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Master of Science Civil Engineering

track Water Management

Water Management
Sanitary Engineering
Water Resources Management
Water Management and Engineering

April 2013

2 MSc track Water Management

Department of Water Management
Stevinweg 1 P.O. Box 50!
2"2! C# $elft 2"00 %& $elft
#et'erlan(s #et'erlan(s

Section of Sanitary Engineering
secretar-* Mrs. .. $,iverman/ room .55
0* 1231 15 245!334
E* Secr6%E76C80%9t,(

Section of Water Resources
secretar-* Mrs. :. 0on6Estra(a/ room .45
0* 1231 15 245!50!0
E* Secr6W;6C80%9t,(
Water Resources Management
secretar-* Mrs. E.%. ;ot'f,s</ room .45
0* 1231 15 245!1""
E* Secr6W;6C80%9t,(

Dispuut Watermanagement
room .4
0* 1231 15 245!2!
E* $is),,t6WM6Ci0%9t,(

MSc track Water Management 3
Table of Contents
Preface ....................................................................................................... 5
1 Civil Engineering an( water .......................................................................... !
2 Water Management in a n,ts'ell ................................................................... 10
2.1 Sanitar- Engineering .............................................................................. 10
2.1.1 $rinking water s,))l- ....................................................................... 11
2.1.2 Sewerage ...................................................................................... 11
2.1.3 Waste water treatment ..................................................................... 11
2.1. Exam)les of Master 0'eses ................................................................ 12
2.2 =-(rolog- ........................................................................................... 12
2.2.1 >iel(s of interest of t'e s)eciali<ation =-(rolog- ..................................... 13
2.2.2 Master 0'eses ................................................................................ 1
2.3 Water ;eso,rces Management .................................................................. 1
2.3.1 >iel(s of interest of t'e s)eciali<ation of Water ;eso,rces Management ......... 1
2.3.2 S)ecialisms wit'in Water ;eso,rces Management ..................................... 15
2.3.3 Exam)les of Master 0'eses ................................................................ 1"
3 ;elations wit' ot'er 1MSc56e(,cation an( ,niversities/ exc'ange )rogrammes??...??.1!
>,t,re work fiel( ...................................................................................... 20
5 0'e MSc track Water Management ................................................................. 22
5.1 %eneral sc'eme* Sanitar- Engineering/ =-(rolog-/ Water ;eso,rces Engineering .... 22
5.2 ;e@,irements on )reliminar- knowle(ge ..................................................... 22
5.2.1 St,(ents from t'e BSc Civil Engineering................................................. 22
5.2.2 St,(ents from ot'er instit,tes ............................................................ 23
5.3 MSc )rogramme s)ecialisations Sanitar- Engineering/ =-(rolog-/ Water ;eso,rces
Engineering ............................................................................................... 23
5.3.1 Common co,rses ............................................................................. 23
5.3.2 S)ecialisation ................................................................................. 23
5.3.3 Elective co,rses .............................................................................. 2
5.3. Masters 0'esis ............................................................................... 2
5. MSc )rogramme s)ecialisation Water Management an( Engineering ...??????....25
" 0'e A$is),,t WatermanagementB 10'e St,(ent &ssociation Water Management5 ........ 2!

&nnex 1* Co,rse Sc'e(,le s)ecialisations Sanitar- Engineering/ =-(rolog-/ Water ;eso,rces
Management ................................................................................................ 30

MSc track Water Management

MSc track Water Management 5

&s of Se)temCer 2002 t'e e(,cation at t'e fac,lt- of Civil Engineering an( %eosciences 'as
t'e Bac'elor Master str,ct,re.

0'e Casis is forme( C- t'e Bac'elor of Science in Civil Engineering 1BSc Civil Engineering5.
0'is Casis e(,cation takes t'ree -ears/ w'ic' is six semesters. 8t contains for a Cig )art t'e
Casis s,CDects in mat'ematics/ mec'anics an( general civil engineering s,CDects in all fiel(s
of Civil Engineering/ ,n(er w'ic' Water Management.

8n t'e Master of Civil Engineering a f,rt'er in (e)t' st,(- in one of t'e work fiel(s can Ce
(one. 0'e MSc takes two -ears/ w'ic' is semesters. 8n )rinci)le all st,(ents wit' an
aca(emic BSc gra(e or =0E are a(mitte( to t'e MSc e(,cation/ C,t st,(ents wit' anot'er
BSc t'an t'e BSc civil engineering can Ce s,CDecte( to entrance (eman(s.

0'is Croc',re is )ro(,ce( for st,(ents/ Cot' of t'e fac,lt- of Civil Engineering an(
%eosciences an( elsew'ere/ w'o consi(er (oing t'e MSc track of Water Management.

We t'ink t'at it is im)ortant t'at t'e interests an( t'e ca)acities of t'e st,(ent 'ave to fit
in w'at t'e MSc track Water Management 'as to offer. >or t'is reason/ t'is Croc',re
elaCoratel- (eals wit' t'e work fiel(s of Water Management. 8t also gives a (escri)tion of
t'e co,rses offere( in t'e Master.

& Croc',re can contain lots of information/ C,t not ever-t'ingE $onFt 'esitate to ask
,n(ersigne(/ t'e master coor(inator an( t'e $is),te Water Management 1t'e st,(ent
societ- for Water Management5 or t'e st,(ents or t'e teac'ers )ersonall-. 0'e- like to
answer -o,r @,estionsE

ir WM! "u#emburg$ gra(,ation coor(inator
;oom .G0
0* 1015 245!5414
E* w.m.D.l,xemC,rg9t,(

Dispuut Watermanagement
;oom .4
E* $is),,t6WM6Ci0%9t,(

" MSc track Water Management

MSc track Water Management 4

! MSc track Water Management
% C&'&" E()&(EER&() A(D WATER

Water is essential to ',mans an( nat,re/ C,t it can also )resent a t'reat. ;ivers/ for
exam)le/ )rovi(e (rinking water an( water for irrigation C,t ma- also ca,se (evastating

0'e AwetB Civil Engineering/ existing of Water Management an( =-(ra,lic Engineering/ is
t'e engineering science wit' water as s,CDect of e(,cation an( researc'. #otwit'stan(ing a
certain relations'i)/ Water Management an( =-(ra,lic Engineering 'ave (ifferent fiel(s of

=-(ra,lic Engineering
is mainl- occ,)ie( wit' Cig s,rface water 1rivers/ est,aries/ seas5.
0'e main attention foc,ses on constr,ctions an( constr,ction met'o(s for t'e (isc'arge of
water/ )rotection against water/ an( trans)ort over water.

