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GES 102 ** Introduction to Human Geography **

Fall 2014
Instructor: David Lansing, PhD Section 200 meeting time: Tue/Thur
2:30-3:45 m
!"ce: Sondheim #a$$ 2%%-& !"ce hours: Tues %-2m, Thurs 4-5m' or ()
*mai$: d$ansing+um(c,edu !"ce hone: 4%0-455-
&$ass $ocation: Lecture #a$$ I
Teaching /ssistant: Samue$ Duree
!"ce: Sondheim #a$$ 004
!"ce #ours: Tuesda) %0-%%:30am' 0ednesda) %%:30-%
1ou 2a3e u in the morning and ma3e )ourse$4 a cu o4 &o$om(ian co5ee, 1ou then
com$ete )our home2or3 on a comuter made in South 6orea using so4t2are
2ritten in India, /4ter2ards, )ou decide to have $unch at a Thai restaurant and on
the 2a) home, )ou sto 4or a ne2saer so$d at a store run () a 3ind 4ami$) 4rom *$
Sa$vador, The 4ront-age stories sa) that &!2 emissions in 7e8ico &it) ma) cause
9ooding in Tuva$u, that currenc) deva$uation in the Phi$iines might mean cheaer
c$othes in :a$timore and that the $eve$s o4 overt) in ;im(a(2e have dramatica$$)
increased in the $ast <ve )ears, /t the end o4 the da) )ou ta3e )our shoes o5 =made
in &hina> and sit do2n on )our couch made in S2eden and dri4t to s$ee dreaming o4
a (each in /ustra$ia, /$though )ou might have not rea$i?ed it, )ou have had a ver)
@g$o(a$A da), :ut 2hat do a$$ these $aces have to do 2ith one anotherB #o2 is it
that a$$ o4 these things have (ecome art o4 )our dai$) $i4eB 0here is Tuva$u

This course 2i$$ introduce the economic, o$itica$, cu$tura$ and socia$ trends that $ead
to rocesses such as g$o(a$i?ation, migration, environmenta$ change, etc, 7oreover,
it 2i$$ resent methods and concets to he$ )ou trace and e8$ain the geograhic
rocesses that drive changes around the 2or$d toda), :) the end o4 the course, )ou
2i$$ (e 4ami$iar 2ith these methods, concets and techniDues and )ou 2i$$ have a
good geograhic understanding o4 maEor trends 2or$d2ide,
Required texts. There are t2o reDuired (oo3s 4or the course, 2hich are avai$a($e at
the F7:& (oo3store,
Pau$ L, 6no8 and Sa$$ie /, 7arston, Places and Regions in Global Context:
Human Geography, Gi4th edition, Fer Sadd$e Hiver, IJ: Pearson-Prentice-
#a$$, 200-,
7ar3s, H, 200., The Origins of the odern !orld, Ho2an and Litt$e<e$d,
Lanham, 7ar)$and,
The 6no8 and 7arston (oo3 is articu$ar$) e8ensive, I high$) suggest )ou order an
o$der edition on$ine =the) can (e 4ound 4or K5-K20>, /n) o4 the o$der editions 4or this
(oo3 are <ne,

"#aluation. Student er4ormance 2i$$ (e eva$uated on the (asis o4 e8ams, Dui??es,
and assignments, /$$ oint va$ues 2i$$ (e osted in :$ac3(oard 2hen grading is
com$ete, so students 2i$$ (e a($e to 3ee trac3 o4 their o2n grades, Gina$ $etter
grades 2i$$ 4o$$o2 the usua$ sca$e: / L -0-%00M' : L N0-N-M' & L .0-.-M' D L O0-
O-M' GPO0M, /ttendance and civi$it) ma) a$so $a) a ro$e in determining grades Q
$ease see (e$o2,
Reading Quizzes
There 2i$$ (e t2e$ve on$ine reading Dui??es, *ach Dui? 2i$$ (e 3-5 Duestions each,
Rui??es 2i$$ cover the assigned readings 4or that 2ee3, and must (e com$eted
on$ine () 2m =start o4 c$ass> Thursda), 0ee3s mar3ed 2ith @SA in the course
schedu$e =see (e$o2> are 2ee3s 2ith a reading Dui?, In genera$, )ou have a reading
Dui? an) 2ee3 there is not an e8am or assignment due, 1ou ma) on$) ta3e a reading
Dui? once, *ach reading Dui? is 2orth 2,5M o4 )our <na$ grade, There 2i$$ (e t2e$ve
Dui??es, and I 2i$$ dro the $o2est t2o scores, so ten tota$ Dui??es 2i$$ count to2ard
)our grade,
Lecture Quizzes
Lecture Dui??es are meant as stud) rods: the) as3 )ou to start revie2ing materia$
2e$$ (e4ore the e8am date, The) are administered through :$ac3(oard and are
(ased on the materia$ covered since the revious e8am, Rui? Duestions are simi$ar
to e8am Duestions' in 4act, ha$4 o4 the Duestions in each Dui? (an3 2i$$ re-aear in
simi$ar 4orm on the e8am, The Dui??es 2i$$ (e avai$a($e on :$ac3(oard a(out one
2ee3 rior to the e8am' )ou must com$ete at $east one version o4 the Dui? () 24
hours rior to the start o4 each e8am, 2hich 2i$$ usua$$) (e on a Grida) at %%am, 1ou
ma) ta3e the Dui? as man) times as )ou $i3e, and there is no time $imit, /4ter the
Dui? eriod is over I 2i$$ ma3e sure )our highest Dui? grade is the one incororated
into the grade (oo3, *ach time )ou ta3e a Dui? )ou 2i$$ receive <ve Duestions, Those
Duestions are dra2n random$) 4rom a (an3 o4 t2ent) Duestions tota$, I #IT#L1
encourage )ou to ta3e the Dui??es ear$) and o4ten, No one may take quizzes
after the deadline, no exceptions.
