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To be read with Preliminaries/ General conditions.
- Design standard: The strctral steelwor! has been designed to "S #$#0 where
- Steel grades: S&'# and S(##.
- )om%letion o* design: Design and detail connections to "S #$#0.
- +oading re,irements: -s s%eci*ied or otherwise calclable.
- Design standard: The strctral steelwor! has been designed to "S #$#0 where
- )om%letion o* design: Design and detail member and connections to "S
- +oading re,irements: -s s%eci*ied or otherwise calclable.
- Design standard: Design and detail the strctral steelwor! to "S #$#0.
- +oading re,irements: -s s%eci*ied or otherwise calclable.
- 1embers *orming bracing s2stems or girders o* lattice constrction: Position so
that their lines o* action intersect at a %oint.
- "olts:
- Grade: 3.3.
- Diameter 4minimm5: 16mm
- Nmber %er connection 4minimm5: &
- 7elds: 1inimm 6mm 87
1&0 D0-7INGS -ND )-+)9+-TI/NS
- 0e,irement: "e*ore %re%aring detailed *abrication drawings: sbmit:
- General arrangement drawings with indi;idal steel members clearl2 identi*ied.
- )alclations *or ma<or connections.
1&# SPE)I8I)-TI/N ST-ND-0D
- Standard: )om%l2 with latest edition o* National Strctral Steelwor! S%eci*ication
- Docment a;ailabilit2: 1a!e a;ailable dring the corse o* the 7or!s at
*abrication sho% and on site.
1#1 GENE0-+ 0E=9I0E1ENTS
In*orm Engineer when *abrications is de to start
16& >/T 0/++ED STEE+ SE)TI/NS
G10 Strctral steel *raming 4contined5 G10
- -ll steelwor! grades to "S EN 10 0&#. >ollow Sections to be grade 8e ?(0) and
all other sections tto be Grade 8e ?(0-
- Sbmit co%ies o* all steel test certi*icates to the Engineer with # da2s o* the steel
arri;ing at the *abricators 2ard or within # da2s *orm the recei%t o* the instrction to
%roceed with ordering i* the materials are a;ailable *rom the *abricators stoc!.
- The test certi*icates *or each steel to be easil2 identi*ied.
- -ll %lates and sections to be tested and *ree *orm laminations
- -ll sections shold be e@amined and i* necessar2: ad<stments made to ensre
that all sections are straight: *ree *rom twist and that the webs are at right angles to
the *langes %rior to *abrication.
16# )/+D 8/01ED G-+A-NISED STEE+ SE)TI/NS
- To "S &$$? made *rom gal;anised steel sheet to "S &$3$
130 N/TI8I)-TI/N /8 )/11EN)E1ENT
- Gi;e notice: "e*ore *abrication is de to start.
- Period o* notice 4minimm5: 10 wor!ing da2s.
1$0 1-0BING
- Identi*2ing and recording materials and com%onents: Sbmit details o* %ro%osed
- +ocation o* mar!s:
- Generall2: Aisible *or chec!ing a*ter erection.
- 7eathering steel: /n sr*aces not e@%osed to o%en ;iew in the com%leted
- Steel to be blast cleaned: %ic!led: metal s%ra2ed or gal;ani.ed: 1ar!ed so that
sbse,ent treatment cannot obliterate the mar!ing.
1$# >-0D ST-1PING
- 9sage: Not %ermitted e@ce%t as indicated on drawings.
- -ngle cleats: Pro<ect be2ond ends o* sim%l2 s%%orted members.
&1# >/++/7 SE)TI/NS
- Insides o* sections: Debris and moistre remo;ed be*ore sealing ends and
&&0 -))ESS/ AENTI+-TI/N >/+ES IN "-SE P+-TES
- "ase %lates larger than 1 mC: 1a!e &# mm diameter holes as necessar2 *or
%ressre groting: esca%e o* entra%%ed air or direct com%action o* *illing/ bedding
&&# STEE+7/0B T/ "E G-+A-NIDED
- )tting: drilling and sho% welding: )om%leted be*ore gal;
- Aent and drain holes: Pro;ided as necessar2.
