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Teacher: Chelsea Class: EP1 Rainbow Week: 16 Dates: September 1-5, 21!

"n#ban Weekl$ %#tline

Sitapatr School
This week we are learnin&:
Circle Time Re'iew
Every circle time we go over the 7
Days of the Week. We talk about
today, yesterday ad tomorrow. We
also sig the Days of the Week
sog. !fter we talk about the
weather. We sig the "ow#s the
Weather ad the $t#s %aiy sogs.
Everyday we try to cout the umber
of studets ad talk about who is
abset. We the sig the !&'#s
ad watch a !&' video goig over
the ame(soud(actio of each. We
the watch a )iggies *umber +ideo
to hel, idetify umbers i a fu way.
"cti'it$ Time
-his week we will lear about ,re,ositios. -he vocabulary will be. i, out, o,
uder, i frot of, behid ad e/t to.
"c ti'it$:
$ will start teachig them these ,re,ositios by usig a stuffed bear, a chair ad a
basket. $ will sit the bear o, uder, i frot of, besides ad e/t to the chair. $ will
also ,ut it i ad out of the basket.
$ will get the studets to come u, ad move the bear how $ tell them to. 0or
e/am,le. )ut the bear i the ,ik basket.
$ will also ask studets to sit usig Eglish commads. 0or e/am,le. 1it i frot of
On, In and Under
#24 on the Fun English Songs CD
)ew *etters an+ So#n+s
-here will be o ew souds or letters. -his is a review of what we have already
leared. -his week we will review the third series of 2olly )hoics letters. -hey
iclude 3g(4o(0f(5l(&b(6u. We will ,lay the 0ly 1wat game ad 'orers to get
the studets ready to start the workbook. $f we fiish the third workbook the we
will review the fial set of letters which iclude. 27(8y(Ww(+v(9/(:; ad <=.
-his week we will review mostly o
the third set >ad ,ossible the
fourth? of 2olly )hoics letters. We
will s,ed oe day goig over all of
the 2olly )hoics letters. Each
studet will be give a 2olly
)hoics flashcard ad whe they
hear the sog they will have to
Writin& Practice
We will start the third workbook.
-he letters are. 3g(4o(0f(5l(&b(6u.
$f we fiish the workbook, the we
will start the fial workbook which
will iclude the letters.
27(8y(Ww(+v(9/(:; ad <=. -here
will be homework this week ad it
will be ,laced i the blue =i, folder.
Parent ,ollow -p . -se/#l
Websites . 0omework:
On, In and Under
,-C Song:
1u$"ers Song:

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