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Retired Bank Unionist
J!"#$#%&"#'( III) O* D+,&(- I! & J!"#$#&./+ D+,&(-
Let us compare the chart of the price of 14 commodities, hich !o into the
computation of minimum a!e. "#aced here under is the computation of the
$inimum a!e on the %asis of the prices of the re&uisite artic#es as in 'anuary,
()1*. It cou#d %e seen that 01#/+ "1+ 2*#%+! '( &( &3+*&4+ *+4#!"+*+- &(
#(%*+&!+ '$ 2567287% "1+ DA %',2+(!&"#'( 1&- '(/9 .++( :8750%
;F'* N'3<D+%<J&( 2012<16, AICPI 5=::, !/&.! 510 &(- % :875>
I$ 0+ "&?+ "1+ @&*"+* J/9 2010<S+2"2012, #" 0&! 86% #( F+.*&*9 2012>7
+his fact may kind#y %e used to %rin! home the necessity of re,ision of a!es
and arri,in! at minimum %asic a!e immediate#y Rates and "resent Rates
-ommon Items Used on .ai#y Basis.
C',2&*&"#3+ C1&*")
Item "er
Rates as on
in Rs
Rates as per
-"I as on 11
11()1* in Rs
Rates as per market
rates in a !o,ernment
departmenta# store in Rs
as on1111()1*
2 chan!e compared
to 1111())/ prices
1 Rice 3! 14 (/ 55 (//
.a# 6+oor7
3! 4) 59 45 145
* Ra Ve! 3! 1) 15 5) 5))
3! 1) 14 (5 (5)
5 ;ther Ve! 3! 1) 1< 4) 4))
/ =ruits 3! *) (5 4) (//
< $i#k #t (4 (/ *4 1(5
Su!ar and
3! (4 *4 4) 1//
9 ?di%#e ;i# 3! 5) 9/ 1)) ())
1) =ish 3! 1() 15< *() (//
11 $eat 3! 1() (5< *() (//
1( ?!! each each ( 4 5 (5)
3! ()) (4) *5) 1<5
14 -#othin! $t 4) /1 15) 14<
*( <) 14<
+ota# 2
increase */49715@(4*.(/2
$arket Rates as per #oca#
market rates in metro
0R&"#'(&/+ '$ %',2&*#!'( &! '( 1<1<2008A
+hese are prices as mentioned in ta%#e (.(1 of /
pay commission
Source: table 2.2.1 Pg.53 Chapter 2 of Sixth CPC Report
Be note from a%o,e as a!ainst the increase of (4*.(/2. 2, the %ank
emp#oyees ere !ranted .A C</.5)22 as on 'anuary ()1*
M#(#,, W&4+ .&!+- '(A 15
ILC N'*,!
A! 2+* "1+ 2*+3&#/#(4 *&"+! '$ %',,'-#"#+! &! '( 0170872016
Item "er .ay
"-U 6 in :rams8
"er month
* -U 6 in 3!8
"rice per 3!
As on )1.)1.()1*
+ota# cost per
Rice7Bheat 4<5 4(.<5 55 (*51.(5
.a# +oor 7 Urad 7
4) <.( 45 /1(
Ra Ve! 1)) 9.)) 5) 45)
:reen Leaf Ve! 1(5 11.(5 (5 (41.(5
;ther Ve!
;nion, potato,
<5 /.<5 4) (<)
=ruits 1() 1).4 4) 4/4
$i#k ()) m# 14 Lt *4 /1(
Su!ar7'a!!ery 5/ 5.)) 4) ())
?di%#e ;i# 4) *./ 1)) */)
=ish (.5 *() 4))
$eat 5.)) *() 1/)).))
?!! 9) Nos 5 45).))
.eter!ents etc
Bath D ashin!
soap, ashin!
poder, etc
per month
5 mtrs per month.
.educed from /)
mtrs per annum
Rs15). per meter <5).))
-ooked food
mea#s #ike $a!!ie
and id#i f#our,
piFFa etc durin!
eGpediency on
some days
1) days in month
.ue to #ate sittin!s
<) (1))
+ota# 1()5).5)
$isc. C ()2
+ota# 144/)./)
Add#. ?Gp C (52
+ota# 14)<5.<5
Housin! 15))
G*&(- T'"&/ 20855725
"-U @ "er .ay -onsumption Unit

* -U @ +hree -onsumption Unit

0 @ ()2 misce##aneous char!es toards fue#s, e#ectricity, ater, etc

00 @ Additiona# ?Gpenses C (52 inc#udes eGpenditure toards education,
medica#, treatment, recreation, festi,a#s, etc. as per Supreme -ourt decision.

E -#othin! as prescri%ed is <) yards per year. +his i## ork out to 5 mtrs per
month and the cost inc#ude the anci##ary char!es #ike stitchin! etc
H+(%+ "1+ ,#(#,, 0&4+ "' .+ -+,&(-+- $'* B .#2&*"#"+ !+""/+,+("!
!1'/- .+ R!720855 "1&" #! .&!#% 2&9 &22/#%&./+ "' !. !"&$$ +,2/'9++!7
W1+*+&! "1+ B&!#% P&9 B&!+- '( 5550 ,+*4+* &" 80715% '$ DA #! '(/9
T&?#(4 "1+ *+/&"#3#"9 $'*,/&+ '$ B"1 .#2&*"#"+ &" "1+ #(#"#&/ !"&4+ .+"0++(
%/+*? &(- !. !"&$$ 01#%1 #!75=50):200, "1+ ,#(#,, .&!#% 2&9 $'* %/+*#%&/
!"&$$ 0'*?! '" "' R!77 25505C<
W1+*+&! "1+ B&!#% P&9 B&!+- '( 5550 ,+*4+* &" 80715% '$ DA #! '(/9 R!7
Infact a -#erk in -entra# :o,ernment Ser,ice (in Pay Band 2! earns a
month#y sa#ary of Rs. 66,B20, !. !"&$$ 1=,2B2 hereas the month#y sa#ary of
'$:SI officers in %ank is Rs62,1:1. 6 %oth at the %e!innin! of the sca#e 8.
-ompare this ith the sa#ary of C+("*&/ G'3+*(,+(" O$$#%+*! (in Pay Band
3Stage "! hich is Rs. 55,:=0 ;S++) D!"#$#%&"#'( I, II '$ "1#! &*"#%/+ !+*#+!>
this is the mother of a## in>ustice. As stated a%o,e the ru#es of the !ame ha,e
no chan!ed tota##y, ith the constitution of < -"-. So it i## %e imprudent to
demand #ess than 5)2 a!e hike , in order to sett#e for 452 u#timate#y
.remem%er ,e,en ith 452 increase in esta%#ishment cost components6(/.52
of pay s#ip components 8 e i## %e mar!ina##y %etter off as compared to / the
-"- sca#es . So after 11)11()1/ -entra# :o,ernment Staff i## surpass us
a!ain and e i## %e #eft far %ehind.
