SK Bagan Pasir: English Paper 1

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Paper 1
<Test Name> <Date> Time :
Class : Marks :
This question paper consists of 40 questions. Answer all questions.
Each question in this paper is followed by three or four possible answer. Choose the best answer from the answer
marked A, B, C and .
Se!tion A
"uestion 1 # 4
Choose the best word to fill in the blanks.
1. A __________ has seven colors.
A !ake
B weather
C rainbow
". Ai #in$ sall% wears a __________ on Chinese New &ear.
A sari C cheon$sam
B keba%a
'. ( am $oin$ to b% a __________ at the booksho).
A to%
B shirt
C watch
#in$ #in$ wore an __________ on her ri$ht le$.
A chain
B anklet
C ban$le
"uestions $ # %
+td% the )ictre carefll% and choose the best )hrase to com)lete the )ara$ra)h.
,ahman is makin$ an omelette. -irst. he cracks two e$$s __________ &$'
and beats them with a fork. Then he __________ &('
and )ts them into the beaten e$$. -inall%. he adds some salt and fries the omelette in
__________ &%'
/. A into a c)
B into a bowl
C into a )late
0. A boils some ve$etables
B cho)s some ve$etables
C washes some ve$etables
1. A a )ot
B a $rill
C an oven
a fr%in$ )an
"uestions ) # 10
+td% the )ictre carefll%. Then choose the best answer.

A 3alim and his brother cleaned the )ark.
B 3alim went ot with his friends.
C 3alim took his brother ot for a walk.

A 5ala is eatin$ some drians.
B 6ak Mat is $oin$ to his drian orchard.
C Atan and his $randfather are collectin$ drians.

A -air8 and his friends are $oin$ to the mos!e.
B The bo%s are comin$ ot of the stadim.
C The men are walkin$ alon$ the riverbank.
Se!tion B
"uestions 11 # 1$
#ook at the )ictre below carefll%. Choose the best sentence to fit the sitation shown in the )ictres.
A ( lost m% ke%s.
B ( like bein$ )set.
C +to) makin$ me an$r%.
M% brother broke m% watch9
A &es. it is.
B &es. ( am.
C &es. she is.
&es. we are.
A +he is a :ohorian.
B +he lives in :ohor.
C +he was livin$ in 6erak.
+he lives with m% )arents.

A ( ho)e ( can hel) %o.
B Do %o need hel). Mother;
C (s it time for lnch. Mother;
Are %o cookin$ lnch. Mother;
A ( like bein$ an$r%.
B &o took m% wallet9
C &es. (<m ver% )set.
+omeone stole m% wallet9
Se!tion C
"uestions 1( # *0
Choose the best answer for each of the followin$ sentences.
10. Mother )ts a =ar of cookies __________ the table.
A in
B on
C nder
11. Din is lookin$ at __________ in the mirror.
A itself C herself
B m%self himself
12. :oe __________ 5ob are $ood friends.
A or
B so
C bt
Monke%s are __________ animals.
A sefl
B hel)fl
C )la%fl
"7. __________ +heila at home %esterda%;
A (s
B Are
C >as
"uestion *1
"1. Choose the word that has the opposite +eaning as the nderlined word.
Ahmad is stin$% bt his brother is __________.
A wise
B smart
C $eneros
"uestions ** # *,
Choose the answer with the correct spelling.
+he bo$ht some bns from the __________ .
A baker% C bakeri%
B beker% bekar%
"'. The headmaster sed a __________ to $ive his s)eech so that ever%bod% cold hear him.
A microfone
B micro)one
C micro)hone
"uestions *4 # *$
Choose the sentence with the correct )nctation.
"*. A The% have sho)s in =ohor. +elan$or and 6enan$.
B The% have sho)s in :ohor. selan$or and 6enan$.
C The% have sho)s in :ohor. +elan$or and )enan$.
The% have sho)s in :ohor. +elan$or and 6enan$.
"/. A are %o $oin$ to the clinic now;
B Are %o $oin$ to the clinic now;
C Are &o $oin$ to the Clinic now;
Are %o $oin$ to the clinic Now;
"uestions *( # ,0
#ook at the )ictre abd read the )assa$e carefll%. 5ased on the )ictre and the )assa$e. choose the best answer to
fill in the blanks.
Mr Tan$ has =st been )romoted to a mana$er in the com)an%. 3e and __________ &*(' famil% are
movin$ ot. Mr Tan$ and his son are )ttin$ __________ &*%' l$$a$e into the car. 3is wife __________ &*)'
da$hter are talkin$ to their nei$hbor. Two workers are )ttin$ Mr Tan$<s __________ &*-' and electrical
items __________ &,0' a lorr%. Mr Tan$ and his famil% are sad to leave their nei$hborhood.
"0. A his
B her
C or
"1. A we
B the%
C their
"2. A becase
B bt
C and
"4. A tools
B frnitre
C e!i)ment
'7. A into
B beside
C behind
in front of
Se!tion E
"uestions ,1 # ,$
'1. >hat is the advertisement abot;
A +weets sold at ?#CC
B Makin$ candies and cookies
C #olita<s Cand% +ho))e )romotion
'". @n which da% is the 5% 1 -ree 1 offer available;
A +nda% C Thrsda%
B Monda% +atrda%
''. Adrene made a )rchase of ,M/".27. >hich of the followin$ will she receive;
A A m$ C >afer stick
B A soft to% 3one% cookies
'*. >hat does the word appli!able in the advertisement mean;
A Aalid
B 3mble
C ,eliable
'/. >here can we find #olita<s Cand% +ho))e;
A :ohor
B ?edah
C Melaka
"uestions ,( # 40
'0. An ele)hant<s moth cannot reach the $rond becase
A its neck is short
B its head is rond
C it can se its trnk
its ears are too bi$
'1. Ble)hants drink water b%
A takin$ in fift% litres of water
B bathin$ five or siC times a da%
C sckin$ ) water with its trnk
'2. The ele)hant ses its trnk +ainl. for
A breakin$ branches
B $ettin$ its food and water
C bathin$ man% times a da%
$reetin$ other ele)hants
'4. >e know that an ele)hant is ver% heav% becase
A it has a lar$e bod%
B its skin is $re% in color
C it wei$hs 0777 kilo$rams
its head and ears are lar$e
*7. The )hrase brea/ing bran!hes an0 pulling up trees shows that
A ele)hants like to destro% )lants
B an ele)hant<s trnk is ver% stron$
C ele)hants are dan$eros animals

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