Papal-Hungarian Relations in 12th Century

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Dissertationes historicae collectae per
Cathedram Historiae Medii Aevi Modernorumque Temporum
Universitatis Quinqueecclesiensis

A Pcsi Tudomnyegyetem !"p#ori s ora$%#ori T!rtneti
Tans"#ne# T!rtneti #!"lemnyei

Pcs, 2011
Contributionem ad publicationem huius voluminis assignaverat:
Rector of the University of Pcs
Editorial board
Mrta Font !ergely "iss Endre #ashalmi $University of Pcs%
&orbert "ers'en $(erder )nstitut* Marburg%
Eduard M+hle $,eutsches (istorisches )nstitut* -arschau%
"laus (erbers $Friedrich./le0ander.Universit1t* Erlangen.&+rnberg%
"atalin #2ende $Central European University* 3udapest%
Redegerunt: Mrta Font* !ergely "iss* 4ams Fedeles
5ayout: !ergely "iss

(U )##& 6778.899:

; Claudia /lraum
; !bor 3arabs
; /ndreas (oldonner
; <solt (unyadi
; !ergely "iss
; Er2sbet !alntai
; !abriella Erdlyi
; )lona "rist=f
; Elisabeth "lec'er
; Endre #ashalmi
; &i'olaus 4hurn
; >el?'o 4omi@iA


PBP#45)C( !EPRB!4E )&4E!R/4)C&#PRC<E##E )& C#4. U&, -E#4EURCP/ $66D.6ED F(D%D
U&)GER#/5E E)&(E)4 C,ER GERE)&(E)45)C(E G)E5F/54H
)&4ER&/4)C&/5E 4/!U&! ID ,E<EM3ER :969
CLAUDIA ALRAUM: Pallienprivilegien f+r /pulien 2Kischen 69IE und 66::DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD66
GBOR BARABS: Lecce dilectum filiumMD P1pstliche Ur'unden in 3e2ug auf die
ANDREAS HOLNDONNER: ,ie Papstur'unde als Produ't unterschiedlicher
Rechtsvorstellungen am 3eispiel der p1pstlichen 3e2iehungen 2um Er2bistum
ZSOLT HUNYADI: Papal(ungarian Relations in the 5ate 4Kelfth Century: Remar's on
GERGELY KISS : L)urisdictionem in abbatibus regalibusOD )ncertitudes de la papaut
envers la hirarchie de lPglise hongroise au0 Q))
RE&/)##/&CE RE5/4)C&#
)&4ER&/4)C&/5 CC&FERE&CE* PSC#* 6 E CC4C3ER :998
ERZSBET GALNTAI: 3emer'ungen 2um &achleben anti'er Feldherrn. und
(erosportr1ts in den !eschichtsKer'en der (umanistenD ,ie -iederbelebung von
GABRIELLA ERDLYI: MMarried 4he #ister of (is 5ate -ifeO: 4he &egotiation of "in.
ILONA KRISTF: Umanisti del capitolo di Grad con esperien2a di studio in )talia $6TT9.
ELISABETH KLECKER: Italicis ois G!"a#a i# !$#a t%listi U Castali&!sD <ur Re2eption
ENDRE SASHALMI: /eneas #ylvius Piccolomini and the (ungarian #uccession: /
NIKOLAUS THURN: Christian #chesaeus and (einrich PorsiusD 4he Classical and
'EL(KO TOMI)I*: &eue Er'enntnisse +ber die mittelalterliche #chicht der #tadt )lo'
$V?la'%D 3eitrag 2u den Gerbindungen 2Kischen Ungarn und Europa in der
RE5/4E, PU35)C/4)C&#.................................................................................................... 221

P1pstlich gepr1gte )ntegrationspro2esse in Cst. und
-esteuropa $66D.6ED FhD%
Universale Einheit oder vereinheitliche GielfaltH
)nternationale 4agung
Pcs* ID ,e2ember :969

#pecimina &ova Pars Prima #ectio Mediaevalis G)D
Redegerunt MD Font !D "iss 4D FedelesD
Pcs* :966D pD NE8:D
<solt (U&W/,)* Ph,* /ssociate Professor
University of #2eged*
Faculty of (umanities*
)nstitute of (istory
,epartment of Medieval and Early Modern (istory*
(.IN:: #2eged* Egyetem uD :D*