S' /+" ! .+ .'/- &(- &!? $'* *+&/#!"#% !&/&*9 !#"#(4 '* #("+//#4+(%+, 0'*?
/'&-, *#!?, %',2/+"#3+ !2*#" demandin! minimum(52 hike in pay s#ip
E3+( "1'41 "1+ S+3+("1 P&9 C',,#!!#'( #! -+ $*', 0170172018 '(/9, "1+
G'3+*(,+(" 1&! &22*'3+- %',2'!#"#'( '$ C',,#!!#'( 0+// .+$'*+ #"! -+
-&"+ to decide a%out the pay structure of -entra# :o,ernment emp#oyees hich
i## %e re,ised after the report is su%mitted %y the <th P&9 C',,#!!#'( 0#"1
+$$+%" $*', 01701720187 ;+his in addition to the pro,ision of 5)2 mer!er of
.A ith Basic "ay durin! the inter,enin! period8 +he comparati,e sca#es since
19<9 are as underA1
Iear :roup1A ;fficers of
:o,t. of India
Sca#e1I ;fficer in a
"rior to 19<9 R!7550C< R!7500C<
In 19<9 R!7:00C< R!7:00C<
In 194/
pay commission from 194<8
In 199/
pay commission from 199<8
R!712,500C< R!710,000C<
In ())/
pay commission8
R!715,800C< E GP
T'"&/ R!721,000C<

+here is steep rise in the -"I inf#ation and the sa#aries in a%so#ute terms ha,e
a#so %een eroded. -onsumer price indeG has a#ready increased %y 15)1
num%ers o,er 444) hich as pre,ai#in! on )17117()1( i.e. the #e,e# at hich
IBA has a!reed to mer!e the .A ith %asic pay.
T1+*+$'*+ ,#(#,, 25 % 1#?+ &! -+,&(-+- .9 "1+ (#'( #! & D!"#$#&./+
&(- *+&!'(&./+ -+,&(- 01#%1 0#// ,++" &(- +(-! '$ D!"#%+ &(- ,#(#,#F+
"1+ 4&2 .+"0++( "1+ M#(#,, W&4+ .&!+- '(A 15
ILC N'*,! &(-
&%"&/ .&!#% 2&9 !+@+/ 5550 ,+*4+* &" 80715% '$ DA &! ,+("#'(+-
I &--%+ &(- &-,.*&"+ "1+ &.'3+ /'4#%&/, *&"#'(&/, &22*'3+- %'(%+2"!
$*"1+* &! (-+*)
G1> AR+!'/"#'(17:71, 17:72 &-&2"+- #( 15
S+!!#'( '$ "1+ I(-#&( L&.'*
C'($+*+(%+ 1+/- &" N+0 D+/1# #( J/9 1B5:
017:72 At the 15
Session of the Indian La%our -onference he#d at Ne .e#hi
in 'u#y 195<, an important reso#ution as passed, hich #aid don that the
minimum a!e shou#d %e need1%ased and shou#d ensure the minimum human
needs of the industria# orker. +he fo##oin! norms ere accepted as a !uide
for a## a!e1 fiGin! authorities inc#udin! $inimum Ba!e -ommittees, Ba!e
Boards, Ad>udicators, etc.A
I. In ca#cu#atin! the minimum a!e, the standard orkin! c#ass fami#y
shou#d %e taken to comprise "1*++ %'(!,2"#'( (#"! for one earner,
the earnin!s of omen, chi#dren and ado#escents %ein! disre!arded.
II. $inimum food re&uirements shou#d %e ca#cu#ated on the %asis of a
net in take of 2:00 %&/'*#+!, as recommended %y D*7 A?*'9- for an
a,era!e Indian adu#t of moderate acti,ity.
III. -#othin! re&uirements shou#d %e estimated on the %asis of a per
capita consumption of 14 yards per annum, hich ou#d !i,e for the
a,era!e orkers fami#y of four a tota# of <( yards.
IV. In respect of housin!, the norm shou#d %e the minimum rent char!ed
%y :o,ernment in any area for houses pro,ided under the Su%sidised
Industria# Housin! Scheme for #o income !roups J and
V. =ue#, #i!htin! and other misce##aneous items of eGpenditure shou#d
constitute () per cent of the tota# minimum a!e. +he Reso#ution
further #aid don that here,er the minimum a!e fiGed as %e#o
the norms recommended a%o,e, it ou#d %e incum%ent on the
authorities concerned to >ustify the circumstances hich pre,ented
them from adherence to the aforesaid norms. +he Reso#ution, thus,
tried to !i,e concreteness to the ho#e concept of minimum a!e.
AAI( 1BB1, "1+ S2*+,+ C'*" #( #"! D-4,+(" +H2*+!!+- "1+ 3#+0 "1&"
%1#/-*+(I! +-%&"#'(, ,+-#%&/ *+@#*+,+(", ,#(#,, *+%*+&"#'(,
#(%/-#(4 $+!"#3&/! %+*+,'(#+!, 2*'3#!#'( $'* '/- &4+ &(- ,&**#&4+ !1'/-
$*"1+* %'(!"#""+ 25 2+* %+(" &(- .+ !+- &! & 4#-+ $'* $#H#(4 "1+
,#(#,, 0&4+7
(. F#$"++("1 S+!!#'(, ;1B5:> T1+ T1#*"#+"1 S+!!#'( ;1BB2> T1+ I(-#&(
L&.'* C'($+*+(%+ '(%+ 4&#( *&"#$#+- "1+ &.'3+ *+!'/"#'(!7
*. +he theory of * consumptions units of sin!#e %read inner as prescri%ed
%y eGperts of the =air Ba!es -ommittee 194< after the industria# truce
reso#ution of 194< hich is %asis for a!e structure in India and Indian
#a%or conference 195( mentioned a%o,e is ,a#id e,en today. A re#eased
-ensus ()11 data shos that An o,erhe#min! 51 per cent of ur%an
househo#ds #i,e on the income of a sin!#e earner, hi#e dou%#e1income
fami#ies are a distant (/ per cent. In rura# areas, the situation is &uite
different. Bhi#e *4 per cent of fami#ies ha,e a sin!#e orker, dou%#e1
orker fami#ies are s#i!ht#y more at *5 per cent. In fact, the dou%#e1
income1no1kids 6.IN38 #ifesty#e ce#e%rated as a cosmopo#itan aspiration
is pre,a#ent in near#y 4( per cent of to1mem%er rura# fami#ies
compared to >ust (( per cent of simi#ar ur%an fami#ies. $ost of the %ank
emp#oyees %e#on! the sin!#e income %racket of so#e %read inner ith
minimum 4 dependents.
a8 In 194) -entra# :o,t. appointed on ?n&uiry committee consistin! of BN
Ra, Shri. Shafat Ahmad 3han and $r. Humes I-S to report on the
!rant of ar .A to emp#oyees in :I" Rai#ays.
