Planetary Characteristics: © Sarajit Poddar, SJC Asia

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Planetary Characteristics Sarajit Poddar, SJC Asia

Planetary Characteristics
Sarajit Poddar, SJC Asia
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Planetary Characteristics Sarajit Poddar, SJC Asia
Following list of planetary characteristics is compiled from various classics !his shall
help you in gaining "etter understanding of the planets and use them in predictions
!he suffi#es at various places indicate the classics used for the compilation !hey are as
$P%S& $rhat Parasari %ora Shastra
$J& $rhat Jata'a
%S& %ora Sara
S(& Saravali
P)& Phaladeepi'a
JP& Jata'a Parijata
)A& )asa Adhyayi
P*& Prasna *argam
Names: %eli, Surya +$J,- Aditya, Ar'a, .avi, $hanu, $has'ara )iva'ara, *arthanda,
Savita, !ee'shnamsu and /na +%S,
Nature: *alefic
Gender: *asculine
Aearance ! "isosition: Sun0s eyes are honey1coloured %e has a s2uare "ody %e is
of clean ha"its, "ilious, intelligent and has limited hair +on his head, +$P%S,- 3ell
proportioned "ody, is "ilious and possesses pingala +honey coloured, eyes, has short hairs
+$J,- Sun0s "ody is s2uare- his eyes are pin' in colour and he has sparse hair on his "ody
and head %e does not live for a long time in one place %e is of la4y disposition %is
'nees are wea' %e has pleasing face and delivers pleasing speech +%S,- !he Sun has
curly hair, sharp mind, prominent appearance, majestic voice and is not very tall %is
eyes are honey1coloured %e is courageous, steady and of a comple#ion, which has a mi#
of red and green %is feet are not conspicuous +small in si4e, %e is "ilious and has sturdy
"ones %e is great and majestic %e has fiery rays and s2uare "ody and wears saffron1
coloured apparels +S(,
Sata "hatu: $ones +s'eletal system,
"iseases: Causes damage to eyes, loss of hair and thirst, fever etc "y "ilious
temperament +P),
Humor: $ile
Go#erns: !he Soul
Planetary Ca$inet: !he 5ing
Comle%ion: $lood red +$P%S,, )ar' .ed +$J,- Copper red +S(,
Colour: Copper +$J,
"eity& Adhi de#ata: Agni +$P%S,
Gender: *ale
Pancha$huta: Agni +Fire,
Caste: 5shatriya
Guna: Sattvi'
A$ode: !emple +$P%S,, )evastana +$J,
"irection: 6ast +Purva,
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Planetary Characteristics Sarajit Poddar, SJC Asia
Period: Ayana +8 months,
Taste: Pungent
"irectional Stren'th: South +19
"ay $ased Stren'th: )ay !ime +)iurnal,
Ayana $ased Stren'th: :ttarayana
Natural stren'th: Strongest among all planets
Trees: Strong trees +trees with stout trun',
(o$e& Cloth: .ed sil'en, .ough cloth
Season: Summer +;rishma,
)atter: *ula +(egetation, +$J,
)aterial: Copper +$J,
Natural A'e: <9 years +JP,
*o+a: *rtyu =o'a +3orld of mortals,
Geo'rahical location: 5alinga +>rissa,
)isc, *ordshi: Sna'es, wool, hills, gold, weapons, poison, fire, medicines, 'ings,
aryas, river "an's, forest, wood and *antras +S(,
THE )--N
Names: Chandrama, Sitarasmi +$J,- Sasi, Sasan'a, (idhu, Soma, ?isa'ara, Seethamsu,
:dunatha and /ndu +%S,-
Nature: $enefic +when wa#ing,, *alefic +when waning,
Gender: Feminine
Aearance ! "isosition: *oon is very windy and phlegmatic She is learned and has
a round "ody She has auspicious loo's and sweet speech, is fic'le1minded and very