PapalHungarian relations in the late twelfth century: Remarks on the
Hungaria Pontificia
A+stact: 4he one the most important accelerators of the development of the military.religious
orders Kas the series of privileges they got hold of from the 66E9s onKardsD 4he privileges
e0empted the orders from the novalia and labores.tithe as Kell as these provided burial rights
and ali'eD #imilar to the -estern European situation* these privileges led to a tension Kith the
local clergy Khich manifested by the 4hird 5ateran Council in 66NJD 4he papal privileges given
to the 4emplars and (ospitallers settled in the "ingdom of (ungary clearly reflect on this

K!,-o&s: Church (istory* Papal(ungarian relations tKelfth century* PapacyD

4he (ungaria Pontificia under the aegis of the Regesta Pontificum Roma.
aims at collecting charter materials concerning papal(ungarian
relations up to the beginning of the pontificate of Pope )nnocent ))) $66J8%D 4he
collection attempts to reconstruct the missing papal registers until the end of
the tKelfth centuryD 4he present short survey* hoKever* Kill e0ceed both the
assumed time span and the thematic rangeD )n order to dig deep enough* Ke
should start our investigation at the first third of the thirteenth century* on the
other hand* Ke are going to enter to some e0tent the area of the Criens ponti.
4he folloKing aperYu attempts to shed some light on the privileges of
the military.religious orders settled in tKelfth.century (ungaryD

R!$!sta .o#ti/ic%" Ro"a#o%"0 a+ co#&ita !ccl!sia a& a##%" .ost C1ist%" #at%" 2234D EdD
Philippus Faff Z #amuel 5oeKenfeld Z Fran2 "altenbrunner Z Paul EKaldD 5eip2ig* 6887Z6888D
$hereafter: F5%D 4he F/FFS E* on the basis of the regional 5o#ti/icia pro?ects* is being prepared at the
University of ErlangenD
Rudolf ()E#4/&,: Papstur'unden f+r 4empler und FohanniterD Gorarbeiten 2um Criens
PontificiusD )))D ![ttingen* 6JN:Z6J8TD $hereafter: ()E#4/&, 6JN:* 6J8T% and Rudolf
()E#4/&, Z Fochen 3UR!4CRF: O&i#!s "ilita!s0 Do"%s /at%" Hos.italis !t Do"%s "ilitia! T!".li
<solt (U&W/,)
)t is long 'noKn in (ungarian scholarship that the secular church played a
significant role in the settlement and the early promotion of the military.
religious ordersD 4he building of the first (ospitaller church Kas supposedly
initiated by /rchbishop Martyrius $66766678% of Es2tergom* the head of the
(ungarian ChurchD
4he 4emplars received one of their most remar'able
donation from the bishop of <agreb before 66N7D
(ad they 'noKn that the
Church Kould face so many disputes over revenues such as tithes and burial
rights Kith the 'nights and their people* they might have e0ercised their
benevolence toKards different ecclesiastical institutionsD
/ short but someKhat complicated chronological survey of the e0tant
documents pertaining to the (ospitallers can reveal the nature of the debates
over tithingD 4he charter Khich registered the very first step of the debate Kas
issued by Pope )nnocent )))\ the pope reacted on complaints from the "nights
of #tD Fohn* and he admonished the bishop of !y]r in March 6:98 Khen he
had tried to levy a tithe on the Crder in his bishopricD
)nfluenced perhaps by
the unceasing series of complaints* tKo Kee's later the pope addressed a
general letter to the (ungarian clergy e0plaining the e0emption en?oyed by
the (ospitallersD
4his charter Kas regarded as a corner.stone of the e0emp.
tions of the local brethren* but the papal aim Kas differentD 4he pope made it
clear that the e0emption only concerned the labores* that is the tithe to be
paid on product groKn by the brethren themselves* and the novalia* the tithe
due from formerly uncultivated landsD
4he nature of this debate may be
confirmed by tKo other considerationsD First* the debates over tithing did not
cease after the receipt of this particular bullD #econd* several years later the
same pope admonished the (ospitallers* and also the Cistercians* Kho Kere

