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We can create maximum 4 physical partitions on the system.
Types of physical partition: -
1. Primary partition (we can create maximum 4 primary partitions)
2. Extended partition (we can create maximum 1 extended partition)

NOTE: - If we have 4 Primary partitions = in this case we cant create any extended partition.

If we have 3 Primary partitions = in this case we can create an extended partition.

If we have 2 Primary partitions = in this case we can create an extended partition.

If we have 1 Primary partitions = in this case we can create an extended partition.

Hard Disk Drives are shown using different file names such as;

IDE/PATA Hard Disk is shown as /dev/hda
IDE Hard Disk 0 = /dev/hda
IDE Hard Disk 1 = /dev/hdb

SATA Hard Disk is shown as /dev/sda
SATA Hard Disk 0 = /dev/sda
SATA Hard Disk 1 = /dev/sdb

NOTE: - USB storage is also shown as /dev/sda or /dev/sdb
How to create primary partitions: -

#Fdisk l [to display available partitions]
#Fdisk /dev/sda [to create or delete partitions]

Press n to create a new partition
Press d to delete a partition
Press p to print partition table
Press t to change partition id
Press q to quit without saving
Press w to save and quit.

Press n to create a new partition

Select e for extended partition
Select p for primary partition
Press p to create a primary partition
Type partion no (1-4): press 3

First cylinder size :( end value of available partition or skip using enter key)
Last cylinder size: +5G
Press w for save and quit [reboot the system to update the Kernel partition table]

How to create extended partitions: -

#Fdisk l [to display available partitions]
#Fdisk /dev/sda [to create or delete partitions]
Press n to create a new partition
Press d to delete a partition
Press p to print partition table
Press t to change partition id
Press q to quit without saving
Press w to save and quit.

Press n to create a new partition

Select e for extended partition
Select p for primary partition
Press e to create an extended partition
Type partion no (1-4): press 4

First cylinder size :( end value of available partition or skip using enter key)
Last cylinder size: +5G
Press w for save and quit [reboot the system to update the Kernel partition table]

How to delete primary/extended partitions: -

#Fdisk l [to display available partitions]
#Fdisk /dev/sda [to create or delete partitions]
Press d to delete a partition
Type partion no (1-4): press 4
Press w for save and quit, you must reboot the machine

How to create logical partitions: -

#Fdisk l
#Fdisk /dev/sda

Press n for new partition

Select l for logical partition
Select p for primary partition

Press l to create a logical partition

First cylinder size :( end value of available last partition or skip using enter key)
Last cylinder size: +1G

Press w for save and quit [reboot the system to update the Kernel partition table]

#mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda5 [to format the current partition]
#mkdir /data
#mount /dev/sda5 /data [to mount the partition over any particular directory

#Vim /etc/fstab [to edit into partition table]
/dev/sda5 /data ext4 defaults 0 0
#mount a
#df -hT /dev/sda5 [to display information about any particular partition free space etc]

How to delete logical partitions: -

#umount /data
#vim /etc/fstab
/dev/sda5 /data ext4 defaults 0 0 [delete this entry]
Remove the entry of partition from /etc/fstab which you want to delete.
:wq (saveand quit)
:#rm -rf /data
#Fdisk l [to display available partitions]
#Fdisk /dev/sda [to create or delete partitions]
Press d to delete a partition
Type partion no (1-5): press 5
Press w for save and quit [reboot the system to update the Kernel partition table]

How to create swap partition: -

#Fdisk l
#Fdisk /dev/sda
Press n for new partition
Press l for logical partition
First cylinder size :( end value of available partition or skip using enter key)
Last cylinder size: +512M
Press t for change type
Type partition no: (1-6) = 6
Hexa-code: 82
Press w for save and you must reboot the machine

#mkswap /dev/sda6
#swapon /dev/sda6
#vim /etc/fstab
/dev/sda6 swap swap default s 0 0
#free m or #swapon -s [to display swap partitions]


How to create swap in GUI Environment: -
#yum install gnome-disk-utility*
Application System-Tools Disk-Utility
Select free space [Create partition]
Specify size
#mkswap /dev/sda7
#swapon /dev/sda7
#vim /etc/fstab
/dev/sda7 swap swap default s 0 0
#free m or #swapon -s [to display swap partitions]

How to delete swap partition: -

#vim /etc/fstab
/dev/sda6 swap swap defaults 0 0 [delete this entry]
Remove the entry of partition from /etc/fstab which you want to delete.
:wq (saveand quit)

#Fdisk l [to display available partitions]
#Fdisk /dev/sda [to create or delete partitions]
Press d to delete a partition
Type partion no (1-6): press 6
Press w for save and quit [reboot the system to update the Kernel partition table]

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