lustful +$P%S,- 3ell rounded "ody, much wind and phlegm, intelligent, sweet speech and
good eyes +$J,- *oon is tall, tender1natured, "rilliant in mental disposition, 'ind, s'illed
in policy, or politics and has mi#ed humour of wind and "ile She wears white ro"es and
ornaments- her "ody resem"les a well1drawn circle +%S,- She has an auspicious
appearance %er eyes are "eautiful She has mellifluous voice She is fair in comple#ion,
has an emaciated "ody, is youthful, tall, curly and short hair, is learned, soft, of Sattvi'
disposition, "eautiful, phlegmatic, amica"le to friends, has pure +e#cellent, "lood, is 'ind,
fond of old ladies, fic'le1minded, very fortunate and wears clean apparels +S(,
Sata "hatu: $lood +Circulatory System,
Humour: (ata +3indy, @ 5apha +Phlegm,
Go#erns: !he *ind
Planetary Ca$inet: !he Aueen
Comle%ion: !awny
Colour: 3hite
"eity& Adhi de#ata: (aruna +$P%S,, Am"u +$J,
Pancha$huta: Jala +3ater,
Caste: $rahmin
Guna: Sattivi'
A$ode: 3atery places
"irection: ?orth 3est +(ayavya 5ona,
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Planetary Characteristics Sarajit Poddar, SJC Asia
Period: *uhurtha +CD minutes, +$P%S,- 5shana +$J,
Taste: Saline
"irectional Stren'th: ?orth +C
"ay $ased Stren'th: ?ight +?octurnal,
Ayana $ased Stren'th: +:ttarayana,
Natural stren'th: Second to the Sun
Trees: *il'y trees +such as ru""er plant,
(o$e& Cloth: 3hite Sil'en +$P%S,, ?ew clothes +$J,
Season: (arsha +.ainy,
)atter: )hatu +non living matter,
)aterial: Precious stones +;emstones,
Natural A'e: E9 years +JP,
*o+a: Pitri =o'a +3orld of manes,
Geo'rahical location: Favana Pradesh +land of ;ree's,
)isc, *ordshi: Poets, flowers, eata"les, "eads, silver, conch, salt, water, arrow, ro"es,
ornaments, females, ;hG, sesamum, oil and sleep +S(,
Names: Ara, (a'ra, 5ruradri', Avanaya +$J,- *aheeja .udhira, .a'ta, Angara'a +%S,-
$humisuta +S(,
Nature: *alefic
Gender: *asculine
Aearance ! "isosition: *angal has "lood1red eyes, is fic'le1minded, li"eral,
"ilious, given to anger and has thin waist and thin physi2ue +$P%S,- Fouthful, li"eral
"ilious, fic'le minded and has a thin waist +$J,- *ars is unsteady in mind, he is capa"le
of wounding, he has "lood1reddish eyes, he is "ilious and depicted with fire and arms, his
voice is rough, his "elly is depressed and he is modest +%S,- he is young, he has curly and
shining hair, he is li"eral +P),- !he planet *ars is short, his eyes are reddish1"rown in
colour %e has a strong "ody %e is as "right, as "urning fire %e is not steady in
disposition %e has marrow in "ones and flesh %e wears red1coloured apparels %e is
more intelligent and is courageous %e is an accomplished spea'er %e causes injury %e
has short and shining hair %e is "ilious in disposition and is !amasic %e is adventurous
and wrathful and is s'illful in hurting %e is "lood1red in appearance +S(,
Sata "hatu: *arrow +HH system,
Humour: Pitta +$ile,
Go#erns: Strength
Planetary Ca$inet: Commander1 in1 Chief
Comle%ion: $ood .ed
Colour: $lood .ed
"eity& Adhi de#ata: Su"rahmanya +$P%S,, 5umara +$J,- 5arti'eya +S(,
Pancha$huta: Agni +Fire,
Caste: 5shatriya +3arrior,
Guna: !amasi'
A$ode: Place of Fire
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Planetary Characteristics Sarajit Poddar, SJC Asia