- +ocations: Sbmit %ro%osals.
- Gi;e notice: "e*ore *abricating.
- Period o* notice: 10 wor!ing da2s.
G10 Strctral steel *raming 4contined5 G10
&?0 T0I-+ S>/P -SSE1"+E
- 1a!e ade,ate trial assembl2 to ensre *it o* com%onents.
&#1 7E+DING GENERALLY: To BS 5135 unless specifed otherwise, using
consumables which give a weld deposit with mechanical properties not less than
the minima specifed for the parent metal.
- Pro;ide details o* welding %rocedres *or all welds inclding tac! and sealing
- Pro;ide details o* =alit2 )ontrol s2stem and ins%ection athorit2.
- 9sage: Permitted onl2 where indicated on drawings.
- 7or!ing conditions: Sitable and sa*e. Do not weld when sr*aces are wet or
when ambient tem%eratre is below 0F).
&'0 -DDITI/N-+ 7E+DS
- 7elds 4inclding tac! welds5 not indicated on drawings: Not %ermitted withot
&$0 8INIS>ED 7E+DS
- 8inished welds: )are*ll2 dressed to remo;e slag withot de*orming sr*ace o*
(00 "/+TS GENE0-+
- -ll bolts to be Grade 3.3 to "S (6$& nless s%eci*ied otherwise.
- -ll bolts to be %re-coated
- Sbmit co%ies o* all bolt test certi*icated to the Engineer be*ore erection
((# SP0ING 7-S>E0S
- Standard: To "S ??6?.
3'0 G-+A-NIDED )/-TING T/ "/+T -SSE1"+IES
- Standard: To "S '('1-6.
- Gal; -%%lied b2 *astener man*actrer. Passi;ated and lbricated i* no
additional coatings are s%eci*ied. Nts ta%%ed a*ter gal;
- 9se/ location: -ll sho% and site connections.
('# S>E0-0DIDED )/-TING T/ "/+T -SSE1"+IES
- Standard: To "S '('1-3.
- )lass: G1H.
- -%%lied b2 *astener man*actrer and %assi;ated.
- 9se/ location: -ll sho% and site connections.
(30 DIN) P+-TED 8INIS> T/ "/+T -SSE1"+IES
- Standard: To "S '('1-( or "S EN IS/ ?0?&.
G10 Strctral steel *raming 4contined5 G10
- Dinc %lating: -%%lied b2 *astener man*actrer. )lear %assi;ated i* no additional
coatings are s%eci*ied. Nts ta%%ed a*ter %lating.
- 9se/ location: -ll sho% and site connections.
($0 SE-+ED >/++/7 SE)TI/NS
- "olt holes: Sealed to %re;ent access o* moistre.
- 1ethod o* sealing: 9se o* *ll2 welded end%lates
?10 P0E-E0E)TI/N )>E)BS
- Sco%e: -t least ' da2s be*ore %ro%osed erection start date: chec! the *ollowing:
- 8ondations and other strctres to which steelwor! will be attached: -ccrac2
o* setting ot.
- >olding down bolts: Position: %rotrding length: slac!ness and condition.
- Inaccracies and de*ects: 0e%ort withot dela2.
- Permission to commence erection: /btain.
- Permissible de;iations: In addition to the re,irements o* the NSSS: com%l2 with
the *ollowing:
T2%e o* dimension and location Permissible De;iation
-ll *loor beams: bottom *lange le;el I0 : -#mm
Ea;es beam I#mm : -#mm
)olmns I#mm : -#mm
?&# 1/DI8I)-TI/NS
- Steelwor!: Do not modi*2 withot a%%ro;al.
??0 )/+91N "-SES
- +e;els: -d<st sing steel shims or *olding wedges no larger than necessar2.
- +ocation o* shims/ wedges: Position s2mmetricall2 arond %erimeter o* base %late.
Do not se a single central %ac!.
