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Abbey News Abbey News Abbey News

Inside this issue

Summer of Fun ........... 1
Doreen & Mavis ......... 1
Abbey Update ............ 2
AGM 2014 .................. 2
Have your Say ............ 2
ESOL/Pronunciaton ... 2
Time Bank .................. 2
Managing Diabetes ..... 3
Healthy Cook/Eat ....... 3
Kick the Habit ............. 3
Lotery Fund ............... 3
Abbey Big Picnic ......... 4
SWAN......................... 4
Arts & Crafs ............... 4
Up & Coming .............. 4
Autumn 2014
34 Great Smith Street, SW1P 3BU 0207 222 0303 email: website:
(If you would prefer to receive this newsleter via email, please contact us using the address above to join our mailing list)
65 years supportng healthy & cohesive communites in South Westminster
Congratulations Doreen & Mavis
Our volunteers Doreen Green & Mavis Aird, were recognised at the One
Westminster Community Awards 2014 for their signifcant contributon
to the Abbey Centres work. They have run the weekly Monday Club for
over 12 years, providing opportunites for older people to meet and hear
interestng speakers. They also organise at least 2 fundraising events
every year, raising more than 500 towards the Silver Members Christ-
mas Party and other social events. Well deserved!
A Summer of Fun at the Abbey Centre
Our members of all ages enjoyed a programme of actvites, events and trips over the summer, including a trip
to the theatre to see Billy Elliot, the Big Abbey Picnic in Hyde Park, childrens fun actvites week, pizza party,
trip to Brighton and SouthWestFest. Check out some of the pictures!
Congrats Gillian Stevenson SouthWestFest Pimlico Secrets Art
Competton Winner 2014
Abbey & Zeus House Pizza Party Ciao a tut!
Our Chef Sean has been crowned Pizza King of
Pimlico by our Silver
Members & the staf and
students of Zeus House at
Pimlico Academy for the
delicious range of pizzas.
Theatre Trip Our Silver
members and Pimlico
Academy students enjoyed
a shared trip to see Billy
Elliot in Victoria. Everybody
had a great tme.
34 Great Smith Street, SW1P 3BU 0207 222 0303 email: website:
34 Great Smith Street, SW1P 3BU 0207 222 0303 email: website:
(If you would prefer to receive this newsleter via email, please contact us using the address above to join our mailing list)
Improving our Spoken English
Our bilingual members have been having fun
improving their pronunciaton of English in a ten
week course delivered with Workers Educatonal
Associaton. Our learners increased their
confdence and communicaton skills. They
enjoyed making new friends who speak diverse
languages, including Arabic, Farsi/Persian, Nebali,
Hindi, and Dari/Pashtu. For more informaton
regarding the next course startng in September
contact Phayza by email:
Learning English as a Second Language (ESOL)
We have a new programme of learning opportunites for learners of English here at the Abbey Centre from
September 2014. We have both drop in sessions and courses availablewhy not try both? South
Westminster Timebank free drop in sessions (Wednesdays) will provide conversatonal practce while
Westminster Adult Educaton Service will be providing weekly classes (Thursdays 1-4pm)
Are you a Time Banker yet?
Lots of opportunites to ofer your skills
and gain the skills of others through the
South Westminster Timebank. Free drop
in workshops in computng, ESOL and
bookkeeping available from September.
For more details check our website or contact Ian Corpuz on
0207 222 0303 or via email
Trustees, Volunteers & Staf Update
Welcome to our new trustee, Jonathan Buckingham who brings property and commercial expertse to the
board. Congratulatons to our volunteers Sandra Juan and Bianca Chan on securing paid employment.
Many thanks to Karl Brinkley, who has worked as interim fnance manager during
Nicky Burstow-Gofs maternity leave. We wish him well in his next role.
Welcome back to Nicky Gof & Liz Ellis following their maternity leave.
Abbey Community Associaton AGM 2014
Dont miss our AGM planned for Wednesday 3-5pm 22nd October 2014 in the Parker Morris Hall at the Ab-
bey Centre. Delicious food will be provided, prepared by our catering course graduates. We will be cele-
bratng our achievements of the past year and presentng our plans going forward into 2015.
Are you interested in being elected a trustee to represent the membership? There are three places on the
Board of trustees for elected members , one member elected each year at the AGM. For details about how
to apply please contact Mohammed Mansour, email:
Abbey Members Having Their Say !
Members have met in focus groups and completed
on line surveys to tell us their views about our services,
actvites, facilites and how best to keep everybody up
to date with our news. We will share the headline
fndings at the AGM. Did you know that you can provide
feedback anytme using the website.?
Thank you Lotery Fund!
We have secured a grant to support a
new program of actvites for older
people. There will be weekly actvity
sessions for people to meet each other
& learn new skills. The actvites will
vary including learning how to grow
vegetables, arts & crafs, and trips to
interestng fun places.
(If you would prefer to receive this newsleter via email, please contact us using the address above to join our mailing list)
34 Great Smith Street, SW1P 3BU 0207 222 0303 email: website:
34 Great Smith Street, SW1P 3BU 0207 222 0303 email: website:
Member Spotlight!
Terry is a very talented
graphic designer who is
generously investng his tal-
ents at the Abbey Centre as
a volunteer. He has moved
from Greece, developing his
language skills to secure
paid employment. You have
probably notced his new
bright leafets promotng
our actvites that he has
been busy designing. If you
need the services of a
skilled graphic designer
then he is your man! Just
contact 0207 222 0303 or
Preventng & Managing Diabetes
Poorly managed diabetes can cause life threatening complicatons such as heart disease,
kidney failure, damage to sight, loss of sensaton, and reduced mobility , leading to possible
disability. Phayza FudlallaHealth & Wellbeing Manager at the Abbey Centre works closely
with local community members at risk of; or living with diabetes. She ofen runs sessions at the
Victoria Medical Centre. People learn to understand their current life style and how to achieve
any changes required to manage their diet and achieve improved wellbeing. If you feel you
could beneft from this service, please ask your GP to refer you to us.
You are What You Eat!
Friendly graduate diettan, Siobhan led sessions in healthy
cook and eat on a budget, in summer 2014. She taught
members how to cook healthy meals from fresh
ingredients, creatng delicious meals rich in protein, fbre,
vitamins and minerals in good porton sizes. It was a great
opportunity to make new friends and have fun tastng the
Why not join the next course startng on 17
to January 2015 by contactng Phayza Fudlalla by email:
Trustees, Volunteers & Staf Update
Welcome to our new trustee, Jonathan Buckingham who brings property and commercial expertse to the
board. Congratulatons to our volunteers Sandra Juan and Bianca Chan on securing paid employment.
Many thanks to Karl Brinkley, who has worked as interim fnance manager during
Nicky Burstow-Gofs maternity leave. We wish him well in his next role.
Welcome back to Nicky Gof & Liz Ellis following their maternity leave.
Abbey Community Associaton AGM 2014
Dont miss our AGM planned for Wednesday 3-5pm 22nd October 2014 in the Parker Morris Hall at the Ab-
bey Centre. Delicious food will be provided, prepared by our catering course graduates. We will be cele-
bratng our achievements of the past year and presentng our plans going forward into 2015.
Are you interested in being elected a trustee to represent the membership? There are three places on the
Board of trustees for elected members , one member elected each year at the AGM. For details about how
to apply please contact Mohammed Mansour, email:
Thank you Lotery Fund!
We have secured a grant to support a
new program of actvites for older
people. There will be weekly actvity
sessions for people to meet each other
& learn new skills. The actvites will
vary including learning how to grow
vegetables, arts & crafs, and trips to
interestng fun places.
and withdrawal symptoms. Good bye nasty tar hello
pounds. For more informaton about the service, please
get in touch with your local stop smoking advisor,
Mohammed Mansour on 020 7227 0644 or email:
Dont wait untl the end of the year to make that new
years resoluton to quit. Start getng healthy and saving
money now. Free support is available at the
Abbey Centre to help smokers quit all forms
of tobacco, including shisha and smokeless
tobacco. We provide advice and nicotne
replacement gadgets to reduce cravings
Trying to Kick the Tobacco Habit? We Can help!
Great to pack up the fagsfewer bank trips for cash , going to treat
myself... one of our happy quiters