"irection: South +)a'shina,
Period: A day +duration "etween two Sunrises,
Taste: $itter
"irectional Stren'th: South +19
"ay $ased Stren'th: ?ight +?octurnal,
Ayana $ased Stren'th: )a'shinayana
Natural stren'th: Stronger than Saturn +Saturn is the wea'est one,
Trees: $itter ones +=emon Plant,
(o$e& Cloth: .ed clothes +$P%S,- $urnt clothes +S(,
Season: ;reeshma +Summer,
)atter: )hatu +?on living matter,
Natural A'e: Foung "oy +18 years, +JP,
.eda: Sama (eda
*o+a: *rtyu =o'a +3orld of mortals,
Geo'rahical *ocation: :jjain +Central /ndia,
)isc, *ordshi: $lood, Copper, Army, .ed cloth, *inerals, 6arth, 5ing, )estruction,
Swooning, $ile and thieves +S(,
Names: %emno, (it, ;na, $odhana and /nduputra +$J,- Saumya, Somaja, 5umar and
(idhusuta +%S,
Nature: *alefic in malefic association, otherwise "enefic
Gender: ?euterI 6unuch
Aearance ! "isosition: $udh is endowed with an attractive physi2ue and the
capacity to use words with many meanings %e is fond of jo'es %e has a mi# of all the
three humours +$P%S,- ;urgling speech, fond of jo'ing and has a mi#ture of air, phlegm
and "ile +$J,- $udh0s eyes are dar' %e is well1versed in politics +or in policy1ma'ing,, is
of medium height, sometimes firm and sometimes unsteady, jolly natured, in touch with
all 'inds of news, witty, scholarly and has the composition mi#ed with the three humours
+i e "ile, phlegm and wind, +%S,- $udh rules s'in and is full of veins, arteries and
nerves %e has an even "ody +P),- he is sweet spo'en, "ut stammering in speech +)A,-
*ercuryJs eyes are reddish and "road %e spea's sweetly %is comple#ion is of green
grass %e has strong s'in %e is an e#tremely .ajasic planet %e is clear in his speech and
is pure %e has a mi#ture of the three humours, ie phlegm, "ile and wind %e remains
delighted and has moderate "eauty %e is s'illful and sinewy %e is agreea"le to all in
dressing and speech and wears green ro"es +S(,
Sata "hatu: S'in +$P%S, $J, +HH System,
Humour: !ridosha +all pitta, 'apha, vata,
Go#erns: Speech
Planetary Ca$inet: Fuvaraj +Prince,
Comle%ion: %ue that of ;reen grass +)urva ;rass,
Colour: ;reen
"eity& Adhi de#ata: *aha (ishnu +$P%S,, 5esava +$J,
Pancha$huta: Prithvi +6arthy,
Caste: (aishya +!rading Class, +$P%S,- Sudra +$J, S(,- *i#ed "reed +%S,
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Planetary Characteristics Sarajit Poddar, SJC Asia
Guna: .ajasi'
A$ode: Sports ground, ;aming place
"irection: ?orth +:ttar,
Period: .itu +Season1 !wo months,
Taste: *i#ed
"irectional Stren'th: 6ast +=agna,
"ay $ased Stren'th: $oth in day @ ?ight
Ayana $ased Stren'th: :ttarayana
Natural stren'th: Stronger than *ercury
Trees: Fruitless trees
(o$e& Cloth: $lac' sil'en +$P%S,- 3ater soa'ed clothes +$J, S(,
Season: Sarad +*ild 3inter,
)atter: Jiva +=iving "eings,
)aterial: $ell metal
Natural A'e: Foung +79 years, +JP,
.eda: Atharva (eda
*o+a: Patala =o'a +%ellish world,
Geo'rahical location: *agadha +southern part of $ihar, +S(,
)isc, *ordshi: (eda, writing, sculpture, medicines, e#pertise, minister1ship, speech,
jo'es, "irds, couples, fame, vegetation +vanaspati, and gold +S(,
Names: Jiva, Angira, Suraguru, (achasampathi and /jya +$J,- Angirasa, *antri,
(achaspati, Arya, $rihaspati, Suri and (ageesh +%S,- /da +S(,
Nature: $enefic
Gender: *asculine
