Proper Sleep Time

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Before you read

1.1. Target your vocabulary

Read the list and evaluate how much you know these words. Use the following scale.

IDKW= I don't know this word (No conozco la palabra)
IHSW= I have seen this word, but I am not sure of its meaning (He visto la palabra, pero no estoy seguro del significado)
IKW= I know this word (Conozco la palabra)

Write IDKW, ISW, or IKW next to each word accordingly.

For example: and ___IKW_

1. number ____ 9. hours ____

17. as ____

25. help ____

33. before ____

41. one ____

2. sleep ____ 10. for ____

18. bed ____

26. muscles ____

34. eye ____

42. or _____
3. to ____

11. during ____

19. by ____

27. old ____

35. health ____ 43. REM ____
4. of ____

12. from ____

20. can ____

28. two ____

36. in ____

44. NREM ____
5. your ____

13. should ____ 21. day ___ 29. up ____

37. may ____

45.schedule ____
6. a ____ 14. the ____ 22. months ____ 30. years ____ 38. movement ____ 46. stage ____
7. you ____ 15. hours ____ 23. also ____ 31. at ____ 39. naps ____ 47. wake ____
8. and ____ 16. are ____ 24. get ____ 32. be ____ 40. need ____ 48. well ____

II. Read the following

Proper Sleep Time
weight: peso
mood: estado de nimo
as well as: as como
overall: general
safety: seguridad
drowsiness: somnolencia

Sleep is important for humans for memory, weight control, mood, stress level and cardiovascular
health as well as your overall health. It is also important for your safety because drowsiness caused
by a lack of sleep may cause you to make mistakes that can be harmful to yourself and others.

time frame: perodo de tiempo
first: primero
toddler: beb de 1 a 2 aos
get: obtener, recibir
once: una vez que
hits: llega

Time Frame
For the first two months of life the National Sleep Foundation recommends a total of 10 1/2 to 18
hours of sleep, including naps. From age two months to one year, babies need a total of 14 to 15
hours of sleep. Toddlers 12 to 18 months old need 13 to 15 hours of sleep. From 18 months to 3
years, a child needs 12 to 14 hours of sleep a day. Children from 3 to 5 years old should get 11
to 13 hours of sleep a day, including naps, and those from 5 to 12 years old should get 9 to 11
hours of sleep a night. Once an individual hits adolescence, he should get 8 1/2 to 9 1/2 hours
of sleep a night. Adults require 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night.

break into: dividido en
brain: cerebro
waves: ondas
light: ligero
disrupted: interrumpido
easily: fcilmente
noise: ruido
harder: ms difcil
deep: profundo
hardest: mucho ms difcil
twitch: retorcerse
keep: evitar
act out: actuar, protagonizar

Your body cycles through different stages when you sleep. There are two main types of sleep,
REM (rapid-eye-movement) sleep and NREM (non-rapid-eye-movement) sleep. NREM sleep is
broken into 3 stages, each categorized by different brain waves. During Stage 1 of NREM sleep,
your muscles begin to relax and you are in a very light sleep which can be disrupted easily by
noise. During Stage 2 of NREM sleep, you are harder to wake up and your muscles continue to
relax. Next, you enter Stage 3 of NREM sleep, or deep sleep; you are hardest to wake up during
this stage of your sleep cycle. REM sleep follows Stage 3 of NREM sleep. During this phase of
sleep, your eyes move rapidly beneath your eyelids. You may experience muscle twitches;
however, your body paralyzes your major muscles to keep you from acting out your dreams

finish: finalize
snack: merienda
meal: comida
at least: al menos
avoid: evitar
all of which: todo esto
hinder: dificultar
right: justo
as well: tambin
such as : tales como
wind down:relajarse

Finish your last snack or meal at least 2 to 3 hours before you plan to go to bed. In those 2 to 3
hours, you should also avoid caffeine, alcohol and nicotine, all of which can hinder your
sleep efforts. Exercising regularly during the day, but not right before bed, can help to regulate
your sleep schedule as well. You should also create a relaxing nighttime routine that will help
prepare your body for sleep. Activities such as taking a bath and reading a book will help your
body to wind down and prepare for bed. One of the most important aspects of healthy sleep is
keeping a consistent sleep schedule by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day.

2.1. Read the text again. Now write one question for this text in Spanish.

1. _________________________________________________________________________________

2.2.. Answer these questions in Spanish.

1. Why is sleep important? Mention 2 reasons.

2. What would happen if you feel you cannot control yourself and fall asleep?

3. If you have an 8-year old child, how many hours should he/she sleep?

4. Complete the graphic representing the two main stages of the sleep cycle:

5. What recommendations would you give to someone to sleep the right amount of hours?

IV. Complete the topic and main idea of this text? (Spanish)

Tpico (Escribir como una frase)

Main idea (oracin):

El sueo como actividad importante en la vida del hombre y la mujer requiere ______________________


V. What does the following word refer to?

It, line paragraph 1: ____________________________________________________________________

VI. Translate the underlined long nominal groups in the text.

Sleep Cycles
Non-Rapid eye movement

Est dividida en 3 etapas
caracterizadas por

REM ocurre despus de
________ y est
caracterizada por:

Los msculos se _______
Es difcil _____________
Esta etapa tambin se
llama ________________
y es _________________

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