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To: Documentation
From: Timothy Pruitt
Re: Performance Counseling from Dan Williams
On September 18, 2012, recei!e" a Performance Counseling Document from
my imme"iate super!isor, Dan Williams, Sr# $anager, of the %aca!ille DDS Team& T
'roup, "uring our sche"ule" bi()ee*ly one on one meeting# +elo) is my response
to each of the areas of impro!ement as in"icate" in Dan,s performance counseling
1# Ongoing counseling regar"ing performance impro!ement-s./
n the past se!en months, ha!e only been re0uire" to atten" the
business )riting class in 1e")oo" City on 2&23&12# n 4uly, 2012, too*
the liberty of signing up for the $5C OS Training in 1e")oo" City as a
"e!elopment opportunity# When "iscusse" )ith Dan, )as "enie"
because of the business nee" in %aca!ille# 6o)e!er, one of my
colleagues )as allo)e" to atten" in my place after sharing the
information about the training to both Dan an" my colleague# 6is
"ecision to "eny my atten"ance ma"e me feel that my "e!elopment )as
unimportant in comparison# f Dan felt that my "e!elopment )as as
important as state" in his counseling letter, belie!e shoul" ha!e been
able to atten" the training# To "ate, ha!e continue" to be "enie" the
opportunity to atten" this particular training -see attached email
2# 7ollo) $e Print/
5ccor"ing to Dan, 8my )ritten communication to customers an" peers is
choppy an" incomplete an" "oesn,t pro!i"e the re0uire" conte9t to
pro!i"e clarity#: t is my un"erstan"ing )as gi!en the 7ollo) $e Print
Pro;ect as a "e!elopment opportunity# Prior to the roll(out of 7ollo) $e
Print, Dan an" ne!er "iscusse" )hat his e9pectations )ere for the
pro;ect# +ecause this )as the <rst pro;ect )as gi!en to lea"
in"epen"ently, assume" Dan ha" gi!en me concise "irections an"
instructions# 6o)e!er, the performance counseling "ocument sho)s he
)as completely "issatis<e" )ith the o!erall completion of the pro;ect#
+ut, in my opinion, since there )ere more than ==0 employees )ho
participate" in the 7ollo) $e Print Pro;ect, belie!e it )as a total success#
$ore importantly, the "ocuments share" )ith the customer an" peers
)ere )ritten an" pro!i"e" to me by the 7ollo) $e Print Team# am
unclear if this is the communication "raft Dan is spea*ing of in his
"ocument# 5s for as*ing others to )rite my site )i"e communications an"
performance e!aluations, that is untrue# n the past, ha!e as*e"
colleagues to proofrea" my site )i"e communications an" pro!i"e
fee"bac* to ensure they are grammatically correct# 6o)e!er, my
performance e!aluations are con<"ential an" shoul" not be share" )ith
anyone accept my imme"iate super!isor# +ecause of this, am in total
"isagreement )ith Dan,s allegations#
=# Sche"uling $eetings )ith Customers/
n an e>ort to try an" accommo"ate certain customers that might ha!e an
urgent nee", there ha!e been times )hen ha!e as*e" for their
assistance in locating time on their calen"ar# Since this "ocument, ha!e
ta*en the initiati!e to ensure that place time on calen"ar )ith the
customer "irectly# f run into problems, no) )or* )ith their "epartment
a"ministrati!e assistant to ensure there is no con?ict#
n Dan,s "ocument, he in"icate" that put too much bac* on the customer
to get their problems <9e"# 6e also state" that as* the users to submit
tic*ets for )al* up re0uests# n the past, )e )ere instructe" by Dan to
ha!e the customer place a g1eme"y tic*et for all re0uests# 5gain, until
this "ocument, )as not instructe" that Dan,s e9pectations ha" change"#
5ccor"ing to my <nal 2011 Performance @!aluation, my Customer
Satisfaction states, pro!i"e e9cellent customer ser!ice by achie!ing
these targets# Dan,s manager response is as follo)s/
5chie!e a!erage A#3 customer satisfaction rating from g1eme"y
sur!ey responses -with 5 being the highest.
8Tim again "i" a fantastic ;ob )ith managing his g1eme" 0ueue#
6is g1eme"y BTD $etrics/ 1esponse/ 22C 1estore/ 22C 1esol!e/
28C 7ul<ll/ 100C
A# 1elying on Colleagues for assistance )ith iphone an" connecte" bac*up
5ccor"ing to Dan,s counseling "ocument, 8 ha!e relie" hea!ily on others
to help me sol!e computer problems for issues shoul" be able to han"le
in"epen"ently#: 5lso inclu"e" in the "ocument, Dan spo*e speci<cally
about help pro!i"e" by my colleagues, Da!e 4en*s, regar"ing Connecte"
bac*up issues# When spo*e )ith Da!e on September 20th, he "enie"
e!er spea*ing to Dan about assisting me )ith Connecte" bac*up# 5s for
my other colleague, Thomas +arillaro, assisting )ith iphone, he also
"enie" e!er "iscussing this matter )ith Dan "irectly# n my opinion, feel
it )as )rong for Dan to in!ol!e an" mention my colleagues in this
"ocument# 5ccor"ing to the D#S# Pharma Co"e of Con"uct, Corporate
ntegrity states, 8@mployees must ne!er ma*e any false or mislea"ing
statement or entry in any report "ocument#: +ase" on this statement an"
my con!ersation )ith both Da!e an" Thomas, it is belie!e" that Dan,s
allegations about their assistance to me for iphone an" Connecte" bac*
up is completely false# n a""ition, the inception of this "ocument an" my
con!ersation )ith both Da!e an" Thomas, has cause" un"ue tension for
e!eryone in!ol!e" as )ell as a unhealthy an" hostile )or*ing
State" in the "ocument mention that nee" to impro!e in three areas,
communication, customer service, technical proficiency.
The Global Performance Management Process states that the employee and the manager should follow
these guide line. Performance management must be approached as a continuous improvement process
not as a single event. it is critical that employees and managers have frequent and constructive
communication. None of the areas were need to improve on has been documented in my PP!" for this
year. #ne on #ne are canceled on a regular basis feel that $m not getting the support
That need to be successful in my role. %lso included in the document is that rely on my colleague to
help me perform my duties.

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