<solt (U&W/,): T1! Hos.itall!s i# t1! M!&i!6al Ki#$&o" o/ H%#$a,7 c8 229:;2<4=D 3udapest*
:969D $hereafter: (U&W/,) :969% pD :TD
Co&!> &i.lo"atic%s !$#i Coatia!7 Dal"atia! ac Sla6o#ia!D )QG)))D EdsD Mar'o "C#4RE&^)_ Z 4ade
#M)^)"5/#D <agrabiae*6J9T6JJ8D $hereafter: #M)^)"5/#% ))D pD 6EJ* see 3al2s #4C##E": Maisons et
possessions des 4empliers en (ongrieD )n: T1! C%sa&!s a#& t1! Milita, O&!s0 E>.a#&i#$ t1!
Fo#ti!s o/ M!&i!6al Lati# C1istia#it,D EdsD <solt (unyadi F=2sef 5as2lovs2'yD 3udapest* :996D
Co&!> &i.lo"atic%s H%#$aia! !ccl!siastic%s ac ci6ilis8 )Q)D EdD !eorgius Fe?rD 3udae* 68:JZ68TTD
$hereafter: FEFSR C,% )))U6D pD 8T\ Mo#%"!#ta Ro"a#a ?!s.i"i!#sisD ))GD EdD Gilmos
Fra'n=i &ndor "nau2 F=2sef 5u'csicsD 3udapest* 68JI6J9ND $hereafter: Mon-esp% )D pD 68\
Cat%lai! $@#@al &! lAo&! &!s Hos.itali!s &! S8 (!a# &! (@%sal!" B22::;2<2:C8 ))GD EdD Foseph
,elaville 5e Roul0D Paris* 68JTZ6J9ID $hereafter: Cartulaire% nrD 6:JTD )t is clear from the charter
that the e0emption from tithing meant the #o6alia and la+o!sD

FEFSR C, )))U6D pD 8T;8ID
CfD !illes CC&#4/35E: Mo#astic tit1!s /o" t1!i oi$i#s to t1! t-!l/t1 c!#t%,8 Cambridge* 6JITD pD
:89\ 5ouis Fulius 5S"/): T1! Cist!cia#s0 I&!als a#& R!alit,8 "ent* 6J8JD pD I7;IND
Papal(ungarian relations in the late tKelfth century: Remar's on the H%#$aia 5o#ti/icia
said not to be paying the tithes on their vineyards in the bishopric of PcsD

#upposedly these lands Kere cultivated as e0traneus vineyards* although it
Kas not clear from the charter Khether labores or novalia Kere dueD 4he
debates escalated in 6:6E* ?ust before the Fourth 5ateran CouncilD /t about
this time the #2'esfehrvr commandery Kas in dispute Kith the bishop of
Ges2prm over the tithe of the rustici of the (ospitallers in that bishopricD

4he papal auditor diligently put together the arguments of the opposing
partiesD Pope )nnocent ))) summari2ed the facts in 6:67UI and e0plained to
the (ospitallers of (ungary* in a meticulous Kay* that the grant of `ueen
Euphrosyne $given before 66JE% and its confirmation by her son $in 66JE% did
not automatically include the tithes of the lands donated since tithes could
not be granted by secular personsD 4hus the basis for praescriptio had lapsed\
it Kas alleged by the bishop of Ges2prm that although the (ospitallers
could prove thirty years of peaceful tenure they lac'ed the forty years of
taciturnitas Khat the pope concluded from the ius communeD 4he final
decision* hoKever* favored the (ospital on the basis of the confirmation of
the e0emption of the commandery $decimas et ecclesias ascD Csurg= and
V?udvarb intra parochiam #D #tephani% by Popes Celestine and 5uciusD 4he
chronology suggested by the document is someKhat problematicD 4he papal
bull clearly referred to more than one e0hibited document: it reads inclyte
recordationis 3aeleb regis et Eauhprosineb matris ipsius* regine (ungarie
privilegia e0hibuitD 4he charter of `ueen Euphrosyne has not come doKn to
us nor did the Crder ever refer to itD Perhaps the concept of posterior derogat
priori functioned hereD /ccording to Pope )nnocent )))* it Kas a pope MCDO*
either Celestine or Clement* Kho confirmed the original privilege Khich the
(ospitallers actually e0hibited and Khich has accepted as authentic:
a%t1!#tic%" a..a!!t that means it most li'ely happened betKeen 66JE and
66J8D 4he brethren also claimed that the privilege had subsecuently been
confirmed by Pope 5ucius ))) $66866687%\ e0 silentio it folloKs that they did
not produce the later confirmation during the disputeD
)t appears that it must have been Pope Celestine ))) $66J666J8% Kho con.
firmed the privilege* since he Kas confirming the 66JE grant of the (un.
garian ruler\
that interpretation is supported by the fact that the name of the
#2'esfehrvr commandery Kas introduced* most unusual for a (ospitaller