Water Management
is concerne( wit' ,n(erstan(ing water flows H s,rface water flows an(
gro,n(water flows H s,c' as t'e- occ,r nat,rall-/ an( wit' reg,lating t'ese flows for
societal ),r)oses. Water Managers are concerne( wit' )racticall- relevant iss,es s,c' as
floo( an( (ro,g't )re(ictions/ (rinking water s,))l-/ sewerage an( wastewater treatment/
water @,alit- control in lakes an( streams/ an( o)erational control of water in r,ral an(
,rCan areas.

Water Management )la-s a (ominant role in*
Environment 1@,antit- an( @,alit- of s,rface water an( gro,n(water5
IrCan an( r,ral (evelo)ment 1irrigation an( (rainage5
$esign of infrastr,ct,re for (rinking water s,))l-/ sewerage an( wastewater
treatment/ wit' )artic,lar em)'asis on t'e )rotection of Cot' ),Clic 'ealt' an(

Water Management is a ver- Croa( an( offers man- )ossiCilities for t'e (evelo)ment of
ver- (ifferent talentsEEE

Since 2011-2012 the specialization Water Management and Engineering was introduced to combine
Water Management with Hdraulic Engineering! see chapter "#$

MSc track Water Management G




Drin*ing Water Supply
Waste+ater Treatment








,rban Water management
Polders - &rrigation
Catc.ments Area Management
Surface Water Hydrology
)round+ater Hydrology
Water /uality Management

10 MSc track Water Management

0'e MSc6track Water Management covers a Croa( s)ectr,m of as)ects of @,antit- an(
@,alit- of water. Eac' as)ect is a s)ecialt- in itself. 0'e s)ecialties are/ Ceca,se of t'eir
nat,re/ cl,stere( in t'ree fiel(s*

Sanitary engineering
$esign/ C,il(/ an( o)erate installations an( infrastr,ct,re for 1(rinking5 water
s,))l-/ sewerage/ an( wastewater treatment.

$escri)tion an( @,antification of water s-stems in t'e nat,ral '-(rologic c-cle an(
t'e effect of ',man on t'ese nat,ral s-stems.

Water resources management
$esign/ C,il(/ an( o)erate water management s-stems an( accom)an-ing
management organi<ations/ now an( in t'e f,t,re.

Mo(eling/ laCorator- work/ fiel( work an( )ilot )lant testing )la- an im)ortant role in eac'
s)eciali<ation. &s a conse@,ence/ t'ere is an active involvement of Master st,(ents in
researc' )roDects of t'e (e)artment.

0'e staff of t'e work fiel(s is gro,)e( in two sections* Sanitar- Engineering an( Water
;eso,rces. 0'e )eo)le are (e(icate( to t'eir s,CDect. 8t is not onl- t'eir DoC/ t'e- love
t'eir )rofession.

0'e st,(ents of Water Management are also (e(icate( to t'e MSc track. Organi<e( C- t'e
A$is),,t Water ManagementB t'e- contriC,te to t'e e(,cation an( to t'e co'esion an(
atmos)'ere C- organi<ing exc,rsions/ lect,res an( festivities.

0'e (e)artment of Water Management 'as man- contacts wit' organi<ations in co,ntries
wit'in an( wit'o,t E,ro)e. 0'is offers )ossiCilities to Croa( ones view C- for exam)le
interns'i)s an( )roDects aCroa( in co,ntries like 8n(onesia/ Bangla(es'/ 8n(ia/ 0'ailan(/ t'e
P'ili))ines/ Jen-a/ Mo<amCi@,e/ #icarag,a/ Per,/ ColomCia/ &rgentine/ %erman-/ >rance
an( t'e IS&.

S,stainaCle (evelo)ment is Cecoming more an( more im)ortant for (esigning/ o)erating
an( management of Civil Engineering OCDects. St,(ents w'o like to foc,s on s,stainaCilit-
wit'in t'eir master can follow t'e master )rofile 0ec'nolog- in S,stainaCle (evelo)ment.

Man- )eo)le took t'e c'allenge to c'oose Water Management. 8n t'e )erio( 1GG to 2011
averagel- 34 st,(ents )er -ear finis'e( t'eir st,(ies on t'e s,CDect of Water Management.
0'e- reac'e( ver- goo( )ositions in societ-E

0% Sanitary Engineering
Sanitar- Engineering is occ,)ie( wit' tec'nolog- on t'e Co,n(aries Cetween water/ ),Clic
'ealt' an( environment. 0'is can Ce (ivi(e( in t'e following fiel(s*
drin*ing +ater supply
+aste +ater treatment
& laCorator- is )art of t'e section Sanitar- Engineering.

MSc track Water Management 11
2.1.1 Drinking water supply
Water com)anies (eliver water for (rinking an( ot'er ),r)oses to millions of 'o,se'ol(s
an( t'o,san(s of com)anies. 0'is is of vital im)ortance for ),Clic 'ealt' an( contriC,tes to

0o satisf- t'e (eman( for water is a com)lex matter. >irstl-/ t'e s,rface water an(
gro,n(water are s,Ctracte( from t'e nat,ral water c-cle. &fterwar(s/ s,rface water is ke)t
in reservoirs/ or is store( in t'e ,n(ergro,n( after )re6treatment. 0'e ),r)ose of t'is is to
'ave water in stock/ an( to im)rove t'e @,alit- of t'e water. &fter t'at/ t'e water is
trans)orte( to a treatment )lant. 8t is t'ere treate( for all )ossiCle kin(s of ,se. >rom t'e
treatment )lant t'e water is trans)orte( t'ro,g' extensive )i)ing networks to t'e

0'is all goes in large amo,nts. 0'e $,tc' (rinking water com)anies (eliver ro,g'l- 1.3
Cillion c,Cic meter 1(rinking5 water )er -ear.

2.1.2 Sewerage
0'e water t'at is (elivere( C- t'e (rinking water com)anies is ,se( C- t'e cons,mers for
all )ossiCle kin(s of ,se. & Cig )art of t'e water 'as to Ce (isc'arge( after ,se. 8t 'as
Cecome a )oll,te( waste stream an( it is a t'rea( for ),Clic 'ealt'. Besi(es/ t'e same
cons,mers/ w'o mostl- live in ,rCan areas 'ave to (eal wit' )reci)itation. W'en
)reci)itation is not (raine( )ro)erl-/ it acc,m,lates in t'e r,ral areas wit' as a res,lt t'at
cellars an( streets are floo(e( C- t'e water. 0'e @,alit- of t'e area (ecreases. 0'e water
is (raine( to )revent t'is from 'a))ening. 0'e main )oint is t'at water is Cro,g't Cack into
t'e nat,ral water c-cle. Mostl- t'is is t'e s,rface water.

