Fire & Ice

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Started 22
December 2013
First draft finished 3
June 2014 (14,664 words)
Edits and revisions finished 22
June 2014 (15,386 words)

PINTEREST inspiration board:

Fire & Ice

Would you look at what youre wearin, Ollie? It is not alright that
you go to work looking like that!
Youd think he was my father or my older brother the way he was
speaking to me, wouldnt you? But, no. No. Jake, or Jacob to give him his
full name, was my soon to be husband.
Wed decided, this spring that it was about time he made an honest
woman of me, and instead of picking a date then we would pick a date at the
first fall of snow.
You know, to keep it spontaneous, take the pressure off.
Yeah, I know, kind of chaotic but it did force us to be organised,
and when the day came around it would be a mad rush of fun.
That was the idea, anyway.
But I digress. We were arguing, or having a heated discussion, as
Jake liked to insist.
My shoulders slumped. We were getting into it. Again.
I know what I have on, Jacob. I said, aiming for patient but
landing somewhere around infuriated. I picked it out. I was wearing a
short black tube type skirt with a black tank top and, even so, I was far
from the skankiest bar worker at Rorys Place.
In fact if there was an award for most primly dressed bar worker I
was a shoo-in.
I still felt ridiculously uncomfortable, though, so I was very glad
that I was only filling in and didnt need to go all out.
Smart ass.
I could feel the tension rolling off him as he stood, hands on hips
in front of the door as I donned my coat. October here was not cold but the
summer warmth was seeping out of the air, leaving it damp and chilled.
Jake, positive thought: its my last shift. After tonight, I never
have to dress like this again.
I finished buttoning the coat and threw my bag over my head on to my
shoulder, ready to go. Jake stood there, not at all a happy camper, and,
man, did that glower suit him.
Unless you want me to, of course. My voice took on that playful
lilt I knew Jake was a sucker for.
I watched as his lips twitched into that half grin I adored. Score!
I repeat: smart ass. His tone was mock serious, his stance still
He was just home from training at the fire station. Yep, thats
right, fireman. Or, more precisely: Fire Chief. My Jake was the leader of
those smoking hot heros and he was the smokiest of all. So, okay, the town
was so small that we only had a volunteer fire service, but still. Hot.
That uniform hugged him in all the right places, showing off muscles
earned through physical labour as a landscape gardener. None of your gym
honed slickness on my man.
I gave him a lascivious once over, snaked my arms around his neck and
kissed him on the cheek. It was a bit of an acrobatic feat involving me
going right up onto the tips of my toes and hanging on for dear life. With
him at six foot three he was quite a bit taller than me.
I love you, Jake. Ill see you in the morning. I felt his arms wind
around me and his body soften. He kissed where my shoulder met my neck and
it sent shivers skittering through me.
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Be careful, baby girl.
I disentangled myself and stood on my own two feet before him. You
know me, love, always am.
He opened the door and watched as I got into my beat up truck and
headed into town, concern etching his handsome features.

I parked up around the back of the bar in the gated staff car park
and fished out my name tag from the ashtray drawer. Olivia, it read. I
ran my thumb over the raised lettering before pinning it to my tank top.
I re-buttoned my coat and steeled myself. I really didnt want to go
in. I just knew that Stan would be there, he always was. And he was always
just there, everywhere I damn well turned. He was like a dog constantly
under its owners feet, being a trip hazard.
Only Stan was far from a pet. Add an S for a better picture. The man
was a pest. Always touching and making inappropriate conversation. And he
did it with this kind of air of entitlement. I shuddered at the very
thought of him.
I huffed leaning my head back against the head rest of my seat. Only
eight more hours and I would be free of the club floor. Free of Stan.
Eight more hours and then I could go back to my numbers. I could go
back to doing Rorys accounts.

As a book keeper by trade, numbers had always made sense to me and
people rarely did. Bar work and dealing with people did not come naturally
to my loner instincts. So how did I end up in temporary bar work?, I hear
you ask. Its a good question. The answer: my desire for the kick-ass dress
Id spotted in Daisys Dresses eight weeks ago. It was only just off the
shoulder, was cinched in at the waist and flared out in a full skirt that
fell down to just above my knees. And best of all? It was murder red.
I wanted it for my wedding dress, with a vengeance. I already had the
perfect heels to go with it, Jake would describe them as fuck-me heels, and
they were the exact same shade.
I just didnt have the money.
Jake and I had sat down and worked out our budget. We had enough
savings to cover everything as long as we didnt go crazy. And buying new
clothes for the wedding was going crazy. Jake was going to borrow a suit
from his older brother, Joe, and I was going to make do with jazzing up a
dress I already had.
And I stuck to that plan for the whole summer until eight weeks ago.
My resolve softened as I looked longingly through the shop window.
It crumbled altogether two weeks later.
Id been busy trying to make sense of the mess Rory had created, and
I was, once again, cursing the fact that he only had me do his books part
time, when the man himself darkened my desk with his shadow.
Or his desk, to be accurate. Being part-time didnt qualify me for
one of my own apparently.
Anyway, Rory was there, in front of me, shifting about like a cat on
a hot tin roof. A cat with steam coming out of its ears.
Rory oozed fury.
Ollie, he sounded surprised, forgot you were in here.
My irritation at having to deal a mess of invoices and receipts
vanished. Rory was my boss but wed also been friends since high school and
I was and always had been the mother hen of the group. His pain was my
Whats got your underwear in bunch, Rory? I said. Okay, I lied. Not
all my irritation had gone and Rory barging in on my quiet was fuel to the
That idiot girl I hired to cover for Kim?
Kim had broken her leg a few weeks ago. Shed been rock climbing, of
all things.
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Well, shes taken to helping herself in the stock room.
Ah. That explained his fury. Nothing like a little larceny to get
Rorys blood boiling.
Jake was a born protector and, handily, the biggest guy in school so
no one challenged him. Which was sensible of them, really; Jake had also
been the school wrestling champ. Growing up he would brook no bullying of
any variety and came down on the perpetrators hard.
One day Jake caught Rory making his first half-hearted attempt at
shaking down a freshman for lunch money, making himself not only a bully
but also a thief. A double no-no. Needless to say Rory never tried it
again. He learnt his lesson so well that he hated bullies and he hated
Ive suspected it was her, bottles started going missing after she
started. Today I caught her, red handed. Rory sat on his couch, head down,
elbows on knees.
You got that right. Im a girl down.
I watched as his popped up and a spark entered his eyes as he drank
my presence in.
Nerves started jangling in my gut. I swallowed, hard.
His look had two possible meanings: one, he finally saw me and was
going to kiss me, or, two, he had just thought of a really bad idea. The
first was highly unlikely as he had a very healthy respect for Jakes
ability to kick his ass, and if I may just say: er, no. I liked Rory, but,
no. The second was not only possible but also probable; Rory had bad ideas
at a frightening frequency.
You can do it! he stood.
What! I can do what, now?
Fill in. Rory started pacing, Its only for six weeks, two nights
a week.
Yeah? You see, um, no. I said shaking my head. I dont do slutty
outfits and I dont do people. You know this. This is why I hole myself up
with numbers and wrestle with your hopeless administration skills.
He stopped, in front of me once more. A grin appeared on his face
and I groaned inwardly.
Trouble. Nothing but trouble.
Its about Jacob, isnt it?
No! I exploded, It has nothing to do with Jacob. Fury stoked the
irritation already heating my blood. Jake did try to control me every now
and then but it never worked. It was a hot button with me and Rory was
pushing it. Sneaky. If I want to help my friends, I will. If Jake doesnt
like it, well thats tough!
So, youll do it?
Dammit, Rory! You know I suck at customer service. He threw me his
pleading look. You know the one a Labrador is so good at when you leave the
house without them? That one.
I caved.
Fine! I waved my hand to stop him, at the same time doing rapid
sums in my head. But I want the hourly rate Im on now, or you can forget
Deal. He bounded round the desk and wrapped me in a bear hug
lifting off the ground, Thank you, thank you! You are a saviour!
He dropped me back down on my feet and left. I stood there stunned.
Partly from the exuberant physical contact, and partly from realising Jake
and I would have enough money for new outfits and extra left over for
I bounced, literally bounced, and let out a squeal.
My excitement had turned me into a big girly-girl but I didnt care.
My wedding was going to be amazing and I couldnt wait to share the news
with Jacob.
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Ah, shit! He was going to be furious
Now that we were grown up and school bullies werent around to sort
out, Jakes big thing was the exploitation of women. It was a topic of
frequent and heated conversation between him and Rory. The fact that Rory
paid his girls very well and also laid on protection went a long way to
appeasing Jacob, but the fact that I was going to be working here, albeit
very temporarily that was not going to go down well. At all.