KBhat has %een the rise in the cost of #i,in! for the #oer paid orker
since the out%reak of arL -ommittee came to a conc#usion that
Industria# orker needs * c.u
%8 S.*&,&(#&(I! R+2'*" $#(-#(4! 1B25 2*+!%*#.+- "1&" M#--/+ %/&!!
0'*?+* *+@#*+! 678 %7 &" !"&*", 578 %7 +#41" 9+&*! '$ !+*3#%+, A$"+*
&//'0#(4 & -+-%"#'( '$ = (#"! $'* 0#$+ &(- 078 (#" $'* +&%1 '$ "0'
c8 +hereafter. 'ustice Ra>adhakshya posted7te#e!raph aard 1945 came to
the conc#usion after fami#y %ud!et en&uiry, and thorou!h in,esti!ation
and study that -ost of #i,in! of $idd#e c#ass @ 4)2 cost of #i,in!
Industria# orker. +his 1.4 coefficient %ecame the %ench mark us to
determine the remuneration paya%#e to mem%ers of Su% staff in 'ustice
Sen. aard of 1951, Sastry Aard 195* and .esai Aard of 19/(.
d8 .eshpandeMs Report su%mitted .&!+- '( "1+ *+2*+!+("&"#'( !.,#""+-
.9 +,2/'9+*! to !o,ernment thereafter reduced the $inimum
re&uirements of a ne entrant to (.(5 c.u.
e8 But the Sen tri%una# ithout intendin! to #ay don ru#e or formu#ate a
definite princip#es, the Sen +ri%una# %e#ie,ed that it as not #ike to %e
much mistaken if the re&uirement of an emp#oyee in the 1
year of
Ser,ice ere taken to (.(5 c.u. +he Sen tri%una# a#so considered that in
the 4
year of his ser,ice on emp#oyee has to maintain * c.u. and that
toards and of his ser,ice he ou#d ha,e to maintain 4 c.u.
f8 +he Sastry +ri%una# he#d the fo##oin! ,ies
1. "roper method as to pro,ide for an emp#oyee and his ife at
the initia# start and then pro,ide for reasona%#e increments for
the !roin! needs of himse#f and his fami#y inc#udin! chi#dren
that are #ike#y to %e %orn.
(. -a#cu#atin! in accordin! ith the to Lusk coefficient it came to
conc#usionA 1
year 1.4 c.u., 1)
year *.c.u. toards the end *
*. It chan!ed 4 yrs to 1) yrs.
4. It stated that since &uite an apprecia%#e num%er of orkmen
remained unmarried in the a!e !roup of (51*) and su!!ested
to take 1)
year as the proper sta!e in hich * c.u. shou#d %e
8> T1+ (#'(! 0&("+- "1+ %'(!,2"#'( (#"! &! 2+* S.*&,&(#&(
:> L+!" "1#! &*"#%/+ -'+ ('" .+%',+ *+!+&*%1 2&2+* .9 #"!+/$ '(
-+"+*,#(&"#'( '$ %'(!,2"#'( '$ !'/+ .*+&-0#((+* &/'(+ $-4#(4 "1+
$'%! '$ "1+ ,&#( &*"#%/+ 0#"1'" 1&*&(4#(4 $*"1+* '( "1#! %'(%+2" I
4#3+ .+/'0 "1+ !,,&*9 '$ $#(-#(4! '$ S+(,S&!"*9 A(- D+!&# T*#.(&/
0#"1 *+4&*- "' %'(!,2"#'( (#"!
Sen Sastry LA+ .esai
Iear (.(5 1.4 (.(5 (.(5
Iear * * * *
?nd sca#e 4 4 4 4
T1+ S+( &0&*-<1B5B $#H+- "1+ !2&( '$ 25 9+&*! , S&!"*# &0&*-;1B56> 25
9+&*! , LAT ;1B55> 25 9+&*! , B&(? A0&*-! C',,#!!#'( ;1B55> 25 9+&*!
&(- D+!&# &0&*- ,'-#$#+- #" "' 20 9+&*! &(- "1! "1+ -+,&(- '$ (#'(
$'* $#H#(4 !2&( '$ 20 9+&*! 01#%1 !"#// #( 3'4+ !#(%+ S+( &0&*- 0&!
$#(&//9 $/$#//+-7
+hese sacrosanct aards !o,ernin! the %ank emp#oyees e,en in ,o!ue
today conc#uded that J& 9'(4 ,&( '$ I(-#& !"&*"#(4 1#! %&*++*! &! &
%/+*? 1&! "' !1'/-+* "1+ './#4&"#'(! #,2'!+- '( "1+ !'%#&/ !"*%"*+ '$
01#%1 1+ #! & 2&*"7 I" ,&9 .+ -+,&(-! '$ J'#(" H#(- $&,#/9 !9!"+, '*
'"1+* %/&#,! '$ K#"1 &(- K#(7 I" ,&9 ('" .+ & 0#$+ '* %1#/- &" "1+
%',,+(%+,+(" '$ 1#! +,2/'9,+(", ." #" %&( .+ & $&"1+* '$ ,'"1+* '*
.'"1 '* & !#!"+* '* & 9'(4+* .*'"1+* &(- "' #4('*+ !%1 ,+,.+*! '$ "1+
$&,#/9 &! ('" .+#(4 0'*?,&(I! +&*/9 *+!2'(!#.#/#"#+! '( "1+ %'("+H" '$
'* !'%#&/ &(- +%'(',#% %'(-#"#'(! &*+ D!" (*+&/#!"#%7
Let us see ho LA+ approached the pro%#em. KBe consider Sastry
+ri%una#Ns approach to the su%>ect is ,ery narro. Be ha,e to take a
common sense ,ie of these matters. A youn! man ha,in! matricu#ated
>oins a %ank as a -#erk most#y %ecause he is una%#e to afford a hi!her
education. It is the economics necessity hich forces him to ork at ear#y
a!e. +he eGtent of necessity is a &uestion of fact in each particu#ar case %ut
no in,esti!ation has %een made in this fie#d or to as to this particu#ar aspect.
Ba!es are necessari#y fiGed in accordance ith the norma# eGpectations of
fami#y e,en thou!h a particu#ar orkmen i## may ne,er marry and nor
ha,e any dependentO.
N'"+) I" #! .+%&!+ '$ "1#! !'(- /'4#% "1&" .&(? +,2/'9++! 4+" 4*&-+-
#(%*+,+("! %',,+(!*&"+ 0#"1 *+!2'(!#.#/#"#+! &(- './#4&"#'(! "' 1#!