0'e collection of wastewater an( )reci)itation starts wit' an extensive ,n(ergro,n(
network of sewerage )i)es. Water can Ce (raine( C- a mixe( s-stem/ in w'ic' )reci)itation
an( wastewater are collecte( toget'er/ or C- a se)arate( s-stem wit' (ifferent )i)es for
wastewater an( )reci)itation. 0'e sewerage )i)es of mixe( networks an( t'e wastewater
)i)es of se)arate( s-stems come toget'er in a ),m)ing station. >rom t'is ),m)ing station
it is trans)orte( to a wastewater treatment )lant. 0'e )reci)itation sewers of se)arate(
s-stems are (rain (irectl- on t'e s,rface water. 0o )revent floo(ing of streets (,ring
extreme s'owers mixe( s-stems are e@,i))e( wit' emergenc- o,tlets 1comCine( sewer
overflows 1CSOKs55. 0'ese CSOKs lea( to a )oll,tion of t'e s,rface water. 0o (ecrease t'e
fre@,enc- of t'ese CSOKs wit'o,t t'e a))lication of ver- Cig sewerage )i)es/ sewerage
s-stems 'ave ,n(ergro,n( retention Casins.

0'e ,n(ergro,n( of t'e #et'erlan(s contains ro,g'l- 100/000 km of sewerage )i)es. 0'e
re)lacement val,e of t'is network is ro,g'l- 5! Cillion E,ros.

2.1.3 Waste water treatment
0'e wastewater t'at is collecte( C- t'e sewerage s-stem 'as to Ce (raine( to t'e s,rface
water. B,t t'e water from t'e sewers is )oll,te(. 0o sec,re t'e @,alit- of t'e s,rface
water now an( in t'e f,t,re as a so,rce for water cons,m)tion an( as a )art of t'e
environment t'e water 'as to Ce treate(. 0'is is vali( Cot' for t'e wastewater an( for t'e
man- com)anies w'o are (raining (irectl- to t'e s,rface water.

0reatment of wastewater takes )lace in wastewater treatment )lants 1WW0PKs5. Poll,tants
are remove( C- )'-sical/ c'emical an( Ciological )rocesses. Besi(es treate( wastewater
1effl,ent5 sl,(ge is )ro(,ce(. 0'is sl,(ge is also )rocesse( as )art of t'e treatment of
wastewater. 0'ere is an ongoing searc' for more s,stainaCle sol,tions for environmental
)roClems. 8nstea( of reac'ing a @,alit- re@,ire( for t'e (isc'arge of effl,ent to t'e s,rface

12 MSc track Water Management
water/ researc' is more an( more foc,se( on tec'ni@,es to reac' a @,alit- w'ic' makes
1in5(irect re,se of wastewater )ossiCle.

:ike wit' (rinking water )ro(,ction/ t'e amo,nts are ver- Cig. 8n t'e #et'erlan(s ro,g'l-
1.! Cillion c,Cic meters of water is trans)orte( to an( treate( in 340 ),Clic wastewater
treatment )lants.

In practice, te sanitary engineer takes a central position in planning, design, construction
and te use o! te descri"ed !acilities. His power is te capacity to get to e!!icient and
e!!ecti#e solutions, in dialogue wit specialists like constructors, mecanical engineers,
electro tecnicians, cemical tecnicians, "acteriologists, "iologists and epidemiologists
witin comple$ economical, legal and political "oundary #alues.

2.1.% &$amples o! Master 'eses
Exam)les of recent Master ProDects wit' t'e section of Sanitar- Engineering are*
&nnammox at low tem)erat,res
$igestion )otential of fine sieve( material from sewage
$evelo)ment of a mo(el to select sanitation tec'nologies in (evelo)ing co,ntries
Case( on )roCaCilities
=ealt' risk assessment of Cat'ing waters
Str,vite cr-stallisation in anaeroCic (igestion
0reatment tec'ni@,es for ComCine( Sewer Overflows
ProCaCilistic mo(eling of sewer (eterioration
Ceramic silver im)regnate( )ot filters for 'o,se'ol( (rinking water treatment
8ron removal at gro,n(water ),m)ing station =ar(erCroek
C>$ for IL (esinfection reactor (esign
#anofiltration wit' <ero li@,i( (isc'arge for (rinking water treatment
Lali(ation of raw meas,ring (ata of water @,antit- an( water @,alit- in wastewater

00 Hydrology
0'e s)eciali<ation of =-(rolog- aims at t'e (escri)tion an( @,antification of water s-stems
in t'e nat,ral '-(rologic c-cle. 8n t'is fiel( seas an( oceans are not st,(ie(. 0'e
s)eciali<ation )rovi(es t'e civil engineer wit' t'e necessar- knowle(ge aCo,t origin/ t'e
occ,rrence/ an( t'e )ro)erties of water/ an( )rovi(es t'e more s)eciali<e( e(,cation for
civil6'-(rologic engineers.

0'e s)eciali<ation of =-(rolog- is occ,)ie( wit' s,rface water an( gro,n(water. Wit' t'is/
mainl- t'e availaCilit- of water for ',man ,se an( t'e ',man infl,ence on @,alit- an(
@,antit- are st,(ie(. 0'e intervention of man is st,(ie( from t'e criteria of ecolog- an(

0'e s,C6(irection of =-(rolog- consists of t'e following s,CDects*
)round +ater .ydrology
Surface +ater .ydrology
Transport of substances in surface +ater
Transport of substances +it. ground +ater

MSc track Water Management 13
2.2.1 (ields o! interest o! te speciali)ation Hydrology
0'e e(,cation of t'e s)eciali<ation of =-(rolog- is concerne( wit' t'e following fiel(s of

T.e a1ailability of +ater
=,man nee( for water like (rinking water an( in(,strial water/ an( water for
agric,lt,re/ can Ce f,lfille( wit' Cot' s,rface water an( gro,n(water. 0'e
s)eciali<ation of =-(rolog- is engage( in t'e availaCilit- of water an( t'e infl,ence
of water extraction an( artificial rec'arge of gro,n(water on nat,re an(

Water nuisance by .ig. ri1er disc.arges
=ig' river (isc'arges an( t'e associate( 'ig' water levels can ca,se (angero,s
sit,ations. Calc,lation of t'e normative (isc'arges is an essential )art of s,rface
water '-(rolog-.

"o+ ri1er disc.arges
&nal-sis of (isc'arge )roClems in low )reci)itation )erio(s Cot' on @,alitative an(
@,antitative as)ects.