I lifted my head from the head rest and huffed.
May as well get on with it, I muttered to myself getting out of the
I walked across the streetlight illuminated car park to the back
entrance to the bar. My heels clacking on the tarmac.
The heavy door pushed open with a woosh and the heat and noise of the
bar swamped my senses. I made my way to the locker room and deposited my
bag and coat. I was just tying my hair back and checking my makeup when I
heard footsteps on the tile floor.
Hey, Ollie a deep yet definitely feminine voice called.
I smiled into the mirror. Tina.
Hey, Tina. Id finished applying the game face, as I liked to call
it, so I made a move to head out into the bar. See you out there.
I walked down the hall, the noise from the bar getting louder the
closer I got until I could make out the noise from the game on T.V. and
hear snippets of conversation.

Later that night, after making the deal with Rory six weeks ago, I
went home. Id made Jacobs favourite dinner and opened a bottle of wine.
No, I am not at all above a little bribery to sweeten unpalatable
news. So sue me.
After desert, Id told him. As expected he hit the roof, tried
reading me the riot act, then I exploded. Not pretty.
When we had both calmed down, we talked it out, weighed the pros and
cons and compromised.
Jake would not be sitting in the bar while I worked. Nope. Instead I
would put Jakes elder brother, Joe, down as my next of kin. Family doctors
kept more regular hours than emergency service workers, even if they were
volunteer ones; Jacob was the on-call point of contact most nights. That
way someone would definitely be available if I needed them, not that I was
planning on it.
Jake also rang Rory that night and had more success reading him the
riot act. Rorys neck would apparently be on the block if I even so much as
had a hair out of place.
Boys. What can you do with them? Unbelievable.
So, I blew up on Jake. Again. This time for his heavy-handed
behaviour. I knew then, as I always had done and always will do, that his
protectiveness came from a good place. He loved me, he didnt want me hurt.
But, I wasnt a child and I hated being smothered.
He apologised and kissed me in a way that weakened knees and caused
heads to swim. They were the kinds of kisses that led my thoughts to
bedroom activities. Jakes mind clearly went the same way because he
boosted me up, never taking his mouth from mine, encouraged my legs around
his hips, and walked us to that very room.

I smiled at the salacious memory and I picked the pile of trays from
outside the kitchen, backed through the swing doors and deposited them on
the bar counter.
The place was not hopping, but it was doing very respectable trade
for a mid-week evening. Customers occupied the stools at the bar and few
tables with clear views of the televion. They were all rough fishing boat
types. Clearly just in off a days hauling nets out at sea, looking to
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unwind before heading home. Leaning against the bar I scanned the room and
recognised only a few as men from around town.
The town was a small one, only around nine hundred permanent
residents and, as we were situated right on the coast, most of them were
connected to the fishing industry in some way or another.
Our waters were still rich in a number of species of fish so each
month one guest trawler would be permitted to moor off shore. About a
fortnight into my time temping for Rory a new boats number had come up and
some of the crew found Rorys Place. One of them was Stan.
It quickly became Stans habit to come to the bar of an evening and
he spotted me straight away. He made quick work of finding out my shift
pattern and ever since he was always there. Waiting for me to arrive.
The night of my last shift was no different.
My eyes found him sitting in the corner amongst the group watching
the game, yet he kept himself slightly apart from them.
I groaned inwardly and walked over to Rory who was surveying the
room from his stool in the corner where the bar top met the wall. He had
time sheets spread out in front of him. Rory hated doing the staff time
sheets. It was an exercise in method and order and he didnt have the
patience. People he could cope with, administration and accounting he could
Yknow, Rory, I whispered into his ear, if you made me full time,
I could do those for you.
He chuckled shifting his focus to me, There are times when I am
sorely tempted, Ollie.
So, where do you want me?
Rory opened his mouth to instruct me but before he could say a word I
felt hands on my waist.
I froze, the breath in the throat stalled.
I know where I want you, sweetheart The voice was slick, like its
owner, and like its owner, it was clearly used to women succumbing to its
I had yet to find one single little thing charming about Stan. I
shuddered as his breath skimmed my shoulder. The creep was barely taller
than me when I was in my heels.
Rorys eyes narrowed and got down off his stool. I stood in front of
me, arms crossed. Rory, like Jacob, is taller than me but not by quite as
much. As mild as Rory generally was, he could be very intimidating when he
wanted to be.
Move it along, pal?
Stan removed his hands and I felt him take a step away.
I heard Stan chuckle quietly and Rory all but growled in response.
I let out a breath and threw Rory a look of thanks. He rubbed a fist
on my upper arm and smiled reassuringly, his eyes constantly shifting to
just behind me, keeping track of Stan.
Why dont you make sure behind the bar is properly stocked? Tomorrow
is Friday night, may as well prepare in the quiet before the storm.
I nodded and hugged arms around me before shaking them loose. Tonight
was going to be a long one if Stan was making advances already.
Still, it was the last shift.
I smiled stiffly at Rory and nodded again before heading behind the
bar to see what I needed from the stock room.

Seven hours later I had one hour left of my shift and I was only just
going onto the bar floor to help clear glasses. Rory managed to keep me off
the main floor all this time. After behind the bar was fully stocked with
every conceivable thing he then had me inventory the stock room.
As grateful as I was to be out of Stans reach I felt really bad
about Tina being left on her own out there. Admittedly there were only a
handful of customers left and she was very far from stretched even by our
small town standards.
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Tina came here from the big city to live with her younger sister
after her brother-in-law died out at sea; her sister needed help with the
two not quite teenaged sons. She was still adjusting to small town life but
was now only slightly bored by our version of busy. When she first started
at Rorys Place she could not handle the quiet. At all. So she cleaned the
place from top to bottom. These days she only felt the need to dust, and
that was usually only on the afternoon shifts.
Still, I felt kind of awkward about the special treatment.
I had taken a tray full of glasses through to the kitchen to be
cleaned and I was back on the bar floor with an empty tray and a wet cloth.
Letting out a breath and looked around me as I set back to work. The
customers had been reduced down to a couple of sports fans - I couldnt
work out if they were celebrating or commiserating but they were filthy
drunk, which meant money in the register, so what did I care? Rory, who
was still doing battle with the time sheets, Tina who was shining glasses
from the dishwasher and shelving them. And then, in a corner, creeping like
a creeper, was Stan, his blue eyes following my every move.
A shudder rocked through me as I moved my tray which was now chock
full of beer smeared glasses and wiped down the table.
Id already lifted two of the four chairs onto the table top when I
noticed Tina lift an empty crate down from the counter and walk towards the
kitchen; she smiled at me on the way out. I smiled back and shifted my gaze
as I heard the tap of paper on varnished wood. Rory was gathering up a pile
of time sheets, and then he moved to the second pile. A scowl marred his
I turned back to my task and put the last two chairs up on the table.
I looked up and Stan was standing; I swallowed. The unease hovered around
me as I noticed Rorys seat was empty.
Where the hell had he gone?
My breath caught in my throat. Stan was approaching.
I looked over to the bar; Tina still wasnt back with more glasses to
shine. Unease settled in.
Glasses. Dirty glasses needed cleaning.
Kitchen. Get to the kitchen.
Taking a deep breath I picked up the full tray, my key to escape.
Putting one foot in front of the other I started on my way, my gait
stiffened as I heard footsteps behind me, rubber soles thudding on tile.
Stan. I didnt dare look behind me, no sense in letting him know that hed
unnerved me.
I was in line with the bar counter and the little windows in the
doors to the kitchen were almost touchable. The footsteps got closer. My
breath caught and my balance skewed as I felt his arm brush mine.
Watch yourself, Sweetheart, he whispered slickly as he took my
elbow in a firm grip and wrapped a hand along my ribcage to steady me, his
thumb brushing the underside of my breast.
His touch lasted for all of a second and then he was on his way, his
back retreating before me heading for the bathroom.

I stood stock still, heart hammering in my chest, breaths coming
short and quick.
I plonked the tray down on the bar counter and put my hand to my
chest. A relieved laugh bubbled up, it rang shrill in my ears and I closed
my eyes. They snapped back open as the door to the kitchen wooshed open and
Tina backed through, arms loaded with newly clean glasses. My eyes were
glued to her as she put the crate down on the counter, glasses rattling.
She caught sight of me, You alright, Ollie? she asked, brow
furrowed. I must have looked a sight.
Close encounter of the Stan kind. Guy gives me the creeps in a major
He didnt try anything, did he?
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No. Nothing out of line, just got close, I said emphasising the
last word, and Tina nodded.
After tonight you never have to deal with him again she said taking
a linen cloth and rubbing a glass until it shone.
True, I nodded, and took my tray out to the kitchen.