- Gi;e notice: I* s%ace beneath an2 colmn base is less than: or o;er &# mm greater
than: the s%eci*ied dimension.
- -ccrac2 o* erection: )hec!: and correct errors be*ore *illing and bedding beneath
bases and carr2ing ot other ad<acent wor!.
??1 1/0T-0 8I++ING/ "EDDING /8 )/+91N "-SES
- "olt %oc!ets: )om%letel2 *illed with neat cement slrr2.
- S%aces beneath base %lates: )om%letel2 *illed as *ollows:
- S%aces &#-#0 mm dee%: 1:1 cement:sand mortar: <st *lid enogh to %or.
Tam%ed well as *illing %roceeds. Pro;ide tem%orar2 shttering as necessar2.
- S%aces #0-30 mm dee%: 1:& cement:sand mortar: <st dam%: tam%ed well
against %ro%erl2 *i@ed s%%orts as *illing %roceeds.
- )ement: Portland cement "S EN 1$'-1 - )E1 I ?&.# or #&.#.
- Sand: To "S 33&: Grading limit 1 or e,i;alent to "S EN 1&6&0.
??( P0/P0IET-0E 8I++ING/ "EDDING /8 )/+91N "-SES
- Pre%aration: )oncrete sr*aces scari*ied to %ro;ide a good mechanical !e2.
- "olt %oc!ets and s%aces beneath base %lates: )om%letel2 *illed with an a%%ro;ed
e@%anding grot.
G10 Strctral steel *raming 4contined5 G10
??? 8INE )/N)0ETE 8I++ING/ "EDDING /8 )/+91N "-SES
- "olt %oc!ets: )om%letel2 *illed with neat cement slrr2.
- S%aces beneath base %lates: )om%letel2 *illed with a 1:1.&# :& cement:sand:*ine
aggregate mi@: tam%ed well against %ro%erl2 *i@ed s%%orts as *illing %roceeds.
- )ement: Portland cement "S EN 1$'-1 - )E1 I ?&.# or #&.#.
- Sand: To "S 33&: Grading limit 1 or e,i;alent to "S EN 1&6&0.
- -ggregate si.e 4ma@imm5: 10 mm.
- Sliding sr*aces: )oated with mol2bdenm disl*ide grease be*ore connecting.
- -%%earance and *it: "olts centred in slotted holes. Joints *ree to mo;e.
?#0 8IKING P0/8I+ED S>EET 8/0 8+//0 S+-"S
- Standard: To "S #$#0-?.
- 8i@ing method: To EngineerLs a%%ro;al.
?#1 )/N)0ETE EN)-SING /8 STEE+7/0B "E+/7 G0/9ND: -ll steel in
*ondations and below grond *loor slab shall be solidl2 encased in consolidated
Portland cement concrete ha;ing a characteristic cbe strength o* not less than
&0 N/mm
at &3 da2s. - minimm co;er o* 100mm shall be %ro;ided to an2
steelwor! where the concrete srronding it is ad<acent to the soil. - redced
co;er o* #0mm will be %ermitted when cast against masonr2 or additional
%rotection is %ro;ided.
?'# P0/D9)TS
- Steel: Sbmit test certi*icates.
#10 S908-)ES N/T T/ "E )/-TED
- Steelwor! encased in concrete and identi*ied on the strctral drawings.
- Pressed sections man*actred *rom %re-gal;anised steel stri%.
#1# /%erati;es mst be a%%ro%riatel2 s!illed and e@%erienced in the se o* s%eci*ied
material and method o* a%%lication.
#&0 )/-TING 1-TE0I-+S
- 7here;er %ossible: to be *rom one man*actring batch. 7here more than one
batch is to be sed: !ee% se%arate: allocate to distinct %arts or area o* the wor!:
and in*orm the Engineer accordingl2.
- )hec! that all coating materials to be sed are recommended b2 their
man*actrer *or the %articlar sr*ace and conditions o* e@%osre: and that the2
are com%atible with each other.