Aearance ! "isosition: ;uru has a "ig "ody, tawny hair and tawny eyes, is
phlegmatic, intelligent and learned in Shastras +$P%S,- Corpulent "ody, golden loc's and
eyes, moral and is phlegmatic +$J,- ;uru has stout and tall "ody- his eyes are neither "ig
nor small, he is intelligent, well1versed in politics, or policy ma'ing has prominent
"ilious composition, is a very elo2uent spea'er, wears yellow apparels and jewels and is
of no"le disposition +%S,- he is of virtuous disposition +)A,- !he eyes of Jupiter are
somewhat reddish1"rown %e is learned in (edas %is voice resem"les that of a lion %e
is firm and prominently Sattvi' %is physical comple#ion is a'in to pure yellow metal
%e has "road and prominent chest %e is always fond of virtues and is modest %e has
firm and large eyes and is of forgiving disposition %e wears yellow apparels, is
phlegmatic, fat and pre1eminent +S(,
Sata "hatu: Fat +$P%S,- $rain +$J, +)igestive system,
Go#erns: 5nowledge, 3isdom and happiness +$P%S,, /ntelligence +S(,
Planetary Ca$inet: Advisor +*inister,
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Planetary Characteristics Sarajit Poddar, SJC Asia
Comle%ion: !awny +$P%S,, Jupiter yellow or golden +$J,
Colour: Fellow
"eity& Adhi de#ata: /ndra +$P%S,
Pancha$huta: A'asha +6ther,
Caste: $rahmin +Priestly class,
Guna: Sattvi'
A$ode: !reasury
"irection: ?orth 6ast +/shanya 5ona,
Period: *asa +*onth,
Taste: Sweet
"irectional Stren'th: 6ast +=agna,
"ay $ased Stren'th: )ay time +)iurnal,
Ayana $ased Stren'th: :ttarayana
Natural stren'th: Stronger than *ercury +C
Trees: Fruit "earing trees
(o$e& Cloth: Saffron coloured ones +$P%S,, ?either old nor new clothes +$J, S(,
Season: %emanta +Autumn,
)atter: Jiva +=iving "eings,
)aterial: Silver, and when he is in his own house he governs gold +$J,
Natural A'e: B9 years
.eda: .ig (eda +S(,
*o+a: Svarga lo'a +%eavens, +S(,
Geo'rahical location: Sindhu +/ndus1 Pa'istan and Afganistan, +S(,
)isc, lordshi: Auspiciousness, virtue, physical stoutness, prowess, mentorshipI- guideI
guruI preceptor, deputation, city, state +province,, gold, "ed, conveyance, position, grains,
residence and sons +S(,
Names: Su'ra, $hrigu, $rigusuta, Sita and Aspujit +$J,- :sanas, (aitya Pujya, 5avya
and 5avi+%S,
Nature: $enefic
Aearance ! "isosition: Ku'r is charming, has a splendorous physi2ue, is e#cellent,
or great in disposition, has charming eyes, is a poet, is phlegmatic and windy and has
curly hair +$P%S,- Fond of pleasure, handsome, fine eyes and "lac' ringlets and a
temperament compounded of wind and phlegm +$J,- the "ody of shu'ra is very "right
%e is fortunate, windy and "ilious in composition, "road1minded- stout "odied, has a
tendency to su"mit to women, has croo'ed eyes and is of deceiving nature +%S,- has
stout "ody, "road eyes, wind and phlegm in constitution +P),- !he planet (enus is
"eautiful, has long hands, "road chest and face, is very seminal, splendorous, has dar',
short and e#tended hair, is of comple#ion, which is a mi# of yellow and green, is
sensuous, windy and phlegmatic, very fortunate, wears multi1coloured apparels, is of
.ajasic disposition, sportive, intelligent, "road1eyed and has prominent shoulders +S(,
Sata "hatu: SpermI Semen +.eproductive system,