Half an hour later the bar was clear of customers, the tables were
clear and clean, and all the chairs were up. Mopping the floor and putting
the paraphernalia away I said a silent good bye to the bar, and threw up
thanks to the powers that be, whoever they beare?.. whatever.
You know what I mean.
Id never have to do bar work again, and I came out of the experience
unscathed, jangled nerves notwithstanding. I was relieved. Jacob would be,
too, as soon as I got home. And our wedding budget would be sparkly with
the extra funds.
Oh, and yeah, Rory would get to keep his head attached to his neck.
So, good news all round.
When I came out of the storage cupboard my next destination was the
locker room. Not that I got anywhere near there.
I was so absorbed in my thoughts and so busy not looking where I was
going that I walk straight into a very solid object.
A solid object with arms, apparently.
I knew this because hands attached to said arms latched onto my
shoulders, and as soon as my feet righted themselves they let go. I looked
up from the expanse of black t-shirt in front me and soft brown eyes met
Id walked right into Rory and he was busting a gut trying not to
Son of a...
I fixed him with my best withering look, which I guess needed some
work because Rory full-out grinned in response. And, damn it, I felt the
corners of my lips automatically twitch upwards in return. His grins were
infuriatingly infectious even when I was trying to pretend to be mad at
him. And there were times I hated him for it, but now was not one of them.
All finished? he asked. I took in his appearance; he had his coat
on, ready to go home. I nodded.
Good, he said. Again, I nodded. Well, get your stuff, Rory
continued after a deep breath, I walk you to your car.
I looked at him steadily for a second. He never walked me to my car.
Tina told you, huh?
Rory nodded, Looks like hes gone, hes certainly not inside. His
eyes scanned my face, Best to be safe though, his lips twisted into a wry
smirk as his hand went to my lower back and he guided me towards the locker
I got my coat and bag and as we walked the hall headed towards the
car park my thoughts turned towards what would happen next. I would go
home, and Jake and I would celebrate the end of my short tenure as a bar
worker, and next week, after I administered my own wage packet, I would go
and buy that dress.
I was going to look amazing in that dress, and Jacob was going to
look totally GQ in a suit that fitted him properly.
The wedding was going to be perfect.
I had a big smile on my face as Rory brought me back to the here and
now with a touch to my shoulder.
We had just come through the door at the back of the bar and were
pooled in the yellow of the security light above.
Crap, he exclaimed, Ive left the keys to the gate. Youd better
come with me I dont want you out here on your own.
The staff car park had a gate that stayed open until night fall when
it was locked for security. I wouldnt be able to leave until it was
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opened. I huffed. Waiting a few more minutes until I could go home was
annoying, but not the end of the world.
Sure, I said and watched Rory tear back inside. The door hadnt
even started closing on the return swing when I took my first step towards
following him.
I didnt get a chance to complete my second one.

Hands on my shoulder blades pushed me into the wall of the building,
face first, surprise and pain making me yelp. Rough hands spun me around
and then my back crashed into the wall, my skull cracking against brick.
Stars sparkled in my vision and I closed my eyes.
A calloused hand wrapped firmly around my throat, pointedly not
applying pressure, and a compact body pressed into mine.
Panic swelled and my eyes flew open to meet icy blue eyes. Cruel
eyes. Eyes that had followed every step Id taken for my last eight shifts.
Panic expanded into fear. I struggled futilely against his weight, my
arms rose to fend off the hand around my throat only to have them rendered
immobile and stretched above my head by his other hand.
I was helpless.
And totally alone. Goodness only knew how long Rory would be.
I tried kicking at shins and kneeing body parts I could not see and
once again I was rendered immobile. His feet kicked at the insides of my
ankles, one at time, forcing me to spread my legs. He stood between them
with my arms pinned above my head, and his body pressing against mine.
I let out a whimper full of fear and frustration and helplessness. A
dry sob broke free of my throat.
Once I had stilled Stan rested his forehead against the wall next to
my head, I felt each breath he took against the sensitive outer shell of my
None of that, sweetheart, he whispered, moving his head to nuzzle
my neck. The hand around my throat shifted to the back of my neck and his
thumb stroked my cheek. His nuzzling became wet kisses that trailed to my
collar bone and I shuddered.
You want this, Sweetheart, he said. I shook my head and his eyes
sparked fury. Dont tell me no, he growled and the hand on the back of
neck travelled, fingers skimming my skin and landed on my breast where he
palmed me, firmly.
Ive been watching you, he continued, Youve been teasing me with
your sexy ass in that tight little skirt and your coy brush offs. His hand
had migrated and it now kneaded my ass punctuating his damning words.
I shook my head in denial, wriggling as hard as I could. He pressed
into me harder and I felt his erection on my lower belly, long and hot,
through his jeans.
I gulped and started breathing sharp and short; Id had no idea that
I had been holding my breath.
Stans hand was moving again, lower still. His palm smoothed over my
thigh, finding the hem of my skirt and pushing it up and up until his
fingers skimmed my hip. His mouth sucked at the sensitive skin under my
I froze, every muscle in my body tense and every nerve on high alert.
Fingers teased the elastic on the top my underwear, and then the
elastic around the leg.
My pulse sky rocketed as I felt a finger dip inside the cotton and
tease the folds at my core, and just when I thought my heart would burst
from my chest with the sensory and emotional over load, his fingers dipped
I was in no way turned on, in fact I was very turned off, and my
insides burned painfully with the invasion. Outrage and fury ignited and
restored my spirit. I screamed. At the top of my lungs.
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Fortunately his ear was extremely close to my mouth at the time, hed
been sucking on my earlobe. He jumped back, away from me and my screaming
that, for some reason, I could not stop. Stan bent double holding his hand
to his ear.
We both turned to look as the door to the bar swung violently open to
reveal Tina flanked by Rory. Both were wearing furious expressions.
Relief flooded my system drying up the screaming fit. I slumped
backwards and slid down the wall to land in a puddle of limbs on the cold
tarmac, my skirt bunched up around my hips.
Too stunned to cry, too stunned to do much of anything, I watched as
Rory got Stan into a wrestling hold that I could not remember the name of
but I knew Jake had taught it to him when we were growing up.
Oh, shit.
Jake was going to fucking lose his mind over this.

Later that night or would later that morning be more accurate?
It was one a.m. when Rory and I started walking to my car, so the
latter, probably.
But I digress. Again.
I was standing on the top of the steps outside the front door of the
house Jacob and I called home. The key to the door shook in my hand as I
held it over the lock, my emotions in turmoil.
Images of cruel blue eyes flashed in my minds eye and I bit down on
my lower lip. I fought the wave of panic the images reawakened and closed
my eyes to stop the stinging tears.
I rested my forehead against the door. The coolness of the wood felt
good but I knew I couldnt put off going inside any longer. I took a deep
breath, steadying myself and lifted my hand to put the key in the lock. As
I pushed open the door a reassuringly big and strong hand gently rested on
my shoulder. My breath faltered and I turned to meet the endlessly patient
and understanding gaze of Joe.
After Rory grabbed Stan I must have blacked out because the next
thing I knew I was waking up on the couch in Rorys office, my head in
Tinas lap. Id watched as Rory paced the length of his office, fury
emanating from every pore, while we waited for the police.
Hed managed to lock Stan up; I didnt want to know where, and at the
same time it was all I could think about as I watched the second hand on
the wall clock tick tortuously around the face.
Joed arrived in the middle of Rory explaining to the police officer
what had happened while I stewed in a haze of shock.
Hed stayed with me on the other side of the curtain through the
physical exam, got all the immediate paperwork sorted out, and whisked me
off home dialling Jacob as we went.