FEFSR C, )))U6D pD 6T6;6T:D
Cartulaire nrD 6TE8D
4he edition by D!la6ill! L! Ro%l> reads as Clement and lists Celestine among the te0tual
variants in the notes\ presumably it Kas abbreviated as C in the original te0tD Cartulaire nrD 6TE8D
<solt (U&W/,)
church* into the Li+! C!#s%%" in 66J: during his pontificateD
4he story
ended at the point Khen Pope 5uciusd name appeared\ since it Kas either
Pope Celestine or his predecessor* Pope Clement ))) $668N66J6% Kho first
confirmed the grant* it must have happened after the pontificate of 5ucius )))
$66866687% and in this case T9 years could have passedD )f* hoKever* it Kas
the papal auditor Kho confused the chronology* then the missing thirty years
of peaceful tenure* Khich to the (ospitallers referred* Kould have e0istedD
4heoretically it cannot be ruled out that there Kas a donation of "ing 3la )))
around 668T6687 Khich idea is not yet supported by other facts or e0tant
sourcesD / third possible reconstruction Kould be that the privilege of `ueen
Euphrosyne* if it ever e0isted* Kas confirmed by 5ucius ))) and that Celestine
))) finally confirmed both of themD
/s a sort of reaction* from 6:6I onKards*
at least in the case of the membra of #2'esfehrvr* the (ospitallers referred
to praescriptio* namely to permanent peaceful tenureD
4his solution* hoK.
ever* did not e0onerate them from fighting the concerned bishops and abbots
one by oneD 4hey disputed tithes Kith the 3enedictine convent of #2e's2rd
in 6:::
and Kith the bishop of !y]r in 6::7D
)n the folloKing year a
decade.long debate Kas settled Khen the (ospitallers reached an agreement
Kith the 3enedictine abbot of Pannonhalma over the tithes levied in #omogy
4he parties appointed ?udges and stated that they Kould be sub?ect
to the verdict Khatsoever it Kould have been* accepting that the party brea'.
ing the agreement Kould be fined 6:7 mar's\ therefore each party pledged a
villageD 4he importance of the contract Kas reflected in the fact that besides
the prior of the #2'esfehrvr commandery* Fohannes Kas also present* the
(ungarian prior Kho Kas named in the charter as magnus magisterD 4he
conclusion of the affair is not 'noKn* but it is certain that the 3enedictine

MI# ! D!s.i"i!#si0 !ccl!sia Sa#cti St!.1a#i !$is a.%& cast%" B!l!$a&! EAl+a !$alisF %#a"
"aca" a%i8 G%a! !st Hos.ital!DO FEFSR C, ))D pD :8:D
)f there Kas such a document it must have been issued before 668ID
FEFSR C, )))U6D pD ::8:E9\ A .a##o#1al"i SH!#tIB!#!&!JI!#& tKt@#!t!D a/ history of the 3ene.
dictines of Pannonhalmab )Q))U3D EdsD 5s2l= Erdlyi Pongrc2 #[r[sD 3udapest* 6J9:6J6ID
$hereafter: PR4% )D pD 6IT* IE8IEJ\ .L&Joi MN oJ"L#,tL8 Co&!> &i.lo"atic%s A.a&ia#%sD )Q))D
EdD !us2tv -en2elD Pest3udapest* 68I968NTD $hereafter: eUC% G)D pD ENNENJ\ Mon-esp )D pD
EIEN\ Cartulaire nrD 6TN:\ Mo#%"!#ta !ccl!sia! Sti$o#i!#sisD ))GD EdsD Ferdinandus "nau2* et alD
68NT6JJJD $hereafter: ME#% )D pD :69D
FEFSR C, )))U6D pD E8EE8T* )))U7D pD E8E\ Cartulaire nrD 6NTND
D!t!a "o#%"!#ta 1istoica H%#$aia" saca" ill%sta#tia8 )))D EdD /ugustinus 4heinerD Romae*
687J68I9D $hereafter: 4heiner% )D pD I6I:\ Mon-esp )D pD II\ ME# )D pD :7T\ eUC )D pD :66:6:D
FEFSR C, )))U6D pD ::8