$&,#/9 &(- -+2+(-+("! #( &%%'*-&(%+ 0#"1 "1+ #(%*+&!+ #( &4+ 01+(
%',2&*+- 0#"1 '"1+* #(-!"*#+! 01' 1&3+ $#H+- #(%*+,+("!7
A// "1+ &.'3+ #**+$"&./+ $&%"! ,+("#'(+- &.'3+ #! %'3+*+- #( "1+
4. E3+( "1+ 8
2&9 %',,#!!#'( &-'2"+- &.'3+ 2*#(%#2/+! 01#/+ &**#3#(4
&" D!" %'(%/!#'(! &! .+/'07
K+he siGth pay -ommission Report says that it has attempted an in1depth study
into orkin! of the pri,ate sector and noted that the compensation structure in
the pri,ate sector is &uite different as compared to :o,ernment sector. Since
the esta%#ishments in pri,ate sector primari#y ork for commercia# purposes the
emp#oyeePs cost is compared to the %usiness orth. Such comparison is not
feasi%#e in :o,ernment >o%s o%,ious#y for the reason that the :o,ernment
sector is primari#y ser,ice oriented. A#so the ,ariation in ran!e of sa#aries in
pri,ate sector is &uite ide.
;n comparison ith :o,ernment sector it noted that the sa#aries can %e said to
%e definite#y %etter in pri,ate sector on#y in reference to >o%s hich can %e
compared to :roup A ser,ices. Hoe,er in that respect the presti!e and
cha##en!e offered %y the :o,ernment >o%s is a#so &uite hi!h and the
:o,ernment >o%s a#so pro,ide incenti,es %y ay of compensatory a##oances,
housin! and transport faci#ities etc... +he %i!!est ad,anta!e offered %y a
:o,ernment >o% is the >o% security attached to it and the assured retirement
%enefits. -ommission has attempted to make the retirement %enefits more
attracti,e. It has thus attempted to harmoniFe the tan!i%#e and intan!i%#e
%enefits offered %y the to sectors for achie,in! some e#ement of parity.
=or tack#in! the demand of the :o,ernment emp#oyees for makin! the
minimum sa#ary in the ran!e of Rs. 1))))71 per month the -ommission has
fo##oed a mu#ti pron!ed approach. =irst#y it orked out the minimum month#y
re&uirements for the fami#y of #oest paid emp#oyee It has %ased its
ca#cu#ations keepin! in ,ie recommendations of the 15
Internationa# La%our
-onference. +he eGpenses hen ca#cu#ated on a fami#y siFe of three units
hich is the eGpected fami#y siFe for a >o% entrant came out in ran!e of
Rs.55))71per month.
+hereafter the pay sca#es ere fine tuned to make the minimum sa#ary in the
ran!e of Rs. //))71 in order to make the same approGimate to the minimum
needs of the #oest paid emp#oyees. -ommission fee#s that the addition of
HRA and other a##oances ou#d make it some here in ran!e of Rs.1))))71
as as demanded.
Hoe,er simu#taneous#y it a#so had to ensure that the re#ief is not considered as
a indfa## !ain for the emp#oyees. It has therefore su!!ested transformation of
the #oest paid emp#oyees into mu#tiski##ed orkers hose ski## #e,e#s cou#d
>ustify the hi!her a!es. +he -ommission has therefore recommended that the
:roup . emp#oyees %e con,erted to :roup - emp#oyees in those cases here
they fu#fi## the &ua#ifications prescri%ed for :roup - posts.
+his ou#d ensure that they not on#y !et hi!her a!es %ut a#so hand#e hi!her
responsi%i#ities. +he emp#oyees ho do not possess the minimum &ua#ifications
shou#d %e trained for ski## up !radation and su%se&uent transition to :roup -
posts. Recruitment to :roup - posts is proposed to %e stopped forthithO
Hence my ca#cu#ation of minimum %asic pays of Rs 25505 c#erica# staff and
R!720855. =or su%staff is per princip#es adopted %y the /the pay commissions,
hich as %asis in Sen , Sastri, .esai aards too as eGp#ained in J!"#$#%&"#'(
I '$ "1#! &*"#%/+ !+*#+! 7
5) -omparin! price rise in #ast *) yrs are so e can o%ser,e in #ast siG years
the price rise !raph has risen dramatica##y, i.e. the prices ha,e increased
to a maGimum %eyond common mans reach, the rupee ,a#ue has !one
don drastica##y , internationa##y the do##ar rate is hi!her, :." is ,ery
#o >ust around /2. +he purchasin! poer has !one don. +he ,a#ue of
our sa#ary siG years %ack and no if e make a simp#e compare, our
sa#ary is nothin! compared to pri,ate market
6) +here are near#y (5( items in the consumer %asket for determination of
consumer price indeG, in rea# terms the essentia# items for determination
of -"I shou#d ha,e %een on#y 5( items as per need %ased a!es, %y
keepin! a ,ast items in the %asket the actua# price rise is not ref#ected.
7) +he $isce##aneous artic#es ei!ht a!e accounts for (52. the food
artic#es accounts for 542 ei!ht a!e. ?,en if the rise in food artic#es is
there, the cost of +V, -omputer, and $o%i#e etc here there is reduction
is takin! p#ace, thus depri,in! of the actua# increase in -"I. ;,era## the
-onsumer "rice IndeG for the Bank 7 :o,t. ?mp#oyees is not
satisfactory, this has depri,ed us of the actua# .A D a!es
8) +he actua# cost of the !oods at ,i##a!es and the cities are different#y
different +he cost of one k! of tomato i## cost around Rs 15 in a ,i##a!e
after it %rou!ht to a retai#s shop in a city it is so#d at Rs 4)71 per k!. +he
ei!ht a!e of >ust ()2 is not correct it shou#d %e 4)2.
9) +he ho#e system of the A## India -onsumer "rice IndeG Num%er for
Industria# Borkers 6-"I1IB8 on %ase ())1@1)) D .A formu#a for the
:o,ernment emp#oyees is ron! and needs a re#ook
10) as in case of petro# prices as and hen the internationa# crude is
increasin! the oi# companies raise their prices of petro#, so no %urden on
them, same shou#d %e the case of %ank emp#oyees &! &(- 01+(
"1+ AICPI #(%*+&!+ "1+( "1+ DA !1'/- &"',&"#%&//9 #(%*+&!+ +3+*9
,'("1 &(- ('" &3+*&4+ '$ @&*"+* &(- "1+ B&!#% P&9 !1'/- .+
!#"&./9 #(%*+&!+- 0#"1 &22*'2*#&"+ ,+*4+* L/'&-#(4 "' "&?+ %&*+
11) In ,ie of the eGistin! system of &uarter#y a,era!e %ein! accepted
%eteen the parties to the ne!otiations rectify the same as pointed %y a
reader C',2+(!&"#'( $'* #(%*+&!+ #( AICPI #( "1+ $'*, '$ D7A7 ,!"
