and gadge(s (he en(ire da' (han (o (al! (o real *eo*le#
In(erne( ma!es us la:ier# 4i!e )hen (he (eacher gi&e us an
assignmen(+ )e choose (o co*' (hem .rom (he )e$ and (his can
reduce our (hin!ing ca*aci('# "e 5us( cram )ha(s gi&en on (he
in(erne( and some(imes )e )on( e&en (r' (o (hin! )e(her (he
ma((er gi&en is correc( or no(# No( 5us( (ha(+ In(erne( can cause us
insomnia+ (ime )as(ing+ addic(ion+ c'$er $ull'ing+ and inac(i&i('
$ecause )e )ere (o occu*ied )i(h (he in(erne( (ha( )e don( )an(
(o mo&e e&en a single muscle .rom our $od'+ 'ou !no) )here i(ll
(a!e 'ou1 8$esi('# ;es+ 'oull $e .a(#
Tha(s )h'+ )e should *re&en( (his in(erne( addic(ion .rom no) on
)hile )e s(ill can# 9on( ge( me )rong+ i(s no( li!e I don( li!e (he
in(erne(+ i(s good (o !no) (ha( (he in(erne( can connec( us (o
an'(hing and e&er'(hing+ $u(+ )e also ha&e (o $e care.ul in using i(
and con(rol oursel. so (ha( )ere no( (oo occu*ied and immersed in
i(# Thin! 7rs( $e.ore )e e6*lore so (ha( )e )on( regre( (he e3ec(s in
(he end#
I (hin! (ha(s e&er'(hing I !no)+ I ho*e i( can $e use.ul .or us+ Im
sorr' i. I made some mis(a!es )hile (al!ing or (heres some
una**ro*ria(e )ords I&e said+ (han! 'ou .or 'our a((en(ion#
Assalamualai!um "r# "$#

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