Section B Year 6 English Exercise (060714)

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Examples (Year 5)

Your parents want to buy a house. Which house would you like your parents to buy?
Write down your points and reasons then write the complete sentences.
Point / ntroduction !eason "omplete sentence
would like my
parents to buy a
sin#le$storey semi$
detached house
because there are
enou#h rooms %or us.
would like my parents to buy a
sin#le$storey semi detached
house because there are
enou#h rooms %or us.
Point &
'he house has three
bedrooms and it is
because there are only
three members in my
'he house has three bedrooms
and it is suitable because there
are only three members in my
Point (
t has two bathrooms
but it doesn)t matter
because my parents
can use one and can
use the other bathroom.
n addition* it has two
bathrooms but it doesn)t matter
because my parents can use
one and can use the other
Point +
t has a small #arden
and am sure my
mother would lo,e it
because she likes
-esides* it has a small #arden
and am sure my mother would
lo,e it because she likes
Point .
can cycle with my
%riends to school
because the house is
only a %ew minutes %ar
%rom my school.
/oreo,er* can cycle with my
%riends to school because the
house is only a %ew minutes %ar
%rom my school.
Point 5
'he price is not too
hi#h %or my parents
because both o% them
are workin#.
0urthermore* the price is not
too hi#h %or my parents
because both o% them are
am sure ha,e made the ri#ht choice and
hope my parents will like my choice.
am sure ha,e made the ri#ht
choice and hope my parents
will like my choice.
Your %amily would like to #o %or a holiday. Which destination would you like %or your
%amily to #o?
1ow* write down your points and reasons then write the complete sentences.
Point / ntroduction !eason "omplete sentence
would like my %amily
to #o to
Point &
Point ( .
Point +
Point .
Point 5

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