Executive Summary

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Executive Summary

Title of my idea: Energy Security

It makes maximum use of already abundant natural resources with total eco-friendly
approach. About 70% of our earth’s crust is covered with water which can be used
indirectly for both drinking water and energy security. It also makes use of urban and
rural waste in very large scale..

The idea for energy security is very simple, easy to implement and can also create quite
large number of jobs. This is a total environment friendly approach. If implemented
successfully throughout the world it can reduce carbon emission to great extent and thus
can help in overcoming global warming too.

Today it is impossible to imagine life without electricity. The energy demand is going to
increase by leaps and bound in future. To meet this demand we got to set up some long
term strategies. Recently India has signed some nuclear pact with US for setting nuclear
reactor for civilian purpose. In past there have been many nuclear accidents which took
toll of life and environment. Slightest mistake will make the reactor a nuclear bomb with
destructive effect similar to that of bombs dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in WWII.
Security reason are other big thing .In 2001 America’s civilian flights were hijacked and
blown up by terrorist, so won’t there be any threat on India’s civilian reactors? Thus we
are going to have many reactors to meet our energy demand at the cost of our social
security isn’t it?

Contact Details:

Name: Ashweenikumar M Singh

Permanent Address:11-Shantinagar,

Near Himmat High School no-2

Himmatnagar -383001

Dist: Sabarkantha (Gujarat )

Email Address: ashweeni_kr@yahoo.com

Contact Number: 09016258089

My idea in detail: Energy Security

There are many coastal countries which can harness wind energy from windmills. For
instance if we consider India, it has 7516 km of coastal plains of peninsula which has
suitable wind condition. If we set up windmills throughout the coastal plains, India can
produce 45000 MW of electricity. Wind and solar energy can compensate each other
throughout the year as India is a tropical country. Constructing huge arrays of solar
panels in combination with windmills can produce decent MW of electrical energy. In
2002 a Firm called Nanosolar was set up in San Jose, California which is producing very
cheap and high efficient (14.6%) solar cells. It has developed a critical mass of
engineering advances that profoundly change the cost efficiency and production
scalability of solar cells and panels. They are claiming that there product’s energy
payback period is less than one month. More companies based on Nanosolar technology
should be set up to meet the demand for setting standard for affordable green power.
Such cheap and high efficient solar cells should be used in combination with windmills in
countries having similar climatic condition as that of India.

At present majority of people live in villages in most of the developing countries. The
government of these countries should set up a department under Renewable resource
Ministry to construct and maintain Biogas plants (a pit in which animal and vegetation
waste is mixed and stirred which gives methane as output) in each of the villages. If this
is implemented successfully throughout the rural world, the people residing there would
get very cheap cooking gas also the country side will become more hygiene as the cattle,
kitchen and vegetation waste will be utilized in those plants. The byproduct which forms
high grade natural manure can be used as fertilizer. In urban world which have big gutter
lines, the waste in them can also be converted to cooking gas in very large scale Biogas
plants which would further can be used to run large power plants. Again the byproduct
can be processed and used as natural fertilizer.

Almost 70% of our earth crust is covered with water and still there is water scarcity. We
can use this water for generating electricity as well as for drinking and irrigation purpose.
For eg, if from pipelines drawing water from Arabian sea to arid areas of north Gujarat or
further up towards Rajasthan (both western states of India) and carry out reverse osmosis
(RO) and distillation in very large distillation and RO plant. The pure water can be stored
in reservoir or big dams. This all should be done at higher level then sea level, then the by
product that is salt can also be utilized. Water from higher level when made to fall on
turbines will again produce electricity. This type of desalination-hydroelectricity plant
can be constructed in any countries that are not landlocked.

We get wind energy when there is temperature difference in atmosphere. Heating of

atmosphere take place due to solar energy because of which also our PV panels work.
Further in sun, hydrogen fusion is taking place which gives tremendous heat energy. So,
ultimately hydrogen is energy carrier and potential future energy. Hydrogen is “a
renewable, versatile, simple sustainable domestic energy” and there is no danger of
running out of hydrogen because it is the most abundant element in the universe.
Hydrogen can be produced through a thermal, electrolytic, or photolytic process from
fossil fuels, biomass, or water. The Hydrogen Economy is the term used to mark the shift
from fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas to hydrogen. The vision of a Hydrogen
Economy is one of an unlimited source of fuel that would be used to generate energy
without releasing carbon and other pollutants into the air.

Specifically, the Hydrogen Economy may be even more beneficial to developing

countries because it will generate more economic opportunities, reduce poverty and offer
a dramatically cleaner renewable resource to bypass at least part of the expense of
building a fossil fuel infrastructure. The Hydrogen Economy could produce total
decentralization of the global energy market controlled by giant oil companies and
utilities, and result in vast redistribution of wealth and power. The Hydrogen Economic
revolution must overcome major challenges in regard to the safe production, storage and
transportation of hydrogen, and in developing new sensor technology. “World Hydrogen
Energy Roadmap” must be developed to address hydrogen production, delivery and
transportation, storage, conversion, public-private partnerships, research, codes and
standards, testing, public education, and end use products. This effort must include
government, industry, universities, and research laboratories.

I believe, hydrogen fuelled car should get the top most priority by big motor companies
to realize the same. Hydrogen fuelling stations should be set up along with all petrol
pumps available. If significant progress is desired, government and private partnerships
must be established to concentrate development efforts. Hydrogen has the potential to do
for the energy revolution what the computer and the Internet have done for the
information revolution.

So I suggest, if these four steps taken all together, will bring revolution in no time. To
summarize we need:

1) Windmills and Solar Firms based on Nanosolar technology.

2) Desalination-hydroelectricity plants wherever applicable throughout the world.
3) A committee of dedicated engineers at United Nations and all nations’ government
having special department for renewable resource utilization, the department having
highest importance in the governance. This department should specifically work on
Biogas implementation throughout the rural areas on the earth and
4) Hydrogen fuelled vehicles’ mass production along with building up hydrogen fuel
stations at all petrol pump stations.

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