:E9\ PR4 )D pD 6IT* IE8


ENJ\ Mon-esp )D pD EIEN\

Cartulaire nrD 6TN:\ ME# )D pD :69D
Papal(ungarian relations in the late tKelfth century: Remar's on the H%#$aia 5o#ti/icia
abbot achieved some success* because he promptly boasted of it to his felloK
mon's as Kell as to Pope !regory )Q in 6::I
and 6::ND

4he (ospitallers referred to confirmation of their rights* and they sup.
posedly not only concerned the very case* for instance the controversy Kith
the 3enedictines* but also those general privileges they received during the
tKelfth centuryD -hat these privileges KereH
4he establishment and the rapid distribution of the military.religious
orders Kas provided and bac'ed by the group of privileges Khich folloKed
the path paved by the CisterciansD 4hese advances promoted these orders on
the long runD )n the case of the first par e0cellence military order* the
4emplars* these e0emptions Kere ac'noKledged in the O"#! &at%" o.ti"%"
of Pope )nnocent )) $66E9

66TE% issued in 66EJD

Recent literature has*
hoKever* emphasi2ed that the initiative originated from Pope Celestine ))
$66TE66TT%* more precisely* from the content of the Milites 4empli of 66TTD

4he papal charter concerned the burial rights and the antecedent of this
document is to be sought in a charter of Pope )nnocent )) issued betKeen
66EE and 66EN* moreover* another forerunner can be dated to the period of

4he O"#! &at%" o.ti"%" of 66EJ released the 4emplars from the
payment of tithe after their oKn landed estates and conceded them the right
to be granted of collecting tithe provided that the achieved the consent
$consensus% of the bishop and that of the concerned ecclesiastical institutionD
/ccording to the series of privileges* the same either financial importance
can* be attributed to the right of establishment of neK churches and the
burial rights of the deceased brethrenD 4he third important pillar Kas the
Militia D!i
of 66T7 issued by Pope Eugene ))) $66T7667E% Khich settled the
right of the 4emplars for collecting tithe as Kell as the concession for burial
oblations provided that they oKned commanderies in the territory
concerned and the consent of the bishop Kas not mentioned in this charterD
#upposedly* both the military.religious order and the pope had plenty of
e0perience of the attitude of the local clergy toKards the assumed privilegesD

&ational /rchives of (ungary* Collectio /ntemohacsiana* Photocopy collection $hereafter:
,F% :9I88N* :9I888\ PR4 )D pD I89I8:D
,F :98:J6* eUC )D pD :TN:T8D PR4 )D nrD J8D
()E#4/&, 6JN:D pD :9TZ:69D
)bidD* pD :6EZ:6ID
)bidD* pD :9E:9TD* :6ED #ee also Peter ,D C5/R"E: T1! I#t!&ict i# t1! T1it!!#t1 C!#t%,0 A
G%!stio# o/ Coll!cti6! G%iltD C0ford* :99ND pD IJZN6* 6E8Z6EJD
()E#4/&, 6JN:D pD :6IZ:6ND
<solt (U&W/,)
)n case of the (ospitallers these Kere the folloKing ones: the 5i! .ost%latio
6ol%#tatis of Paschal )) $69JJ6668%* e0empted the (ospital from the payment
of tithes in 666E* but Kas not released from the ?urisdiction of the bishop in
4he first relevant privilege of Pope )nnocent ))* A& 1oc #os &is.o#!#t! in
decreed that the brethren Kere released from the bishopds authority\
they could not be e0communicated by the bishop and their churches could
not be placed under interdictD )n the course of a general interdict* the (os.
pital Kas permitted to continue its services provided that the doors of the
churches remained shut and the bells silentD 4he second privilege of )nnocent
))* Christiane fidei religio* 66EN* alloKed the brethren to establish churches
and burial.grounds and the brethren Kere alloKed to use the graveyard even
during interdictD
4he third privilege* G%a" a"a+ilis D!o* 66EJ*
Khich is not
accidentally reminiscent of the O"#! &at%" o.ti"%" already given to the
4emplars* called upon the bishop to further the alms and gifts for the
(ospital so that in return one seventh of the benefactords penalty Kould be
forgivenD )n 667T Pope /nastasius )G $Fuly 667E,ec 667T% repromulgated
the Christiane fidei religio and augmented its content: the Crder Kas
authori2ed to have its oKn priestsD
4his probably formally recogni2ed a
situation that Kas long.e0isting\ nevertheless* it Kas an important step in the
series of e0emptions since it meant that the priests of the (ospital Kere not
sub?ect to the bishop Kho otherKise maintained the right of presentationD
f f f
)n the light of the above* let us turn to the corpus of papal charters Kith
reference to (ungaryD /mong the materials preserved in the collection pre.
pared by Fames Ross #Keeney* there is a small dossier Kith inscriptions:
M(ungaria Pontifica7 U#$a#0 T!".l! %#& (o1a##it! 6o# D8 M!H!, $!/%#&!#!s
Mat!ial a+! #ic1t /O (ungaria pontificia +!sti""t8 It co#tai#s /i6! &oc%"!#ts
+!ai#$ a sot o/ pro domo si$#at%! /o" C8 P to 48 T1! QC8R a++!6iatio# "ost
liJ!l, sta#&s /o cruciferi
)t is clear from the second volume of the Papst.
ur'unden f+r 4empler und Fohanniter*
that 5s2l= Me2ey rendered these