In sum: Reading Quizzes one attempt
Lecture Quizzes unlimited attempts
There 2i$$ (e three e8ams, covering materia$ 4rom $ecture and readings, *8ams $us
e8am Dui??es are 2orth O0M o4 )our <na$ grade =20M each e8am and Dui? set' see
(e$o2>, *8ams are (ased on materia$ resented in c$ass as 2e$$ as )our readings -
and consist o4 mu$ti$e-choice, matching, and true-4a$se Duestions, The e8ams are
not cumu$ative e8cet in the sense that ne2 materia$ a$2a)s (ui$ds on o$d materia$,
"rade #reakdo$n
!xams and exam quizzes %&'
Readings Quizzes ()'
*riting +ssignments ,)'
#ere is a 4urther (rea3do2n:
Item ' -alue .ates
Rui? % 2 Set, 22-!ct, % + %%:00 am =on :$ac3(oard>
*8am % %N Thursda), !ct, 2 =in c$ass>
Rui? 2 2 !ct, 2. Q Iov, 5th + 2:30 m =on :$ac3(oard>
*8am 2 %N Tuesda) Iov, O =in c$ass>
Rui? 3 2 Dec, % Q Dec, %0 + 2:30 m =on :$ac3(oard>
*8am 3 %N Thursda), Dec, %% +%m =in c$ass>
/ssignment % 5 Grida), Ge(, %.
/ssignment 2 %0 Grida), 7arch 30
%0 Heading Rui??es 25 7ost Thursda)s =see schedu$e>
/0/+L ,&&
$ecture% attendance% and ci#ility policies. To aid in understanding, I recommend that
)ou: =%> as3 Duestions during c$ass or at m) o"ce hours' =2> articiate 2hen
oortunities arise' =3> 3ee u 2ith reading the (oo3, 2hich 2i$$ rein4orce course
concets Q man) students te$$ me that the) understand $ectures (est 2hen the)
read the (oo3 :*G!H* coming to c$ass' =4> revie2 )our notes on a regu$ar (asis Q
man) eo$e <nd it he$4u$ to co) their notes over each da) or therea(outs Q
de<nite$) 2hi$e the materia$ is 4resh in )our mind' and =5> stud) 2ith 4riends,
!ver the course o4 the semester, I 2i$$ sho2 some <$ms and <$m c$is, 7ateria$ 4rom
these is 4air game 4or e8ams, I 2i$$ distri(ute a hand-out in c$ass $isting Duestions
that 2i$$ he$ )ou g$ean imortant, testa($e materia$ 4rom entire <$ms,
I4 )ou miss c$ass, there is no need to e8$ain the reason to me, I 3no2 that even the
most dedicated students occasiona$$) 4a$$ i$$ or encounter emergencies, 1ou are,
ho2ever, sti$$ resonsi($e 4or the materia$ covered in the c$asses that are missed, In
short, I have a ver) $i(era$ attendance o$ic), 1ou are an adu$t and shou$d (e treated
as such, The 9i side is )ou have to ta3e resonsi(i$it) 4or )our decisions, In other
2ords, )ou are resonsi($e 4or materia$ resented in c$ass 2hether )ou are there or
Desite m) 4air$) re$a8ed attendance o$ic), I am Duite strict 2ith regard to e8ams,
!xams may 1e made up only for illness, and only if you ha-e a signed
doctor2s note, !ther emergencies 2i$$ (e considered on a case-()-case (asis, (ut
2i$$ need roer documentation, ma) (e denied, I4 )ou are aroved, and need to
ma3e u an e8am, then )ou ma) do it on the schedu$ed e8am ma3e u da), 2hich
4or this semester is .ecem1er ,&th,
"xam and qui& policies. *8am grades 2i$$ (e osted in :$ac3(oard as soon as
grading is com$ete, usua$$) 2ithin 2-3 da)s, *8am Duestion ac3ets 2i$$ not (e
returned, (ut an) student ma) visit m) o"ce hours =or ma3e an aointment i4 )ou
are not avai$a($e then> to revie2 the Duestions and go over the correct ans2ers,
/here $ill 1e no make3ups for quizzes' the oint o4 Dui??es is to get )ou to
stud) more than a da) (e4ore the e8am, and )ou 2i$$ have am$e oortunit) to
ta3e them, I 2i$$ not accet e8cuses such as $ast-minute technica$ di"cu$ties or