.+ ('" /+!! "1&( 0715% +&%1 !/&. '$ 5 2'#("! #( "1+ 1B80M100 !+*#+!7 I"
0#// .+ !#%#-&/ "' &4*++ $'* 0710% &(- #$ "1+*+ #! &(9 2!9%1'/'4#%&/
.&**#+* "' &%%+2" 0715%, "1+( 0715% #(%*+&!+ $'* +&%1 !/&. ,&9 .+
#(!#!"+- 2'( &(- &%1#+3+-7
12) No fina##y #et us anser the &uestion of !o,ernment payin!
capacity. ;ne can find co!ent artic#e and throu!h ana#ysis, contri%uted
%y e%u##ient %ank emp#oyee up#oaded %y to A## Bankin! So#ution .com.
!i,in! Perfor#ance highlight$ of $pecific para#eter$ of Public Sector
Ban%$ in &.'.2(12)13
SeeA source
+his thou!htfu# artic#e re,ea#s the fo##oin! ina#iena%#e truth
S"&$$ C'!" &! %',2&*+- "' T'"&/ I(%',+ #! '(/9 1075=% #( &// P./#%
S+%"'* B&(?!
P*'3#!#'(! L C'("#(4+(%#+! &*+ 1#41+* "1&( "1+ S"&$$ C'!" #( &//
P./#% S+%"'* B&(?!7
P*'3#!#'(! L C'("#(4+(%#+! %'(!"#""+ 11788% '$ "1+ T'"&/ I(%',+ #(
P./#% S+%"'* B&(?!7
"ro,isions ha,e a direct %earin! on Net "rofit and a#so the #e,era!e for
!i,in! hi!her compensation to the %ank staff.
?Gcept the pro,isions made for termina# %enefits 6and a!e arrears, if
Bank staffs are in no ay responsi%#e for keepin! hi!her pro,isions.
E3+( #$ &--#"#'(&/ 2% '$ T'"&/ I(%',+ #! !2&*+- $'* 1#?+ #( S"&$$
B+(+$#"! '$ P./#% S+%"'* B&(?!, #" 0#// &,'(" "' R!712, 266718
16> *nly our de#and of 25 + hi%e can co#pen$ate to $o#e extent the
ero$ion in real ,age$ due to inflation a$ explained belo,
Inf#ation in simp#e terms is the rise in prices of ,arious !oods o,er a period of
time. Hoe,er, if e,eryoneNs income ent up %y the amount of the prices, then
no pro%#em ou#d arise eGcept that in nomina# terms thin!s ou#d seem more
eGpensi,e. +he difficu#ty arises hen some peop#e !ain out of inf#ation.
+ypica##y in inf#ation, the prices rise faster than the a!es do. In other ords,
those ho ha,e property income #ike profits and rent, !ain more than the
others. Actua##y, the properties !ain at the eGpense of the a!e and sa#ary
earners. +hrou!h indeGation of a!es to prices, the orkers try to protect
themse#,es. Hoe,er, this is usua##y not enou!h. =urther, as soon as inf#ation
#e,e#s reach into dou%#e di!its, there is pressure to %reak this #ink. =ina##y, in
India 9)2 of the ork force is in the unor!aniFed sectors and is una%#e to
protect its income from the ra,a!es of inf#ation.
Basica##y inf#ation is caused due to to %road reasonsA
+he Pcost pushN !i,en to the prices of key inputs #ike petro#, coa#, stee# etc. By
the !o,ernment hich trans#ates into an esca#ation of prices a## around, and
increase in the supp#y of currency circu#atin! in the economy resu#tin! in Ptoo
much money chasin! too fe !oodsN. =or eGamp#e, the money supp#y in the
economy is increased hene,er the !o,ernment faces a shorta!e of funds to
%a#ance its eGpenditure. +he impetus for this comes either %ecause some
import prices ha,e risen 6#ike, petro#eum !oods8 or mar!ins of trade and
industry ha,e risen or there is a %ott#eneck in supp#y #eadin! to increased
mar!ins 6#ike, drou!ht or f#oods or specu#ation8.
A c#ose eGamination of the economy re,ea#s a num%er of additiona# cu#pritsA
+he indiscriminate increases in indirect taGes affectin! prices of essentia#
commodities, and the entry of ,ast amounts of %#ack money in the trade of
,arious !oods and increased specu#ation in rea# estate.
E3+( "1+ C'(!,+* P*#%+ I(-+H ,&9 ('" *+$/+%" "1+ *+&/ *&"+ '$ #($/&"#'(,
&! +H2+*#+(%+- .9 %',,'( 2+'2/+, $'* !+3+*&/ *+&!'(!7 F#*!", "1+ .&!?+" '$
%',,'-#"#+! "1&" #! %1'!+( $'* "1+ 2*2'!+ '$ ,+&!*#(4 2*#%+ *#!+ ,&9 ('"
*+$/+%" &%"&/ %'(!,2"#'( 2&""+*(! N +#"1+* "1+ %',,'-#"#+! ,&9 .+
-#$$+*+(", '* "1+ 0+#41"&4+ 4#3+( "' +&%1 %',,'-#"9 ,&9 .+ -#$$+*+("7
S+%'(-/9, "1+ *+2'*"#(4 '$ 2*#%+! $*', 3&*#'! %+("+*! ,&9 .+ (-+*!"&"+-7
A "1#*- *+&!'( #! '(+ "1&" #! 2&*"#%/&*/9 *+/+3&(" ('0, 01+( "1+*+ #! *&2#-
2*#%+ *#!+ #( +!!+("#&/ %',,'-#"#+!) D*#(4 !%1 & 2+*#'-, -+!2#"+ "1+
1#41+* 2*#%+!, 2+'2/+ %&(('" 4*+&"/9 *+-%+ "1+#* %'(!,2"#'( '$ !%1
%',,'-#"#+! ;"1+ "+*, !+- #! "1&" J-+,&(- #! #(+/&!"#% #( *+/&"#'( "' 2*#%+
%1&(4+!O>P %'(!+@+("/9, #( "1+#* "'"&/ .&!?+" '$ %'(!,2"#'(, %',,'(
2+'2/+ %" .&%? ,'*+ '( '"1+* %',,'-#"#+!7 I( "1&" %&!+, +3+( #$ "1+
%'(!,2"#'( .&!?+" $'* CPI 0+*+ #(#"#&//9 %'**+%", #" 0'/- 4+" *&2#-/9
'"-&"+- -*#(4 !%1 & 2+*#'-7 L+" ! &!!,+ "1&" $''- #"+,! 1&3+ &
0+#41" '$ 80 '" '$ 100 #( & %'(!,+* 2*#%+ #(-+HP 01+( 2*#%+! '$ $''- *#!+
*&2#-/9, $''- #"+,! ,#41" &%"&//9 %'(!,+ :0 2+* %+(" '$ "1+ +H2+(-#"*+
'$ "1&" !+%"#'( '$ %'(!,+*!7 ." "1+ #($/&"#'( *&"+ 0'/- !"#// .+ %&/%/&"+-
&! #$ "1+9 '(/9 ,&-+ 2 80 2+* %+(", &(- 1+(%+ "1+ '$$#%#&/ *&"+ 0'/-
(-+*!"&"+ "1+ *+&/ %'(!,+* 2*#%+ #($/&"#'(7 T1#! #! '(+ *+&!'( 019
2+'2/+ $++/ "1+ '$$#%#&/ *&"+! 1&3+ /#""/+ "' -' 0#"1 "1+ *+&/ *&"+ "1+9
+H2+*#+(%+, &(- "1+ #,2&%" '$ #" '( "1+#* /#3+!7 ;A('"1+* *+&!'( #!, '$
%'*!+, "1+ $&%" "1&" ,'!" %',,'( 2+'2/+ &*+ &/*+&-9 1&3#(4 -#$$#%/"9
,&?#(4 +(-! ,++"7 I( !%1 %#*%,!"&(%+! +3+( & K,'-+*&"+I 2*#%+ *#!+ %&(
2!1 "1+, '3+* "1+ +-4+ #("' -#*+ 2'3+*"97>
SourceA kno !#o%a#iFation %eyond >ar!on pu%#ished me for my union on (41<1
Bith this understandin! #et us !rimace and !#oss throu!h Inf#ation %y country 7
1 +he inf#ation ta%#es %e#o features and o,er,ie of the inf#ation %y
country in ())/ D ()1*A +he inf#ation rate is %ased upon the consumer
price indeG 6-"I8.