Prediction of .ig. and lo+ ri1er disc.arges
0o Ce aCle to antici)ate on extreme (isc'arge sit,ations/ it is im)ortant to know
t'e )reci)itation6(isc'arge relations. >or t'is reason )reci)itation an( (isc'arge
mo(els on s)ecific circ,mstances are (esigne( an( a))lie(. >or a))lication an(
(evelo)ment of mo(els/ oCservations in t'e fiel( are (isco,nte(.

Water nuisance by .ig. ground+ater le1els
0'e anti (ro,g't )olic- in t'e #et'erlan(s res,lts at several )laces in water
n,isance in agric,lt,ral an( ,rCan areas. Effect calc,lations an( meas,rements in
t'e fiel( of geo'-(rolog- are im)ortant elements.

Hydrology of deltas
0'e effect of river (isc'arge regimes on '-(rological )rocesses in (eltas.

Droug.t problems by lo+ ground+ater le1els
M,antification of t'e effects on vegetation an( agric,lt,ral (amage as 'armf,l
res,lt of t'e low gro,n(water levels.

En1ironmental .ydrology
0'e @,alit- of t'e groundwater is Ceing t'rea(e( C-*
o Soil )oll,tion/ w'ic' can 'ave several ca,sesN
o See)age of salt water
0'e @,alit- of sur!ace water is Ceing infl,ence( in a negative wa- C-*
o & too 'ig' s,rface loa( wit' nitrogen an( )'os)'ate 1e,tro)'ication5 w'ic'
res,lts in excessive growt' of algae in s,mmer.
o 0'e (isc'arge of xenoCiotic s,Cstances/ w'ic' can (ist,rC t'e a@,atic
o 0'ermal )oll,tion as t'e res,lt of t'e (isc'arge of 'eate( cooling water/
w'ic' can (eteriorate t'e a@,atic ecos-stem (,e to an ox-gen (eficienc- in
t'e water.
o B- salt see)age an( C- intr,sion of salt water in est,aries/ w'ic' 'as
negative infl,ence on t'e (rinking water s,))l- an( agric,lt,re.
0'e s)eciali<ation of =-(rolog- is engage( in )rocesses w'ic' infl,ence t'e
occ,rrence of t'e )oll,tions an( salt water in s,rface water an( gro,n(water. 0'is
is aCo,t t'e trans)ort an( t'e conversion of s,Cstances in water an( also t'e

1 MSc track Water Management
transmission Cetween water an( t'e s,rro,n(e( environment. &ttention is also )ai(
to t'e meas,rements w'ic' (ecrease t'e negative infl,ence of s,Cstances on t'e
water @,alit-.

Water 2uality management
0'is area of interest foc,ses at t'e relation Cetween s,rface water an(
gro,n(water. Bot' n,isance an( s'ortage are (isc,sse(.

2.2.2 Master 'eses
Exam)les of recent Master ProDects of =-(rolog- are*
Moist,re rec-cling an( t'e effect of lan(6,se c'ange
8(entification of r,noff mec'anisms in floo( fre@,enc- anal-sis
&nal-tical mo(elling of Salt 8ntr,sion in t'e Ja),as Est,ar-
P'ase lags in all,vial est,ariesN Classification of all,vial est,aries C- means of
t'e )'ase lag
Pre(icting Ilva growt' in a saline Lolkerak 7oom lake
Meas,raCilit- of '-(rological )rocesses C- means of gravimetrical meas,rements
Meteo:ook H a )'-sicall- Case( regional (istriC,tion mo(el for meas,re(
meteorological variaCles
0'e im)act of t'e (ee) water extraction at t'e )osition of t'e fres'6salt
& (istriC,te( stream tem)erat,re mo(el ,sing 'ig' resol,tion tem)erat,re
S)atial variaCilit- of (r- s)ells in 0an<ania

03 Water Resources Management
0'e e(,cation of t'e s)eciali<ation of Water ;eso,rces Management aims at t'e (esign/
C,il(ing an( management of water control s-stems an( t'e accom)an-ing control
organi<ations/ an( on t'e long term )lanning of f,t,re (evelo)ments in t'e water control.
0'e work fiel(s of t'e s)eciali<ation of Water ;eso,rces Management are*
Catc.ments area control
Rural +ater management
,rban +ater management
4perational +ater management

2.3.1 (ields o! interest o! te speciali)ation o! Water Resources Management
0'e e(,cation of t'e s)eciali<ation Water ;eso,rces Management can Ce se)arate( in t'e
following interest fiel(s*

0'e control of s,rface water an( gro,n(water in ,rCan an( r,ral areas wit' res)ect
to safet-/ ,saCilit-/ 'aCitaCilit-/ an( nat,re management.

0'e s-stemi<ation of (esign )roce(,res of water management s-stems from
f,nctional (eman(s wit' t'e accom)an-ing meas,rement an( reg,lating s-stems/
for irrigation/ (rainage an( )ol(er s-stems/ an( in t'e ,rCan water management.

MSc track Water Management 15
4perational +ater management
0'e (esign of strategies an( algorit'ms for t'e o)eration of water s-stems an( t'e
o)timi<ation of t'e water management wit' ,se of t'e most mo(ern com),teri<e(

Catc.ments area management
Catc'ments area management wit' em)'asis on )olic- anal-sis an( (ecision
met'o(s for t'e )lanning of (esire( (evelo)ments in water reso,rces management/
starting wit' civil engineering )ossiCilities an( wit' res)ect to t'e legal an(
a(ministrative environment. Com)etitive interests like safet-/ s'i))ing/ (rinking
water an( in(,strial water s,))l-/ agric,lt,re/ ',man 'aCitaCilit-/ lan(sca)e an(
nat,re con(itions 'ave to Ce taken into acco,nt.

2.3.2 Specialisms witin Water Resources Management
&ll s)ecialisms wit'in Water ;eso,rces Management are all (eal wit' t'e control of water
c,rrents an( water levels/ in s,c' a wa- t'at all f,nctions of t'e concerne( area are
o)timi<e( as m,c' as )ossiCle. 8t concerns regional water s-stems in r,ral an( ,rCan areas/
wit' interaction wit' t'e C- sanitar- engineering controlle( (rinking water flows an(
wastewater flows/ an( wit' taking into acco,nt t'e )ossiCilities an( im)ossiCilities of
nat,ral '-(rologic s-stems as a Co,n(ar- val,e. 0'e following s)eciali<ations can Ce

,rban +ater management
0'e work fiel( of ,rCan water management is )artic,larl- aime( at (evelo)ing an(
maintaining s,itaCle areas for ',man 'aCitaCilit- an( t'e interaction of ',man
water (eman( in t'e cit- wit' t'e s,rro,n(ing regional water s-stems. 0'is work
fiel( 'as man- )oints of contact wit' ,rCan '-(rolog-/ sewerage s-stems/ an(
a(ministrative (ecision making. Bot' )lanning an( water management tec'nologies
are relevant s,CDects.

