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Training material
Training material
of Transportation
of Transportation

-RTC Pune
-RTC Pune
The duties of the Transportation Wing are:-
1.1 To ensure prompt payment of TA/DA as per entitlement to Army
Officers and to facilitate their quic mo!ements so that morale and
efficiency are ept.
1.2 To detect and pre!ent a!oida"le and irregular e#penditure on TA/DA
including those arising out of use of rail$ay $arrants and forms %D&.
The duties of the Transportation Wing are:-
2.1 To audit and pay claims pertaining to the tra!eling allo$ance of -
'a( Army Officers 'including )ursing Officers( in the payment of
*DA 'O(.
)OT+: TA/DA claims of retired Army Officers appointed as *olonels and
*olonels *ommandant of ,egiments/*orps for their mo!es to !isit the -nits
of their ,egiment/*orps $ill also "e dealt $ith in this Wing.
2.2 To pay ad!ances of TA/DA admissi"le under ,ules and to $atch their
2./ To post audit ,ail$ay Warrants0 1orms %D& and *oncessional
!ouchers recei!ed from !arious ,ail$ays audit offices.
2.2 To audit and pay claims under ,ule 122 T,s 1331 +dition for
e#penditure in connection $ith transportation of gauges tools0 records.. etc.
2.4 To post audit TA/DA claims of Army Officers ser!ing $ith 5ndian
+m"assies/6issions a"road other than ser!ing $ith 7igh *ommission in the
-nited 8ingdom.
2.9 The audit and payment of claims on account of daily allo$ance of
officers undergoing courses of instructions less than 1:; days in authori<ed
Army =chool of 5nstruction.
/. The distri"ution of $or in the !arious =ections of this Wing is "ased
on the ending num"er of the officer&s Account )o. 1or e.g. A/c )o.191241
$ill "e maintained in =ection 1. 7o$e!er0 account of an officer of the ran
of >rig and a"o!e are centrally maintained in one =ection i. e. T- 11 section.
2. *laim on account of TA/DA etc are audited and passed for payment.
5f the amount authori<ed for payment is more than ,s.?233/- a separate
cheque for the amount $ill "e issued to the officer&s nominated "aners. 5f
the amount is less than and equal to ,s.?233/- the same is credited in the
5,@A of the officer. 7o$e!er0 cheques for the payment of ad!ance
requisitions $ill "e issued $ithin 22 hours of the receipt.
4. Officers are required to su"mit the ad.ustment claims for the ad!ances
taen "y them $ithin the stipulated period i.e. At. Duty claim $ithin one
year from the date of completion of .ourney0 temporary duty claim $ithin 14
days of issue of DO At 55 promulgating regulari<ation of the mo!e and @T*
claims $ithin 14 days from the date of completion of .ourney. 5f the claim is
not recei!ed $ithin stipulated period a %>ill call memo $ill "e issued and
action $ill "e taen to reco!er the ad!ance from the Aay of the officer along
$ith penal interest.
'a( Conveyane : On free ,ail$ay Warrant from old to ne$ duty
station "y direct route for self and family.
'"( *lass of accommodation on transfer
!" Rev#$e% o&%e&$ on '&ave( en'#'(e)en'$ *y '&a#n +#', e--e' -&o) .1
Se/ .01
*OA=/B*OA=/Army *drs
C equi!alent/DDA16= and
officers of ran of 6a. Den
C a"o!e $ith Drade Aay
,s.1;;;;/- and a"o!e
A* 5 class
Officers dra$ing Drade Aay
,s.?9;;0 ,s.:?;; and
,s.:3;; '@t *ol to >rig(
A* 5 class
Officers dra$ing Drade Aay
,s.42;;0 ,s.91;; and
,s.99;; '@t to 6a.(
A* 55 tier class
The re!ised tra!el entitlements are su".ect to the follo$ing:
'i( 5n case of places not connected "y rail0 tra!el "y A* "us is
admissi"le for all those entitled to tra!el "y A* 55 Tier and
a"o!e0 "y train.
'ii( 5n case of road tra!el "et$een places connected "y rail0 tra!el
"y any means of pu"lic transport is allo$ed0 pro!ided the total
fare does not e#ceed the train fare "y the entitled class.
'iii( All officers are allo$ed to tra!el "elo$ their entitled class of
Orders in respect of 6)= officers are a$aited.
!GoI5 MoD (e''e& No. 1266.2Mov C267672D !Mov"2.0 %a'e% 28 De .0"
)OT+ - An additional fare/free $arrant "y the entitled class at the time of
initial mo!e for "oth on$ard and return .ourney $ill "e allo$ed for .ourney
to the pre!ious duty station for "ringing his family in case an officer has to
lea!e his family "ehind due to non-a!aila"ility of accommodation at the ne$
duty station.
9.1 Roa% M#(ea9e A((o+ane1
1or the .ourney performed "y road "et$een stations not connected "y
rail0 mileage allo$ance at the follo$ing scale is admissi"le. One mileage if
t$o mem"ers accompany the officer and one more mileage if more than t$o
mem"ers accompany the officer. This $ill "e restricted to the actual ta#i
The Drade Aay ranges for tra!el "y pu"lic "us/ auto
ricsha$/scooter/motorcycle/full ta#i/ta#i/o$n car as indicated "elo$:
my *drs
= and
Drade Aay
and a"o!e
'i.e. 6a.
Den C
Actual fare "y any type of pu"lic "us
including A* "us
at prescri"ed rates of A* ta#i $hen
the .ourney is actually performed "y
A* Ta#i
at prescri"ed rates for auto ricsha$
for .ourneys "y auto ricsha$0 o$n
scooter0 motor cycle0 moped etc.
Drade Aay
'@t to
=ame as a"o!e $ith the e#ception that
.ourneys "y A* ta#i $ill not "e
6ileage Allo$ance for road .ourneys shall "e regulated at the follo$ing
rates in places $here no specific rates ha!e "een prescri"ed either "y
Director of Transport of the concerned state or of the neigh"ouring states:
1or .ourneys
performed in
o$n car/ta#i
,s.19 per m
1or .ourneys
performed "y
scooter etc.