#&? )/1P-TI"I+ITE /8 P0I1E0 7IT> 8I0E P0/TE)TI/N: 7here coating are to
be o;ercoated with s%ra2ed ;ermiclite t2%e *ire %rotection: a%%lied b2 others.
- The %ro%rietar2 brand o* %rimer selected mst be com%atible with the selected *ire
%rotection both generall2 and nder *ire conditions.
- /btain rele;ant recommendations and e;idence *rom the s%ra2 man*actrers:
inclding *ire test data to "S ?'6:Parts 3: &0 or &1: and sbmit a co%2 to Engineer
be*ore %roceeding with %riming *or a%%ro;al.
G10 Strctral steel *raming 4contined5 G10
#&# P0EP-0-TI/N 1-TE0I-+S -ND -N)I++I-0IES: T2%es recommended b2 their
man*actrers and %rotecti;e coating man*actrer *or the sr*aces being
#(0 INSPE)TI/N /8 )/-TING 7/0B
- 7or! in %rogress: Permit coating man*actrer to ins%ect and ta!e sam%les o*
- Notice: Gi;e notice o* dates *or:
- Start o* sr*ace %re%aration and coating.
- )oated members or com%onents lea;ing the wor!s.
- Period o* notice 4minimm5: # wor!ing da2s.
#?0 >-ND+ING -ND ST/0ING )/-TED STEE+7/0B:
- 9se methods and e,i%ment which will minimise cha*ing: chi%%ing and other
damage to coated com%onents
- Ensre an ade,ate dr2ing/cring %eriod *or each coat be*ore handling.
- 9se sitable %ac!ings: lashings: li*ting harnesses: n2lon slings: rbber %rotected
chains and shoc! etc.
- Stac! coated com%onents clear o* the grond: se%arated b2 timber choc!s: and so
that %onding does not occr.
#?# P0/TE)TI/N:
- -de,atel2 %rotect *reshl2 a%%lied sr*ace coating *rom damage.
- E@hibit M7et PaintL signs and %ro;ide %rotecti;e barriers where necessar2.
- -de,atel2 %rotect sr*aces ad<acent to those being co;ered.
##0 0E1EDI-+ 7/0B:
- Earl2 degradation o* coatings b2 blistering: %eeling: *la!ing: crac!ing: lac! o*
adhesion etc mst be made good b2 com%lete remo;al: %re%aration and
rea%%lication o* all coats: as instrcted.
- Inade,ate dr2 *ilm thic!ness or sr*ace de*ects de to inclement weather ma2:
de%ending on the t2%e o* %aint: be remedied b2 rbbing down and a%%l2ing *rther
coat4s5: as instrcted.
- 1echanical damage to coating mst be made good b2 local ctting bac! o*
coatings: %re%aration and rea%%lication o* all coats to lea;e a neat: continos *lat
- 7here damage to coatings or sbse,ent sr*ace %re%aration has e@%osed bare
metal: it mst be thoroghl2 cleaned and %rimed within two hors.
- 9se/ location: -s indicated on Da;id Smith -ssociates Drawings
- Pre%aration: "last cleaning to "S EN IS/ 3#01-1: %re%aration grade Sa &N sing
chilled anglar iron grit grade G&? to gi;e a coarse sr*ace %ro*ile: *ollowed b2
chemical cleaning.
- Gal; To "S EN IS/ 1?61.
- 1inimm mean coating thic!ness: 1?0 micrometres.
6?1 S>/P P-INTING: -ll strctral steel 4not gal;anised5: shall be %ro;ided with a
%aint s2stem com%rising onl2 o* a %rimer and ndercoat which satis*ies the
re,irements o* "S #?$(:1$$'. The selected %aint s2stem shall be sb<ect to
EngineerLs a%%ro;al.
)lassi*ication: OInterior o* bilding: *or a design li*t o* #0 2ears
9se/location: -ll strctral steelwor!.