Polders and flood control
8n t'e #et'erlan(s t'is ex)ertise is 'ig' (evelo)e( to sec,re areas w'ic' 'ave
levels lower t'an t'e level of t'e s,rro,n(ing waters/ an( to make an( maintain
t'em 'aCitaCle an( )ro(,ctive. %oo( nat,re conservation is also taken into
acco,nt. 8t concerns t'e (esign an( o)eration of floo( control s-stems C-
reservoirs/ (ikes/ canals/ sl,ices an( ),m)ing stations wit' associate( a,tomatic
o)erational control an( management organi<ations.

&rrigation and drainage
0'e largest ,sers of water H also in t'e #et'erlan(s 6 are agric,lt,re an( nat,re
conservation. :arge socio economical interests are (e)en(ing on a goo( control of
t'e intake an( (isc'arge of water wit' a s,fficient water @,alit-. & )rofessional
water management organi<ation is in(is)ensaCle. 0'e s,CDects in t'is s)ecialism
are t'e (esign an( o)eration of intake an( (isc'arge s-stems C- water intake
station/ canal s-stems wit' reg,lating installations/ (ams/ sl,ices an( ),m)ing
stations an( t'e (evelo)ment of t'e accom)an-ing management.

4perational +ater management
0'is s)ecialism aims at t'e (-namic control of water flows/ water levels/ an( water
@,alit- wit' t'e a))lication of a,tomatic controllers. Beca,se t'e re@,irements for
water control are increasing t'is s)ecialism is (evelo)ing strongl-.

Catc.ments area management
0'e catc'ments area management contains t'e Casis for a co'erent )olic- an(
management C- t'e (ifferent government Co(ies to (evelo) an integral care for t'e

1" MSc track Water Management
@,alit- an( t'e ,se of water s-stems. Water/ waterCe( an( t'e Canks of a
catc'ments area wit' t'eir )'-sical/ c'emical an( Ciological com)onents are
st,(ie( in relation wit' t'e relevant s,rro,n(ings. 0'e em)'asis is ),t on anal-sis
an( @,antification of t'e water ,se/ )rocesses in t'e nat,ral an( artificial c-cles of
water/ t'e (efinition of scenarios for (evelo)ment/ an( t'e accom)an-ing socio
economic an( environmental as)ects/ res,lting in s)ecific )lans wit' incl,sion of
a(ministrative6legal meas,rements for t'e f,t,re (evelo)ment of t'e water control
s-stem. 0'is work fiel( is essential for all water engineers w'o 'ave to (eal wit'
strategic )lanning in water control.

2.3.3 &$amples o! Master 'eses
Exam)les of recent Master ProDects wit' t'e s)eciali<ation of Water ;eso,rces Management
Worl( '-(ro)ower eval,ation
Mitigation of t'e ,rCan 'eat islan( effect C- vegetation an( water
=eav- metal removal in artificial wetlan(s
& new control s-stem for t'e ;'ine6Me,se (elta
Effect of climate c'ange on ,rCan water management (esign criteria
S)ace an( t'e art of water management
&))lication of control tec'ni@,es to t'e water management of large water
;isk assessment for floo(s (,e to )reci)itation excee(ing (rainage ca)acit-
8ntegrate( water @,antit- an( water @,alit- control of lowlan( water s-stems
CaliCration of t'e )reci)itation6r,noff mo(el of t'e =irman( ;iver in
&fg'anistan an( 8ran ,sing remote sensing (ata
0ransitions to more s,stainaCle conce)ts of ,rCan water management an( water

MSc track Water Management 14

1! MSc track Water Management

0'e s)eciali<ations Water ;eso,rces Management an( =-(rolog- 'ave close relations wit'
t'e sections =-(ra,lic Engineering an( >l,i( Mec'anics of t'e fac,lt- of Civil Engineering
an( %eosciences. 0'ere are also relations wit' t'e section 8nfrastr,ct,re Planning an(
Water ;eso,rces an( t'e laCorator- Soils an( %eolog- of t'e Wageningen Iniversit- O
;esearc' Centre.

0'e s)eciali<ation Sanitar- Engineering coo)erates on several fiel(s wit' t'e section >l,i(
Mec'anics of t'e fac,lt- of Civil Engineering an( %eosciences/ an( also wit' t'e sections
Bio Process 0ec'nolog- an( Micro Biolog- of t'e fac,lt- of &))lie( Sciences. 0'ere are also
contacts wit' t'e section Environmental 0ec'nolog- of t'e Wageningen Iniversit- O
;esearc' Centre.

Wit' some foreign Iniversities exc'ange )rograms exist an( 'ence allow st,(ents to follow
co,rses aCroa(. 0'ese co,rses can s,Cstit,te co,rses in t'e W&M )rogram. Wit' an Erasm,s
exc'ange of t'e Socrates )rogram of t'e E,ro)ean Inion it is )ossiCle to (o a )art of t'e
st,(- 1co,rses or Masters 0'esis5 in one of t'e co,ntries of t'e E,ro)ean Inion. &))lication
forms are availaCle at t'e st,(- a(visors.

&not'er o)tion is to (o a A(o,Cle (egreeB wit' a foreign Iniversit-/ e.g. wit' Iniversit- of
Singa)ore. 8n an- case formal )ermission from t'e exam committee m,st Ce oCtaine(
Cefore emCarking on s,c' a )rogram. 0'e gra(,ation coor(inator can Ce cons,lte( for
c,rrentl- r,nning )rograms.

MSc track Water Management 1G

20 MSc track Water Management
9 F,T,RE W4R: F&E"D

>rom t'e )rece(ing )aragra)'s it is clear t'at Water Management 'as (iverse interesting
e(,cation )ossiCilities. 0ill now/ t'e )ractice s'owe( t'at t'ere are goo( )ers)ectives on
t'e laCor market. &s )ossiCle em)lo-ers can Ce mentione(*

Cons,ltanc- an( engineering cons,ltanc- firms
0'e government
$rinking water com)anies
;esearc' instit,tes 1J8W&/ ;87&/ 0#O/ W: etc5
Water Coar(s
0'e government
$rinking water com)anies
%overnment (e)artments
Water Coar(s
$rinking water com)anies
;esearc' instit,tes
Cons,ltanc- an( engineering cons,ltanc- firms
$evelo)ment organi<ations 1via government or #%OFs5
Banks/ es)eciall- for t'e financing of (evelo)ment )roDects e.g. $e #e(erlan(sc'e
Bank/ 0'e E,ro)ean $evelo)ment Bank/ 0'e E,ro)ean Inion/ an( 0'e Worl( Bank

8n t'ese organi<ations/ Water Managers ,s,all- 'ave t'e f,nction of (esigner or a(visor/
an( after some -ears ex)erience as a )roDect lea(er.

