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Strikes, solidarity
& sexual liberation
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HE FILM Pride tells the inspiring
true story of solidarity between
two groupsthe mining
community and LGBT peoplethat
many expected never to unite.
Often we are told that prejudices are so
deep-rooted that they will always exist.
Pride shows that struggle can unite and
overcome division.
We can do more than win gradual
reforms. LGBT people are now allowed
to marry (after a bitter fght), but prime
minister David Cameron continues to
pontifcate about the sanctity of the
heterosexual family.
Meanwhile, Ukips racists and
homophobes are waiting in the wings to
exploit peoples fears and money worries.
Pride offers a glimpse of an alternative.
Every time working people rise in
protestwhether its against job losses,
pay cuts, service closures or killing in
Gazathey fnd themselves alongside
people from different backgrounds.
Black and white, gay and straight,
Muslim and other faiths or none
together we discover that what we have
in common is greater than the lies the
rich and powerful use to divide us.
The miners strike of 1984-5 galvanised
hundreds of thousands in a tide of
solidarity. It could have won, but for trade
union and Labour Party leaders betrayals.
This autumn, mass strikes are planned
against austerity. Health workers are
voting on whether to strike on 13 October
in defence of the NHS and for decent pay.
On 14 October hundreds of thousands
of local government workers and schools
staff are set to strike.
On 18 October there wil be mass anti-
austerity demonstrations in London and
Glasgow, organised by the TUC union
We can build these strikes and escalate
them into a movement that says, We
wont pay for the bosses crisis.
As we go, we must challenge every
racist lie about immigrants, every sexist
comment that weakens our side, and any
attempt to undermine people because of
their sexuality.
Pride proves that minds can change,
and that another world is possible.
It raises many important questions.
How can we win full LGBT liberation?
Why did the miners strike go down to
defeat? Is socialism actually possible?
Come to our meeting and be part of the
And join us in Doncaster on Saturday
27 September for a united protest outside
Ukips annual conference with banners
from trade unions, anti-racist and LGBT
groups, anti-cuts campaigners and
anyone who rejects their divisive poison.
What happened when
lesbians and gays
supported the miners
Transport details for demo in Doncaster
(organised by Stand Up to Ukip)
Pride shows how we can unite...
Lesbian and Gay Support the Miners members on a power station picket line

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