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Typical Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

05:30 AM
06:00 AM
06:30 AM
07:00 AM
07:30 AM Kids up, train Kids up, train Kids up, train Kids up, train Kids up, train
08:00 AM Waes French toast !at"eal #$$s %ranola
08:30 AM
0&:00 AM 'ac( and Mo"
0&:30 AM A))y and Mo"
*0:00 AM
!r$ani+in$ pro,ect -lay .lean house *0:30 AM
**:00 AM
**:30 AM -repare lunch -repare lunch -repare lunch -repare lunch -repare lunch
*/:00 -M
#at, read, sin$ son$s
-01', 2ruit -01', 2ruit -01', 2ruit -01', 2ruit
*/:30 -M
0*:00 -M
4ead 4ead 4ead 4ead 4ead
0*:30 -M
3ap %T5e"ail catch up %i2ts5people !pen
0/:00 -M
0/:30 -M
03:00 -M
03:30 -M
06:00 -M 7nac( 7nac( 7nac( 7nac( 7nac(
06:30 -M !utside !utside !utside !utside !utside
05:00 -M Ta)le5prep dinner Ta)le5prep dinner Ta)le5prep dinner Ta)le5prep dinner Ta)le5prep dinner Ta)le5prep dinner
05:30 -M
06:00 -M
06:30 -M
07:00 -M 0aths 0aths 0aths 0aths 0aths 0aths
07:30 -M Kids )ed Kids )ed Kids )ed Kids )ed Kids )ed Kids )ed
08:00 -M
Adult ti"e .are $roup Date ni$ht !pen
08:30 -M
0&:00 -M
0&:30 -M
*0:00 -M 0ed 0ed 0ed 0ed 0ed 0ed
4ise, De8os, #at,
4ise, De8os, #at,
4ise, De8os, #at,
4ise, De8os, #at,
4ise, De8os, #at,
4ise, De8os, #at,
4ise, De8os, #at,
4ise, De8os, #at,
4ise, De8os, #at,
4ise, De8os, #at,
4ise, De8os, #at,
4ise, De8os, #at,
0rea(2ast, De8os,
Mo" 9or( ti"e, (ids
%rocery shoppin$,
Deep cleanin$ *
area o2 house
Des(, :nances,
purse car
Train, dinner, prep
2or ne;t day, ,o$
Train, dinner, prep
2or ne;t day, ,o$
Train, dinner, prep
2or ne;t day, ,o$
Train, dinner, prep
2or ne;t day, ,o$
Train, dinner, prep
2or ne;t day, ,o$
Train, dinner, prep
2or ne;t day, ,o$
Monthly pro,ects
<7pecial e8ents,
Tar$et5.ostco, Meals,
7chool plannin$=
.ra2ts or 0a)y
Disciple 4e$ular ti"es o2 see(in$ %od Disciple -ersonal 7pouse
7pouse Friendship, encoura$e"ent, se;,helper daily >ts e;ercise pray 2or Andre9
-arent 7tructured ti"e 2or (ids includin$ )ed, (eep prayer ,ournal sleep 9rite one note a 9ee(, $race
.hurch5%T ladies "eetin$s do9nload ser"on series leisure set $oals to$ether
?a)orer "a(in$ this the top 2ocus 07 once59ee( 2riends 9ee(ly date ni$hts
FF3 pic( 2riends, )e intentional 6 $eta9ays5yr
e;ercise 3; 9( coo(in$ dates 95 @u)s
Me #;ercise, sleep, leisure, 2riends, (eepin$ or$ani+ed 9ee(ly retreat ti"esMoney
cra2t ti"e 9ee(ly, "onthly 95 annie %oals 2or the year
DABA7 0ud$et
read )oo(s Who 9ill 9e $i8e toC
)ody, clothin$ priority
t9o personal retreats
%oals 2or /0*3
Wa(in$ up early
@a8in$ consistent Duiet ti"es 9ith prayer
e;ercisin$ re$ularly
"eal plannin$ and )ud$etin$
4ead and learn E ho9 do A 9or( this into "y li2eC
%o throu$h the or$ani+in$ the house )oo(
.onsistent ho"e rhyth", schedule, 2un, etc
prayin$ and purposely encoura$in$ andre9 and (ids
2a"ily "e"ories E photos, ,ournals, etc
stop cussin$
re$ular retreat ti"es <daily, 9ee(ly annual=
:nances to$ether
!ne 0ite at a Ti"e pro,ects
7tart ,ournalin$
Establish a useful home calendar and rhythm
Tac(le 2a"ily "e"ories E photos, 8ideos, ,ournalin$
.ra2ts E ho9 does this )eco"e a consistent part o2 "y li2eC
-reser8in$5%ardenin$5Far" E do 9e $et )ee2, and 9hat does preser8in$ loo( li(e
#sta)lish 2a"ily traditions <9ee(ly 2a" ni$hts, seasonal 2a"ily acti8ities, holidays and traditions=
Dates 9ith (ids
Ma(e and use a household note)oo( <or put on co"puter and phone=
-arent .hurch @o"e"a(er FF3
potty train 'ac( ooad %T )uy house
consistent schedule snac(s 2or .%pac( current house
"onthly ti"e to ,ournal (ids 2a8orites 9or( throu$h or$ani+in$ in a year
start preschool 9ith 'ac( $et Dre to plan retreat consistent up(eep schedule
understand and apply $ood discipline 95 (ids $o on ladies retreat in April Meals E set a rhyth"
2a"ily 8acations5tripsC DABA7 "onthly )uy a car
ooad ladies "eetin$s set a 2a"ily rhyth"
@o9 do A 9ant the (ids to $ro9FF list o2 2un 2a"ily acti8ities 2or ti"e to$ether
aF -hysically:
)F #"otionally:
cF 4elationally: @o9 9ill 9e ser8e people this yearC
dF 7piritually: Antentional ti"e 9ith
eF #ducationally: 0oo(s A Want to 4ead 'a(e
2F !ther: 3o !rdinary Marria$e Mo"5Dad
What Did you #;pect 7il8as
What are the (ids stren$ths59ea(nessC 7heet Music <!r Wheat= Friends
@o9 A 9ill A nurture theseC 7hepherdin$ a .hildGs @eart 7he2 "eetin$s
%i8e the" %race .are $roup E one couple per "onthC
"ana$e the toys A -rayin$ ?i2e
2eed the" a "ore di8erse diet E help Annie The Mo" Wal(
(eep clothes or$ani+ed and ta(e in8entory ?i2e o2 -i
The Ministry o2 Motherhood
Balley o2 Bision
When -eople are 0i$ and %od is 7"all
0oo( a)out Katherine Bon0ora
.ra+y ?o8e
This Mo"entary Marria$e
.handler )oo(
MacArthur )oo(

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