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... through Bertha Dudde

Scholars .... Rich and poor .... Pound ....
In agreement ith our !ord and Sa"iour e are gi"ing #ou a
proclamation toda# hich shall ena$le #ou to also uphold to
scholars that #our endea"our is ordained $# God and ell%
pleasing to &im.
So man# people 'ight a harsh and di''icult struggle in order to
e(ist) hile good 'ortune 'alls into other people*s lap) and the#
ha"e little s#mpath# 'or the hardship and su''ering o' the 'ormer.
I' #ou $elie"e that the# ere a$andoned $# the !ord then #ou
should ta+e a closer loo+ and #ou ill notice that here the
human $eing has to 'ight 'or his dail# li'e &is commandments are
'ar more li+el# to $e 'ul'illed than here people are granted an
easier 'ate ....
,nd thus #ou ill notice that a trou$led human $eing is 'ar more
li+el# to direct his thoughts such that the# ill lead to his
sal"ation .... $ut that the person li"ing a care'ree li'e considers
an# idea o' -usti'ication $e'ore the &ea"enl# Father incon"enient
and ill .uic+l# re-ect it once it arises in him.
I' #ou compare this to ho illingl# /hrist accepted &is fate 'or
lo"e o' human+ind) $ecause &e there$# anted to alle"iate the
su''ering o' the earthl# children*s course o' li'e) then it 'ollos)
ho little the !ord anted to $urden #ou and ho much he
endea"oured to reduce this load $# patientl# ta+ing the su''ering
o' human+ind upon &imsel'. 0he magnitude o' &is lo"e as
capa$le o' enduring other $eings* su''ering) and in order to
sacri'ice &imsel' on $ehal' o' others) the !ord let &imsel' $e
nailed to the cross.
/onse.uentl# all those ho .... mee+l# and patientl# .... $ear
their su''ering on earth are ta+ing part in /hrist*s act o'
Sal"ation) 'or the human $eing ill onl# achie"e per'ection
through su''ering .... thousands and thousands o' souls ill $e
sa"ed 'or the eternal +ingdom through su''ering.
0he other person) hoe"er) ho is not $urdened $# an#thing) ill
not gain man# $lessings 'rom his li'e on earth) 'or he ill close
himsel' to all admonitions placed into his heart and remains 'ar
$ehind the 'ormer ....
So i' #ou onder h# the !ord ta+es such di''erent care o' &is
On) h# &e lets one person mature through ad"ersit# and grie')
$ut protects the other 'rom heartache and pro$lems then the
!ord ill anser this &imsel'1
2I ga"e e"er#one the pound so that he shall use it*. In the same
a# as the human $eing relates to God he ill also recei"e .... 2Is
there an#one amongst #ou at hose heart I ha"en*t +noc+ed3 ....
Is there an#one amongst #ou hom I ha"e not approached in
order to $e admitted $# him3*
0he poor man gi"es o' the little he has .... $ut the rich man turns
a dea' ear to the pleas o' those ho turn to him 'or help. ,nd
thus the !ord ill $e admitted $# the poor $ut re-ected $# the
rich hene"er &e desires to $e admitted $# him. &ence the !ord
chooses ho has $een o' 'aith'ul ser"ice to &im and remains 'ar
aa# 'rom those ho o$stinatel# re'used to hear &is call ....
But soon #ou ill e(perience ho the Father protects &is On
and in'orms them o' &is lo"e .... 0hen #ou) too) ill aa+en) ho
ha"e hesitated 'or so long to admit the !ord into #our heart. For
the time #ou ere granted on this earth is short.
0196 4/ontinuation o' no. 01915
Indications ....
But no di''erent 'orces ta+e e''ect in the human heart) good
argues against e"il) and "er# 're.uentl# e"il has indeed great
poer o"er the human $eing ....
, person is 'ar more inclined to accept hat ill distance him
'rom the !ord) i' his e(ternal circumstances in li'e don*t prompt
him to appeal 'or help 'rom the !ord in heart'elt pra#er. 0hus the
strength ith hich the human $eing ould $e a$le to resist the
temptations o' e"il ill steadil# diminish and the tempter*s poer)
his in'luence) gro e"er more.
Pra#er is "er# o'ten 'orgotten $# a person hose li'e consists o'
$arel# an# struggle 'or e(istence. In due course) these poor souls
ill completel# harden their hearts to the $ene'icial in'luences o'
the spiritual $eings hich are assigned to them 'or their
protection. 0his is h# e most urgentl# suggest renouncing the
orld and its earthl# pleasures) 'or onl# this ill increase the
strength to or+ 'or the sal"ation o' the soul.
,ll people $lessed $# earthl# possessions ha"e the urge o'
anting to indulge themsel"es) hich is a great danger) 'or the
more the# 'ocus their intentions and endea"ours on the orld)
the more the# ill distance themsel"es 'rom the spiritual
orld .... and i' the# are made aare o' the 'act that the real
purpose o' li'e is actuall# another one) the# merel# tr# tice as
hard to deaden such thoughts .... hich intend to guide them
onto the right path .... ith earthl# pleasures. 0he# li"e their li'e
as i' the# ere a$le to li"e 'ore"er ....
,nd #et e"er# person ill recei"e enough indications and the#
can see $# the 'ate .... the sudden passing aa# o' man# a 'ello
human $eing .... ho necessar# it is to 'amiliarise themsel"es
ith the thought o' the $e#ond. 0he hour ill come to e"er#one)
earl# to some) late to others7 and to ha"e li"ed a long li'e
ithout ha"ing grasped its meaning is indescri$a$l# pain'ul ....
0his is h# the e''ort o' gaining these souls is tice as hard $ut
also commenda$le .... 0o dra such a soul aa# 'rom the
opponent re.uires much lo"e and patience and lo#al endurance.
,n#one ith the opportunit# to in'luence such hearts should not
neglect to do so .... although the# certain ill need in'initel#
more help on earth) $ecause these poor souls* thoughts ill e"er
more deludedl# turn aa# 'rom spiritual matters.
Recei"ing the in'ormation is causing #ou di''iculties7 e ill gi"e
#ou more hen the time is right.
Pu$lished $# 'riends o' ne re"elations o' God 8 In'ormation)
donload o' all translated re"elations) theme%$oo+lets at1


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