,s.: per m
'Do50 6oD letter )o. 129/;/6o! *//?/?/D '6o!(/;: dated 23 Dec
;:(,e!ised entitlements for .ourney "y road $.e.f. ;1 =ep ;: ',ule 1;20 1;9
and 111 T,(
6.2 Rev#$e% en'#'(e)en'$ -o& A#& Jo;&ney a$ /e& SPC o&%e&$
+#', e--e' -&o) .1 Se/ .01
*OA=/B*OA=/Army *drs C
equi!alent/DDA16= and officers of ran of
6a. Den C a"o!e $ith Drade Aay ,s.1;;;;/-
and a"o!e
>usiness/*lu" class
Officers dra$ing Drade Aay ,s. ?9;;0 ,s.:?;;
and ,s.:3;; '@t *ol to >rig(
+conomy class
Officers dra$ing Drade Aay ,s.42;;0 ,s.91;;
and ,s.99;; '@t to 6a.(
+conomy class
)ote 1: $.e.f 1/ Eul ;30 in all cases of air tra!el0 "oth domestic C
international0 .ourney "y Air 5ndia only is admissi"le.
)ote 2: $.e.f. ;? =ept ;3 all .ourneys "y air $ill tae place only "y
economy class0 irrespecti!e of the entitlement.
6.6 Jo;&ney$ *y Sea o& *y R#ve& S'ea)e&1
a( All ser!ice officers in first grade - 7ighest class
!*"Ao))o%a'#on en'#'(e)en' -o& '&ave( *e'+een )a#n (an% an%
',e An%a)an < N#o*a& 9&o;/ o- I$(an%$ an% ',e 4a:$,%+ee/ 9&o;/ o-
I$(an% *y $,#/$ o/e&a'e% *y ',e S,#//#n9 Co&/o&a'#on o- In%#a 4#)#'e%
#$ a$ ;n%e& 1
All ser!ice officers in first grade - Delu#e class
6.= Co)/o$#'e T&an$-e& G&an'
Rev#$e% en'#'(e)en' o- CTG a$ /e& SPC o&%e&$ +.e.-. .1 Se/ .01
The *TD shall "e equal to one monthFs Aay in the Aay >and0 Drade
Aay0 6ilitary =er!ice Aay C )AA 'if any(0 in case of transfer in!ol!ing a
change of station located at a distance of or more than 2; ms from each
Arior to ;1 =ep ;:0 only one Transfer Drant $as admissi"le if transfer
of hus"and and $ife taes place $ithin si# months from each other from the
same place to same place. 7o$e!er0 $.e.f. ;1 =ep ;:0 in cases of "oth
hus"and and $ife transferred from same place to same place $ithin 9
months0 "ut after 9; days of the transfer of the spouse0 4;G of the *TD on
transfer shall "e allo$ed to the spouse transferred later. )o transfer grant
shall "e admissi"le to the spouse transferred later0 in case "oth the transfers
are ordered $ithin 9; days.
The e#isting pro!isions shall continue to "e applica"le in case of
transfers after a period of si# months or more.
Other rules precluding *TD in case of transfer at o$n request or
transfer other than in pu"lic interest0 shall continue to apply unchanged in
their case.
'Do50 6oD letter )o. 129/;/6o! *//?/?/D '6o!(/;: dated 23 Dec
6.> T&an$/o&'a'#on o- Pe&$ona( E--e'$
T&an$/o&'a'#on o- /e&$ona( e--e'$ a$ /e& SPC o&%e&$ +.e.-. .1 $e/
Army *drs C equi!alent/
DDA16= and officers
dra$ing Drade Aay of
,s.?9;; and a"o!e
'@t *ol to @t Den(
9;;; gs "y goods
train/2 $heeler
$agon/1 dou"le
',s;.;;/ per g
per m.(
Officers dra$ing Drade
Aay of ,s.42;;0 ,s.91;;
and ,s.99;;
'@t0 *apt and 6a.(
9;;; gs "y goods
train/ 2 $heeler
$agon/1 single
',s;.;;/ per g
per m.(
The rates for transporting the entitled $eight "y =teamer $ill "e equal
to the pre!ailing rates prescri"ed "y such transport in ships operated "y
=hipping *orporation of 5ndia.
The rates of transportation of personal effects shall automatically
increase "y 24G $hene!er Dearness Allo$ance paya"le on the re!ised pay
structure goes up "y 4;G.

=A* orders for 6)= officers are a$aited.
(GoI, MoD letter No. 12630/Mov C/3737/D (Mov)/08 dated 29 Dec
)OT+: With effect from 12/2/2;;90 the =er!ice Ta# and +ducation *ess
included in the "ill is reim"ursed upto the permissi"le limit of the claim. 5f a
"ill is for ,s.14;;;/- "ut the admissi"le amount as per is ,s.1;0;;;/-0 the
ser!ice ta# and education cess $ill "e reim"ursed for ,s.1;0;;;/- only in
addition to transportation charges.
6.6 Conveyane o- o+n Ca&2Soo'e&2Mo'o& y(e e'.
'a( 5f the car is con!eyed "y ,ail0 the officer $ill "e entitled to actual cost
of transporting his car at ,ail$ays ris0 and for motor cycle/scooter
e#penditure on transportation "y passenger train are fully reim"ursa"le0 as
per ,ail$ay ,eceipt.
'"( 5f the *ar/=cooter0 etc is con!eyed "y road "et$een stations connected
"y ,ail.
-nder its o$n propulsion @oaded in a Truc
'i( *ar
,oad mileage0 !i< Ta#i rate at the ,oad mileage !i< Ta#i rate at the
=tarting station fi#ed "y the ,TO starting station fi#ed "y ,TO or
or +B8 charges $hiche!er is less +B8 charges or actual e#penditure
$hiche!er is less
'ii( =cooter/6otor *ycle
,oad mileage0 !i< ,icsha$ ,oad mileage0 !i< ,icsha$
charges fi#ed "y the ,TO at the charges fi#ed "y the ,TO at the
starting station or ,ail charges station or actual e#penditure or ,ail
$hiche!er is less charges $hiche!er is less.
)OT+ 1- 1or places not connected "y ,ail0 Ta#i/,icsha$ *harges as the
case may "e or the actual e#penditure $hiche!er is less $ill "e admissi"le.
A certificate from the ,TO regarding the Ta#i/,icsha$ rate during the
period of mo!e is required.
)OT+ 2- 5f the car is con!eyed under o$n propulsion and officer and family
mem"ers are tra!eling in the same car they are not eligi"le for separate
mileage for themsel!es.