other emergencies Q so $an ahead and ta3e those Dui??es ear$)C I4 )ou have a
$egitimate e8cuse 4or missing an e8am =documented i$$ness, documented 4ami$)
emergenc), documented ath$etic event, or re$igious o(servance>, $ease resent it
to me, 2ith documentation, as soon as ossi($e Q (e4ore the e8am i4 ossi($e,
Students ma) not re-ta3e e8ams,
P$ease ma3e ever) e5ort to arrive on time 4or e8ams, 4tudents $ho arri-e late
may only take the exam if no other student has 5nished and left already.
Such $atecomers 2i$$ not receive an) e8tra time,
It is the resonsi(i$it) o4 individua$ students to (ring a enci$ and eraser to e8ams,
and to <$$ out their name and test 4orm num(er accurate$) on Scantron sheets,
During e8ams, students shou$d sread out as much as ossi($e, I ma) as3 individua$
students to change seats, Students must remove and ut a2a) (rimmed hatsUno
som(reros, stoveie hats, tam-o-shanters, or even a (a$$ caUand turn o5 and ut
a2a) an) e$ectronic devices,
'ssignments: 1ou 2i$$ (e given t2o assignments to com$ete throughout the
semester, !nce assigned, the) 2i$$ (e due aro8imate$) t2o 2ee3s $ater =see
schedu$e 4or e8act due dates>, These assignments 2i$$ (e graded () the c$ass
teaching assistant, 1ou shou$d contact the T/ i4 )ou have Duestions a(out the
assignment, or 2ant assistance 2ith it, /$$ o4 the assignments reDuire a certain
amount o4 research and 2riting, and thus )ou shou$d 4ami$iari?e )ourse$4 2ith
F7:&Vs stance on academic integrit), and common$) acceted de<nitions o4
'cademic integrity, I ta3e academic honest) ver) serious$) and 2i$$ investigate an)
susicious activities associated 2ith course e8ams, Dui??es, and assignments,
Instances o4 co)ing another studentVs 2or3, sharing oneVs o2n 2or3, or using
@cheat-sheetsA or other aids during an e8am are grave o5enses, and I 2i$$ ursue
strict ena$ties as er F7:&Vs code o4 academic integrit), The :$ac3(oard Dui??es
are stud) aids and I 4u$$) e8ect and a$$o2 that man) students 2i$$ do them 2ith
oen notes and te8t(oo3s =a$though )ou might (ene<t more 4rom utting a2a) )our
(oo3s and notesC>, #o2ever, I 2i$$ consider it dishonest conduct i4 a student
discusses Dui? content or ans2ers 2ith another student=s>, or accets Dui? ans2ers
4rom a c$assmate, In addition, assignments shou$d (e cited roer$) and instances
o4 $agiarism 2i$$ (e ta3en ver) serious$),
The 4o$$o2ing is an e8cert o4 F7:&Vs academic integrit) code, Duoted 4rom
Phttp:66$$$.um1c.edu6pro-ost6integrity6faculty.html7 :
()y enrolling in this course% each student assumes the responsibilities of an acti#e
participant in *)C+s scholarly community in ,hich e#eryone+s academic ,or- and
beha#ior are held to the highest standards of honesty. Cheating% fabrication%
plagiarism% and helping others to commit these acts are all forms of academic
dishonesty% and they are ,rong. 'cademic misconduct could result in disciplinary
action that may include% but is not limited to% suspension or dismissal. To read the
full .tudent 'cademic Conduct Policy% consult the *)C .tudent Handboo-% the
/aculty Handboo-% or the *)C Policies section of the *)C 0irectory.1
0ther 8lass 9rotocols
Students o4ten $agiari?e materia$ 2ithout rea$i?ing that the) are in the 2rong, and
2e 2ant )ou to (e 4u$$)-armed and a2are o4 2hat to do and 2hat not to do 2hen
2riting a aer, /s a ru$e o4 thum(, if you use someone else2s $ords or
