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Demon Definition

Demon Types
Written or Spoken Language; Parasites; Piranah; Physical; Spiritual;
Invisible; Smell; Shaddow; Shapeshifter;

What is an Infection?
Every human being has experienced a demonic infection. Most people just
dont realize it. Infections range from the very Subtle to the very obvious.

One reason why the demons are retained by the infected is that they give
off a sickening payoff. The infected person has the illusion of enjoying the
experience. For example, one might momentarily feel a little better after an
outburst of aggression. They experience an illusion of feeling powerful. But
the elation or a false illusion of power is short-lived and soonafter a heavy
price must be paid. The demon demands his dues and enjoys it by
lavishing in the chaos so recently caused. Moreover, the chaos produces
additional open doors into other unsuspecting victims. Have you ever
noticed that some weaker people uncharacteristically project aggressive
reactive outbursts more customary of their aggressive perpetrator? Not
many people would argue that children have the ability to display behavior
that professionals consider to be learned by observation from a significant
other such as a parent. Perhaps there is more to it?

A demon virus is eliminated when we take back personal responsibility.
One weakness about humans is that each person assumes that they are
happy with their own character. A step in the right direction is self-realising
that improvement is necessary. Some people think that because they have
overcome a few vices, that their personality is satisfactory. They seem
complacent and comfortable living in their own infestation, oblivious to
demonic infestation. Pointing out another persons vices is not always well-
received. One persons vice may be another persons heaven. Pointing out
some one elses vices is not always a positive approach unless a person is
ready and wanting some home truths. Priority should rest with knowing
thyself and healing thine own self.

Focus of Attention
When not wanting to have an awareness for the purpose of vanquishing
them, your focus of attention of these demons may unwittingly not
decrease their power. Counter conditioning is achieved by POSITIVE
music, thoughts, images. Eg white angels, elementals, nature, beauty,
smiles, laughter, joy, compassion for others, sincerity. Helping others in
need. Focus upon righteousness. This creates a higher frequency. Focus
upon goodness in yourself and others. This is how to rise above any and all

There are opportunities for having good fortune. But there are also
opportunities of unfair advantageousness. Whenever you are presented
with an opportunity to take universal (spiritual or physical) unlawful
advantage of a situation choose to NOT do so. Your own inner heart, your
conscious, will let you know what feels right or what feels wrong.
Opportunities are presented to us for the purpose of strengthening our
inner spirit. Our inner fortitude, our fine character is what protects us during
our existence. Everytime we perform right actions in our thoughts or deeds,
we become internally stronger. We develop courage and increase our
allotment of protection. In other words, when we do right, our spiritual
guides stand to guard us. When we do wrong knowingly, our spiritual
guardians step back further. Hence, bad karma will eventuate. It may not
be immediate. It may not happen to you personally. If you think that you
dont care about what happens to you personally, it may manifest upon
someone you love dearly. So before you complain about someone who
seemingly has endured a charmed lifetime at the expense of innocent
others take a closer look at what goes on behind the scenes for that
persons relatives.

Are issues overwhelmingly coming at you thick and fast? Then thin out
some of them. One by one assess which issue is yours and what issues
are other peoples. Select one issues that is a simple matter to dissolve.
Tackle it with calmness and confidence that all will be resolved. A good
way to seal doors to potential demons is to starve them out.

Acknowlege them or name them then Starve them out
Jiddu Krishnamurti (JK) was known to say that The name is not the thing.
A name is a label we associate with something. The word we use to
describe something. It is not the existence of that thing! When you swim in
the Jordan river what you are experiencing is the presence of what a river
feels like. For example, the feeling of that which is wet. The river is what it
is for as long as it is in existence. There are many rivers. The word river is
simply a label, and even though it may be called something different in
other languages, the name is still not the river itself. Therefore, when we
label a demon, we should look closely at what our own perceptions of it is.
What is that feeling that is associated with that word disappointment or
anger or fear. Those are the demons hiding about. So too, words or
feelings associated to similar past experiences conjure up greater present
intensity. Like piggybacking. Become aware of it, notice the feel of it, and
refuse to entertain it the way you had done so in past situations. This is a
way to starve it out or dissolve it.
JK asserts that humans should not have to suffer ever! He says that
suffering only prevents us from attaining peace and harmony for self,
others and the planet. Could it be that every form of suffering is a demon?
Think about that awhile. Grief, pain, mental torment, humiliation, perceived
failure. All of it could be so unnecessary. Let us shine a light upon those
demonic experiences to vanquish them forever. Our actions need not be
demonically negative. Life would not be boring because of the lack of
drama and pain. We humans could still have exhilarating experiences to
make us feel alive. Let our experiences be positive. Talk to someone who
performs sporting adventures such as mountain climbing, hang gliding,
skiing, surfing, canoeing. Even to observe a positive sport is positively
thrilling. So too, can be falling in love, or playing with an animal. There are
so many positive experiences for everyone to acquire whatever life lessons
they are destined to have.

To vanquish and prevent demons attached to negative experiences, refuse
to tune into, or at least, become detachedly aware of environmental
negativity. Dont own unnecessary drama. For example, the news on TV
or in the paper, or internet, or other peoples conversations. It is good to
have compassion and empathy. Unless you feel motivated and inspired to
contribute something positive in thought or deed, tune out. Tuning out of a
negative destructive frequency during a conversation with someone need
not mean that you become rude. Whereever possible, just do your best to
shift conversations up to a higher level. Select something positive to say in
your response. Your own common sense should tell you when someone
requires your listening compassion and attention. Actually, helping other
people to overcome their difficulties or demons should become easier for
you as you master dissolving your own demons.
JK talks about violence violence is more than physical abuse. It is also
verbal abuse. It is also arrogance.
Let us always take the path of non-violence.

Tidy Environment equals a tidy mind
When you are at home, or out in public and you see a mess laying about
do a little cleaning. Even if you did not make that mess. For example, when
you are out walking in the park and you notice that some careless person
has left a bottle on the ground, pick it up and put it in the bin. You dont
have to pick up every piece of rubbish. Just make an effort to pick up one
piece of rubbish. When we do this, we are helping the environment. This
creates a positive outcome for you also. Perhaps somewhat less noticeable
to you, but you will have cleared away some rubbish mental thoughts.
Remember to use positive affirmations and positive metaphor.

Bath in salt water, preferably the ocean. Walk along the beach, breathe in
the salt air, walk in the sea water, touch the sand or earth or rocks or grass
nearby. Often demons will vacate a human host when that human feels
good in a natural environment.

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