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Jorge Luis Borges The Library of Babel

In The Library of Babel by Jorge Luis Borges, Borges is addressing all the
people of the world. In his comparison of the Library and the universe, he is
saying that the purpose of the universe and the universe itself is neither
infinite nor limited. In society, there are people who believe that there is
simply no purpose or meaning to life. They are the people who believe that
there is no reason as to why anything happens in the world around them.
To another degree, there are people who believe that everything has a
purpose and that everything is a mystery. These are the people who spend
their entire lives trying to figure out the mysteries of this universe or
searching non-stop for the answers to all of lifes toughest questions. The
main purpose for this text to show that, although the universe may seem
futile or it may seem like a great phenomenon, that we must accept this
universe as it is and as it will always be.

Borges uses pathos to appeal to those who are just like him. He wasted
the years of his life searching for a book that held all truths only to be let
down. Though, not denying that the treasures can be found, the author
sympathizes with others who have led themselves to the same fate as he
has. Borges uses a logical reference by mentioning, with these types let
downs, there is depression and general feelings of melancholy to follow. As
with those who feel life has not meaning, there could every well be the
suicide involved. Even if the human race is extinguished, the Library will still
be around with books and with the 25 symbols, four hundred and ten
pages, forty lines per page, and eighty characters per line. No matter how
far ahead or back we go, the Library will never end, and will never. The
stories and secrets and answers will forever be the same. The Library will
be unlimited and cyclical.


The universe is being compared to a library.
People of the universe are the librarians
Books are the answers to life, the stories of many people, the
Hexagonal galleries represent the galaxies? Or the different countries
and continents of the world.
Axioms: self-evident truth
Fallacious: Logically unsound
Vindication: to justify or defend. To claim for oneself or another.
Negates: To deny the existence, evidence, or truth of
He has spent his life searching for a book that held all the answers of
the universe.
Each word in the definition of a word has a different value.

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