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Strawberry Perl Distribution

This distribution is an aggregate of several different projects, licensed under various OSI-
compatible Open Source licenses, or given to the public domain.
A summary of licenses for the component portions of this distribution is included below.
The full tets of these licenses are included in subdirectories of this directory.
Perl (core)
This program is free software! you can redistribute it and"or modify it under the terms of either#
a$ the %&' %eneral (ublic )icense as published by the *ree Software *oundation! either
version +, or ,at your option$ any later version, or
b$ the -Artistic )icense- which comes with this .it.
Source Code
See info at http#"""src"/0A120.html

Perl Modules Included in Strawberry Perl
There are many perl modules preinstalled in Strawberry (erl distribution. All of them are licensed
under various OSI-compatible Open Source licenses. *or getting license information concerning
these modules use command# perldoc <ModuleName>
*or the most part, modules will state that they are licensed identically to the (erl interpreter, but
you may wish to chec3 on the modules that you use.
A few license statements for libraries that are compiled into (erl modules statically are also
mentioned below#
MD5 reference implementation (derivative used in Digest::MD5):
This library is free software! you can redistribute it and"or modify it under the same terms as (erl
The 214 algorithm is defined in /*5 +67+. This implementation is derived from the reference 5
code in /*5 +67+ which is covered by the following copyright statement#
5opyright ,5$ +88+-7, /SA 1ata Security, Inc. 5reated +88+. All rights reserved.
)icense to copy and use this software is granted provided that it is identified as the -/SA 1ata
Security, Inc. 214 2essage-1igest Algorithm- in all material mentioning or referencing this
software or this function.
)icense is also granted to ma3e and use derivative wor3s provided that such wor3s are identified
as -derived from the /SA 1ata Security, Inc. 214 2essage-1igest Algorithm- in all material
mentioning or referencing the derived wor3.
/SA 1ata Security, Inc. ma3es no representations concerning either the merchantability of this
software or the suitability of this software for any particular purpose. It is provided -as is- without
epress or implied warranty of any 3ind.
These notices must be retained in any copies of any part of this documentation and"or software.
This copyright does not prohibit distribution of any version of (erl containing this etension under
the terms of the %&' or Artistic licenses.
PAI (included in Mat!::Pari):
(A/I"%( is free software! you can redistribute it and"or modify it under the terms of the %&'
%eneral (ublic )icense as published by the *ree Software *oundation. It is distributed in the
hope that it will be useful, but 9IT:O'T A&; 9A//A&T; 9:ATSO0<0/.
5hec3 the )icense for details. ;ou should have received a copy of it, along with the pac3age! see
the file =5O(;I&%=. If not, write to the *ree Software *oundation, Inc., 48 Temple (lace - Suite
66>, ?oston, 2A >7+++-+6>@, 'SA.
S"#ite (included in D$D::S"#ite):
All of the deliverable code in SA)ite has been dedicated to the public domain by the authors. All
code authors, and representatives of the companies they wor3 for, have signed affidavits
dedicating their contributions to the public domain and originals of those signed affidavits are
stored in a firesafe at the main offices of :waci. Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use,
compile, sell, or distribute the original SA)ite code, either in source code form or as a compiled
binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any means.
%&ternal 'ools and (tilities Included in Strawberry Perl
)omponent #icense and Source )ode information
?inutils subdirectory ."binutils
%55 compiler subdirectory ."gcc
2ingw-wBC-crt runtime subdirectory ."mingw-wBC-crt
1ma3e subdirectory ."dma3e
%&' ma3e subdirectory ."ma3e
(atch subdirectory ."patch
(eports subdirectory ."peports
%&ternal #ibraries Included in Strawberry Perl
There are many eternal libraries ,binaries D development files$ included in Strawberry (erl
distribution. *or license and source code information concerning these libraries see
corresponding subdirectory.

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