Joe took the keys from me and herded me in and down the hall, and
dropped my bag and coat on the couch. Jacob wasnt home. After Joe got no
answer from our house phone he called the fire house, thered been a call
out and Jake was on it, theyd get him to call home when he returned.
In a daze I followed Joes gentle instruction to take a shower, and I
changed into PJs. Numbness settled in as I dried my hair and wrangled it
into a braid. With it up I couldnt take my eyes off the scratches on my
face and the hickey on my throat. I tugged the tie out and let long rich
brown hair that Jake said reminded him of chocolate fall around my neck and
shoulders and immediately felt better. More in control.
I wrapped myself in Jacobs dressing gown, dark blue with white
around the edges of the sleeves and along the hem. On Jacob it reached to
the top of his knees, on me it went to my calves. It engulfed me in fabric
and the scent of pine and lemon. His scent; all Jake. His dressing gown was
the ultimate comfort blanket.
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I stepped out of the bathroom into the den. Joe had started the fire
and was sitting on the couch reading the paper. Silently he looked up at me
and patted the seat next to him. Numbly I sat, tucking my feet under me
curling up next to him.
Joe tucked a section of hair behind my ear and lifted my chin,
looking me in the eye. You are going to be fine, Ollie, he patted my
thigh and smiled affectionately. Jake called, hes on his way.
He reached forward then turned back to me with a cup of tea and a
slice of buttered toast with honey.
Get that down you, itll do you the power of good. I nodded and
took a bite of the sticky treat. He watched me eat, and took in my wince as
I sipped the tea.
Its hot, be careful. I threw him a no-shit-Sherlock look and he
chuckled. I smiled back reflexively. Thats better, he said nudging his
glasses further up his nose.
When he saw that I had finished the toast he asked me to hold out my
hand and dropped two white tablets into my palm. Theyll help with the
pain and the discomfort, he explained and I swallowed them with the rest
of the tea.
Thank you, Joe. I whispered as I rested my head against his
shoulder. I vaguely heard him respond and felt him take the mug from me as
exhaustion dragged me under.

Raised voices came to me through the darkness, Jakes was clearest
and it tugged me to wakefulness.
I opened my eyes and found my position had changed. I was lying down
on the couch with a blanket thrown over me. I had curled myself up and
balled my fists into the blanket.
Joe! Dammit! Are you sure?
Shell be sore for a few days. Bruised and scratches, and
emotionally shaken, but fine.
Why in the hell didnt you call me straight away?
Jacob, look at yourself! This display of temper with the police
would not have helped.
Fuck! Joe, she was meant to be safe!
Jacobs and Joes voices wafted through the kitchen door.
I stood to go to him, wiping the hair from my face and tucking it
behind my ears. I stretched, testing for pain. None came. The painkillers
Joe had given me had kicked in.
I taken a step towards the kitchen door when it swung open and Jake
was there, standing before me.
Jake? I said, my voice breaking. Relief burst through me at the
sight of him.
I threw myself at him and the emotion that had been trying to bubble
up for the past couple of hours finally broke through. I cried. Big ugly
sobs burst from me and tears poured down my face.
Jacob ran an arm around my shoulders and another under my knees and
picked me up as if I weighed no more than a feather. At five foot six I was
not the tiniest, and I was healthily built so I would never describe myself
as petite, but Jake always made me feel that way. Small and protected.
Its alright baby girl, Ive got you.
He sat down on the couch, settled me in his lap and drew the blanket
I had slept under over my legs. Held me like that until my tears dried up,
one arm around my waist, the other rubbing back and forth on my thigh. He
kissed my forehead cupping both sides of my face before gathering my hair
and tucking it behind my shoulders.
Jake took one look at my face and my neck and let loose an impressive
string of profanities.
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If I ever see him Im going to pound him into the fucking ground,
the words came out as growl. His handsome face was flushed with anger, his
grass green eyes flashing.
I raised a hand to cup his neck and I felt the muscles jaw bunch and
release under my fingers.
The son of a bitch put his hands on you and fucking marked you!
As much as loved him for this alpha-male display, I was worried for
him. Finally my patience snapped, and with it my temper flared. I couldnt
lose him.
Just couldnt.
Dont Jake. Please. You landing your ass in prison for assault wont
fix anything! I gripped Jakes shoulders and rose to straddle his lap.
With one knee on either side I was face to face with him. My eyes locked
with his and I used them to beg him to see reason.
Shes right, brother, Joe said. Let the police do their job. I
looked over my shoulder at him, his arm wedged into the top corner of the
kitchen door frame, and then back to Jacobs fiery green gaze. He let out a
huff, curled his arms around my waist and buried his face in my shoulder.
I snaked my arms around his powerful neck and kissed his cheek. I
gripped his face, locking my eyes with his and touched my forehead to his.
Im here, love. Im safe. I whispered and I felt him deflate.
The anger hadnt left him though, that was clear from the fire in his
eyes; it had just been set aside for the time being.

The mantra that was hammered into me from an early age by my ever
practical mother was Got to keep moving, girl, the world stops for
nothing. So it was no surprise to me that after two days of giving
statements to police and puttering around feeling like I was living in a
goldfish bowl I was ready to go back to work.
Unfortunately neither Rory nor Jacob were on board with that
particular plan.
Cut to me, a week later, going completely out of my mind. Partly from
a combination of boredom and the repeat screening of the events of that
night every time I closed my eyes, and partly from my second shadow
otherwise known as Jacob.
As someone whod grown up largely left to my own devices, mothering
and fussing were not and are not well received. Im a terrible patient and
even worse when Im not a patient combined with nothing to do and being
hovered over.
After ten days of me being a complete nightmare Jake finally gave in
let me go back to work. Victory!
Or not.
I soon found out that Jake had fully intended driving me to and from
work. And even worse, if he couldnt do it he had Rory do it.
You see what I mean? Smothering.
I could see why he wanted to do it, though, so I accepted it thinking
he would stop after a few days.
A few days? Yeah, right.
After two weeks I finally ran out of patience. Cue a massive argument
that went beyond a heated discussion, in front of Rory and some of Jakes
landscaping crew no less. It was brought to halt by Jake hauling me over
his shoulder in a firemans lift and dumping me unceremoniously into the
bed of his truck, which was mercifully empty of gardening crap.
After dropping the guys off we headed home, where the bell rang for
round two.
Jacob has always considered it his job to protect me, which, as
lovely and chivalrous as that was, was bullshit. And at the end of the day,
Stan hadnt got that far. Hed rattled my cage and knocked my confidence. I
had few scratches and bruises. But that was it.
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I considered myself very lucky that it hadnt gone as far as it could
have, and I was determined that I was not going to let it get in the way of
me living my life.
That included not letting Jake hijack said life.