34 Great Smith Street, SW1P 3BU 0207 222 0303 email: website:
(If you would prefer to receive this newsleter via email, please contact us using the address above to join our mailing list)

Abbey Centre Membership is FREE!!!
Some New Up & Coming Events/Courses at the Abbey Centre
Arts & Crafs at the Abbey Centre
Drawing, paintng and making things can be so relaxing & a great way of improve
our wellbeing. This autumn we have a range opportunites including sewing to
develop your creatvity regardless of your experience. Why not check our website
and fnd something that suits you or contact Georgina Deadman by phone on
0207 222 0303 or email:
South Westminster Acton Network
Westminster Public Health funds us to
support regular meetngs of local
organisatons & professionals. The Network
promotes joint working and sharing of good
practce to improve local services for the
community. Check out our website to see
discussion themes & presentatons.
Silver Spritely Celebratng Silver Sunday, 5th October
Westminster Film Festval Monday 6th October & Thursday 9th October
Silver Members Film clubfrst or second Sunday of the Month
Actve Together - Weekly actvites for Silver Members
Abbey Centre AGM at 3-5pm 22nd October

For more informaton please contact: 0207 222 0303 or by email or check out our website
Chef Seans Delicious Seasonal Menus at the Washhouse Caf
Freshly prepared hot meals inspired by internatonal cuisine with a vegetarian opton
everyday, all day full English Breakfast, tasty warming soups, home made cakes,
freshly ground cofeewe cater for most tastes and all budgets! We even have free
WiFi available and you wont be chased out. So bring a friend and enjoy a relaxing visit
to your community Washhouse Caf. Open 7 days per week.
Croquet, Pond dipping & Sandwiches in Hyde Park with Our Members & Staf

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