CPI inflation 2006 by country / region
current inf#ation 7 country
annua# inf#ation 6dec
,s. dec8
a,era!e inf#ation
-"I inf#ation Austria ())/ 1.49 2 1.44 2
-"I inf#ation Be#!ium ())/ 1./4 2 1.<9 2
-"I inf#ation BraFi# ())/ *.14 2 4.() 2
-"I inf#ation -anada ())/ 1./< 2 (.)1 2
-"I inf#ation -hi#e ())/ (.5< 2 *.4) 2
-"I inf#ation -hina ())/ (.41 2 1./5 2
-"I inf#ation -Fech Repu%#ic
1.<4 2 (.55 2
-"I inf#ation .enmark ())/ 1.41 2 1.49 2
-"I inf#ation ?stonia ())/ 5.14 2 4.44 2
-"I inf#ation =in#and ())/ (.() 2 1.5< 2
-"I inf#ation =rance ())/ 1.5* 2 1./4 2
-"I inf#ation :ermany ())/ 1.*9 2 1.54 2
-"I inf#ation :reat Britain
(.9< 2 (.** 2
-"I inf#ation :reece ())/ (.91 2 *.() 2
-"I inf#ation Hun!ary ())/ /.5) 2 *.9( 2
-"I inf#ation Ice#and ())/ <.)* 2 /./4 2
CPI #($/&"#'( I(-#& 2008 8756 % 57:B %
CPI inflation Indonesia 2006 6.60 % 13.34 %
-"I inf#ation Ire#and ())/ 4.9* 2 *.94 2
-"I inf#ation Israe# ())/ 1).1) 2 (.1( 2
-"I inf#ation Ita#y ())/ 1.4< 2 (.)9 2
-"I inf#ation 'apan ())/ ).*) 2 ).(4 2
-"I inf#ation LuGem%our!
(.*4 2 (./< 2
-"I inf#ation $eGico ())/ 4.)5 2 *./* 2
-"I inf#ation Noray ())/ (.(4 2 (.** 2
-"I inf#ation "o#and ())/ 1.4) 2 1.*1 2
-"I inf#ation "ortu!a# ())/ (.51 2 *.11 2
-"I inf#ation Russia ())/ 9.)( 2 9./9 2
-"I inf#ation S#o,akia ())/ 4.1< 2 4.44 2
-"I inf#ation S#o,enia ())/ (.<< 2 (.4/ 2
-"I inf#ation South Africa
4.4( 2 *.(4 2
-"I inf#ation South 3orea
(.)9 2 (.(4 2
-"I inf#ation Spain ())/ (./< 2 *.5( 2
-"I inf#ation Seden ())/ 1./4 2 1.*/ 2
-"I inf#ation SitFer#and
)./( 2 1.)/ 2
-"I inf#ation +he Nether#ands
1.)) 2 1.1< 2
-"I inf#ation +urkey ())/ 9./5 2 9.59 2
-"I inf#ation United States
(.54 2 *.(4 2
1 See more atA httpA77.inf#ation.eu7inf#ation1rates7cpi1inf#ation1
CPI inflation 2013 by country / region
current inf#ation 7 country
annua# inf#ation 6dec
,s. dec8
a,era!e inf#ation
-"I inf#ation Austria ()1* 1.4< 2 (.)) 2
-"I inf#ation Be#!ium ()1* ).9< 2 1.11 2
-"I inf#ation BraFi# ()1* 5.91 2 /.(1 2
-"I inf#ation -anada ()1* 1.(4 2 ).94 2
-"I inf#ation -hi#e ()1* *.)( 2 1.<9 2
-"I inf#ation -hina ()1* (.51 2 (.5< 2
-"I inf#ation -Fech Repu%#ic
1.4) 2 1.4( 2
-"I inf#ation .enmark ()1* ).<4 2 ).<4 2
-"I inf#ation ?stonia ()1* 1.4) 2 (.<9 2
-"I inf#ation =in#and ()1* 1./1 2 1.44 2
-"I inf#ation =rance ()1* )./9 2 ).4/ 2
-"I inf#ation :ermany ()1* 1.4* 2 1.51 2
-"I inf#ation :reat Britain
(.)) 2 (.5/ 2
-"I inf#ation :reece ()1* 11.<1 2 1).9( 2
-"I inf#ation Hun!ary ()1* ).*< 2 1.<4 2
-"I inf#ation Ice#and ()1* 4.1/ 2 *.44 2
CPI #($/&"#'( I(-#& 2016 B716 % 107B2 %
CPI inflation Indonesia 2013 7.72 % 6.82 %
-"I inf#ation Ire#and ()1* ).() 2 ).5) 2
-"I inf#ation Israe# ()1* 1.44 2 1.55 2
-"I inf#ation Ita#y ()1* ).// 2 1.(( 2
-"I inf#ation 'apan ()1* 1./1 2 ).*/ 2
-"I inf#ation LuGem%our!
