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Concordia Publishing House

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For Ìmmediate Release

New VoIume of Johann Gerhard's WritingsFocuses on Christ
AnnuaI TransIation of the Works of a 17
-Century TheoIogian

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Ponder the person of Jesus with the timeless writings of Johann Gerhard. Newly translated.

Concordia Publishing House releases the third volume in the Theological Commonplaces series
of Johann Gerhard's Loci Theologici. On Christ ponders the person, human and divine, of Jesus

Saint Louis, MO÷The Theological Commonplaces series from Concordia Publishing House is
a first-ever English translation of Johann Gerhard's Loci Theologici. Gerhard was the premier
Lutheran theologian of the early seventeenth century. Combining his understanding of
evangelical Lutheran theology with a broad interest in ethics and culture, he produced significant
works on biblical, doctrinal, pastoral, and devotional theology.

The newest translated volume, On Christ, is now available at or by calling
1.800.325.3040. The book is available individually or as a subscription. Ìf you subscribe, each
volume is shipped to you automatically. Call 1.800.325.3040 for more information.

The Rev. Dr. Benjamin T. G. Mayes, associate editor, professional and academic books, says,
¨Johann Gerhard was known by his contemporaries as 'the archtheologian of the Lutheran
Church.' His depth of insight, comprehensive attention to details, and biblical faithfulness shine
forth in the Theological Commonplaces with particular brilliance. Ìn the many facets of his work,
Gerhard represents all that was good in Lutheranism before the Enlightenment. Ìn every volume
of the Theological Commonplaces, Gerhard leads us into the mysteries of God.¨

On Christ is the third volume in the Theological Commonplaces series. Ìn this volume, Gerhard
sets forth the person of Christ in great detail, pondering Jesus Christ's name, His deity and
humanity, and the personal union of the two natures in Christ. He delves into the mystery of what
the union of humanity and divinity in Christ means and what it implies for our salvation.

Rev. Mays shares, "As St. Paul said: 'No one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid,
which is Jesus Christ' (1 Cor. 3:11). The teaching of who Christ is and what He has done÷the
one Son of God and Son of Mary who died and rose for us÷is the foundation of the Christian
faith. This volume can serve for many as a touchstone of right belief on who Jesus is.¨

The series includes these two volumes: On the Nature of Theology and on Scripture and On the
Nature of God and on the Trinity.

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On the Nature of God and on the Trinity:

CÞP Þrofesslonal and Academlc 8ooks: hLLp://

Concordia Publishing House is a not-for-profit publishing company and the publisher of The
Lutheran Church÷Missouri Synod. The company offers more than 8,000 products for use in
Christian congregations, schools, and homes. Visit CPH on the Web at

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News Facts:

· Theological Commonplaces series is available as a subscription by calling 1.800.325.3040.

· The original Loci Theologici contains 16 volumes.


Concordia+publishing+house, Johann+Gerhard, Theological+Commonplaces, translated works,
Jesus+Christ, On Christ

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