)OT+ /- *on!eyance of one !ehicle is only allo$ed.
6.7 T&an$-e& +#',#n ',e $a)e !on'#9;o;$ $'a'#on".
a. 5f no change of residence The officer is not entitled to TA/DA
is in!ol!ed etc as per permanent duty.
". 5f change of residence is i( Actual e#penditure limited to ,oad
in!ol!ed mileage allo$ance for self C family.
ii( Actual e#penditure limited to
cartage charges for con!eyance of
iii( 5n case of transfer to a stations
$hich are at a distance of less than 2;
ms from the old station and of
transfer $ithin the same city *TD
$ill "e restricted to 1//
of pay
pro!ided change of residence is
6.0 TA2DA on &e'#&e)en' e'.
1. ,etirement.
2. Transfer to ,eser!e.
/. Discharge.
2. ,eduction in +sta"lishment.
4. 5n!alidment from =er!ice.
1or a"o!e mo!es0 officers are entitled to the TA/DA as per
permanent duty scale.
)OT+ 1- =ince free rail$ay $arrant is not permissi"le0 officers ha!e to
perform .ourney on cash "asis and claim for Tra!elling allo$ance C
con!eyance allo$ance of "aggage.
)OT+ 2- )o ad!ance of TA/DA is admissi"le.
)OT+ / -*OA= may at his discretion authori<e free con!eyance on $arrant
to the rail$ay station nearest to the indi!idual&s home plus "aggage equal to
,1A to ser!ice officers on their Dismissal or remo!al from ser!ice.
6.8 I)/o&'an' Po#n'$1? Pe&)anen' D;'y C(a#)$
1( Duty .ourney 'e#cept retirement .ourney( is to "e performed "y using
2( Eourney can "e performed under o$n arrangements $ithout using
$arrant $ith the sanction of the controlling officer in terms of ,ule 2? 'iii(
T,s. *ost of $arrant can "e reim"ursed pro!ided the officer incurs
e#penditure on the method of tra!el adopted and no e#tra e#pense is caused
to the state. When the .ourney is performed "y rail0 cost of $arrant or actual
e#penditure $hiche!er is less reim"ursed0 $hen it is performed "y mode
other than "y rail0 actual e#penses/road mileage/cost of $arrant $hiche!er is
least is reim"ursed.
/( Officers posted to field/modified field area can opt to retain the family
at old duty station or send them to 7ome To$n/=A,/=1A.
2( 5f the officers are posted to 1ield/6odified 1ield areas and allotted
Do!t. "uilt married accommodation in those areas free con!eyance of
family/"aggage/car to the duty station is allo$ed.
4( @ien on con!eyance of family/"aggage/car etc is si# months0 to "e
calculated from the date on $hich the officer mo!es. @ien period can "e
e#tended upto a ma#imum of one year "y competent authority including
sanction for e#tension of lien on con!eyance of family/"aggage on academic
grounds. 1ull po$ers for e#tension of lien period on con!eyance are !ested
$ith H.6.D.
9( 5n case "oth hus"and and $ife are *entral Do!t. ser!ants and are
transferred at the same time or $ithin si# months from one and the same old
duty to the same ne$ duty station0 TA $ill "e admissi"le to only one of
them0 the other "eing treated as a mem"er of family. 5n any case0 for the
purpose of personal effects "oth hus"and and $ife together $ill "e entitled
to the full quantity of "aggage.
6.1. Do;)en'$ 'o *e ao)/an#e% +#', ',e (a#)
1( *laim in the prescri"ed format I 5A11-1?14 duly countersigned "y
the controlling officer.
2( Aosting order issued "y A7Hrs.
/( 6o!ement order.
2( ,ail$ay receipts or consignment )ote and *ash ,eceipts issued "y
the Transport *ompany for con!eyance of "aggage/car/scooter etc.
4( Allotment letter at Do!t. "uilt married accommodation in case posted
to field/modified field area.
9( =anction under ,ule 2? 'iii( T, required if .ourney is performed "y
rail under o$n arrangements0 class of accommodation in $hich tra!eled0
ticet )o C A), )o has to "e indicated. 5f .ourney is performed "y a mode
of con!eyance other than rail0 proof of e#penditure is required.
?( )A* of Do!t. accommodation at the time of posting and allotment
letter of accommodation at ne$ duty station0 if additional fare is claimed.
:( Air Ticets/and in the a"sence of air ticet certificate from airlines0
authority certifying details of .ourney and e#penditure incurred.
3( Ta#i receipt/>us Ticet.
7. Te)/o&a&y D;'y1?
?.1 Definition- +#cept $here other$ise specifically stated0 any mo!e on
duty $hich as per the e#pectation of the ordering authority is that the
indi!idual shall do duty in the station to $hich his mo!e is ordered for a
period of 1:; days or less than 1:; days is classified as temporary duty. 5f
and $hen the temporary duty e#ceeds 1:; days the mo!e can "e reclassified
as permanent.
?.2 TA En'#'(e)en'
Air-,ail-,oad .ourney entitlement same as for permanent duty mo!e.
,oad mileage is ho$e!er not admissi"le if Do!t. Transport is pro!ided. One
road mileage each "et$een 7Hrs/,esidence at 7Hrs =tation to ,ail$ay
=tation/Air Aort/>us =tand and !ice !ersa dependent upon points "et$een
$hich .ourney is performed. 1or local .ourney performed at the tour station0
no ,6A is admissi"le. ,6A is admissi"le at Ta#i/,icsha$ charges as per
,TO rates of the station.
?./ Da#(y A((o+ane -o& @o;&ney :
Eourney DA at ordinary rate $ill "e admissi"le as under:
i( 1or .ourney less than 9 hours - )o DA.
ii( 1or .ourney e#ceeding 9 hours "ut - ?;G DA
less than 12 hours 'upto 12 hours(
iii( 1or .ourney e#ceeding 12 hours - 1ull DA
)ote 1:- Daily allo$ance is di!ided into .ourney DA and halt DA $ith
reference to total period of a"sence from 7Hrs =tation. Total a"sence from
7Hrs =tation is calculated $ith reference to date and time of departure from
7Hrs =tation and the date and time of arri!al at 7Hrs station on completion
of duty. Total a"sence for each calendar day is $ored out from mid-night
to midnight i.e. ;; hrs to 22;; hrs.