()E#4/&, 6J8TD pD 6JT6JND
()E#4/&, 6J8TD pD :9I:98D
()E#4/&, 6J8TD pD 69T6E7D
()E#4/&, 6J8TD pD 6EN6I:D
Cartulaire nrD ::ID
4here is an additional sheet Kith the folloKing information: /le0ander ))) $6686% G))D ND F5
6TT98D CrigD RomD GatD /rchD )nstrD miscellD ComD 4acholmitaneiD UngarnD ,almatiaD )t implies
that the document has been transferred to the Dal"atia .o#ti/iciaD
()E#4/&, 6JN:D pD I6IED
Papal(ungarian relations in the late tKelfth century: Remar's on the H%#$aia 5o#ti/icia
pieces of information for the disposal of Rudolf (iestand before he passed
the H%#$aia 5o#ti/icia to #KeeneyD

4he first of these charters is the A%&i6i"%s !t a%&i!#t!s letter of Pope
/le0ander ))) $667J6686%* preserved in the toKn archive of Po2sony
Khich Kas dated by Me2ey* on the basis of the itinerary of the
pope* to T ,ecember 66N966N:D
#ince the forerunner privilege Kas granted
to the Cistercians in 66NT* Khile the first variant for the military.religious
orders Kas promulgated on 6: &ovember 66NJ*
this particular charter
should be dated later* presumably to 6689D 4he papal charter Kas issued for
the sa'e of the 4emplars confirming their e0emption of tithing over labores
and novaliaD )t also confirms the dating as it Kas a clear MansKerO to the
charges raised at the 4hird 5ateran Council $66NJ% Khere the attending
bishops accused the poor 'nights of the 4emple of #olomon Kith the non.
payment of the tithesD 4he document Kas sorted out as it belongs to the
Criens pontificius and not to the H%#$aia 5o#ti/iciaD
4he second document*
a letter of Pope 5ucius ))) $66866687%* issued in
Gelletri Khich confirmed the A%&i6i"%s !t a%&i!#t!s of /le0ander ))) contain.
ing the privilege of the (ospitallers concerning the labores.titheD 4he charter
only indicates the day of issuance Kithout the yearD Cn the basis of the place
Khere the document Kas recorded Me2ey identified the date as J /pril 668ED
4he inventory of the &ational /rchives of (ungary dated the document
according to the pontificate of 5ucius )))* that is* to 66866687* but the #pring
of 668E seems to be the most li'elyD 4he itinerary of the pope Kould alloK to
ta'e into consideration the previous year too* but as a matter of fact 5ucius
confirmed other privileges for the 4emplars in (ungary in three Kee's as
Kell as other ones for the (ospitallers in #eptember 668ED 4his may imply
that the military.religius orders regarded this moment to be timely to have
their privileges ac'noKledged by the local clergyD &onetheless* having no
uncuestionable piece of evidence Ke do not rule out the dating the
document to 668:D