1.54 2 1.<4 2
-"I inf#ation $eGico ()1* *.9< 2 *.41 2
-"I inf#ation Noray ()1* (.)4 2 (.1* 2
-"I inf#ation "o#and ()1* ).<* 2 ).99 2
-"I inf#ation "ortu!a# ()1* ).() 2 ).(< 2
-"I inf#ation Russia ()1* /.44 2 /.<< 2
-"I inf#ation S#o,akia ()1* ).4* 2 1.4) 2
-"I inf#ation S#o,enia ()1* )./4 2 1.<< 2
-"I inf#ation South Africa
5.*) 2 5.<< 2
-"I inf#ation South 3orea
1.14 2 1.(4 2
-"I inf#ation Spain ()1* ).(5 2 1.4( 2
-"I inf#ation Seden ()1* ).14 2 1).)4 2
-"I inf#ation SitFer#and
).)< 2 1).(( 2
-"I inf#ation +he Nether#ands
1.<) 2 (.5* 2
-"I inf#ation +urkey ()1* <.4) 2 <.49 2
-"I inf#ation United States
1.5) 2 1.4< 2
T1+ &3+*&4+ #($/&"#'( '$ I(-#& #( 2008) 57:B % *'!+ "' 107B2 % #( 2016
;S++) S'*%+) I(-#&, M#(#!"*9 '$ F#(&(%+, M'("1/9 E%'(',#% R+2'*",
D+%+,.+* 2012> &(- "1+ #($/&"#'( I(-#& #! "1+ 1#41+!" as &.'3+ "&./+
15> P*'%*&!"#(&"#'( I! "1+ C/"*+ '$ T1+ B&(?+*!
W#"1 "1+ 4'3+*(,+("C! $&#/#(4 ,#!+*&./9 "' %*. #($/&"#'( (-+*"&?#(4
%'("*'/ '$ #($/&"#'( *+$'*,! ,-+!2#"+ 2''/ 2*',#!+! &(- 2'/#%9
2*'('(%+,+(" 01#/+ #( 2'0+* "1+*+ #! !"*'(4 %&!+ ,&-+ .9 ! "' "1+
GOVERNMENT CIBA %'(!#-+*#(4 '* D!" -+,&(- '$ 25 % #(%*+&!+
,,'*+ !' 01+( 0&4+! #( '"1+* %'("*#+! #( "1+ "&./+ #! $'* &.'3+ "1+ 0&4+!
2&#- #( I(-#& , -+!2#"+ "1+#* /+!!+* #($/&"#'( *&"+! , +!2+%#&//9 01+( "1+
4/'.&/#F&"#'( , LPG *1+"'*#% &*+ .FF 0'*-! &(- ,&("*&! '$ "1+ !%%+!!#3+
G'3+*(,+(" #( 2'0+* !#(%+ 1BB1, #( *+!2+%" &(9 $&%"'*! ,#(%/-#(4
-+(&"#'(&/#F&"#'( , ,+*4+*! L &%@#!#"#'(! , I(-#&( .&(?! "' &%1#+3+
4/'.&/ !"&(-&*-! +"% ,./&1, ./&1 P./&1 77 +"%, +"%77 77 Q7 #( I(-#&( +%'(',97
M9 &*"#%/+ -+,&(-#(4 5 -&9 %1&*"+* 0#"1 #"! +H1&!"#3+ ,+,'*&(-, "'
4'3+*(,+(" '$ 166 2&4+! 0#"1 #"! 0+// *+!+&*%1+- D!"#$#%&"#'(!, #( "(+
0#"1 "1+ 4/'.&/ "*+(-! #( 3'4+ 01#%1 0&! %'3+*+- #( 6= !'%#&/
(+"0'*?#(4 !#"+! &(- *+%'4(#F+- &(- &22*+%#&"+- #( ,+-#& 0 &! *+D+%"+-
.9 "1+ 4'3+*(,+(" C IBA
A('"1+* &*"#%/+ '$ ,#(+ #( -+,&(-#(4 #(%*+&!+ #( *+"#*+,+(" &4+ $'* 0+//
0#"1 #"! '(%+ 4&#( 0+// *+!+&*%1+- ,+,'*&(-, 0#"1#( 25 1'*! &$"+* "1+
(+0! 2&2+*! 2./#!1+- *+2'*" "1&" "1+ 4'3+*(,+(" #! 2/&((#(4 "' #(%*+&!+
"1+ *+"#*+,+(" &4+ $'* 01'/+ "#,+ -#*+%"'*!, #( %'(!'(&(%+ 0#"1 4/'.&/
"*+(-! #( $'*%+ 01#%1 0&! '(%+ &4&#( %'3+*+- #( 6B !'%#&/ (+"0'*?#(4 !#"+!
&(- ,+-#& is a#so not considered %y the IBA7 :o,ernment com%ine "#// -&"+.
.urin! 199/, on account of Supreme -ourt 'ud!ement in the matter of Stee#
Authority of India Vs Union of India, the appointment on compassionate
!round as not to %e c#aimed as a matter of ri!ht, %ut mana!ement to offer it on
the %asis of the PpenuryN and PprecariousN #i,in! conditions of the fami#y of the
deceased emp#oyee. +he :o,ernment of India, ad,ised a## "u%#ic Sector Banks
to adhere to the spirit of the Supreme -ourt 'ud!ement on compassionate
appointment. +hey a#so #aid don penury norms for appointment on
compassionate !rounds. Hoe,er, in case of death hi#e on duty, on account of
dacoity, ,io#ence, ro%%ery etc., compassionate appointment as e## as cash
compensation as made a,ai#a%#e.
Su%se&uent#y, %ased on the recommendations of the IBA, "ayment of eG1!ratia
to the dependent fami#y mem%ers, instead of appointment as introduced
durin! ())5.
;ne of the reasons for depri,in! the appointment as, the IBA $ana!in!
-ommittee fe#t that, such appointments i## di#ute the efficiency of the Bank.
After protracted stru!!#es, strikes e,er since this no%#e scheme, pre,a#ent in
:o,ernment ser,ices as annu##ed on#y in %anks since 199/, U=BU su%mitted
scheme for compassionate appointments in "u%#ic Sector Banks at par ith
!o,ernment emp#oyeesN scheme on )*1)41())4 eGp#ainin! and >ustifyin! the
reintroduction ith rationa#e and #o!ic.
?,en this no%#e scheme as considered %y the !o,ernment after repeated
memorandums, de#e!ations , stru!!#es on#y after 14 years , on#y ,ery recent#y
durin! 'u#y ()14. +his in &uintessence shos the cu#ture of procrastination of
the IBA7 Bankers com%ine.
-eedle$ to under$core here that in re$pect abo.e three de#and$/ introduction
of 5 day ,ee% at par ,ith go.ern#ent e#ployee$ / increa$ing retire#ent age/
and introduction of co#pa$$ionate appoint#ent $che#e in ban%$ at par ,ith
central go.ern#ent $che#e$/ during negotiation$/ a$ the circular$ the union
re.eal$ "B0 ha$ con$i$tently adapted either neutral or agreed (,ithout
a$$urance$! fa.ourable reco##endation to the 1o.ern#ent/ ,hich ,a$
%ept in cold $torage by the 1o.ern#ent for #any year$. 0$ #entioned abo.e
barring co#pa$$ionate appoint#ent $che#e /that too after 12 year$ / none of
the $o called fa.orable reco##endation by "B0 in re$pect other t,o
i#portant de#and$ #entioned abo.e/ ,hich doe$ not co$t any exche3uer to
the ban%$/ ha.e been con$idered by the 1o.ern#ent till date.