The night of the The Argument, as I called it in my head, was the
first time in years that we had not settled a disagreement before going to
It was the first time since moving in together that we did not share
a bed.
We couldnt even agree on who was taking the couch. Jake finally went
all cave man on me again and dropped me on our bed slamming the door on his
way back downstairs.
Infuriating man.
Anyway, in the morning I headed downstairs to find that the blanket
had been folded neatly and placed on the seat along with the pillow but
Jake was nowhere to be seen.
Jake leaving like this without a word was taking the cake. If he
couldnt be bothered to face me, I couldnt be bothered to wait around for
I marched over to the phone on the island between the kitchen and
dining area and dialled.
House of Mayhem, came Tinas deep tones through the receiver four
rings later. Her nephews screeching and laughing in the background followed
by their mother shushing them explained the unusual greeting. It was the
weekend and they were all home.
Hey, Tina
Ollie! Hey the sound of footsteps and a door closing followed. How
are you? I heard about the bust up last night.
Jake is just being over protective well work it out. I said. I
was thinking it was about time I picked up that dress. Come with me?
Oh, thank you! Yes, please! Clearly Tina needed out of the House of
Mayhem. Relief wasnt the word.
We arranged to meet in town so I had a quick breakfast and headed out
to my truck.
The old girl was standing on the driveway, in her beat up glory,
exactly where Joed left her in her a couple of weeks ago. I hadnt driven
myself anywhere since the morning of my last shift.
I loved my truck and I loved driving my truck but this morning I was
feeling kind of nervous about getting behind the wheel. Stupid foolishness
is what it was, fanciful even, to give getting in a damn car so much
emphasis. I breathed deep sucking in the fresh morning chill and shook the
sensation loose.
I slid into the drivers seat and inserted the key in the ignition
and did all my usual checks. Satisfied that all mirror positions were
correct I grabbed hold of the key, twisted and Nothing.
Instead of the usual deep rumble of engine all I heard was an empty
clunk. That didnt sound good.
I tried the key again and the same thing happened.
I tried the key multiple times, all with the same result.
I was tempted to try again, and then realised that I was turning into
the definition of insanity. You know, doing the same thing over and over
expecting different results.
Gah! I growled, throwing my head back hitting the head rest, hard.
This was all I needed.
I threw open the door and stomped around the front of the trunk and
popped the hood.
Now, I am the first to admit that Im no mechanic but I know the
basics. The battery shaped hole was definitely meant to have something in
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The jackass.
Jake the jackass.
I put my gloved hands against the edge of the truck and let my mind
imagine wild and impossible ways to punish the idiot.
He must have taken it out to stop me going anywhere without him.
Well, to hell with that. If he thought that was enough to stop me, he had
another thing coming.
I slammed the hood down, marched around to retrieve my keys and slam
the door, kicking the tyre as I went. Twice.
I made is half way back to the house before returning to the truck
and rubbing the hood in apology.
It wasnt the old girls fault Jake was on my last nerve.
Back inside the house I phoned Tina again to ask her to come and pick
me up, which she did half an hour later.
On the way into town she asked about the case against Stan. How it
was going.
Not fabulous, its mostly my word against his. What physical
evidence there had been Stan had washed away. Rory had only gone and locked
him the bathroom. Where there was soap and a nail brush. That particular
lapse in judgement was probably why Rory was asking how high every time
Jake told him to jump, even if it meant pissing me off. And also your and
Rorys witness statements about his behaviour over the weeks running up to
that night,
Yeah, Tina replied, its amazing how he managed to pick the one
area in the bar not covered by cameras. The one black spot. She paused as
she navigated the towns only junction in town. Its like he planned it.
Took time over it.
We fell into silence on that horrifying thought and I spent the rest
of the drive stuck on the idea that Stan was capable of something so
Id always just thought of him as a slime ball and what with Jake
being Mr Protection lately Id not thought about him beyond that. But this?
This went way above and beyond slime ball.
I slipped into deep thought, going over the events leading up to that
night. Every time he touched me anywhere less appropriate than my waist or
hip, we were alone. Every time Stan did anything beyond normal bar
flirtation we were alone.
Every time.
By the time Tina turned into the town parking area I was well and
truly certain if I found out his attack on me was his first I would die of
shock, on the spot. I shuddered as that appalling thought rolled around my
So Tina, I said, suddenly desperate to end the silence as I exited
the car. Big birthday coming up, I raised an eyebrow at her, the big
four oh. You doing anything?
Officially? No. Unofficially? My sister is planning a party that Im
not supposed to know about. Tina laughed. It was Tinker-Bell-like and at
charming odds with the deepness of her voice. I smiled in response.
The boys?
Little monsters, I laughed, and Tina pulled to a stop. Wed arrived
at Daisys Dresses.
I felt very glad that Id thought to reserve the dress when Id
decided cover the shifts for Rory as I waited for Daisy to retrieve it.
There wasnt a single one left in the whole store.
Daisy had, at the sight of me, disappeared into the back room. She
came out a few minutes later with her arms full of a dress protector with
the stores logo on it, the red fabric of my dress showing through the
clear plastic.
I grinned broadly when Daisy unwrapped it and I went to the changing
area and to try it on.
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It looked as good as it did when Id put it on all those weeks ago
when it first caught my eye. The red skirt flared out sweetly from a waist
that was narrower than before and cascaded down to just above the knee.
Tina wolf-whistled when I stepped out to show her; it really was a
killer dress and being in a position to own it at long last sort of
softened the rough edges left by the craziness of the last few weeks.
I paid, and watched as Daisy wrapped and bagged the dress and
couldnt help thinking of it as being like the spoils of war.
As Tina drove me home she chattered happily all about the Birthday
party plans she wasnt meant to be aware of.
In what seemed much quicker time than earlier that morning wed
arrived at our destination and as I got out of the car Tina snagged a
promise from me that I would be at the party once the details were all
sorted out. Wild horses would not keep me or Jake away and her smile when I
said so was a picture.
I was walking on sunshine as I opened the door to the house. The buzz
created by my morning of normality, and the promise of fun night out had
put a smile on my face. That was, though, until I deposited the Daisys
Dresses bag and spotted Jacob. Waiting.

Fiery green eyes in a sun burnished face glowered at me from the
couch. Once again I was struck by how well Jacob wore fury. And by how
scary he could be.
At that moment, as he sat rigid with controlled temper, he was as
intimidating as all get out.
Jake, I said, swallowing hard.
Olivia, he countered using my full name, never a good sign. Where
you been? His soft voice had an angry edge to it and my chin jerked up in
defiance. My heart rate kicked up a gear and I felt heat pool on my cheek
bones. He was treating me like a child.
Wheres my car battery? I countered.
Where. Have. You. Been?
Oh, for the love of He clearly was not going to budge. I sighed.
Tina drove us. We went to pick up the dress. Frustration and
annoyance coloured my voice. I crossed my arms, Look, Im a grown woman;
you cant protect me from everything, Jake. He just looked at me blandly
and my temper snapped my last shred of patience. At some point to have to
let me live my life!
Stoney silence met this nice little outburst and the heat on my
cheeks intensified. My inability to control my bodys reaction to, well,
everything irritated me beyond belief, especially when I didnt want to
give anything away. Like, for example, during this particular conversation.
Jakes eyes narrowed as he stood.
You got attacked.
Yeah, Jake, but I got him off me before he got that far and then
Rory took him down seconds later! My arms flew out to the side in my
frustration, nothing happened.
You should never have had to get him off you. Jakes voice finally
rose above a growl and strode around the coffee table that stood between
us. We stood eye to eye. Well, not quite. I got an eyeful of green polo
shirt and I was trying desperately not to notice how it matched his eyes.
Who knew what Jake got an eyeful of; he seemed to be only seeing red from
what I could tell.
Bad shit happens, Jake, and theres nothing anyone can do to stop
it! I tipped my head backwards and looked him in the eye whilst I drummed
out the important words with my index finger on his chest.
Jake ground his jaw and his expression shifted. He stepped away from
me and ran a hand through his hair making it stand on end.
I could have stopped it! he said with his back to me; his indoor
voice had returned. If Id done what my gut was telling me to, I could
have been there to stop it.
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He was blaming himself? Seriously? Of all the stupid things I
grabbed his elbow and spun him around to face me.
Jacob, dont you dare blame yourself for this! This is not your
fault, and it isnt mine either, or Rorys. With each phrase I advanced
until Jakes back hit the wall. Stan is the one who is to blame no one
Jake launched himself off the wall with his hips.
Stan? he asked, he voice back to that intimidating soft growl and
his lips twitched. Stan, who they cant pin this on because he has money
to throw around on a fancy fucking legal team? His hand shot out and took
hold of a section of my hair, played it through his fingers before tucking
it behind my ear, and cupping the back of my neck. The Chief rang, theyre
done, and that bastard is free to go wherever the fuck he likes. He tugged
me forward and clamped me to his chest. And you wont let me protect you.
His words vibrated through his chest into mine and I stood there with
my cheek plastered against Jakes form fitting t-shirt as their meaning
penetrated my brain.
Stan was getting away with it.
I suspected he would in the car earlier with Tina. But suspicion was
one thing, and fact was another entirely.
This was fact, and the worst news, ever.
Son of a bitch, I said. My hands gripped at Jakes sides and I
pressed my face into his front as I fought the tears promised by the
stinging in my eyes. His nose rubbed the top of my ear as he held his cheek
to my temple. I slumped against him and his arms wrapped around me.
Stan was getting away with it.
Son of a bitch, This time it came out half way between a whimper,
and snarl and I thumped the wall at Jakes back. Originality be damned, the
exclamation was very appropriate and bore repeating.

A shrill beeping dragged me out of a troubled dream and I awoke to an
empty house for the second time in two days.
The difference, this time, was that I knew where Jacob was.
After we both stopped our tail spins from the news of Stan getting
away scot-free we talked. Talked of how we were going to work together to
make sure I stayed safe to both his and my satisfaction. At some point near
the end of our conversation the out-of-hours emergency phone line rang and
Jake had had to go. He had obviously finished the call-out so late that
hed grabbed a shower at the fire house and then went straight out to his
first landscaping job.
I smacked around on the bedside table until I hit the bulls eye and
the ear-piercing noise stopped. When I say bulls eye I kid you not. Our
alarm clock had an honest to goodness bulls eye on the top which you could
flip up and shoot arrows at with a mini bow. It had a matching mini quiver
of arrows and everything.
I know, right? Not my choice, I assure you.
I got up and while I showered and dressed I mulled over the Stan
situation for the umpteenth time. My gut feeling was that he had had his
fun and that he wasnt likely to try anything again, but the fact that he
was completely free was wigging me out.
There had been a restraining order in place while they were
investigating but I didnt know if it extended beyond that.
I brushed my hair and swept it up into a pony tail, took in my smart
casual attire of jeans, a shirt and sweater, and resolved to go and see
Chief Danes and find out how I stood. Not knowing was eating me alive.
I called Rorys Place and left a message letting Rory know where I
was going as agreed with Jake the night before, grabbed my keys and headed
I swung my coat around and pushed my arms through the sleeves as I
headed towards my truck on the drive. The hood was up and I had a look
underneath. The battery was installed and on it was a post-it note with the
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words Im sorry, J on it. I grabbed the note, smiling and slammed the
hood down.