)ote 2 - Eourney DA normally $ors out to total a"sence from 7Hrs =tation
minus halt DA at outstation.
)ote / - Eourney DA is al$ays admissi"le at ordinary rates.
)ote 2 - 5( 5f the officer is pro!ided $ith free messing '"oarding( and
accommodation 'lodging( 24G of the halt DA is admissi"le.
ii( 5f pro!ided only free messing '"oarding( 4;G of the halt DA is
iii( 5f pro!ided only free accommodation 'lodging( ?4G of the halt DA is
admissi"le. This depends on Detention *ertificate issued "y the authorities
of ty. duty station.
)ote 4 - Eourney DA at ordinary rates is also admissi"le for enforced halts
during ty. duty due to flood/rain/sno$fall/landslide/delayed trains or aircrafts
)ote 9 - 1or all types of temporary duties authori<ed under specific
regulation/Do!t. orders0 including attachment for staff duties under 3/ D=,
',ule 119 T,(:
DA is admissi"le as under su".ect to fulfillment of all the other
i( 1irst 1:; days - 1ull DA.
ii( >eyond 1:; days - )o DA.
)ote ? - Appropriate ration money per day $ill "e deducted from the Daily
Allo$ance admissi"le for free ration dra$n during temporary duty.
7o$e!er0 $here the temporary duty station is a non-military station or free
ration is not dra$n0 full DA $ill "e admissi"le pro!ided a certificate to the
effect that ration has not "een dra$n in ind or in cash during ty. duty period
signed "y the officer and countersigned "y O* -nit is produced.
)ote : - W.e.f. 4/?/2;;;0 officers are entitled to 24G of DA $hile
proceeding on temporary duty from peace areas to field areas $hen they are
pro!ided $ith free "oarding and lodging in field areas0 su".ect to the
conditions that they are not entitled to *1AA/*61AA0 =**5A. 5f they are
not pro!ided $ith free lodging and "oarding in field areas full DA is
admissi"le if they are not entitled to *1AA/*61AA/=**5A.
)ote 3 - 1or same day return0 DA is admissi"le at normal rates.
)ote 1; - Only single .ourney fare is admissi"le $hen ty. duty is com"ined
$ith lea!e other than *.@.
?.2 Ra'e o- %a#(y a((o+ane a%)#$$#*(e -o& ,a(' :-
Rev#$e% &a'e$ o- Da#(y A((o+ane a$ /e& SPC o&%e&$ +.e.-. .1 Se/
,eim"ursement per day
/Duest house
charges per day
of Ta#i
charges per day
for tra!el $ithin
1ood "ills
per day
Army *drs C
DDA16= and
officers dra$ing
Drade Aay of
,s.1;;;; and
a"o!e '6a. Den
C @t Den(
upto ,s.4;;; A* Ta#i charges
upto 4; ms
dra$ing Drade
Aay of ,s.?9;;0
,s.:?;; and
'@t *ol to >rig(
upto ,s./;;; )on-A* Ta#i
charges upto 4;
dra$ing Drade
Aay of ,s.42;;0
,s.91;; and
'@t to 6a.(
upto ,s.14;; -pto ,s.14; not
The components of 6ileage allo$ances0 hotel accommodation
charges0 ta#i charges0 food "ills0 including rate for .ourney on foot shall
automatically increase "y 24G $hene!er Dearness Allo$ance paya"le on
the re!ised pay structure goes up "y 4;G.
Orders for 6)= officers are a$aited.
'Do50 6oD letter )o. 129/;/6o! *//?/?/D '6o!(/;: dated 23 Dec ;:(
Officers may prefera"ly stay in *ircuit houses0 6esses0 Do!ernment
Duest houses0 5nspection >ungalo$s etc.0 if they are a!aila"le.
'Do50 6o10 Deptt of +#p letter 1.)o ?'1(/+.*oord/2;;: dated ;1 Oct ;:(
=anction to claim J,ates of Daily Allo$ance on TourJ in accordance
to the pro!isions of re!ised rates as per =A* orders or as per the old rates
pre!alent prior to issue of re!ised rates as per =A* orders has "een accorded
!ide Do50 6oD letter )o. 129/;/6o! */2:9/D '6o!(/;3 dated 14 Apr ;3.
'i( This option $ill "e a!aila"le as a complete pacage for a particular
tour and not "y taing part of either orders. 5n other $ords0 officers may
choose to "e go!erned either "y =A* orders dated 23 Dec ;: or 1ifth Aay
*ommission orders !ide 6oD letter )o.129/;/H 6o! *//13:/D'6o!(/3:
dated 2: Oct 3: on daily allo$ance on tour.
'ii( 5n case the rate of Daily Allo$ance on tour is regulated as per old
rates pre!alent prior to issue of the =A* orders0 the re!ised pay range i.e. pay
in pay "and for the purpose of regulation of Daily Allo$ance only $ould "e
as under:
Pay Ran9e !P&e?&ev#$e%" Rev#$e% Pay #n Pay Ban%
!eA(;%#n9 G&a%e Pay an% MSP"
,s.1902;; and a"o!e ,s./;04;; and a"o!e
,s.:;;; and a"o!e "ut less than
,s.140;;; and a"o!e "ut less than
,s.94;; and a"o!e "ut less than
,s.1204;; and a"o!e "ut less than
'iii( The classification of cities/to$ns0 as per orders pre!alent $ith the old
rates $ill continue to apply.
'Do50 6oD letter )o.129/;/6o! */2:9/D'6o!(/;3 dated 14 Apr ;3(
)OT+ :- The a"o!e rates of DA are admissi"le $ith reference to the
classification for the purpose of **A and ,ule 9; T.,s.
7.> Ba(' DA no' a%)#$$#*(e
1( 1or *@/A@ a!ailed during Temporary duty.
2( >eyond 1:; days.
/( 1or post commission training "efore the officer is posted to regular
2( 1or attending e#amination $hile on lea!e at lea!e station.
4( 1or appearing in o"ligatory departmental e#amination.
9( 1or attachment to other units for the purpose of
in!estigation/disciplinary cases against them unless they perform
some specific duty during such attachment.
?( 1or participating in collecti!e e#ercise training programme
along$ith troops e#cept instructors0 o"ser!ers C spectators.
:( 1or attending War games in field areas.
3( 1or attending training/courses of instructions at 7Hrs =tation.
1;( 1or hospitali<ation period.
11( 1or attending 6edical >oard.