Humour: (ata +3indy, @ 5apha +Phlegm,
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Planetary Characteristics Sarajit Poddar, SJC Asia
Go#erns: Semen +Potency, +$P%S,, Passion +$J,- Comfort +S(,
Planetary Ca"inet& Advisor +*inister,
Comle%ion: (ariegated +$J,- ?either white nor "lac' +$J,
Colour: (ariegated
"eity& Adhi de#ata: Shachi )evi +$P%S,, /ndrani +$J,
Gender: Feminine
Pancha$huta: Jala +3ater,
Caste: $rahmin +Priestly class,
Guna: .ajasi'
A$ode: $edroom
"irection: South 6ast +Agneya 5ona,
Period: Pa'sha +Fortnight,
Taste: Acidulous +$P%S,- Sour +$J,
"irectional Stren'th: ?orth +C
"ay $ased Stren'th: )ay !ime +)iurnal,
Ayana $ased Stren'th: :ttarayana
Natural stren'th: Stronger than Jupiter +<
Trees: Floral Plants
(o$e& Cloth: Sil'en +$P%S,- Strong clothes +$J,, )ura"le clothes +S(,
Season: (asanta +Spring,
)atter: *ula +(egetation,
)aterial: Pearls +$J,
Natural A'e: 18 years +JP,
.eda: Fajur (eda +S(,
*o+a: Pitri =o'a +3orld of manes, +S(,
)isc *ordshi: )iamonds, ornaments, marriage, scents, friends, wreaths, females, cow
dung, diagnosis, education, se#ual enjoyment and gold +S(,
Names: 5ona, *anda, Suryaputra and Asita +$J,- Sani, 5rishn, Fama, Pangu,
Sanaischara, Sauri, 5ala and Chayasuta +%S,
Nature: *alefic
Gender: ?euterI 6unuch
Aearance ! "isosition: Kani has an emaciated and long physi2ue, has tawny eyes,
is windy in temperament, has "ig teeth, is indolent and lame and has coarse hair +$P%S,-
=a4y, has yellowish eyes, lean tall "ody, stout teeth and rough hairs %e is of a windy
temperament +$J,- has hard nails, teeth and hair, he is deceptive, he has long hands and
feet, his constitution is "ilious, he has prominent veins, is indolent and worried +%S,- is
lame, has deeply depressed eyes and is la4y %e rules muscles %e has an emaciated "ody
+P),- Saturn has red and depressed eyes, emaciated "ody, prominent veins, is indolent,
"lac'1"odied and windy in temperament %e is a tale"earer %e is muscular, un'ind,
foolish, has large nails and teeth, is very dirty, impure, !amasic in disposition, fierce,
short1tempered and old +worn out, %e adores "lac' apparels +S(,
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Planetary Characteristics Sarajit Poddar, SJC Asia
Sata "hatu: *uscles +$P%S,- ?erves +$J,
Humour: (ata +3indy,
Go#erns: ;riefI Sorrow
Planetary Ca$inet: Servant
Comle%ion: )ar' +$P%S,, $lac' +$J,
Colour: $lac' +$J,, $lue mi#ed with "lac' +%S,
"eity& Adhi de#ata: $rahma +$P%S,, 5aha +$J,
Pancha$huta: (ayu +Air,
Caste: Sudra +3or'ing class, +$P%S,- Antyaja +:ntoucha"les, +$J,- *i#ed "reed +S(,
Guna: !amasi'
A$ode: Filthy ground +)irty places, +$P%S,, %eap of dirt +$J,
"irection: 3est +Paschim,
Period: Fear
Taste: Astringent +$P%S,- Acidic +$J,
"irectional Stren'th: 3est +E
"ay $ased Stren'th: ?ight +?octurnal,
Ayana $ased Stren'th: )a'shinayana
Natural stren'th: 3ea'est among all
Trees: :seless trees +shru"s and weeds,
(o$e& Cloth: *ulti1coloured ro"es +$P%S,- .ags +$J, S(,
Season: Sisir +6#treme 3inter,
)atter: )hatu +?on living matter,
)aterial: /ron, =ead +$J,
Natural A'e: 6#tremely old
-thers: Anthill
*o+a: Patala =o'a +%ellish world,
Geo'rahical *ocation: Saurashtra +;ujarat,
)isc, lordshi: =ead, 4inc, "lac' metals, inferior grains, dead relatives, fools, servants,
