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Q1) I have a clear idea of job responsibilities.

Answer) (a) Agree (b) Tend To Agree (c)? (d) Tend To Disagree (e) Disagree

Q2) In my judgment my department operates efficiently

Answer) (a) Agree (b) Tend To Agree (c)? (d) Tend To Disagree (e) Disagree

Q3) The decision of company's management is in employee concern.

Answer) (a) Agree (b) Tend To Agree (c)? (d) Tend To Disagree (e) Disagree

Q4) In my opinion, employees new to my company receive adequate training for the job.

Answer) (a) Agree (b) Tend To Agree (c)? (d) Tend To Disagree (e) Disagree

Q5) The people, I work with usually get along well together

Answer) (a) Agree (b) Tend To Agree (c)? (d) Tend To Disagree (e) Disagree

Q6) My immediate boss often gives me the credit for job done well.

Answer) (a) Agree (b) Tend To Agree (c)? (d) Tend To Disagree (e) Disagree

Q7) Little effort is made to get the opinion & thinking of employees in my company

Answer) (a) Agree (b) Tend To Agree (c)? (d) Tend To Disagree (e) Disagree

Q8) I am doing something I really consider worthwhile in my job

Answer) (a) Agree (b) Tend To Agree (c)? (d) Tend To Disagree (e) Disagree

Q9) I would recommend my company as a good place to work

Answer) (a) Agree (b) Tend To Agree (c)? (d) Tend To Disagree (e) Disagree

Q10) Overall, the physical working condition at my location are satisfactory

Answer) (a) Agree (b) Tend To Agree (c)? (d) Tend To Disagree (e) Disagree

Q11) I can be sure of a job with my company as long as I perform well.

Answer) (a) Agree (b) Tend To Agree (c)? (d) Tend To Disagree (e) Disagree

Q12) I am often bother by excessive pressure in my job.

Answer) (a) Agree (b) Tend To Agree (c)? (d) Tend To Disagree (e) Disagree

Q13) The Quality of work done in my department is excellent

Answer) (a) Agree (b) Tend To Agree (c)? (d) Tend To Disagree (e) Disagree

Q14) Management is generally respected by employees

Answer) (a) Agree (b) Tend To Agree (c)? (d) Tend To Disagree (e) Disagree

Q15) The training, I received from my company has adequately prepared me for the work I do.

Answer) (a) Agree (b) Tend To Agree (c)? (d) Tend To Disagree (e) Disagree

Q16) There is usually good cooperation between:
(A) Work Group in my department

Answer) (a) Agree (b) Tend To Agree (c)? (d) Tend To Disagree (e) Disagree

(B) My Department with other department

Answer) (a) Agree (b) Tend To Agree (c)? (d) Tend To Disagree (e) Disagree

Q17) My immediate boss is usually receptive to suggestion for changes from employees.

Answer) (a) Agree (b) Tend To Agree (c)? (d) Tend To Disagree (e) Disagree

Q18) My immediate boss manages people well

Answer) (a) Agree (b) Tend To Agree (c)? (d) Tend To Disagree (e) Disagree

Q19) I think my performance on the job is evaluated fairly

Answer) (a) Agree (b) Tend To Agree (c)? (d) Tend To Disagree (e) Disagree

Q20) Compare with other people working for my company, I think I am paid fairly.

Answer) (a) Agree (b) Tend To Agree (c)? (d) Tend To Disagree (e) Disagree

Q21) From what I hear, my company's fringe benefit are as, or better than, in other
similar companies

Answer) (a) Agree (b) Tend To Agree (c)? (d) Tend To Disagree (e) Disagree

Q22) My job is frequently full & monotonous

Answer) (a) Agree (b) Tend To Agree (c)? (d) Tend To Disagree (e) Disagree

Q23) I am frequently worried about the future of my company

Answer) (a) Agree (b) Tend To Agree (c)? (d) Tend To Disagree (e) Disagree

Q24) People in my department are encouraged to come up with innovative
solution to work related problems

Answer) (a) Agree (b) Tend To Agree (c)? (d) Tend To Disagree (e) Disagree

Q25) The work in my department is well organized.

Answer) (a) Agree (b) Tend To Agree (c)? (d) Tend To Disagree (e) Disagree

Q26) In my opinion too much time is wasted in my department

Answer) (a) Agree (b) Tend To Agree (c)? (d) Tend To Disagree (e) Disagree

Q27) The management of my company generally understand the problem we face in our job

Answer) (a) Agree (b) Tend To Agree (c)? (d) Tend To Disagree (e) Disagree

Q28) The information I need to do my job is readily available

Answer) (a) Agree (b) Tend To Agree (c)? (d) Tend To Disagree (e) Disagree

Q29) Employees are treated with respect in my company regardless of their job.

Answer) (a) Agree (b) Tend To Agree (c)? (d) Tend To Disagree (e) Disagree

Q30) My immediate boss usually makes clear cut decision

Answer) (a) Agree (b) Tend To Agree (c)? (d) Tend To Disagree (e) Disagree

Q31) My company does an excellent job of keeping us inform

Answer) (a) Agree (b) Tend To Agree (c)? (d) Tend To Disagree (e) Disagree

Q32) There is adequate opportunity for employees to learn about available job opening
in my company.

Answer) (a) Agree (b) Tend To Agree (c)? (d) Tend To Disagree (e) Disagree

Q33) Morale where I work is generally high

Answer) (a) Agree (b) Tend To Agree (c)? (d) Tend To Disagree (e) Disagree

Q34) My Company offer a level of job security as good as, better than, the job offered in
most other companies in our industry

Answer) (a) Agree (b) Tend To Agree (c)? (d) Tend To Disagree (e) Disagree

Q35) There is sufficient staff in my department to handle the workload

Answer) (a) Agree (b) Tend To Agree (c)? (d) Tend To Disagree (e) Disagree

Q36) My company management is interested in the wellbeing of its employee.

Answer) (a) Agree (b) Tend To Agree (c)? (d) Tend To Disagree (e) Disagree

Q37)There are sufficient opportunities for me to receive
(A) Training to improve my skill in my current job

Answer) (a) Agree (b) Tend To Agree (c)? (d) Tend To Disagree (e) Disagree

(B) Training to increase my eligibility for a better job

Answer) (a) Agree (b) Tend To Agree (c)? (d) Tend To Disagree (e) Disagree

Q38) My immediate boss understands the technical aspect of my work

Answer) (a) Agree (b) Tend To Agree (c)? (d) Tend To Disagree (e) Disagree

Q39) We receive adequate information on company's personnel policies & practices.

Answer) (a) Agree (b) Tend To Agree (c)? (d) Tend To Disagree (e) Disagree

Q40) In my opinion my company does a good job of promoting the most competent people

Answer) (a) Agree (b) Tend To Agree (c)? (d) Tend To Disagree (e) Disagree

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