For the recent edition of these charters* see <solt (U&W/,): / magyarors2gi ?ohannit'na' s
templomoso'na' adott 6:D s22adi 'ivltsgo' ppai o'levele' t+'rben a4Kelfth.century
privileges given to the 4emplars and (ospitallers in (ungary through papal chartersbD SHLHa&oJ
6:I $:96:%* pD E8JT9TD* here: pD EJ8T9TD
/rchD CivitD PosonD nrD 7I6UJETD
Me2ey did not find the document in the Cartulaire of D!la6ill! hoKever* it Kas published as
nrD T:8D D!la6ill! determined the date as 66N666N: or 6689D

()E#4/&, 6JN:D pD :JJE96D (iestand lists J variants* hoKever* none of them bears the date of T
CrD 7D /rchD CivitD PosonD nrD J8TUJEID ,F :NNJ7TD
<solt (U&W/,)
Cne of the most interesting document is the bull of 5ucius )))* dated to N
#eptember 668ED
4he Ea S%a! 6o+is bull granted burial right to the (ospital.
lers concerning their oKn deceased brothers provided they Kere not e0.
communicated or under interdict even though their local bishop refused to
give his consentD 4he earliest version of this bull Kas promulgated a couple of
days earlier* on E #eptemberD
)t is Korth mentioning* that on :N Cctober
5ucius ))) also issued the same bull for the 4emplarsD )t Kas nothing neK for
the "nights of the 4emple since they have already been granted this sort of
privilege by Pope )nnocent )) $66E966TE% 'noKn as Milit!s T!".liD 4he ori.
ginal charter for a long time Kas dated to 66TT but recent scholarship redated
it to 66EE66END
4he difference is not only a couple of years but this correc.
tion made this charter the very first of the three ma?or privileges given to the
4emplars $O"#! &at%" o.ti"%" 66EJ* Militia D!i 66T7%* moreover* it also
means that the original privilege Kas not given by Pope Celestine $66TE66TT%
but by his predecessorD /ccording to Rudolf (iestand there Kas another
archetype of the Milites 4empli issued by )nnocent )) betKeen 66EJ and 66TED

4he ne0t original document of this small corpus is another bull* the I%stis
.!t!#ti%" &!si&!iis of 5ucius ))) promulgated on :: &ovember 668TU6687D

4he pope confirmed the $undated% donation of "ing 3la ))) concerning
<engg $#egnia%D Me2ey gives no reason Khy he sorted the document out
from the (ungaria pontificia* it seems that he regarded it to pertain to the
Dal"atia 5o#ti/iciaD ) Kould* hoKever* argue that should be placed bac' into
the corpus since it concerned the (ungarian 'ing and the (ungarian pro.
vince of the 4emplars established around the 66I9sD
4he last document is a confirmation of the privilege of Pope )nnocent ))
$66E966TE% given to the 4emplars* 'noKn as Milit!s T!".li* by Pope Clement
))) $668N66J6% in 6688D
/ccording to the apparatus prepared by Me2ey the
bull latet* that is it lur's in the 4oKn /rchive of Po2sony* he also informed
(iestand so*
but in the meantime the document turned up and its photo.

&ational /rchives of (ungary* Collectio /ntemohacsiana* Charter collection $hereafter: ,5%
:E\ !eorgius PR/W: Diss!tatio 1istoicoIcitica &! 5ioat% A%a#a! i# S%a oi$o7 .o$!ss%s7 !t
i#t!it%s7 !> "o#%"!#tis #o#&%" !&itisD Giennae* 6NNED pD 698\ Cartulaire nrD I7ND CfD Fonathan
#imon Christopher R)5EW.#M)4(: T1! K#i$1ts o/ St8 (o1# i# (!%sal!" a#& C,.%s c82:9:T2<2:8
5ondon* 6JIND pD NND
Cartulaire nrD I7I bisD $)GD pD :IED%D CfD ()E#4/&, 6J8TD pD :NJD

