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The Aquino administration had been established with faith, hope, trust and nationalism.

These virtues were most felt and found when hundreds of people gathered at the EDSA Shrine to
start the revolution that stripped the former president and dictator, Marcos, of power. But what
happened next?
Unfortunately, what happened in the history was quite expected. Being president is more
than a responsibility or a job. It takes more than a person who captured the hearts of the citizens.
It takes more than promises and visions made in good faith. It takes more than decisions made
with good intent. Vividly, it should take more than a signature campaign for one to consider that
he/she is competent, viable and qualified to become a president. Truth be told, the Presidency
definitely takes more than a housewife who was pained by the loss of a husband.
The Aquino Regimes shortcomings were manifested greatly by the quite irrational
decisions made, somehow forgetting that the Filipinos are the ones suffering. The President
assumed the debts incurred by Marcos and charged it to the people. She built a committee to
chase down Marcos cronies and to sequester the ill-gotten wealth, yet none was actually
penalized. Even the military turned against their own commander-in-chief. Apparently, the three
branches of the government were at their most vulnerable. What was more bothering was, her
government spent more or less one trillion pesos, and only a portion benefited the less fortunate.
In the end, the Aquino government came out to be a rule of vengeance, hatred,
persecution, distrust, anomalies, debts, misjudgments, indifferences, ignorance, denial,
pinpointing, blaming and failures. All she could say, in her defense, was that at least she brought
back the democracy. But come to think of it, where was she when the people started their silent
revolt? Who carried out the plans? To whom should the real credit be? Was it really her?
The book stated so much of what really occurred, the things hidden from the public.
There is no wonder why the present administration banned it. However, taking it away from the
access of the people is another perfidy that cloaks the truth.
When the yellow ribbons and L-campaign ended Marcoss dictatorial regime, we all
thought we triumphed in attaining democracy and that we are free. No. That was just a front to
something more treacherous than the declaration of martial law. It started a time of greed and

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