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Green Revolution :Comparing Green

Revolution from 1960s to Second Green

Presented by :
Manav Saurav
M.Phil (2012-2014)
IIT Bombay
Supervised by:
Prof. Sarmistha Pattanaik
Topics covered
Define Green Revolution
Need for Green Revolution in India
First phase of Green Revolution
The period from 1965 to 1972
The period from 1972 to 1980
The period from 1980 - onwards
Second Green Revolution
Define Green Revolution
The earliest definition of Green Revolution has
been:"The great increase in production of food grains
(as rice and wheat) due to the introduction of high-
yielding varieties, to the use of pesticides, and to better
management techniques".
Currently Green Revolution is equated to Rainbow
Need for Green Revolution in India
Low Productivity and Traditional means of
Dependence on Foreign Countries : PL480 Scheme of
Major Drought in 1965-66
Failure of Land Reform Acts and Cooperative
Diversion of resources
Farmers were inducted into the army
First phase of Green Revolution
The period from 1965 to 1972
The 18000 tonnes of HYV was ordered for import and distributed in
Punjab, Haryana and Western Uttar Pradesh.
Irrigation through Big Dams
Investment in Fertilizers
The initial results were encouraging as total food grain production increased
from 74 million tonnes (mt) in 1966-67 to 105 mt in 1971-72.
All these led to decrease in rural poverty from 64 percent in 1967 to 56
percent in 1973
First phase of Green Revolution
The period from 1972 to 1980
Improvement in Rural Credit
Nationalization of Banks
Introduction of Priority Sector Lending
Regional Rural Banks were created
HYV of Rice were introduced
Increase in the ground water irrigation
Percentage of irrigated land by ground water increased
from 0.55 % of the total irrigated land to 19.5 %.
First phase of Green Revolution
The period from 1980 Onwards
Spread of Green Revolution in other parts of the
Emergence :
Salinity of Soil
Depleting Ground Water
Regional Disparity
Environment Issues
Sustainability Issues
Need Felt for Reform
Second Phase of Green Revolution
National Agricultural Policy 2000
4% annual growth rate in Agriculture
Increasing the productivity of Land
Emphasis on Soil health , water-shed development
Challenges of LPG in agricultural sector
Introduction of Genetically modified seeds
Rainbow revolution
Organic Farming
Second Phase of Green Revolution
Success stories in Eastern India: Darrang ,Morigaon in Assam;
Paliganj, Nalanda in Bihar; Hirakund Command area in Orissa;
The 11
plan outlines :
Water Management
Agri -Farm Diversification
Knowledge gap
Credit Market linkage
Food processing
Model of Development
Unilateral Model of
Socialistic Approach Neo-Liberal Approach
1960s 2
Green Rev. Stage
Kapila, U. (2009). Indian Economy Since Independence (19Th Ed.).
Shrivastava, M. P. (2010). Second Green Revolution Vs Rainbow
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