MSc track Water Management 21

22 MSc track Water Management

&n im)ortant (ifference of t'e MSc tracks of Civil Engineering wit' t'e BSc Civil Engineering
is t'at t'e e(,cation is in )rinci)le in t'e Englis' lang,age. 0'is means t'at all lect,re
materials are Englis'/ an( t'at t'e lect,res are also in Englis'.
<% )eneral sc.eme= Sanitary Engineering$ Hydrology$ Water Resources

0'e general MSc sc'eme of t'e s)eciali<ations Sanitar- Engineering/ =-(rolog- an( Water
;eso,rces Management of t'e track Water Management follows ro,g'l- t'e same sc'eme as
t'e ot'er MSc tracks of Civil Engineering/ as can Ce seen in taCle 1.

0aCle 1 %eneral sc'eme of MSc Water Management
*ompulsory !or eac MSc track+
WM0312C8E P'iloso)'-/ tec'nolog- assessment an( et'ics in civil engineering or
C8E510 Climate c'angeN Science O Et'ics ec
*ompulsory !or te MSc track Water Management+ 5" ec
2, ec as !ollows+ 20 ec
6 electives 1at least 10 ec CE6co,rses/ at most " ec co,rses wit' a WM6co(e
6 two of t'e )ossiCilities 12 x 10 ec5*
interns'i)/ )roDect/ a((itional t'esis work/ electives 1max " ec WM6co(e co,rses5
Masters 'esis+ 0 ec
'otal+ 12, ec

0'e MSc Water Management 'as a )ec,liar lect,re sc'e(,le. 8n )rinci)le/ in a )artic,lar
)erio( is one (a- reserve( for one co,rse. 0'is means t'at all activities of t'is co,rse
1colleges/ exercises an( )ractices5 are concentrate( at t'at (a-.

0'e following )aragra)'s ex)lain t'e re@,irements on )reliminar- knowle(ge an( t'e
s)ecific s,CDects of t'e MSc Water Management.

Wit'in t'e MSc Water Management t'e st,(ent can c'oose for t'e 0'esis Profile 0ec'nolog-
an( S,stainaCle $evelo)ment. Wit'in t'is )rofile a minim,m of 1 ects 'ave to Ce oCtaine(
wit' s,CDects on t'e area of s,stainaCilit-/ an( also t'e s,CDect of t'e Masters 0'esis
s'o,l( Ce relate( to s,stainaCilit-.

<0 Re2uirements on preliminary *no+ledge
-.2.1 Students !rom te .Sc *i#il &ngineering
0'e re@,irements on )reliminar- knowle(ge for t'e MSc track Water Management are five
co,rses w'ic' are relate( to Water Management. 0'ree of t'ese co,rses are com),lsor-
co,rses of t'e Bac'elors Program of Civil Engineering*

C0B220 =-(rolog- 5 ec
C0B2120 Water Management 5 ec
C0B2110 >l,i( mec'anics 5 ec

MSc track Water Management 23
W'en/ at t'e en( of t'e BSc t'e MSc track Water Management is c'osen/ t'e following
co,rses are t'e s)eciali<ation co,rses*

C0B33"0 Water Control ec
C0B33"5 8ntro(,ction Water 0reatment ec
C0B315 Water ;esearc' ec

-.2.2 Students !rom oter institutes

St,(ents wit' anot'er Bac'elors gra(e t'an t'e BSc Civil Engineering an( w'o like to start
wit' t'e MSc track Water Management are D,(ge( in(ivi(,all-. 8n t'is D,(gment/ attention
is )ai( to*
0'e )reliminar- knowle(ge in relation to t'e MSc
Jnowle(ge of t'e Englis' :ang,age
0'e aca(emic attit,(e

0o f,lfill t'e necessar- )reliminar- knowle(ge/ t'e s)ace for free electives 110 ec5 can Ce
,se(. W'en it is necessar- to follow more t'an 10 ec t'is can Ce )rescriCe( as extra

>or st,(ents wit' a =ig'er Professional E(,cation 1=BO5 (i)loma for a tec'nical (egree
)rogramme in Civil Engineering or a )rogramme relate( to Water Management an( Civil
Engineering a s)ecial Cri(ging )rogram is (evelo)e(. More information for st,(ents wit' a
=BO (i)loma can Ce fo,n( in a se)arate Croc',re 1PMaster of Science Civil Engineering/
track Water Management/ )rogram for =BO0E6st,(entsP 1in $,tc'55.
More information on a(mission to t'e MSc wit'o,t a BSc Civil Engineering can Ce fo,n( on*

<3 MSc programme specialisations Sanitary Engineering$ Hydrology and
Water Resources Management
$etaile( (escri)tion of t'e Celow mentione( co,rses can Ce fo,n( in t'e (igital st,(-
g,i(e*,(-g,i(e.t,( 0'e co,rse sc'e(,le is )rovi(e( in &##EQ 1.

-.3.1 *ommon courses
Common com),lsor- co,rses wit' a total of 1" ec for all Water Management st,(ents are*

%&E$$"0 &ntegrated Water Management $ ec
%&E$$'1 (rban )rainage and Water Management $ ec
%&E$$'"-1* +undamentals o, Water -reatment $ ec
%&E$$$0 Hdrological .rocesses and Measurements $ ec

-.3.2 Specialisation
$e)en(ing on t'eir s)ecialisation an( in cons,ltation wit' t'eir gra(,ation )rofessor Water
Management st,(ents are re@,ire( to com)lete a selection of t'e following Water
Management co,rses a((ing ,) to a total of 0 cre(its.