I hung a right into one of the parking spaces at the front of the
police station and eyed the electronic sliding doors like they were going
to jump out at me. I snagged Jakes note from the dash board where Id
stuck it and worried it between my thumb and index and middle fingers.
Taking a deep breath, I returned the note to its place next to the
steering wheel and slid out of the cab of my truck.
The Chief, Stephen Danes, and I went way back. When I was eleven
years old he caught me skipping school, and took me home in a police
cruiser with the sirens blaring, and the lights flashing. The whole nine
yards. I was so embarrassed I swear my face didnt go a shade lighter than
puce for twenty-four hours, and that was nothing compared to the ear
bashing I received from my parents. My ears rang for a week.
So, youll not be surprised to hear that my approaching Chief Danes
was something I did only if I absolutely had to. The mans scary even after
twenty years.
The doors slid open as I approached them, and I walked through. The
young officer manning the front desk did a double-take when he read my name
from where Id written it in the sign in book. He swallowed and waved me
straight through.
Huh, that was easy. You normally have to answer a bunch of questions
before being allowed through.
I wondered what all that was about as I walked down the hall to
Danes office. I didnt know the young officer so he sure as hell shouldnt
know me.
I was near as damn it certain that I had not got horribly drunk on
the weekend and raised hell. I mean, youd remember a thing like that,
wouldnt you? Youd certainly remember the hangover if nothing else.
Id come to the conclusion that the poor guy had obviously got me
mixed up with someone else when the Chiefs voice boomed down the ten yards
or so I had to go before I got his door, making me jump.
Olivia! Get your butt in this office asap, girlie! The asap came
out as a word rather than as letters, the whole sentence was delivered like
automatic machine-gun fire. Tat, tat, tat, tat.
I groaned and scrunched up my nose.
Damn it, I muttered to myself. I had been hoping that Danes was in
one of his rare quieter moods, but the powers that be were against me. Loud
and belligerent it was.
I smoothed down my hair and tucked the strands that had come loose
from the pony tail behind my ears and walked into the office.
Chief, I said, lamely.
The man himself was sitting behind a huge desk that was covered in so
many piles of paperwork that the flat screen for the computer was nearly
lost. In front of the desk were a couple of those plastic waiting room
chairs with padded seats.
Thank goodness Id put on jeans.
There is nothing dignified about getting up out of those chairs when
the backs of your thighs have been glued to the seat by your own sweat.
Close the door. Sit, I did as instructed. Didnt dare not to.
Youve been having quite the time of it, girlie, Danes said,
surprisingly gently. I looked up at him, somewhat shocked. It wasnt that
he was unkind, far from it, but gentle went against the grain. Im sorry
we couldnt nail him for you, Olivia. Son of bitch has been clever, makes
me furious! This time the volume shot up and he banged his fist on the
desk. A few sheets of paper fluttered up off the desk and then down to the
I crouched down and picked them up handing them back over the desk.
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Yeah, situations a bitch, I said once Id regained my seat. Um, I
was just wondering if the restraining order still stands? Him being free
makes me crazy but if he cant come near me, itll be something, at least.
Yeah, it stands. Only paper really, though, not sure how effective
itll be. But my boys will be watching.
Thanks, Chief, I nodded and silence reigned. Well that was it, so
Ill get, I pointed my thumb behind me and went to stand, but before I
could, Danes pinned me in place with his famous piercing-gaze-over-the-
tops-of-the-glasses look. His improbably dark hair was in stark contrast
with his heavily weathered face. What was he? Had to be mid-fifties at
Olivia, what in hells name is going on with your boy? Everyone
younger than the Chief was either boy or girlie, always had been. The
idea of Jake as boy was still incongruous, though, and my attention
snapped back from my preoccupation with Danes age with a start. What?
Jacob was waiting out front for me this a.m.. He was acting mighty
peculiar and asking some damn alarming questions.
Ah, so that explained the look as I walked in. Very tall Jake and
very stocky Danes going toe to toe out in front of the police station would
have been something to see, especially that early in the morning.
Hes not taken the situation well, Chief. I paused and gloried in
my ability to state the freaking obvious. What kinds of questions was he
Danes assessing gaze did not shift from my face, it was like being
caught in the headlights of a car; I fought the urge to squirm. After what
felt like an age he finally blinked.
Jacob was extremely concerned about Stans whereabouts. Extremely.
Danes mouth snapped shut so sharply there was a click of teeth. He
eyeballed me some more. He better not be planning anything, Olivia. If I
catch him interfering with my case Ill lock him up. Am I clear?
What could I say to that? Jacob had been acting all kinds of O.T.T.,
no argument.
One thing was for sure, though, he and I had more to talk about.
Crystal clear, Chief, I said after a moment.
Without even a bye your leave, Chief Danes next shooed me out of his
office leaving me feeling a bit like an unwelcome cat that had sat in his
chair; a very worried cat.
What was Jake up to?

The numbers werent making sense, which was insane because if there
was one thing I could rely in this world, it was that numbers made sense.
Id been staring at the same column of digits since Id started work
an hour ago. I was reconciling the numbers in the spreadsheet with the
receipts and invoices on my, or rather Rorys, desk, and no way, no how
should it have been taking as long it was.
I was distracted, pure and simple, and the reason why was hard to pin
The two nights previous, the two nights since my visit with Chief
Danes, Jacob hadnt arrived home until Id gone to bed, and was gone before
the alarm went off. All night he wrapped himself around me like he was
afraid I would disappear if he didnt.
He had left me a note that morning though, which was something. The
morning before he hadnt and Id left a blistering trail of messages all
over town starting with the firehouse and ending with Joe, via Rory and the
landscaping crew. Hence the note.
Ill be home for dinner, J, it said.
Real illuminating.
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What also wasnt illuminating but was intriguing and worrying all at
once was that every one of the long list of people Id left messages with
had said that Jake had been where they expected him to be. All day.
That made it even more confusing. If hed been missing appointments
and not meeting commitments then you could say something was up. Him doing
everything he was meant to but staying out later than usual for two days
was just odd, but didnt actually mean a damn thing.
I threw my pen at the computer screen in frustration both with my
inability to focus on my job and my inability to fathom what was going on
with Jake.
I had been sure Rory would know something, they were real partners in
crime, but when Id talked to him the day before he was fount of nothing at
I pushed my chair back from the desk and I rose and started pacing,
one arm wrapped around my middle, the other swinging at my side.
Whenever Jake had anything going on hed talk to me for sure, and
hed recruit Rory to help, but when he really had something on his mind the
person he would always seek out for advice was Joe. His elder brother.
I wrapped my free hand into a fist and I brought it up tapped my
front teeth with the knuckles.
Joe would know.
I spun on my heel and picked up the phone and dialled the medical

