Removing Curses by The Clann

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Removing curses by the Clann

The outcomes of our lives are the thoughts we give our life-energy to and I
recognise that all impure and insincere thoughts, feelings and actions
directed at this private matter are curses and I and my clann do not accept
or process the curses of any man or woman unrestricted by age or birth,
who supports and protects these curses, whether consciously or not,
secretly or not, intentionally or not, directly or indirectly, instead bouncing
the curses back to their makers, all their bloodline relations, all their loved
ones, their ancestors who supported harm before them and all others
associated with them, who support The System of harm that has led to
the harm being done to me and my loved ones and the land that we take
care of and reside on, directly or indirectly, consciously or unconsciously, to
be processed exclusively by them.
There the curses stay with their makers and holders, all trapped in the
eternal here and now with no way out, imprisoned in the non-sense of their
own making, including on the land the makers and holders of the curses
reside on and at the places where they congregate, work, communicate
and travel to, amplifying and intensifying by every breath they take, whether
through the mouth, nose or artificial or unnatural device, every minute,
hour, day, week, month and year, continuing on to their descendants and
associates, including those of The System who benefit, until they have
been made whole by the makers and holders of the curses taking full
responsibility for the thoughts, feelings and actions they are creating and
healing the harm caused by these thoughts, feelings and actions, the
curses. While the makers and holders of the curses are resisting healing
the damage they have caused and continuing to think those harmful
thoughts the curses continue amplifying, compounding and intensifying.
The curses bounce back to its source of origin, whether that be men,
women and children, members of orders, brotherhoods, fraternities, cults,
sects, institutions, organisations, associations, agencies, the Bar, religious
institutions, educational institutions, information distribution networks,
entertainment, media, think tanks, etc, including those who do not handle
money/currency/currentcy, and all other man-made constructs, etc, secret
or not, political or not, esoteric and occult or not, supernatural or not, clergy
or not, royal bloodlines or not, commercial or not, intelligence agents or not,
military or not, law enforcement or not, with status, standing, costumes and
titles or not, who support, protect and benefit from these curses, whether
consciously or not, secretly or not, directly or indirectly, by avoidance,
ignorance, indifference, arrogance or not, by proxy or through assigns, and
there is no letter, word, phrase, sentence, paragraph, chapter, book, act,
statute, bill, law, language, legalese, current(cy), spell, curse, justification,
argument, debate, discussion, rationalisation, intellectualisation,
determination, prayer, ritual, sacrifice, deception of duality or any other
form or sound of any language that he/she can use to escape his/her/its
full responsibility for the harm caused, and there is no method of sabotage,
resistance, distraction, disruption, diversion, delay, detention, disguise,
kidnapping, enforced slavery processing currentcy of curses or any other
form of harm doing, no false God of duality, demon or apparition,
supernatural or not, holy or not, no belief, faith and opinion, no deception of
duality, time, space, location, weight, level, dimension, degree,
measurement, figure, ritual or symbol, etc, that can prevent the curses
returning to its original source.
The curses cannot be passed on or over to any innocent flesh and blood
creatures, cold blooded or not, men, women and children, into Earth or
across the whole of life including all celestial bodies, energies, spaces,
vibrations, frequencies, thought-forms, images, or any natural or unnatural
vessel, inanimate or not, any intellectual property, copyrighted or not, any
man-made constructs, anything supernatural, etc. The curses bounce back
unrestricted by distance, time or space, across all of Earth and the whole of
life, including all celestial bodies, and unrestricted in manifestation, whether
through health, commercial failure, relationships, bloodlines, accidents,
natural disasters, including Earth fevers, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions,
tidal waves, tsunamis, storms, tornadoes, floods, etc.
The full force of harm to man is available to be created in the processing of
these curses, and this includes the permanent removal of all cursers and
the holders of curses, and ignorance and/or avoidance of this intentional
communication, that comes with the full force of life to back it, does not
prevent the curses returning to the makers and holders of the curses. Any
intentional resistance or avoidance amplifies and intensifies the curses a
thousand fold, with every breath the maker and/or holder takes, whether
through the mouth, nose or artificial or unnatural device, every moment,
minute, hour, day, week, month and year, continuing on to their
descendants and associates until they have been made whole by the
makers and holders of the curses, the makers and holders taking full
responsibility for the thoughts, feelings and actions they are creating.

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