G10 Strctral steel *raming 4contined5 G10
- Site %re%aration: Toch in sho%coats and %re%are sr*ace as clase '6#
- -ll steelwor! enclosed in ca;ities shall ha;e additional %aint %rotection to that o*
clase 6?1 consisting o* site a%%lied coat o* high bild .inc %hos%hate: 100
microns minimm dr2 *ilms thic!ness.
- Site to% coat: to e@%osed internal steelwor!
- Dr2 *ilm thic!ness: to sit o%a,eness o* *inish coat
- )olor: To sit -rchitectLs details
- S%ecial re,irements: =alit2 o* sr*ace *inish
- 7or!ing area: )o;ered and %ro%erl2 lit: heated and ;entilated.
- Se,ence o* wor!ing: Select *rom the *ollowing and sbmit %ro%osals:
- 8abricate: blast clean: %rime.
- "last clean: *abricate: remo;e *lash rst with a light o;erall swee% blast: %rime.
- "last clean: a%%l2 weldable %re*abrication %rimer: *abricate: %rime.
- Pre*abrication %rimer 4o%tion (5: T2%e recommended b2 man*actrer o* %ost
*abrication %rimer.
- Thic!ness o* %ost *abrication %rimer coat: 1a2 be redced i* and as
recommended b2 man*actrer.
- Sr*aces inaccessible a*ter assembl2: -%%l2 *ll treatment and coating s2stem
inclding: i* necessar2: local a%%lication o* site coatings.
'&# 1-N9-+ )+E-NING /8 NE7 STEE+7/0B
- Pre%aration: 0emo;e *ins: brrs: shar% edges: weld s%atter: loose rst and loose
- Sr*ace *inish: )lean bt n%olished to "S EN IS/ 3#01-1: grade St &.
- 8inishing: Thoroghl2 degrease and clean down. 0emo;e an2 conse,ent rsting
bac! to grade St &. Prime withot dela2.
'(0 P0EP-0-TI/N 8/0 SITE 7E+DING /8 S>/P P-INTED STEE+7/0B
- 1ethod: Select *rom the *ollowing:
- 1as! weld areas immediatel2 a*ter blast cleaning and be*ore coating steelwor!.
I* %aint s2stem com%rises more than one coat: ste% each coat (0 mm bac! *rom
edge o* %receding coat and awa2 *rom mas!ed areas. 0emo;e mas!ing
immediatel2 be*ore welding.
- Pre%are and %aint steelwor! inclding weld areas. Grind o** to bare steel
arond each weld area immediatel2 be*ore welding.
- Pre%aration: -*ter welding: and withot dela2: remo;e scale and weld s%atter *rom
weld areas. 0emo;e traces o* rst. 7ash with clean water and allow to dr2. Prime
withot dela2.
- Protecti;e/ Decorati;e coatings: -%%l2 to weld areas to match srronding %ainted
- Pre%aration: -*ter welding: and withot dela2: remo;e scale and weld s%atter *rom
weld areas. 0emo;e traces o* rst. 7ash with clean water and allow to dr2.
- )oating: 0einstate sing one o* the methods gi;en in "S EN IS/ 1?61: clase
G10 Strctral steel *raming 4contined5 G10
'?0 "/+TED J/INTS 4/T>E0 T>-N 80I)TI/N G0IP J/INTS5
- Steelwor! to be sho% %ainted: -%%l2 *ll sho% s%eci*ication to <oint *aces.
- Steelwor! to be erected with mill *inish then site %ainted: "e*ore erection: %re%are
and %rime <oint *aces and allow to dr2.
- "olted <oints in e@ternall2 e@%osed steelwor!:
- Immediatel2 be*ore assembling: a%%l2 a *rther coat o* %rimer and bring
sr*aces together while still wet.
- -*ter assembling and be*ore a%%l2ing site coatings: seal cre;ices to bolts and
<oint %erimeters with a com%atible sealant.
'?# 8-EING S908-)ES /8 80I)TI/N G0IP J/INTS
- Protection: Immediatel2 a*ter blast cleaning and be*ore coating srronding areas:
mas! *a2ing sr*aces to %rotect *rom contamination and deterioration.
