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Nadi Dosh in Kundali Matching

Traditionally in India in Horoscope Matching the Horoscope of the prospective bride and the bride
grooms Ashtkoot Milan is done to find out their compatibility level. In Ashtkoot Milan Moon of both
prospective bride and bridegroom is considered. None of the other 8 planets are considered for
matching. There are 8 types of Gunas or Ashtkoot and some points are given to these Gunas which
are as follows:

1. Varan 1 pt.
2. Vaishya 2 pts.
3. Tara 3 pts.
4. Yoni 4 pts.
5. Griha 5 pts.
6. Gan 6 pts.
7. Bhakoot 7 pts.
8. Nadi 8 pts.
Nadi Dosh is the 8
type of koot and 8 pts. , attributed to this Koot or Guna.
There are three kinds of Nadi, Adya, Madhya and Antya.
If Moon is placed in any of these constellations named Ashwini, Ardra, Punarvasu, Hasta, Jyeshtha,
Moola, Uttara Phalguni, Shatabhisha or Poorvabhadrapada in birth chart , the person is said to have
Aadi Nadi.
If Moon is placed in any of these constellations named Bharani, Pushya, Mrigashira, Poorvaphalguni,
Chitra, Poorvashada, Dhanishtha, Anuradha, or Uttarabhadrapada in birth chart, the person is said to
have Madhya Nadi.
If Moon is placed in any of these constellations named Kritika, Ashlesha, Magha, Rohini, Swati,
Uttarashada, Vishakha, Revati or Shravana in birth chart the person is said to have Antya Nadi.
If boy and girl Nakshatra are in the same Nadi then Nadi dosh is there and zero pts. is the result. If
Nakshatras are different then result is 8 pts. And there is no Nadi dosh. Astrologers who believe this
say that if Nadi is same there will be problem in child birth. Medically progeny is seen individually
and that is obviously too. Girl can not be fit whereas boy can be fit for child birth and vice versa.
Conclusion - In any of the 8 Gun matching or Ashtkoot Milan just Moon position is seen. Other 8
planets are forgotten even if they exist in horoscope. Medically progeny is seen individually in boy
and girl and either of them can be fit or unfit for child birth. This can not be analyzed collectively.
In our site
We analyze Longevity, Health, profession, nature, character and progeny of both boy and girl by
analyzing all nine planets in sign, Nakshatra and sub lord to finally give results for Matchmaking for
Horoscopes or Kundali Matching.

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