Later that night the dinner was prepared and in the oven. The wine
was opened and Id just placed the glasses on the table. All that was
needed was for Jake to come home.
Hed called me at Rorys Place in the mid-afternoon apologising for
being A.W.O.L., and telling me when he would be back for dinner. I checked
my watch; there was half an hour to go.
I poured myself a glass of the opened bottle of red and sat on the
couch, one knee tucked under my chin. I waited and I thought over what Id
discovered that afternoon.
Id called Joe and invited him to join me for lunch knowing he
wouldnt be able to resist. Joe had had a thing for the club sandwiches at
Rorys Place for the longest time and no amount of bribing or pleading
would get Sophie, otherwise known as Chef, to fess up either. Actually,
come to think of it, Joes fascination with the club sandwiches started
when Sophie joined the staff.
Saving that thought for later, I walked down the hall from Rorys
office to the bar a few minutes early to grab a couple of seats and wait
for Joe.
Kim came straight over once Id picked out a spot at the end of the
Hey Kim, hows the leg? Shed been back for about a week and in
flat shoes the whole time. Id had no idea that she was actually equally as
short-assed as me. She usually had a good few inches on me, but not
If the docs happy in a week or so I can wear heels. Let me tell
you: relief!
Sweet! During this exchange shed been busy fixing my usual during-
the-day drink and a glass of ginger ale appeared before me. Thank you. I
said and I took a sip and placed the glass on the napkin, twisting on my
stool to face her while she sliced a lemon. So, tell me about the latest
Kim was boy crazy and dating mad. There was always a guy, and shed
ditched the one that took her rock climbing a couple of days ago so it was
due time for a new one.
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Hes super cute. The bluest eyes ever. I think old money but not
confirmed. She counted these virtues off with her fingers, one at a time.
He came into the other bar I work at about a week ago. He asked me out
yesterday evening. Her wistful smile took on a thoughtful lilt as she
picked up an orange, The odd thing is that he told me he works on a
fishing trawler. Which is weird. She shrugged and started slicing the
fruit for drinks. She turned to me mid slice, Depending how it goes you
might get to meet him next week, at Tinas Birthday Party.
Well, Ill look forward to that,
Ill find out what a rich boys doing on a trawler by then, folks
are askin. Everyone knew all the details of Kims love life, it was her
conversation topic of choice.
Well, add me to the list, I said and she grinned back at me,
Will do.
At that point a customer walked up and she turned the smile towards
them, walking to the other end of the bar.
Kim could talk to anybody and could get anybody to talk. If there was
information needed knowing, she was the girl to send in after it.
Seriously, it was like a superpower.
I watched her work and after a few moments I felt a big heavy hand
land on my shoulder. Joe had arrived.
Hey Ollie?
Hey yourself, Hows you?
Good, he answered, which made me smirk. Not big on small talk, Joe.
Have a seat, I said pulling out the stool next to me.
We ordered our food and Joe got a drink. We shot the breeze some
more, catching up until our club sandwiches arrived. Before long we
exhausted the news and gossip; in a town this small there wasnt masses of
So, what did you want to talk about? Joe asked.
I laughed. So busted.
Im worried about your brother. I wondered if he had talked to you
at all.
About what?
Stan. The laughter left my voice and Joes looked at me over the
rim of his glass as he took a sip. Uh, did you hear? Hes out. Joe
nodded, Okay, um, well Jake is reacting in a way Ive never seen him react
to anything, even in school, and when I went to see Danes he told me to
warn Jake off of doing whatever he was up to. Joes eyes widened, I
continued. Im really worried and hes not talking to me so I was hoping
you might know whats going on with him. I finally stopped and the need to
breath seized me.
I dont. Joe paused, swallowing. But Ill find out; the Chief
getting involved is never good.
Tell me about it.
I nodded my thanks to him as Kim put our plates down in front of us,
and Joe took the first bite as I watched.
The crispest toast and the most succulent fillings combined into the
most heavenly flavours that exploded over his taste buds or at least that
is how it seemed from the look of ecstasy on his face.
It was comical, really, how blissed out he looked so I did the only
thing I could do: I quoted When Harry Met Sally. Or near enough.
Ill have what hes having.
Kim snorted and laughed deeply as she walked off the serve another
Joe cocked an eyebrow at me and continued to chew. I leaned in as if
to whisper in his ear, but I spoke at normal level.
Seriously, dude, you need to ask Sophie out.
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Fortunately Joe had nearly finished chewing or I may have been forced
to perform the Heimlich Manoeuver on the towns Doctor, hed choked that
Every now and then something just doesnt occur to him until I
suggest it and then he acts all scandalized until the idea settles in. I
reckoned it would take him about a week to get around to asking the super
talented chef out.

The sound of a key in the lock brought me back to the present, and
the door swung open to reveal Jacob bearing a Poinsettia.
I loved those plants, so festive, they embodied Christmas, my
favourite time of year.
The prodigal fiance has returned, I said snidely. Or as snidely as
I could manage whilst fighting a smile. The man could be a major pain the
ass, and he had spent the last few days causing no end of worry, but he
knew what I liked and he knew how to work around me. He even wore that half
smile he knew I adored.
Damn him.
I took a fortifying breath; I wasnt going to forgive him just like
that, not this time. You know youre a jackass, right? Where the hell have
you been? The humour vanished from his face and his jaw tensed.
Nowhere you need worry about, he said through gritted teeth,
putting emphasis on the you. Patronising little.
Dont condescend to me, Jacob! Its been days since I last saw you
and Ive had Danes issuing me with unofficial fucking warnings! His
expression shifted from one of angry steel to a flash of concern.
If you even think of saying youre sorry and Ill gut you like a
fish! Fear and worry notched the volume of my voice right up beyond level
Jakes put the plant down and his hands went up in surrender. He knew
the threat was not an empty one; hed watched me enough times when Id
helped my parents out when we were teenagers. My eyes darted back and forth
over his face as I breathed in and out, Tell me where youve been? I
ground out.
We stood at an impasse. Jake was in the hall and me by the couch, the
coffee table between us. I refused to back down this time because I was
going to lose him because of his stupid archaic need to protect me if it
went on much longer.
Not to mention that Stan hadnt been anywhere near me, not once. I
hadnt even caught as much as a glance of him in all these weeks.
Fine, alright, Jake finally said caving from the stare down first.
Ive been looking for that asshole. I found him last night. Id guessed
right. Shit. I just held my gaze steady, not backing down. I didnt lay a
finger on him, Ollie. I swear.
I scrutinised him some more, taking in every feature. I saw high
levels of frustration and fury but no lies. I nodded and uncrossed my arms.
Shit, Jacob, I huffed out. Are trying to get arrested?!
Look, Im sorry that Danes cornered you but I didnt go near him.
And there is no need for me to go anywhere near Stan again. Not anymore.
My brow scrunched up and I slumped down onto the couch, my head in my
hands. All this was so stupid.
Ollie? Jakes voice was directly over me and the bottoms of his
legs filled my sight. Olivia, look at me. He crouched down gripping my
wrists gently and pulling them away from my face. I had to do something
and its done. No more unexplained absences, I promise.
I yanked my wrists free toppling him backwards and I stood glaring
over him.
So help me, Jacob, if you scare me like that again, there wont be
anything left of you for Danes to lock up. I said this quietly and calmly
and then went to the kitchen and served dinner.
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Good to his word Jake did return to normal over the next few days but
I couldnt shake the gut feeling that I was waiting for the other shoe to
drop. My gut was right because it lasted less than a week and the reign of
chaos came in two stages.
The first was the night before Tinas party, and the second was
Tinas party.
Stage one happened like this: We went to work and Jake was on call.
We went out with friends and we stayed in at home. So far, so gloriously
mundane, right?
Not even close; it only seemed that way.
Jake was actually walking around pretending to be relaxed. He had
this look in his eyes, like he was going to explode at any moment. It had
everyone on edge, including me so the night before Tinas party Rory called
Jacob on it and all but hauled him by the scruff of the neck for a boys
night out.
The bar where Kim worked a second job in the next town over had just
changed owners and had had a makeover. Rory wanted to check it out and he
was taking Jake with him by hook or by crook.
Apparently they embarked on a bit of a bar crawl so by the time they
arrived at the bar Rory wanted to get a look at Jake was pretty drunk.
Theyd got a round in and were settled when none other than Stan walked in.
It turned out his trawler was in the bay connected to the town and he had
picked out that particular bar to be his watering hole for the duration of
his stay.
Jake, when he drinks a lot can get pretty rowdy, and him seeing Stan
while he was in that state was like putting a red rag in front of a bull.
Jake landed one good punch before the manager split them up and kicked them
Rory had volunteered for designated driver duty and so hadnt been
drinking so he relayed the events very animatedly to me when he dropped
Jake off. He made a hasty retreat to his car after my stony, silent
I closed the door after watching him drive off and my mind ricocheted
from the blow it had received at seeing Jakes bruised and split knuckles.
I leant back against the front door and let the helplessness and
frustration wash over me.
And the anger, lets not forget the anger.
Jacob actions were foolish. At best. Its like the fact that Danes
watching him was irrelevant. And nothing I said or did made any difference.
Bull headed idiot.
I headed upstairs and took the boots off Jakes feet. He was out cold
and wreaking of alcohol cider if my sense of smell hadnt failed me and
there was no way I was going to be able to move him so I dug out a blanket
and draped it over him.
I grabbed the chair from the dressing table and sat, elbows on knees
and chin in hands. As I watched Jake shifted his head so that his face was
towards me, and he started to snore loud enough to wake the dead.
He always did that after drinking. Not his most attractive attribute.
I watched him for a few more minutes, deep in thought: he clearly did
not care if he was arrested, he did not care that he would be taken from
My stomach clenched and my eyes started to sting.
He was acting on rage; consequences be damned. Jake could be such an
ass at times.
I lifted my head, sat back in the chair and crossed my arms.
Well, fine, I whispered angrily. If you dont care, I wont care.
I reached across and swiped the hair from his forehead roughly. Sleep
well, love. Theres an early start waiting for you.