T1&" .+#(4 "1+ %&!+, /'4#%&//9 '* -+,&(- !1'/- .+ '( 4/'.&/ !"&(-&*-! &!
&22/#%&./+ "' .&(? +,2/'9++! #( '* %'("*#+!7 7 S#(%+ #" ,9 /''? "'2#&(,
'* &,.#"#'!, -+!#*&./+ ." ('" 2'!!#./+ 0+ 1&3+ %'(!"*#%"+- '* -+,&(-
"' "1&" "'' #( D!" 25 % 1#?+ #( 2&9 !/#2 %',2'(+("! %&(('" *+D+%"+- '"
*#41"/9 .9 IBA 0#"1'" -#&/'4+ &(- -#!%!!#'(, -#!*+4&*-#(4 1#!"'*#%
"*&-#"#'(! '$ .#/&"+*#!, &(- .#2&*"#"+ '( !2*#'! &(- D+!" 4*'(-!7 I! "1#!
('" -'./+ "&/? '* 2+--/#(4 #( !'21#!"*9R A" 01'!+ #(!"&(%+R
15> L+&*( $'*, 1#!"'*9)

=riends ,
Be #earn from history as e## as fai# to #earn from history sometimes history
repeats itse#f. +he rea#ity under#yin! the edifice and #ife of tradition mo,ement
in India is that nothin! is e,er sett#ed and methodica# in #a%our matters in our
country. +he #itt#e achie,ements e ha,e secured re&uired %itter stru!!#es
%efore each inch of pro!ress cou#d %e made. +hrou!hout this mi##ennium of
stru!!#es runs one red thread of continuity and synonimity T struggle-suess-
History records that hen the year 194< itnessed industria# unrest in the
country on an a#most unprecedented sca#e and the num%er of man days #ost
durin! the year as 1/./ mi##ion, the hi!hest recorded since 19*9. "roduction
had a#so fa##en a## round and the en!ineerin! and manufacturin! concerns. ;f
Pproduce or perish as raised. In .ec. 194<. the :o,t. of India ca##ed a
tripartite conference of representati,es of the contro# and state :o,ts.
?mp#oyees, emp#oyers in order to consider hat action shou#d %e taken to
remedy the situation.
+he conference unanimous#y adopted hat has since come to %e knon
Industria# +ruce reso#ution. +he o%>ect of that reso#ution as to recommend
measures to arrest the rapid. .eterioration in re#ations %eteen emp#oyers and
#a%our and to ensure conditions that ou#d encoura!e production, hich as so
,ita# to the economy of the country, cou#d not %e achie,ed ithout the fu##est
corporation %eteen #a%our and mana!ement.
In consonance ith I+R, the =air a!es committee and profit sharin! %onus
committee, hich ere tripartite in character, ere constituted %y the centra#
+he report of this committee forms an important #and mark in the e,o#ution of
the a!e #e,e# and the a!e structure in Indian industry. Its main task as to
define the Pfair a!eN in Industry, %ut in its terms of reference it as asked to
state in addition hat as understand %yA
a8 $inimum a!e
%8 =air a!e
c8 Li,in! a!e
+hese concepts ere eGp#ained %y me ith !reat detai#s in 'US+I=-+I;N 1 of
this series
+he eGperts committed ere of the ,ie that the #e,e# of nationa# income at
that time doe not permits payment of #i,in! a!e. In decidin! the &uestion as to
hether the Li,in! a!e has %een introduced %y any emp#oyer the eGperts
opined as per studies re,ea#O #" ('" .+ (+%+!!&*9 "' +H&,#(+ "1+ 0&4+
!"*%"*+ 2&#- "' "1+ *+/+3&(" 0'*?#(4 %/&!! &! & 01'/+ 7I" #! 0+//
+!"&./#!1+- "1&" "1+ %/&#, $'* .'(! #! *+%'4(#F+- '( "1+ .&!#! '$ "1+
%'("*#."#'( ,&-+ .9 "1+ 0'*?#(4 &! & 01'/+ "' "1+ 2*'$#"! '$ "1+ +,2/'9+*
&(- 0+ "1#(? '$ 0#// .+ #(3#-#'! &(- '( 2*#(%#2/+! (*+&!'(&./+ "' #!'/&"+
& $+0 %&!+! 01+*+ 1#41+* 0&4+! ,&9 .+ 2&#- &(- "' %/&#, #,,(#"9 $*',
"1+ 2&9,+(" '$ B'(! .
W#"1 "'-&9 &,+(-,+(" "' .'(! &%" .+#(4 '* /'(4 2+(-#(4 -+,&(- +3+*
!#(%+ 1B=8, ('(+ '$ .&(? +,2/'9++! #( !.'*-#(&"+ &(- ('( !.'*-#(&"+
%&-*+ %',#(4 0#"1#( "1+ .'(! %+#/#(4 .*&%?+"! &! &22/#%&./+ &! 2+* &%"!
#( 3'4+, 2&9,+(" '$ B'(! "' .&(? +,2/'9++! $'* "1+ 3&/+ &--+- .9
"1+, #( %*+&"#'( 2*'$#"! 1&! .+%',+ & -#!"&(" -*+&,.
T1!) ,age i$ our drea#5
&air ,age i$ our goal5
6ini#u# ,age i$ our protection5
In ,ie of fact the rea#istic ca#cu#ations as a%o,e ca#cu#ations are %ased on the
sound princip#es #aid %y eGperts committee set %y :o,ernments such as fair
a!es committee 194<, Indian La%our -onference Reso#ution etc hich stand
test time e,en today %efore many a!e %oards, +he in e,ita%#e conc#usion
hich #eads therefore as a coro##ary #! '* -+,&(- '$ 25 % 1#?+ #( 2&9 !/#2
%',2'(+("! #! $&#*, D!" ,++"! +(-! '$ D!"#%+ '$ !+%*#(4 J!" &(- $&#*
0&4+ &(- !1'/- .+ !+#F+- $'*, (9#+/-#(4 1&(-! (' 1'/-! .&**+-
T' .+ %'("#(+- Q7
P7S R+&- ,9 &*"#%/+ "#"/+- JW1&" C'(!"#""+! & R+&!'(&./+ &(- J!"#$#&./+
H#?+ #( B&!#% P&9 #( "1+ 10"1 BPSRO 0*#""+( & 9+&* &4' +3+( .+$'*+ "1+
%',,+(%+,+(" '$ 10 .#2&*"#"+ 0&4+ (+4'"#&"#'(! #( %'(D(%"#'( 0#"1
"1#! &*"#%/+7
SeeA httpA77.a##%ankin!so#utions.com7Ba!e1Re,ision7Qth1Bipartite1
?mai#A am%u>chinuC!

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