thoughts $ithout referencing that person, you are plagiarizing. /hus,
improper citation or lack of citation is plagiarism DonVt do it' roer citation
is eas), and indicative o4 e5ort sent researching )our toic,
&o$$egia$it) in the c$assroom reDuires that )ou are unctua$ to c$ass and attentive,
Late arriva$s, ta$3ing, s$eeing, te8t messaging/I7ing, and ringing cell phones are
disrutive to the $earning environment, and inconsiderate to )our Instructor and
4e$$o2 students,
P$ease turn o5 )our ce$$ hone =or at a minimum, its ringer> (e4ore ever) c$ass
I4 )ou distract 4e$$o2 students or the Instructor, even i4 )ou are @on$)A te8t
messaging/I7ing, )ou 2i$$ (e as3ed to $eave the room, In addition, use o4 a $ato
4or an)thing other than ta3ing notes is simi$ar$) distracting and 2i$$ reDuire me to
as3 )ou to $eave the room, I hate doing this, P$ease donVt ma3e me,
4tudent .isa1ilities
=Grom: htt://m),um(c,edu/grous/sss/documents/N3N>
F7:& is committed to e$iminating discriminator) o(stac$es that ma)disadvantage
students (ased on disa(i$it), Student Suort Services =SSS> is the F7:&
deartment designated to: receive and maintain con<dentia$ <$es o4 disa(i$it)-
re$ated documentation, certi4) e$igi(i$it) 4or services, determine reasona($e
accommodations, deve$o 2ith each student $ans 4or the rovision o4 such
accommodations, and serve as a $iaison (et2een 4acu$t) mem(ers and students
regardingdisa(i$it)-re$ated issues,
I4 )ou have a disa(i$it) and 2ant to reDuest accommodations, contact SSS
in 7ath/Ps)ch Hoom 2%3 or Sherman #a$$, Hoom 345 =or ca$$:,&3:))3(:); or :,&3
:))3<()&>, SSS 2i$$ reDuire )ou to rovide aroriate documentation o4 disa(i$it)
and com$ete a HeDuest 4or Services 4orm avai$a($e at htt://sss,um(c,edu, I4 )ou
reDuire accommodations 4or this c$ass, ma3e an aointment to meet 2ithme to
discuss )our SSS-aroved accommodations,
.chedule of topics and readings, The $ecture schedu$e =(ut not the e8am dates> ma) shi4t some2hat'
$ease chec3 :$ac3(oard 4reDuent$) 4or announcements a(out such changes,
.ates /opics and exams6assignments Readings
0ee3 % Introduction to human geograh) Ione
=/ug, 2N>
0ee3 2S T$o(a$i?ation 7ar3s Introduction
=Set, 2,4> Too$s o4 the Teograher

0ee3 3S #istorica$ geograhies o4 the 2or$d-s)stem 7ar3s &h, %W2
=Set, -, %%>

0ee3 4S &o$onia$ism/Industria$ Hevo$ution 7ar3s &h, 3W4
=Set, %O, %N>
0ee3 5S Pou$ation Teograh) 6W7
=Set, 23,25>
0ee3 O Pou$ation Teograh) 6W7 &h, 3
=Set, 30, !ct, 2> !=+> , ?/hurs. 0ct. ( in class@
0ee3 .S Fr(an Teograh) 6W7 &h, %%
=!ct, .,-> +ssignment A, .ue, /hursday 0ct. ; in class
0ee3 NS Teograh) o4 Good 6W7 &h, N
=!ct, %4,%O>
0ee3 -S *conomic Teograh) 6W7 &h, .
=!ct, 2%, 23>
0ee3 %0S *conomic Teograh) 7ar3s &h, 5WO
=!ct, 2N, 30>
0ee3 %%S &u$tura$ Teograh) 6W7 &h, 5
=Iov, 4,O> +ssignment A( .ue, /hursday No-. %
0ee3 %2 Iature-Societ) Teograh) 6W7 &h, 4
=Iov, %%,%3> !=+> ( ?/uesday, No-. ,, in class@
0ee3 %3S Iature-Societ) Teograh) 7ann
=Iov, %N, 20> =Heading is on
0ee3 %4 Po$itica$ Teograh) 6W7 &h, -
=Iov, 25>
0ee3 %5S Po$itica$ Teograh) &onover
=Dec, 2, 4> =Heading is on
0ee3 %OS Guture Teograh) 7ar3s &onc$usion
=Dec, -,%%>
Gina$ *8am 2ee3 !=+> < /hursday, .ec. ,,, ,3<pm
*eeks marked $ith a BCD ha-e a reading quiz due 1y (pm on /hursday of that $eek.

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