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Procedure for Continual

Doc No:
Rev: 00, Page 1 of 2
1.0 Purpose
To ensure implementation of actions, which leads to continual improvement in all processes
and overall performance of the organization
2.0 Scope
This procedure is applica!le to all the processes in the organization
3.0 Responsibilities
"dentification of areas of improvement # $D
%etting o!&ectives # $D
'chievement of o!&ectives # Respective D(s, P$ and P)s
4.0 Abbreviations
$D # $anaging Director
D( # Divisional (ead
P$ # Pro&ect $anager
P) # Pro&ect )eader
5.0 efinitions
*ontinual improvement # an improvement achieved through s+stematic implementation of
gradual improvements along with !rea,through improvements
!.0 "ntr# Criteria
*ustomer feed!ac,
Need for improvement
Trends in process performances
$.0 %et&odolo'#
-1 *ontinual improvement is a strategic o!&ective of the organization in order to enhance the
organization.s performance and !enefit all the sta,eholders li,e customers, emplo+ees and
-2 's such organization has adopted a strateg+ for achieving the continual improvements in all
its activities !+ wa+ of the following methods
%etting o!&ectives or goals in each functional area or process
/rea,through pro&ects which either lead to revision and improvement of e0isting
processes or the implementation of new processes
$.3 Settin' (oals)
-11 2n an annual !asis all the processes are reviewed in detail with all the concerned personnel to
identif+ the process constraints or !ottlenec,s and the performance drivers in each process
-12 The process constraints are those features or aspects wherein the performance or the
efficienc+ of the whole process is getting affected
-11 2nce the process constraints are esta!lished, the goals are decided in order to overcome the
-13 The performance drivers are those features or aspects, which are set, !ased on !enchmar,ing
against the internal standards achieved previousl+ or against the e0ternal standards
-14 2nce the performance drivers are identified, the goals are set to enhance the performance of
the process under review
-15 6hile setting goals as descri!ed a!ove it ensured that all the goals are specific, measura!le,
attaina!le, relevant and time7!ound
$.4 Plannin' for ac&ievement of 'oals)
Prepared *# Prepared +n Approved *# Approved +n
Procedure for Continual
Doc No:
Rev: 00, Page 2 of 2
-31 To achieve the set goals, management ensures that ade8uate resources, s,ills and well7defined
processes e0ist
-32 'll the processes are defined in order to ensure the achievement of the set goals
-31 During management reviews the achievement of these goals is reviewed to initiate appropriate
actions as descri!ed !elow
-33 "n case the goals set are not achieved, the reasons for non7achievement of the goals are
esta!lished and anal+zed to identif+ the remedial actions
-34 These remedial actions ma+ include provision of additional resources, training or changing
the processes defined
-35 "n case the goals are achieved, the a!ove process of identification of o!&ectives is repeated to
set new goals
$.5 *rea,t&rou'& Pro-ects)
-41 Periodicall+ $D identifies the need for an improvement in the process and assigns the tas, to
the team and e0plains the o!&ectives of the !rea,through improvement pro&ect
-42 The team studies the e0isting process to evaluate the efficienc+ of the e0isting process Data is
collected to identif+ different pro!lems occurring and ensure that specific pro!lems are
identified and improvement targets are set
-41 Then the team !rainstorms to identif+ the ,e+ factors for achieving the !rea,through
improvement in the process 'fter identification of ,e+ factors, possi!le solutions are
identified !ased on e0isting technologies or possi!le changes in the e0isting processes or s,ill
improvements and recommended the possi!le alternatives, which would result in
!rea,through improvement
-43 The possi!le solutions are reviewed and implemented on a pilot level 9either in a particular
pro&ect or for specific period of time: with approval of $D
-44 "n case of the !rea,throughs are achieved, the solutions implemented are standardized and
incorporated into the standard processes 2therwise the a!ove process is repeated to identif+
the solutions
-45 The effectiveness of the solution implemented is reviewed during management review
meetings and appropriate actions are decided to use the same in other areas
-4- This process of !rea,through pro&ects is repeated on a continual !asis in various areas of
organization as per the need
$.! Process Improvements Revie.s)
-51 'll the processes in the organization are addressed in the various operating procedures and
supporting guidelines
-52 's descri!ed in Procedure for measurement and anal+sis, the performance data on various
processes is reviewed to identif+ possi!le improvements
-51 During these review meetings, the changes in all processes across various pro&ects are
reviewed and changes, which are found to !e effective and would improve a specific process,
are standardized !+ incorporating the same in the processes to institutionalize the
/.0 "0it Criteria
*ontinual improvements in the e0isting processes
1.0 References
;1 <ualit+ $anual %ection
10.0 Records
101 $inutes of review meetings
102 Reports of !rea,through improvement pro&ects
Prepared *# Prepared +n Approved *# Approved +n

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