mean women, salea"le goods, poor people and self1restraint +S(,
Names: !amas, Agu and Asura +$J,- Swar"hanu, (idhuntuda, Pata, Sainhi'eya,
$hujanga and Ahi +%S,
Nature: *alefic +%S,
Gender: *asculine
Aearance ! "isosition: %e is "lac' in colour, tall in stature, and of low caste- he has
s'in disease and hic'1coughs- he is cunning, and spea's falsehood- he suffers from
Sata "hatu: nIa
Humour: (ata +3indy,
Go#erns: 6go +S(,
Planetary Ca$inet: Army
Comle%ion: Sar' collyrium +"lue mi#, +%S,
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Planetary Characteristics Sarajit Poddar, SJC Asia
Colour: $lac'
"eity& Adhi de#ata: )urga I Chandi'a
Pancha$huta: ?one
Caste: >utcaste
Guna: !amasi' +li'e Saturn, +%S,
A$ode: Forest
"irection: South 3est +?airrittya 5ona,
Period: D *onths
Taste: nIa
"irectional Stren'th: nIa
"ay $ased Stren'th: nIa
Ayana $ased Stren'th: nIa
Natural stren'th: nIa
Trees: nIa
(o$e& Cloth: )irty Clothes
Season: nIa
)atter: )hatu
Natural A'e: 199 years +JP,
Geo'rahical *ocation: Southern /ndia +)ravida country& five tri"es& )ravida,
5arnata'a, ;urjara, *aharashtra and !ailanga,
)isc, *ordshi: *ysticism, magic, strange events, enigmas and e#citement,
.enunciation, Paternal grandfather Serpents, venomous reptiles, diseases, scars, courage,
adventure, e#ecution, Christians @ *ohammedans, stones, mud, travellers, inventors,
lecturers, psychologist, astrologer, thieves, widowhood, litigation, gold smiths, duplicity,
aviators, sepulchres, ant1hills, mole1hills, crac' @ crevices, archers, spies, sediments of
li2uor, portentous evils, radio, aerial navigation, metaphysical studies, infamous
character, inflamma"le gases, epidemics, violence, corruption, political plots, and e#iles
%e also differentiates "etween purity in love and impure lust %e causes "irthmar' in the
Names: Si'hi +$J,- Si'hin, )hvaja, )hum, *rityu Putr and Anala +%S,
Nature: *alefic +%S,
Gender: Feminine, 6unuch +P),
Aearance ! "isosition: %e has a red and fierce loo', a venomous tongue, an
elevated "ody- he is outcast- of Smo'y colour- has "ruised lim"s and is lean and
Sata "hatu:
Go#erns: >utcastes
Planetary Ca$inet: Army
Comle%ion: Smo'y
Colour: Smo'y
"eity& Adhi de#ata: ;anesha +P*,
Gender: Feminine, 6unuch +P),
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Planetary Characteristics Sarajit Poddar, SJC Asia
Pancha$huta: nIa
Caste: >utcaste
Guna: nIa
A$ode: nIa
Period: B *onths
Taste: nIa
"irectional Stren'th: nIa
"ay $ased Stren'th: nIa
Ayana $ased Stren'th: nIa
Natural stren'th: Same as *ars
Trees: nIa
(o$e& Cloth: Smo'y
Season: nIa
)atter: Jiva +=iving "eings,
Natural A'e: 199 years +JP,
Geo'rahical *ocation: Southern /ndia +)ravida country& five tri"es& )ravida,
5arnata'a, ;urjara, *aharashtra and !ailanga,
)isc, *ordshi: .eligion, Astrology, *o'sha or final emancipation, intrigues, spiritual
pride, religious resignation, sectarian principles, artistic taste, literary genius, pride,
dissimulation, mendicancy, "an'ruptcy, miserliness, ascetics, deception, 2uarrels,
"iliousness, philosophers, selfishness, occultist, s'ulls, religious shows, assassinations,
friends, charms, amulets, vicious tendencies, secret intrigues and association, "ac' "iting
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