12( 1or attending reunions0 *orps day cele"rations0 ceremonial
parades0 trouping of colours0 anni!ersaries0 dinner day etc.
1/( Attachment on medical grounds.
)OT+:- ,egular 7otel ,eceipt indicating ,egistration )o./=ales Ta# )o. of
7otel etc is required in support of the claim.
?.9 Do;)en'$ 'o *e ao)/an#e% +#', 'y. %;'y (a#).
1( *laim in the prescri"ed format 5A1T-1?19.
2( 6o!e sanction accorded "y authority empo$ered to sanction mo!e
under Appendi# 555 T,.
/( 6o!ement orders.
2( Detention *ertificate.
4( >us Ticet/Ta#i receipt.
9( Air Ticet and in the a"sence of air ticet certificate from airlines
authority certifying details of .ourney and e#penditure incurred.
?( =anction under ,ule 2? 'iii( T, required if .ourney is performed "y
rail under o$n arrangements0 class of accommodation in $hich
tra!eled0 ticet )o C A), )o has to "e indicated. 5f .ourney is
performed "y a mode of con!eyance other than rail proof of
e#penditure is required.
:( ,egular 7otel ,eceipt indicating ,egistration )o./=ales Ta# )o.
of 7otel and ,oom rent and 1ood charges separately0 is
required in support of the claim.
3( 1ood "ills C local ta#i receipts in case of DA claim $.r.t 9*A*
?.? Te)/o&a&y %;'y 4oa( @o;&ney$
A Officers detailed on temporary duty $ithin 7Hrs =tation in!ol!ing
.ourney "eyond : ms one $ay0 $ill "e entitled to:
i( Conveyane1 5f tra!els "y Ta#i0 Ta#i fare restricted to rates
prescri"ed "y ,TO of station for "oth on$ard and return .ourney is
admissi"le0 for .ourney performed "y o$n car ,6A admissi"le0 if
tra!els "y o$n scooter/motor cycle0 ,6A at ricsha$ fare rates is
ii( Da#(y A((o+ane :-
1. 5f the total a"sence of the officer 4;G of the ordinary DA
is more than 12 hours
2. 5f the total a"sence is more than ?;G of the 4;G DA
9 hours "ut less than 12 hours
/. 5f it is less than 9 hours )o DA admissi"le.
2. The ma#imum period of DA and road mileage admissi"le is up to 1:;
*on!eyance charges0 food "ills for local temporary duty are
accepta"le as the same form components of DA in ne$ pacage of DA
Daily Allo$ance $ould not "e paya"le in cases $here a ser!ice
personnel/ci!ilian is required to perform duty at a temporary duty point for
more than 1:; days. 5n such cases0 the temporary duty point $ill "e treated
as the temporary headquarters of the indi!idual concerned. The a"o!e
$ould also apply to cases $here any single assignment is performed in t$o
or more spells and total period of duty at the temporary duty point is more
than 1:; days. 7o$e!er0 mileage allo$ance $ill "e paid for all the days
spent on temporary duty.
?.: TA2DA -o& o;&$e I Huantum and num"er of days DA admissi"le for
duration of course/training.
*ourse at a place outside the Do!t. =er!ant&s 7eadquarters:
i( 1irst 1:; days - 1ull DA.
ii( >eyond 1:; days - )o DA.
When a course is held at t$o different stations the mo!es $ill "e
classified separately according to the period spent in each station and not
$ith reference to the total period of course.
?.3 *ourse/Training $hich are sponsored "y Do!t. and are residential and
"oard and lodging at the institutes are compulsory and are pro!ided at fi#ed
i( Outstation Actual e#penditure on "oarding and lodging
Aarticipants plus K of full DA.
ii( @ocal Actual e#penditure on "oarding and lodging
Aarticipants only.
?.1; The *ommandants of =chools/*olleges conducting the courses ha!e
to su"mit consolidated DA claims for all the student officers. The other
conditions remain the same.
1( ,egular Army Officers posted to )** -nits are entitled to 1/2
2( Territorial Army Officers can claim *amp Allo$ance L ,s.1;/- per
day for attending camp.
3.1 7ome =tation @T* '-nder ,ule 1??A T,(: Once in calendar year0
officers and the family $ill "e entitled to free con!eyance on $arrant from
7Hrs =tation to the declared 7ome =tation of the officer and "ac.
T&ave( en'#'(e)en' -o& 4TC
i( The tra!el entitlements0 for the purpose of official tours/
transfer or @T* $ill "e the same "ut no daily allo$ance shall "e admissi"le
for tra!el on @T* $.e.f. ;1 =ept ;:.
)OT+ 1- 5f the officer is not pro!ided $ith family accommodation at the
ne$ duty station and the family is residing at the old duty station0 the officer
can !isit the family at old duty station instead of 7ome station. The
entitlement of $ife and children under ,ule 1?? '>( T, ho$e!er lapses.
The family can a!ail independent @T* to the 7ome to$n of the officer and
"ac from the place of residence also.
)OT+ 2 - ,a.dhani/=hata"di fares are admissi"le for @T* .ourneys
performed "y Air0 "y the non entitled officers0 pro!ided the 7H station/),=
and home to$n/=A,/lea!e station are connected "y such trains.
)OT+ / - Eourney "y pri!ate "us/ta#i/car or other !ehicles o$ned or
operated on charter "y pri!ate operators is not admissi"le.
)OT+ 2 - @T* is admissi"le only $ithin the 5ndian Territory.
)OT+ 4 - $.e.f. ;2 Dec ;: Air fare for @T* .ourney $ill "e restricted to
@T* :; =cheme of )A*5@.
)OT+ 9 - Huoting A), )o. in addition to the Ticet )o. on the "ody of the
claim is mandatory $hen tra!els "y train.
ii( Air ticet and "oarding pass $ill "e required to "e produced $ith the
claim. 5f the ticet does not indicate the airfare0 receipt from the concerned
airlines sho$ing the air fare paid $ill "e required.
8.2 O--#e&$ /&even'e% -&o) ava#(#n9 o- ',e one$$#on %;e 'o
eA#9en#e$ o- $e&v#e ?
5n such cases0 the concession can "e a!ailed in the first year of the
ne#t "loc and the same $ill "e considered for the calendar year originally
fell due.