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Jakes right hand was that gorgeous vibrant deep purple that
signified a fresh bruise, and it really popped against the black fitted
shirt he wore with blue jeans for Tinas party.
He looked hot, but I was not letting him know that. I was still
pissed at him, and not done showing it. Hed been in the dog house since I
set that ridiculous bulls-eye alarm off at six a.m..
Id fed him a greasy, carb-filled breakfast and gallons of coffee. I
then poured him into my truck, cranked up the rock music I had in a CD
and took him shopping. In the city. A two-hour drive away.
I tried on every dress I could lay my hands on before purposely
buying one of the first ones Id tried on. Or, more accurately, Id known
that was my dress when I tried it on but I was not letting him off after
only an hour. So I tried every other dress on out of spite.
Yes, I can be bitch.
Wed arrived home in time to have a quick lunch and get changed
before heading to the party. It was during our bacon sandwiches that Jakes
brain decided to catch up. Hed finally worked out that I had been a hard
ass all day to punish him.
I know youre sorry Jake, I said when he started apologising,
again. Saying sorry doesnt cut it. I got up from the dinner table and
walked around to the kitchen, I took the dirty dishes as Jake handed them
over the island counter and started cleaning them in the sink, my back to
him. I asked you not to go after Stan, I asked you to not risk getting
arrested. I keep asking. The son of a bitch isnt worth it. I stopped mid
dish and I looked over my shoulder at Jake who was leaning with his elbows
on the island counter, head down, Stop doing this shit, Jake, thats how
you prove youre sorry.

The party was at the house Tina and her sister shared and it was
covered from top to bottom with banners and balloons and streamers and had
those two boys written all over it theyd clearly had a ball putting it
all up. Colour and fun everywhere you turned.
It seemed like the whole town had turned up, people were everywhere,
laughing and drinking and dancing to the cheesy seventies music that Tina
adored. It was Party Central.
Jake had been quiet since our talk over the dishes. Quiet and
distant. As soon as wed arrived he went off to find Joe and Rory and I
went off the find the Birthday Girl to give her the gift wed got her.
Id been pointed in the direction of the kitchen which is where I
found her.
You cant even stop working on your Birthday, can you? I mock
scolded to Tinas back. She spun around and I grinned at her, Happy
Birthday! I sang thrusting the package at her.
She took the gift, thanking me and giving me a hug. She added,
unpoened it to pile of other colourfully wrapped gifts on the kitchen
Like I said, colour everywhere.
Is Jake with you? I heard about last night.
I laughed, The gossip mill in this town is amazing! Yes, hes gone
to find Rory and Joe.
Tinas nephews chose that very moment to come hurtling into the
kitchen from the garden, faces flushed with exercise and excitement,
giggling like loons. It was infectious and I couldnt help grinning myself.
Boys, boys! Tina cried, No running inside, you know the rules. They
slowed to a no less excitable walk and disappeared through the door to the
den, chatter and music escaped through to the kitchen and the door swung
open and then closed.
Tina looked at me and shook her head, laughing under her breath. I
better find them before they get up to anything, she said as she, too,
disappeared into the den.
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As the door swung closed behind her I caught a glimpse of Jake. He
was leaning back into the corner of the room nursing a beer. The look on
his face and the way he was talking was intense.
I took a few steps forward, pushing open the door and stepped into
the bustling room. The scene in the corner opened up to reveal that Jake
was flanked by Rory and Joe, each with serious expressions on their faces.
I could only imagine what they were talking about.
Me, no doubt. Lovely.
I was going to need a drink before I could join that conversation so
I went in search of the bar. I ducked and weaved my through the den into
the conservatory throwing out greetings to familiar faces.
Eventually I reached the bar which was just the table that normally
sits in the conservatory covered in a mind boggling variety of bottles.
Whats your poison, girlie? My head shot up in surprise.
Of all the people to man the bar
Chief. I said. Silence reigned as I stood somewhat stupefied.
Although, why was a mystery. Why the hell shouldnt Danes be here? Danes
knew everyone, went with the territory of being Police Chief.
I shook my head and smiled ruefully. Sorry, Chief, you surprised
me. He waved a hand to say it was no never mind. Ill have a beer,
Enjoy, he said handing a cold bottle over, then drawing it back an
inch before saying, responsibly, now. I nodded my acknowledgment of the
order as he finally handed the bottle over.
I stepped back into the den and took a sip from the bottle before
wading back into the crowd to find the boys. They were where I last saw
them the looks on their faces had changed to ones of horror, Jake in
particular, he had gone an alarming shade of red.
I released the breath I had not realised Id been holding and turned
towards where he was facing.
Kim was giving Tina a hug, a big smile on her face and a colourful
box in her hand.
My brow creased in confusion. Nothing to worry about there.
I looked back at the corner where I saw Rory leaning into Jake,
restraining an arm, so I turned back towards the front door.
Kims hand rested on Tinas arm before gesturing to her side. The
side nearest me.
A man stepped forward with his back to me.
Curiosity kicked in. The new boyfriend, perhaps?
I shifted my gaze to him as he turned giving me a clearer view and I
skimmed over the black hair and the bruised jaw to land on icy blue eyes.
Shit. My heart stopped as realisation dawned.
Oh, fuck.
My head immediately turned towards the corner to see Joe had joined
in Rorys efforts. He was gripping Jakes other arm with his other hand on
Jakes shoulder. He was whispering into his brothers ear, no doubt trying
to calm him.
Even I could see that words would not penetrate the furious haze
surrounding Jacob.
The shit was about the hit the fan in major way.
I took steps further into the room and turned back to Kim and Stan.
By now shed taken in Jakes reaction and Rory and Joe trying to retrain
him. She turned toward her date, horror paling her face as she added two
and two together. Her hands flew up to her mouth, shaking her head as she
stepped away from Stan who wore a cat-that-got-the-cream smirk.
Shit. Like putting a flame to magnesium.
Before I could finish that thought Jake broke free of Rory and Joe.
He barrelled across the room and tackled Stan around the waist pushing them
both through the still open front door and out onto the lawn out front.
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I stood horrified and transfixed by the disaster that was unfolding
before me and how it was ruining Tinas Birthday party.
I looked about me and found Tina.
Im so sorry, Tina, I said grasping her arm before dashing out, not
waiting for a response, through the front door.
To do what, I dont know, but I had to see.
Stan and Jake were on the grass, Stan on his back and Jake on his
knees landing a solid punch on Stans jaw.
I heard a scream at the moment of impact and looked to see where it
came from. Everyone was looking at me.
That scream was from me?
A grunt distracted me from my own mortification and I was once again
spell bound by the fight before me.
It was like watching something on TV. It didnt seem real.
Stan reared up using his hips as leverage, throwing Jake back onto
his rear.
They both sat, glaring at each other, their laboured breaths clouding
on the cold late afternoon air, the puffs fading away as quickly as they
formed. Jake broke the silence first.
I told you to keep away from here all together!
I would have. But you came to visit. I thought Id return the
favour. Stan retorted with a sneer. Only polite.
Jake lunged forward again performing a complicated series of
wrestling moves culminating in Stan ending up in a choke hold, completely
Rory barged through the crowd that had formed and got to Jake as he
let Stan flop to the ground, out cold.
Danes was on Rorys heels, followed by Joe who immediately ran to
Stan, checking his pulse. Relief brought colour back to the doctors face
and my heart resumed beating as what that meant penetrated my addled brain.
Jake hadnt killed him. Stan was alive.
I started to sink to my knees as relief mirroring Joes flooded into
my blood stream. Rory arrived at my side and stopped my fall with a strong
arm around my waist.
Danes voice boomed out for someone to call the station, and I
watched him herd Jake into a spot away from the crowd that had gathered.
Danes never left Jakes side as they waited for the Police cruiser to
arrive, which it did about ten minutes later. The benefit and curse of
living in such a small town all rolled into one.
Regret choked my throat, making it hard to breathe as Danes read
Miranda Rights to a handcuffed Jake, and covered his head before urging him
into the back seat of the cruiser.
Id been so angry with him all day. Why couldnt I have just forgiven
him and enjoyed the party? Why?
And why couldnt he have just let it go? Why?
I slumped into Rory and let the tears fall, giving in to all the pent
up emotion of the last few weeks. As the cruiser drove off, blue and red
lights flashing, Jake locked eyes with me through the rear window, his face

As the car disappeared around the corner falling flecks of white
caught my attention.
It was snowing.
Heavy snow; the first proper fall wed had that year and I cried even
harder. Sobs wracked through me and my heart shattered as Rory held me.
The snow was the signal that Jake and I had agreed upon to decide the
date of our Wedding Day.
A Wedding Day that seemed impossible now.
Everything seemed impossible now.


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