2 MSc track Water Management

O)en C'annel >low ec

C8E30 Com),tational Mo(elling of >low an( 0rans)ort ec
C8E00 Water M,alit- Mo(elling ec
C8E10 Water S-stems Peo)le O Societ- ec
C8E15 $esign of $rinking Water an( Wastewater 0reatment Plants 5 ec
C8E20 %eo'-(rolog- 1 ec
C8E31 =-(rological Mo(els ec
C8E"0 Pol(ers an( >loo( Control ec
C8E45 $rinking Water 0reatment 5 ec
C8E!5 Wastewater 0reatment 5 ec
C8E501 S)atial 0ools in Water Management 3 ec
C8E521 Water O =ealt' ec
C8E50 %eo'-(rolog- 2 ec
C8E550 =-(rolog- of ;ivers Catc'ments O $eltas ec
C8E541 =-(rological an( Ecological >iel(work in ;iver S-stems ec
C8E5G0 O)erational Water Management ec
C8E5500 Water :aw an( Organisation 3 ec
C8E5510 IrCan Water Management ec
C8E551 IrCan $rainage Monitoring an( Mo(elling 3 ec
C8E5550 P,m)ing Stations an( 0rans)ort Pi)elines ec
C8E55"0 Civil Engineering in $evelo)ing Co,ntries ec
C8E55!0 Ecolog- an( geomor)'olog- 5 ec
BJ4200 Princi)les of IrCan $esign for Civil Engineers 3 ec
SPMG" S-stem ;eliaCilit- in M,antitative ;isk &ssessment ec

-.3.3 &lecti#e courses
>or t'e elective co,rses/ it is strongl- recommen(e( to follow Water Management co,rses
w'ic' are not selecte( for t'e s)ecialisation. 8n t'is wa-/ a Croa( e(,cation in t'e fiel( of
Water Management is oCtaine(.

-.3.% Masters 'esis
&s like eac' ot'er MSc track of t'e fac,lt- of Civil Engineering an( %eosciences t'e MSc
track Water Management is finis'e( wit' a Masters 0'esis. 0'is 0'esis is a )ractical
exercise in w'ic' t'e st,(ent 'as to s'ow t'at 'e or s'e is ca)aCle to solve an engineering
)roClem in(e)en(entl- an( at a scientific level. 0'is )roClem can var- from t'e
(evelo)ment of a new water treatment tec'ni@,e wit' 'el) of a )ilot installation/ t'e
(esign of a water control s-stem to researc' to t'e @,alit- of s,rface water s-stems an(
t'e im)rovement of t'is s-stem. Master t'eses are (one man- times in a )ractical sit,ation/
like wit' a cons,ltanc- firm/ a water Coar(/ a ministr-/ a )rovince/ a water treatment
)lant/ etc. 0'e masterFs t'esis takes nominall- 'alf a -ear.

$,ring t'e Masters 0'esis t'e st,(ent is accom)anie( C- a so calle( %ra(,ation Committee.
0'is committee exists of a )rofessor an( staff of t'e 0I $elft/ an( mostl- also staff from
t'e organi<ation in w'ic' t'e 0'esis work is (one.

0'e Masters 0'esis is finis'e( wit' a )resentation at w'ic' famil- an( frien(s are )resent/
an( not to forget )rofessionals from )ractice an( t'e 0I $elft. 0'e )resentation s'o,l(
'ave s,c' a level t'at t'e )rofessionals are satisfie(/ C,t t'e famil- also 'as to ,n(erstan(
t'e stor-.

8f not com)lete( in t'e Bac'elorFs )'ase

MSc track Water Management 25

2" MSc track Water Management
<9 MSc programme specialisation Water Management - Engineering
Since 201162012 a s)ecialisation wit'in Water Management was (esigne( for st,(ents w'o
wis' to accom)lis' t'eir st,(- Water Management wit' more co,rses in =-(ra,lic
W'ereas t'e Water Management track 'as 5" cre(its com)ose( of 1" cre(its common
watermanagement co,rses an( 0 cre(its s)ecialisation co,rses/ t'e track Water
Management an( Engineering consists of a com),lsor- )rogramme of 3 cre(its an(
a((itional s)ecialisation co,rses of at least 13 cre(its.
0'e com),lsor- Clock consists of t'e following co,rses*
co(e s,CDect ECs
C8E130 ProCaCilistic $esign an( ;isk Management
C8E305 Coastal $-namics 1 "
C8E330 Ports an( Waterwa-s 1
C8E35 ;iver Engineering
C8E531 >loo( $efences 3
C8E10 Water S-stems/ Peo)le O Societ-
C8E50 8ntegrate( Water Management
C8E550 =-(rolog- of Catc'ments/ ;ivers an( $eltas
C8E5510 IrCan Water Management
C8E4"0 8nfrastr,ct,re ProDects* &ssessment an( Planning "

0'e a((itional s)ecialisation co,rses can Ce selecte( from*
1. 0'e following list of co,rses from t'e track Water Management*
co(e s,CDect ECs
C8E20 %eo'-(rolog- 1
C8EG1 IrCan $rainage an( Watermanagemennt
C8EG5613 >,n(amentals of Water 0reatment
C0B3350 O)en C'annel >low
C8E30 Com),tational Mo(elling of >low an( 0rans)ort
C8E00 Water M,alit- Mo(elling
C8E15 $esign of $rinking Water an( Wastewater 0reatment Plants 5
C8E31 =-(rological Mo(els
C8E0 =-(rological Processes O Meas,rements
C8E"0 Pol(ers an( >loo( Control
C8E45 $rinking Water 0reatment 5
C8E!5 Wastewater 0reatment 5
C8E501 S)atial 0ools in Water Management 3
C8E521 Water O =ealt'
C8E50 %eo'-(rolog- 2
C8E541 =-(rological an( Ecological >iel(work in ;iver S-stems
C8E5G0 O)erational Water Management
C8E5500 Water :aw an( Organisation 3
C8E551 IrCan $rainage Monitoring an( Mo(elling 3
C8E5550 P,m)ing Stations an( 0rans)ort Pi)elines
C8E55"0 Civil Engineering in $evelo)ing Co,ntries
C8E55!0 Ecolog- an( %eomor)'olog- 5
BJ4200 Princi)les of IrCan $esign for Civil Engineers 3
SPMG" S-stem ;eliaCilit- in M,antitative ;isk &ssessment 1 3


MSc track Water Management 24
2. from t'e list of track linke( co,rses of t'e =-(ra,lic Engineering track.

0'e same com),lsor- )rogram can Ce followe( ,n(er t'e master =-(ra,lic Engineering.
=owever it is t'e selection of s)ecialisation co,rses an( t'e to)ic of t'e master t'esis t'at
(eci(es for a (i)loma )ertaining to Watermanagement or =-(ra,lic engineering. 0'e
selection of co,rses is (one in cons,ltation wit' an( a))roval of t'e gra(,ation )rofessor.

2! MSc track Water Management

0'e Societ- of Water Management/ in $,tc' calle( $is),,t Watermanagement/ is a societ-
for 1master5st,(ents wit'in Civil Engineering/ w'o are intereste( in t'e s)eciali<ations
Sanitar- Engineering/ =-(rolog- an( Water ;eso,rces Management. 8t is a small C,t ver-
active societ- in w'ic' ever-Co(- knows eac' ot'er ver- well. >,rt'ermore t'ere is goo(
contact wit' t'e staff of t'e (e)artment.