1;.1 @ea!e =tation @T*'-nder ,ule 1??> T,( : 5n a "loc of 2 years in
$hich @T* to 7ome To$n is not due and not a!ailed0 the officer and the
family may proceed to any station irrespecti!e of distance in!ol!ed
i( =+@1- 1ree ,ail$ay Warrant for "oth on$ard and return .ourney.
ii( 1A65@M- $ill tra!el on cash payment. ,eim"ursement $ill "e actual
e#penditure limited to ,ail/Air fare of entitled class. @T* to family $ill "e
admissi"le pro!ided they go to the same lea!e station of the officer. 5f0
ho$e!er0 the officer did not a!ail his @T* during that year or he forgoes his
@T* title in the year0 independent title to @T* can "e a!ailed "y the family.
The a"o!e @T* is admissi"le to the $ife and children only and not to the
other mem"ers of the family.
iii( Air tra!el "y 5ndian airlines on @T* :; scheme.
i!( >uses of =tate Transport *orporation.
)OT+ 1- 5f the .ourney is performed "y Air0 Air ticet is to "e produced
$ith the claim.
)OT+ 2 - @ea!e .ourney !i< 7ome To$n *oncession or other$ise0
performed "y ,ail $ithout using $arrant or 1orm NDO0 the A), )o. ticet
num"er and date is to "e gi!en in the claim for reim"ursement. The date of
on$ard and return .ourney and the specific lea!e station of the officer for
$hich @T* is claimed also to "e indicated in the claim.
11. 4TC 'o )a&&#e% o--#e&$ $e&v#n9 #n -#e(% a&ea !,ule 1??* T,(
Those officers $ho ha!e the option either to a!ail 7ome To$n
*oncession or the concession to any station in 5ndia or the follo$ing
concessions in lieu thereof:
A. When 7ome To$n *oncession 1ree con!eyance once on $arrant
is due to !isit their family at a place $here
the family has "een pro!ided $ith
Do!t. accommodation including
Ari!ately hired accommodation and
>. When 7ome To$n *oncession 1ree con!eyance on $arrant
is not due to !isit his family at the place $here
Do!t. accommodation 'including
pri!ately hired accommodation( has
"een pro!ided and "ac
11.1 On "oth the a"o!e occasion the @T* entitlement of the officer&s $ife
and dependent children under ,ule 1?? '>( T, $ill lapse for that year.
They can a!ail concession under ,ule 1?? 'A( T,.
11.2 Officers ser!ing in field/7igh Altitude/*ounter 5nsurgency/*ounter
Terrorism operation areas are entitled for additional free rail$ay
$arrant from their duty station to 7ome to$n/ =A, to meet their
families0 independent of the first @T* authorised to them under
T,1??'A(0'>( or'*(
12. 4TC %;&#n9 $';%y (eave !R;(e 177 !D" TR"
12.1 Officer and family mem"ers if they are staying $ith Do!t. ser!ant.
1rom the place of study lea!e to any place in 5ndia/home to$n su".ect
to the condition that reim"ursement $ill "e limited to the fare admissi"le for
tra!el "et$een 7Hrs =tation 'i.e. the last duty station( to any place in
5ndia /home to$n or actual e#penditure $hiche!er is less.
12.2 When the family is not staying at the place of study lea!e:-
1rom the place of residence up to home to$n/place of !isit and "ac
to the place of residence su".ect to the condition that the claim $ill "e
restricted to the rail fare of the entitled class chargea"le "y the shortest C
direct route "et$een duty station 'last duty station( and the home station or
place of !isit as the case may "e.
12./ The other conditions of ,ule 1?? 'A( and ,ule '>( T, remain the
16. Roa% Conveyane -o& 4TC !R;(e 178 TR"
1/.1 This concession is to "e a!ailed in con.unction $ith @T* under ,ule
1?? T,.
1/.2 All the commissioned officers and that $i!es/dependent children and
)ursing Officers of 6)= $ill "e allo$ed con!eyance "y road to and from
any stations mentioned in ,ule 1?3 T, irrespecti!e of the *ommand in
$hich they are ser!ing 'from and to it&s nearest rail head( to $hich they elect
to proceed on any authori<ed lea!e "esides annual lea!e0 casual lea!e once
in a calendar year under ,ule 1?? T,.
1/./ ,oad 6ileage Allo$ance for lea!e .ourney
1. When a!ailing When the 7Hrs station of the officer is
@T* under immediately not connected "y ,ail0 !i<.
,ule 1?? 'A( =rinagar0 Dulmarg0 Aahalgaon0 =hillong0
1?? '>( or etc. >us fare as per the type of pu"lic
1?? '*( T, "us in $hich .ourney $as performed $ill
"e entitled. 5n case road portion of the
.ourney is performed "y Air0 the
e#penditure of pu"lic "us fare $ill "e
2. 1or @T* 1or .ourney from ),= to 7ome To$n
or Eourney under or the place $here the family is
1??'A( or 1?? '*( T, residingP >us fare of the entitled class
of pu"lic "us is admissi"le.
/. 1or @T* under 5f the .ourney from ),= to 7ill =tation
is under 1?3 T, is performed "y =tate Transport "us I
'7ill =tation( actual "us fare0 C if performed "y Air I
actual fare restricted to ,6A.
Officers granted sic lea!e on medical certificate $ill "e entitled to a
free ,ail$ay $arrant to any place0 and such concession $ill "e in addition to
the @T* admissi"le to 7ome To$n or other$ise.
Army Officers $ho are employed as Air O"ser!ation Aost Ailots and
are on the strength of AOA -nits during their lea!e is eligi"le once in e!ery
year on $arrant a free rail .ourney up to a total distance of 19;; ms for
on$ard and return .ourney "oth inclusi!e. This concession is in addition to
the @T* admissi"le under ,ule 1?? T,.
1( Appendi# A to AO /;/:3.
2( Dependency *ertificate.
/( Air Ticets/>oarding Aass0 in the a"sence of the same0
certificate from the Airlines Authorities certifying the details of
.ourney and e#penditure incurred.
2( >us Ticets.
4( Huoting A), )o. in addition to Ticet )o. on the "ody of the
claim is mandatory.
9( =urrender *ertificate from the officer if family alone is a!ailing
@T* under ,ule 1??> T.,.
