Ferran Garrigues Actor: Theater

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Ferran Garrigues


2014 Actor at Marat/Sade from LaFam cia. Teatre.
2013/14 Actor at Theatrum Kuks festival in Czech Republic. With the show I
Truffattori. Dir. Jan Polak.
2014 Actor at Wagner Tetralogy. Dir. Carlus Padrissa (Assistant Esteban Muoz) at
HGO, Houston Grand Opera in Houston, Texas. Season 2014-2017.
2014 Actor at Gtterdmmerung at the Teatro de la Maestranza, Seville (Spain) Dir.
Carlus Padrissa (Assistant Alexander Stadler.)
2013-14/2015 Main actor at the musical The Magnificent 7. Dir. Cecilia Ligorio,
Palau de la Msica Valencia (Spain).
2012-13 Actor in Die Walkre at Teatro Maggio Musicale Fiorentino. Dir. Fura des
Baus / Zubin Metha.
2012 Actor in Siegfried in Teatro de la Maestranza Seville. Dir. Fura des Baus.
2012 Actor at Hamlet (Horatio) Drama Center of Vila Real. Dir. Hadi Kurich.
2011 Main actor at L'ltim roder. Dir. Xavier Lauder, in Teatro el Musical, Valencia.
2011 Actor in the Valkyrie. Dir. Fura des Baus at the Teatro de la Maestranza,
2010 Actor at Das Rheingold, at the Teatro de la Maestranza in Seville. Dir.
Valentina Carrasco.
2010 Actor at El Batec del Temps, Dir. Amores Grup de Percusio.
2010 Actor/Singer at musical Jesus Christ Superstar, at the Palau de la Music of
Valencia, Dir. Juan Antonio Ramirez.
2009 Actor-dancer in the opera Die Feen (The Fairies) Dir. Emilio Sagi at Theatre
Chtelet of Paris.
2009 Actor at zarzuela El Rey que Rabio Dir. Emilio Sagi
2009 Actor at opera Gtterdmmerung, directed by Carlus Padrissa, and Zubin
2009 Actor in the show Ruralfoc of Visitants Teatre.
2008 Actor at Siegfried opera, directed by Carlus Padrissa and Zubin Metha. Palau
de les Arts Reina Sofa and the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino in Florence.
2008 Actor at the show Gaitana. Teatro de la Saca, Dir. Pau Ayet.
2008 Actor and producer at La carn vol carn, Teatre de Mergencia. Dir. Xavi
2008 Actor at opera Madama Butterfly, directed by Michiko Tagguchi and Lorin
2008 Main actor at Betrothal in a Monastery, Dir. Daniel Slater, choreographer
Kate Flatt. Glyndebourne festiwal and Palau de les Arts.
2007 - 2008 Actor at mobile VEO Valencia Escena Oberta.
2007 Actor at opera Carmen, directed by Carlos Saura in the Palau de les Arts
Reina Sofa.
2007 Characters in the opera Don Carlo, in the Palau de les Arts Reina Sofa.
2006 - 2007 Actor in operas Das Rheingold and The Valkyrie Dir. Carlus Padrissa,
Valentina Carrasco, Zubin Metha. Fura des Baus. Prod. Palau de les Arts and
Maggio Musicale Fiorentino.
2006 Actor in festival VEO, Valencia. Dir. Ramn Moreno.
2006 Clown Self Portraits at the festival Esparraguera 2 GEST.
2006 Actor at GalaTeatres de la Generalitat Valenciana.
2005 - 2009 Actor in Tirant i Carmesina, Visitants Teatre.
2005 - 2010 Actor at fireworks display street theater show, Fam de Foc, Visitants
2006 Actor at Parpadeos, Antonio de Paco. Dir. Ximo Flores.
2004 Actor-animator (Bodyguards and "dealer") in Gilda: Movie Nights at the Ateneo
Mercantil Valencia. Dir. Rafa Alarcon.
2007 Actor at tv serial Un Altra Oportunitat, Channel 9.
2006 Actor in production The Borgias 2006.
2006 Actor in collaboration with the Faculty of Fine Arts in Valencia.
2006 Actor at Letters to Sorolla 2006 production.
2007 - 2008 Author of texts Mobile Festival VEO Valencia Escena Oberta.
2014 Actor on camera, with Carles Vila.
2013 Course intensive theatrical styles and voice. Mar Navarro, Andres Hernandez,
2003-2007 Bachelor of Dramatic Arts: Option in the School of Dramatic Art in
2010 Annual course singing lessons with Jose Cuellar.
2010 Course II Shakespeare for actors, given by Chema Cardena, Arden
2009-2010 Annual Playwriting Course with Paco Zarzoso.
2009 Shakespeare for actors course, taught by Chema Cardena, Arden productions.
2008 Summer Intensive School of Mime Corporal Dramatic MOVEO. Delivered by
Stephan Levi, Sophie Kasser, Olivier Decriaud.
2003-2009 Acting Formation in street theater company S. L. Visitants
2007 Playwriting Course with Jos Sanchis Sinisterra.
2007 Course 30 hours of interpretation, given by Ita Aagaard, Boundaries.
2007 Course of Dramatic Corporeal Mime, taught by Stephane Levi, Professor of
the International Mime School Mime MOVEO Barcelona.
2006 Playwriting course with Alfonso Zurro, Festival of Contemporary Authors of
2006 monographic course on Luigi Pirandello: Six Characters in Search of an Author
as a motor for memory. Taught by Paolo de Vita, actor of Piccolo Teatro of Milan,
School of Valencia Escalante theater.
2006 Making and collective drama workshop at about George Taboris Cannibals.
2006 Dance, taught by Ramn Oller the GEST 2 Esparraguera festival.
2006 Interpretation, taught by Isabel Ubeda, belonging to Odin Teatret in GEST 2
winner Esparreguera.
2004 monograph, The game of interpretation taught by Juan Mandli in ESAD of
2004 Course improvisation techniques taught by director of the School of Dramatic
Arts in Belgrade, Vladimir Yectovic in ESAD of Valencia.
2004 Taller Mikhail Chekhov techniques taught by Soledad Garre, professor RESAD
2004 Course techniques clown The clown, acrobat of emotions, Sergi Claramunt.
2004 monograph, The actor and the classic text, given by Manuel Angel Conejero,
Director of the Shakespeare Institute.
2003-2004 Interpretation with Dafni Valor.
2002 - 2004 Course of capoeira at the University of Valencia taught by Leandro
Ferreira (Grilo).
2002-2003 Course Iaido and Kendo (Japanese fencing) taught by Vicente Soriano
at the University of Valencia.

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