0'e (is),,t organi<es all sorts of activities so t'at t'e st,(ents can get in to,c' wit' t'e
)ractice of Water Management an( to )romote an( im)rove t'e contact Cetween t'e
(e)artment an( t'e st,(ents. 0'e activities exist of one (a- fiel( orientate( exc,rsions/
com)an- visits or )resentations an( lect,res/ C,t also of f,n activities/ (rinks an(

B,t t'ere is more. Ever- secon( -ear t'ere is an
exc,rsion of m,lti)le (a-s 14 to 10 (a-s5 wit'in
E,ro)e an( ever- ot'er secon( -ear t'ere is an
o,tsi(e6E,ro)e st,(- to,r ever- 2 -ears. Previo,s
foreign st,(- to,rs 'ave Cro,g't st,(ents to for
exam)le 8n(ia/ &,stralia/ Mala-sia/ Singa)ore/
C'ina/ &,stralia/ So,t' &frica/ Lietnam/ &rgentina
an( 8srael. &n( t'en t'ere also is t'e -earl- sailing
weeken( wit'in 0'e #et'erlan(s for Cot' st,(ents
an( staff.

Ever- -ear/ t'e (is),,t also organi<es a s-m)osi,m
for aCo,t 120 )eo)le var-ing from st,(ents/ 0I
$elft em)lo-ees an( )rofessionals. Is,all-
com)anies are strongl- involve( in t'e s-m)osi,m.

>,rt'ermore/ fo,r times a -ear/ t'e maga<ine
R$r,))elF of t'e (is),,t a))ears. R$r,))elF means
R$ro)letF. 8t contains information aCo,t t'e latest
(evelo)ments in Water Management/ information
aCo,t t'e activities of t'e (is),,t an( ot'er
interesting st,ff. Ever- memCer of
t'e (is),,t receives t'e maga<ine.

;ecentl- t'e $is),,t 'as also starte( to organi<e t'e -earl- R>itteriDF #ational St,(ent
C'am)ionc'i)s/ in w'ic' st,(ents in )airs 'ave to com)lete a water ta) 'o,se connection
on a )ress,ri<e( water )i)e.

Besi(es all t'ese activities an( tri)s/ some of t'em ),rel-
f,n an( ot'ers water management relate(/ t'e $is),,t also
kee)s a close e-e on t'e e(,cation. 0'e (is),,t organi<es
t'e eval,ation of co,rses an( (isc,sses t'e res,lts wit'
t'e (e)artment of Water Management an( in(ivi(,al
lect,rers. We are involve( wit'in e(,cation relate(
(e)artment meetings an( tr- to 'el) overcome )roClems in
t'e c,rric,l,m.

MSc track Water Management 2G
0'e $is),,t is ver- (e)en(ent on s)onsors 1most of t'em are com)anies5 w'ic' we nee( to
organi<e all t'ese activities. We t'erefore maintain goo( relations'i)s wit' t'e )rofessional
water sector. 0'e most im)ortant 'owever is t'e involvement of st,(ents. 8f -o, want to
Ce involve( wit'in t'e $is),,t Watermanagement to get to know -o,r fellow st,(ents/ staff
memCers/ com)anies an( want to organi<e activities -o, are more t'an welcome. Please
come C- at t'e $is),,t 1room .45 an( talk wit' t'e )resent $is),,t memCers.

>or all ot'ers w'o D,st seek a sociaCle )lace at t'e fac,lt- an( w'o like to )artici)ate in
t'e activities -o, are more t'an welcome too. Please come C- for a c,) of coffee/ rea(
some maga<ines an( sign ,) for t'e activities we are a(vertising for.

0o register as a new memCer 1S 5.00+-ear5 or contriC,tor 1S 15.00+-ear5/ to get
information/ to make remarks/ or to get a c,) of coffeeE

Dispuut Watermanagement

Stevinweg 1
room .4 1C,il(ing of Civil Engineering5
2"2! C# $elft
0ele)'one * 015624!2!
>ax * 015624!555G 1attn* $is),,t Watermanagement5
Email * $is),,t6WM6Ci0%9t,(
=ome)age * 'tt)*++www.(is),,

30 MSc track Water Management

T Selection of one of t'e two co,rses
TT $e)en(ing on t'eir s)ecialisation an( in cons,ltation wit' t'eir gra(,ation )rofessor Water Management
st,(ents are re@,ire( to com)lete a selection of t'e following Water Management co,rses a((ing ,) to a
total of 31 cre(its.
Co,rse ec )1 )2 )3 ) )5
MSc Ci1il Engineering$ compulsory for all trac*s
WM0312C0TP'iloso)'-/ 0ec'nolog- &ssessment an( Et'ics for CE or
C8E510T Climate c'ange* Science O Et'ics
MSc Ci1il Engineering$ common courses general trac* Water Management
C8E50 8ntegrate( Water Management
C8EG1 >,n(amentals of IrCan $rainage
C8EG5 >,n(amentals Water 0reatment
C8E0 =-(rological Processes O Meas,rements
MSc Ci1il Engineering$ specialiBation courses for general trac* WaterCC

C0331060G O)en C'annel >low
C8E30 Com),tational Mo(elling of >low an( 0rans)ort
C8E00 Water M,alit- Mo(elling
C8E10 Water S-stems )eo)le O Societ-
C8E15 $esign Water 0reatment Plants 5
C8E20 %eo'-(rolog- 1
C8E31 =-(rological Mo(el
C8E"0 Pol(ers an( >loo( Control
C8E45 $rinking Water 0reatment 5
C8E!5 Wastewater 0reatment 5
C8E501 S)atial 0ools in Water Management 3
C8E521 Water O =ealt'
C8E50 %eo'-(rolog- 2
C8E550 =-(rolog- of ;ivers Catc'ments O $eltas
C8E55!0 Ecolog- 6 %eomor)'olog- 5
C8E541 =-(rological an( Ecological >iel(work in ;iver S-stems
C8E5G0 O)erational Water Management
C8E5500 Water :aw an( Organisation 3
C8E5510 IrCan Water Management
C8E551 IrCan $rainage Monitoring an( Mo(elling 3
C8E5550 P,m)ing Stations an( 0rans)ort Pi)elines
C8E55"0 Civil Engineering in $evelo)ing Co,ntries
BJ4200 IrCan $esign Met'o(s an( 0'eories 3
SPMG" S-stem ;eliaCilit- in M,antitative ;isk &ssessment

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