19.1 When tra!eling on lea!e at o$n e#penses officers are allo$ed on
production of form D to tra!el "y entitled class or lo$er class on
payment of 9;G of the fare of the class tra!eled. Total )o of 1orms D
to the officer0 his $ife/hus"and and dependent children for tra!el to
any station $ill "e restricted to si# one $ay .ourney forms in a
calender year accompanied or unaccompanied "y the head of family.
T$o of these si# one $ay .ourney forms may "e in addition to the
officer0 his $ife/hus"and and dependent children0 also include the
officer&s parents0 sisters0 and minor "rothers0 residing $ith the officer
and $holly dependent upon the officer for a com"ined on$ard/return
19.2 1orm D issued in con.unction $ith @T* under ,ule 1?? $ill ho$e!er
"e in addition to the si# one $ay .ourney form D referred to a"o!e.
17. A%vane o- TA2DA an% 4TC
1?.1 Admissi"le $hen the amount is more than ,s.4;/-
1?.2 Ad!ance to "e dra$n 9; days in ad!ance of the .ourney.
1?./ @T* ad!ance 94 days in ad!ance.
1?.2 )o TA/DA ad!ance for retirement mo!e.
1?.4 Ad!ance to "e normally dra$n from *DA 'O( Aune in the 1orm I
5A1A I 132 $ith supporting documents.
1?.9 5n an emergency and e#ceptional circumstances $hen time does not
permit an officer to dra$ ad!ance from *DA 'O( Aune0 ad!ance can "e
dra$n from 1ield 5mprest. 7o$e!er dra$al of @T* ad!ance from 5mprest is
not authori<ed.
1?.? Ad!ance to "e dra$n as per entitlement. Army Officers are permitted
to claim ad!ance of TA/DA through 1AQ0 =can *opy of
application/requisition etc. The requisition C for$arding memo $ill "e
fa#ed only after the dispatch of the in signed requisition "y post. 5f the
same is not recei!ed "y *DA 'O( $ithin / $ees0 the TA/DA ad!ance $ould
"e reco!ered from the officer&s 5,@A "alance.
1?.: On cancellation of .ourney ad!ance should "e refunded immediately.
1?.3 The claim for mo!e on transfer0 tour and @T* $hen ad!ance is dra$n
is to "e preferred $ithin the follo$ing time limit.
a( Transfer I one year from the date of completion of .ourney.
"( Tour I Within 14 days of issue of DO Aart 55 notifying
regulari<ation of the mo!e.
c( @T* I Within one month of completion of .ourney.
10. Reove&y o- /ena( #n'e&e$' 1?
1:.1 5f the ad!ance is not utili<ed fully "ut the ad.ustment "ill is su"mitted
in time0 interest is charged at the rate prescri"ed for ad!ance for purchase of
con!eyance 'other than motor car( plus 2 R G on the un-utili<ed portion of
ad!ance for the period from the date of dra$al of ad!ance to the date of
1:.2 5f the ad.ustment "ill is not su"mitted $ithin the prescri"ed time0 the
entire ad!ance $ith penal interest as a"o!e $ill "e reco!ered in lumpsum.
1:./ The claim for reim"ursement is not forfeited merely on account of
reco!ery of ad!ance.
1:.2 *ontrolling officer can $ai!e the reco!ery of penal interest if non-
su"mission of ad.ustment of claims is attri"uted to genuine difficulties.
18. T&ave( a*&oa%
13.1 *lass of air tra!el for .ourney to and from a"road.
a( =er!ice *hiefs/ Bice *hiefs/ Army *drsC +qui!alents/DDA16= I
1irst class.
"( Officers dra$ing Drade Aay of ,s. 1;;;; C a"o!e I
>usiness/*lu" class.
c( All other officers I +conomy class.
)ote ? )o tra!el on Do!t account "y air $ill tae place "y 1irst class $.e.f
;? =ept ;3.
13.2 -se of +#change Order 'Air Warrant( is compulsory. These forms are
issued "y air =ection of A7Hrs. Airfare claims not admitted "y *DA 'O(
13./ Eourney allo$ed "y )ational *arrier/Air 5ndia $hen so connected
13.2 Ticets should "e "ooed through 6/s Asho Tours C Tra!els or 6/s
>almer C @aurie.
13.4 *laims of DA0 incidentals are paya"le "y *DA 'O( Aune.
13.9 Admissi"ility of DA.
a( up to 9 hours )5@.
"( 9 hrs to 12 hrs 4;G
c( +#ceeding 12 hours 1ull
)o .ourney DA if the cost of air ticet is inclusi!e of cost of food.
13.? DA for tours a"road.
a( 1or tours $ithin the country of posting or for tours from one mission
to another:
i( 1or first ? days 1ull DA.
ii( 1or ne#t ? days ?4G of DA
iii( 1or su"sequent additional 4;G of DA
"( 1or tours from 5ndia to one or more countries a"road
i( 1or first 12 days 1ull DA.
ii( 1or ne#t 12 days ?4G of DA
iii( 1or su"sequent additional 9;G of DA
)OT+ 1- DA $ill "e restricted to ran foreign allo$ance if tour e#ceeds /;
days in a particular station.
)OT+ 2 - Officers mo!ing a"road for attending training courses and $ho
are pro!ided $ith full hospitality in the form of lodging and "oarding are
entitled to DA at 24G of the DA $ithout any sliding scale.
)OT+ / - Officers mo!ing a"road on official duty other than training and
$ho are pro!ided $ith free "oarding and lodging are entitled to 24G DA on
sliding scale.
)OT+ 2 - The grant of lea!e to officers on deputation/course on instruction
a"road for personal reasons shall ad!ersely effect the title of passage "ac to
5ndia for the officer and his family in all cases e#cept the follo$ing:-
'i( When lea!e not e#ceeding 4;G of the actual period of duty
performed/to "e performed outside 5ndia e#cluding the transit time from
5ndia to the country of deputation and "ac and enforced halt0 if any0 or 12
days $hiche!er is less0 is granted or personal reasons "efore0 during or at the
end of the deputation/training a"road.
'ii( When lea!e is taen on medical grounds or for spending profita"ly a
period of enforced halt due to una!oida"le $aiting for a passage0 "efore0
during or at the end of the deputation/training a"road.
'iii( When causal or annual lea!e is taen to coincide $ith recognised
periods of "rea in courses of instruction a"road.
+#planation- 5n all cases mentioned in this note0 the tra!eling allo$ance and
transit time $ill "e admissi"le for on$ard and in$ard .ourneys $ith
reference to the 7eadquarters =tation.
