Legal Research

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a. Concept and definition
- a tool used to discover and gather legal concepts, doctrines, and
information to: support or oppose an argument, interpret a particular
provision of law, or to answer a legal problem
-concerned with the process of providing information to a legal
-involves the application of legal knowledge and expertise in
providing an answer to a question posited before it and supported by
authoritative sources
-the process of finding the law, rules and regulations that
govern activities of human society
-the investigation for information necessary to support legal
decision making

b. Relevance
-in the practice of law: legal research is used in litigation and in
resolving case by the courts
-it has its uses and applications in almost every field imaginable and
not limited as a support service to the practice of law
-To provide competent representation, (which requires the legal
knowledge, skill, thoroughness and preparation) and uphold the
standards of the legal profession

c. Sources
-printed: constitution, statutes, court decisions, administrative
rules, legal references (secondary sources: law dictionary, law
encyclopedia, law reviews, legal treatise, annotated works)
-electronic: Official Gazette (
House of Representatives (
Supreme Court (
d. Tools

2. Official Gazette
JULY 23: Celebration of Apolinario Mabinis 150
birth; special
non-working holiday in the province of Batangas; reinstating
Nagtahan bridge to Mabini Bridge; Proclamation No. 831, s.
2014 declaring regular & special holidays, special (non-working)
days for 2015; 14-day curfew impost in waters off Sabah
JULY 24: Secretary Abad is at the Senate to speak on the DAP;
PHL Consul General facilitates Philippine-Indonesia trade
through liberalization of trade restrictions
JULY 25: A primer on the proposed Freedom of Information
(FOI) Act; QC schools to be affected by SONA declare
suspension of classes for July 28
JULY 26: New DAP site unveiled, shortly after Sec. Abad
furnished full list of DAP projects to Senate; On the history and
the traditions of the SONA
JULY 27: Republic Act No. 10640, amending Section 21 of the
Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002; Today is the 11th
death anniversary of Emmanuel Pelaez, Vice President of the
Philippines from 1961 to 1965.
JULY 28: SONA President Benigno S. Aquino III will deliver his
fifth State of the Nation Address;
JULY 29: Today, July 29, is a regular holiday throughout the
country in observance of the Eid'l Fitr

3. Philippine Constitutions


4. Bar 2014
5. Definition of terms:
a. enbanc-French for "in the bench," it signifies a decision by the full
court of all the appeals judges in jurisdictions where there is more
than one three- or four-judge panel.
b. per curiam- the name that is given to the opinion that is rendered by
a court where there is more than one judge.
c. ponencia- report, presentation
d. a quo- from which
e. case at bar- a case being considered by the court
f. ex parte- on behalf of or involving only one party to a legal matter
and in the absence of and usu. without notice to the other party
g. fallo
h. in re- In the matter or case of; in regard to.
i. ipso facto- Latin for "by the fact itself."
j. ipso jure- Latin for by the law itself
k. moto propio
l. pro bono- Latin for for the public good;
The designation given to the free legal work done by an attorney for
indigent clients andreligious, charitable, and other nonprofit entitie
m. pro hac
vice Latin: "for this occasion" or "for this event" (literally, "for this t
is a legal term usually referringto a lawyer who has not bee
n admitted to practice in a certain jurisdiction but has been allowed
to participate in a particular case in thatjurisdiction.
n. rollo

Wednesday (Aug. 6):
Latest NEWS

Legislation in the Philippines (1900 - 1987)

Name of the Statutes Promulgated
Act- Phil. Government under US (1935)
Commonwealth Act (CA)- Commonwealth (1935-1946)
o 1st congress of the Commonwealth of the
Batas Pambansa (BP)- Modified Parliamentary Republic
Presidential Decree (PD)- Martial Law (1972-1986)
o issuances by the Chief Executive, has the force
of a law
Presidential Proclamation (PP)- Martial Law (1972-1986),
Provisional Constitution (1986-1987)
Executive Order (EO)- Provisional Constitution (1986-
o acts of the President providing for rules of
general or permanent character in
implementing or executing constitutional or
statutory powers
Republic Act (RA)- Republic (1946-1972) (1987-present)

Definition of terms:
1. In toto- Latin for completely or in total; referring to the
entire thing

2. Dispositive portion

3. Plaintiff-party who initiates a lawsuit by filing a complaint
with the clerk of the court against the defendant(s) demanding
damages, performance and/or court determination of rights
-seeks a remedy for an injury to his rights.

4. Defendant- person defending or denying; the party against
whom relief or recovery is sought in an action or suit, or the
accused in a criminal case.

5. Complainant - A plaintiff; a person who commences a
civil lawsuit against another, known as the defendant, in order
to remedy an alleged wrong.
-An individual who files a written accusation
with the police charging a suspect with the commission of a
crime and providing facts to support the allegation and which
results in the criminal prosecution of the suspect.

6. Petitioner- one who presents a formal, written application to
a court, officer, or legislative body that requests action on a
certain matter

presents a formal, written application to a court, officer, or legis
lative body that requestsaction on a certain matter. In legal pro
ceedings initiated by a petition, respondent is the personagain
st whom relief is sought, or who opposes the petition. One who
appeals from a judgment is apetitioner.

7. Respondent- the person against whom relief is sought or
who opposes a petition

8. Appellant- dissatisfied with the judgment rendered in a
lawsuit decided in a lower court or the findings from a
proceeding before an administrative agency, asks a superior
court to review the decision.

9. Appellee- A party who has won a judgment in a lawsuit or
favorable findings in an administrative proceeding, which
judgment or findings the losing party, the appellant, seeks to
have a higher court reverse or set aside.

10. Repository

What are the official and unofficial depository of the decision of
the supreme court?

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