- Paint s2stems com%rising more than one coat: Ste% each coat (0 mm bac!
*rom edge o* %receding coat and awa2 *rom mas!ed areas.
- 0emo;al o* %rotection: Immediatel2 be*ore bolting: remo;e mas!ing. )hec! *a2ing
sr*aces are *ree *rom adhesi;e. )lean with sol;ent i* necessar2.
- Post assembl2 treatment o* bolts and srronding areas: -*ter *inal tightening o*
bolts and ins%ection o* <oints:
- Thoroghl2 degrease and clean ncoated areas inclding bolts.
- Prime withot dela2.
- -%%l2 *ll sho% coating s%eci*ication.
- Direct tension indicators: Seal measring ga% to %re;ent ingress o* moistre.
'## 9N)/-TED 8-STENE0S
- Treatment: -*ter steelwor! erection and be*ore a%%l2ing site coatings: thoroghl2
degrease and clean. 7ithot dela2: coat to match ad<acent sho% %ainted areas.
- Treatment: -*ter steelwor! erection and be*ore a%%l2ing site coatings: thoroghl2
degrease and clean. Etch %rime.
'6# SITE P0EP-0-TI/N /8 S>/P P-INTED STEE+7/0B
- Pre%aration: "e*ore coating: abrade or wash down or both: as recommended b2
%aint man*actrer.
''0 SITE P0EP-0-TI/N /8 G-+A-NIDED S908-)ES 8/0 P-INTING
- Pre%aration: Thoroghl2 degrease. 0emo;e white corrosion %rodcts. 7ash o**
and allow to dr2 be*ore a%%l2ing etching wash or %rimer.
- General re,irements %rior to starting coating wor!:
- Sr*aces: 9na**ected b2 moistre or *rost.
- Steel tem%eratre: -t least (F) abo;e dew %oint: with conditions stable or
im%ro;ing: and not high enogh to case blistering or wrin!ling o* the coating.
- 0elati;e hmidit2: "elow 3#P.
31# )/-TINGS
G10 Strctral steel *raming 4contined5 G10
- Sr*aces to be coated: )lean: dst *ree and sitabl2 dr2. Pre;ios coats to be
ade,atel2 cred.
- 1lti%le coats o* same material: 9se di**erent tints to assist chec!ing o* com%lete
- Penltimate coat: )olor recommended b2 %aint man*actrer to sit to% coat
- 8inish re,ired: Smooth and e;en: o* ni*orm thic!ness and color: *ree *rom
3&0 8I+1 T>I)BNESS
- 7et *ilm thic!ness: Dring a%%lication: chec! thic!ness o* each coat with a wheel
or comb gage sed in accordance with "S EN IS/ &303.
- -ccmlated dr2 *ilm thic!ness: -*ter each coat has dried: chec! total accmlated
*ilm thic!ness.
- 1ethod: 1agnetic or electromagnetic meter.
- Nmber and %osition o* measrements: -s directed.
- Aalidation: 1easrements to be inde%endentl2 witnessed.
- 1eter calibration: )hec! against standard shims and recalibrate reglarl2
against a smooth steel re*erence %late.
- -;erage dr2 *ilm thic!ness:
- -t least s%eci*ied thic!ness o;er an2 s,are metre.
- No reading to be less than '#P o* s%eci*ied thic!ness.
- To% coat dr2 *ilm thic!ness: S**icient to gi;e an e;en: solid: o%a,e a%%earance.
3&# ST0IPE )/-T
- E@ternal angles: nts: bolt heads: rogh weld seams: and areas di**iclt to coat:
-%%l2 an additional stri%e coat o* Dinc Phos%hate %rimer/ Gal;a*iriod %aint 4*or
gal;anised steel5 .
3#0 J9N)TI/NS 7IT> )/N)0ETE
- E@%osed steelwor! %artiall2 embedded or encased in concrete: -%%l2 two coats o*
bitminos coating locall2 to the steel/ concrete <nction.

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