2.. Co)/o$#'e T&an$-e& G&an'
2;.1 =er!ice personnel are entitled to *TD on transfer to and from a"road
as under:-
6arried officers proceeding
a"road $ith family
1 month&s >asic Aay SDrade Aay S
')AA in case 6edical officers (
S=tagnation increment's(S6=A
6arried officers proceeding
a"road and family mo!ing to
=A,/home to$n.
1 month&s >asic Aay SDrade Aay S
')AA in case 6edical officers (
S=tagnation increment's(S6=A
6arried officers proceeding
a"road alone.
:; G of 1 month&s >asic Aay
SDrade Aay S ')AA in case 6edical
officers (S=tagnation increment's(
=ingle officers :; G of 1 month&s >asic Aay
SDrade Aay S ')AA in case 6edical
officers(S=tagnation increment's(
2;.2 1ull pacage charges are admissi"le on transfer from a mission to
5ndia or to another mission0 as gi!en in ,ule 242 T,. 7o$e!er0 $hen such a
pacer facility is a!ailed0 no *TD is admissi"le in addition.
2;./ An officer proceeding +#-5ndia on Deputation/*ourse of 5nstruction
for more than / months "ut less than 12 months duration can con!ey their
authori<ed quantity of "aggage to the =A, 'less the quantity carried "y the
officer a"road( at Do!t. e#pense pro!ided the family of the officer does not
retain the Do!t. accommodation at old duty station and actually proceeds to
2;.2 An officer proceeding e#-5ndia either on course of instruction or on
deputation for a period of more than three months "ut less than 12 months
may a!ail of free con!eyance for the family to a selected place of residence
in 5ndia pro!ided he does not retain accommodation at the old duty station
for more than a month.
21. A;%#' o- Wa&&an'$ an% Fo&) DDE$
21.1 Gene&a( Po#n'$F
21.2 +nsure that Warrant/1orm D has "een issued "y the authori<ed person
as per Appendi# Q T,
21./ +nsure that the fare charged is correct as per coaching tariff.
21.2 +nsure that the .ourney has "een performed "y the entitled class.
21.4 +nsure that the correct authority of T, is quoted.
21.9 +nsure that the same has "een issued to the family mem"ers correctly
as per ,ule 2 T,.
21.? +nsure that the $arrant has "een issued for the direct and shortest
22. A;%#' o- Pe&)anen' D;'y Wa&&an'$.
22.1 The same has "een issued from the old duty station to the ne$ duty
station or from =A, to ne$ duty station as the case may "e.
22.2 5f the "aggage is con!eyed on Warrant0 the same is not claimed in
permanent duty claim also.
22./ Aet animals are not con!eyed on Warrant. 5f the same ha!e "een
con!eyed on $arrant0 cost of $arrant to that e#tent is reduced from the
permanent duty claim.
22.2 5f the car con!eyance is claimed in a permanent duty claim0 ensure
that scooter is not con!eyed on $arrant.
26. A;%#' o- Wa&&an'$ ;n%e& R;(e 177 A TR.
2/.1 +nsure that Warrant is issued for a .ourney to home station only.
2/.2 +nsure that $arrant is issued from duty station.
2/./ W.e.f ;1 =ept ;:0 dependent parents/=tep parents staying a$ay from
officer are also entitled for @T*0 hence $arrants may "e issued from their
place of residence.
22. A;%#' o- Wa&&an'$ ;n%e& R;(e 177 B TR.
22.1 5t is not used for the .ourney of family.
22.2 5t is not used for the .ourney of parents0 "rothers0 sisters etc.
2>. A;%#' o- Wa&&an'$ on 'e)/o&a&y %;'y )ove
24.1 5t is not used for family mem"ers
24.1 =cooter/6otor *ycle is not con!eyed on $arrant.
24.2 )o "aggage in addition to ,1A is con!eyed on $arrant.

26. A;%#' o- Fo&) D
29.1 5t does not e#ceed 9 in a calendar year.
29.2 1orm Ds issued in e#cess of 9 relates to @T*.
The re!ised orders on TA/DA and @T* !ide Do!t. of 5ndia0 6in of Def.
@etter )o. 129/;/6o!/*//?/?/D/'mo!(/;: dated 23/12/;: are applica"le to
6)= officers as per their Drade Aay
Auth:- Do!t. of 5ndia0 6in of Def. @etter )o. 129/;/6o!/*/21/1/D/
'mo!(/;3 dated ;4 )o! ;3.
-pdated on /;
=ept 2;;:.
-pdated on 1;
1e"ruary 2;;3.
-pdated on 23
Oct 2;;3.
-pdated on 2/
April 2;1;.
1. *entre of +#cellence : ,egional Training *entre Aune
2 )ame of the We"site of ,T* : $$$
The details of Training
6aterial standardi<ed :
*DA'O( 6odule' T Wing(
Date of =tandardi<ation
April 2;1;
2 The 6ethod of circulation : @oaded on WA) and We"site
7ard copies/loaded on $e"site Mes
Details of updation / updated
on : 2/
April 2;1;

Details of mechanism adopted for
-pdation I ,especti!e Offices are "eing ased to for$ard amemdments if any to the training
material for$arded "y them and a committee of officers of ,T* to e#amine and update them
Aeriodicity- Huarterly
*ertificate on the $e"site i.e.0 date of updation or on hard copies I The date of updation $ill "e
mentioned on the $e"site
1. *entre of +#cellence : ,egional Training *entre Aune
2 )ame of the We"site of ,T* : $$$
/ The details of Training
6aterial standardi<ed :
1. *=D 6odule Date of =tandardi<ation
=ept 2;;:
2.>,O 6odule :
6ay 2;;:
/. )a!y 6odule
2. *DA'O( 6odule' T Wing(
)o! 2;;9
April 2;1;
2 The 6ethod of circulation : @oaded on WA) and We"site
7ard copies/loaded on $e"site Mes
4. Details of updation / updated
on : 29
April 2;1;

Details of mechanism adopted for
-pdation I ,especti!e Offices are "eing ased to for$ard amendments0 if any0 to the training
material for$arded "y them and a committee of officers of ,T* to e#amine and update them
Aeriodicity- Huarterly
*ertificate on the $e"site i.e.0 date of updation or on hard copies I The date of updation $ill "e
mentioned on the $e"site

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