()E#4/&, 6JN:D pD :9E:9TD

()E#4/&, 6JN:D pD :6ED
,F :NNJ77\ FEFSR C, ))D pD :9T:97D F JN:9* F5 67EETD
6: ,ecember 6688* F5 696::* F5 6IEI6D ()E#4/&, 6JN:D pD :6T:67D
,F :NNJ77\ ()E#4/&, 6J8TD pD IED MD!sc1oll!# ist &a$!$!# &as /ol$!#&!7 !i#st 1i! a%/+!-a1t! StOcJ
Cl!"!#s III8 Milit!s T!".liO 6688 ,e2D 6:D CrigD F5 6IEI6D
Papal(ungarian relations in the late tKelfth century: Remar's on the H%#$aia 5o#ti/icia
copy has been added to the Photocopy Collection of the &ational /rchives of
#trange enough* the surveyed documents are not listed in the elenchus
prepared for the second volume of the ,iplomata (ungariae anticuissima
$66E666JI% Khich otherKise contains almost fifty papal chartersD (aving a
closer loo' of the materials being prepared for edition it seems that the late
Professor Me2ey left the editorial board at a certain point and too' aKay the
folders attributed to the H%#$aia 5o#ti/icia therefore they have been omitted
from the corpusD
/s a sort of conclusion* there must be an e0planation Khy the intensity of
the accuisition of privileges raised to such e0tent in the 6689sD &or earlier*
neither later as far as the tKelfth century is concernedD -hile attempting to
get accuainted Kith the efficient causes Ke should turn toKards the contem.
porary situation of the overall ChurchD 4he bishops appeared at the 4hird
5ateran Council in March of 66NJ fought very hard against those 4emplars
and (ospitallers Kho Kere said to be abusing their privilegesD 4hese prelates
succeeded to convince the Council to condemn in a canon
those comman.
deries of these military.religious orders Kho accepted churches* tithe from
lay hands and those Kho failed to present their priest to the local bishopD
Moreover* one may hear about (ospitallers Kho* Khile collecting alms*
happened to Kander on territories under interdict and they celebrated mas.
sesD )t is tempting to thin' that the above surveyed privileges primarily re.
flected to these chargesD /ccordingly* one may encounter a very usual si.
tuation: the charters from the autumn of 66NJ 'ept confirming and legi.
timi2ing an already e0isting status cuo Kith the local clergyD /lthough the
privileges accuired by the military.religious orders $and the Cistercians%
mostly incorporated the cuestioned e0emptions* the very general Kording of
the documents and the inaccuracies resulted from this feature led to
numerous abusesD 4hese Kere the military orders Khich have Kon the battle
on the short run since the criticism phrased at the ecumenical council did not
ma'e the 'nights Kithheld* cuite the contrary: it pointed out the circle of
privileges to be gained or confirmed in the futureD
4his impression may be reinforced by the fact that the process of the
settlement of the military.religious orders in the "ingdom of (ungary most
li'ely reached or at least approached the gcritical massgD 3y the end of the
66N9s both the 4emplars and the (ospitallers possessed such an amount of

66NJ: h JD D!c!!s o/ t1! Ec%"!#ical Co%#cils8 GolD 6D $&icaea 65ateran G%D EdD &ormann PD
4annerD -ashington ,D CD* 6JJ9D pD :6I:6N* CfD !eorg #C(RE)3ER: K%i! %#& Klost! i" 2U8
(a11%#&!tD )))D #tuttgart* 6J69D )D pD :JT* ))D pD 67* IN* 66I* E7TD
<solt (U&W/,)
Kealth Khose efficient e0ploitation and the accuisition of neK ones turned
up as a challenge for the provincial leadership of these ordersD 3oth of them
Kere strongly centrali2ed institutions thus the perception based not on local
inventions but rather on -estern European e0perience and e0pectationsD 4he
latter ones Kere influenced by the status cuo in the (oly 5and* from the
66N9s* Khich recuired more remar'able resources and supplies ever since
and these Kere supposed to be provided by the European commanderiesD
4his fact most li'ely played a determinant role during the negotiations
betKeen the grand masters of these orders and earthly lieutenant of ChristD
Even though Ke managed to provide a convincing e0planations for the
half.century long struggle of the (ospitallers for the privileges* it still seems
someKhat pu22ling Khy the 4emplars Kere much less involved in such
debates in the "ingdom of (ungaryD

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